Well, George Soros just died...
Well, George Soros just died
he is immortal, isnt he?
He does kind of naturally look like that.
He is very rich, and is able to afford the best medical care available to him, although one never knows.
Demons don't die. They just go back to hell.
You got a fucking source on that news OP?
That's what I thought....
A source on b8? Pls
He gets regular infusions of goyim childrens blood. Keeps him fresh and peppy.
Fake news
The world will be a better place when he does. And I am being serious this guy sold out his own people to the Nazi's.
How could they tell?
someone worse will replace him. don't be stupid.
Honk Honk
He has sons and you don't.
How delightfully devilish of you, Seymour.
Based. I’d share my bowl of crack cocaine with you, user.