Why does everyone ghost me

why does everyone ghost me

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because you suffer from severe depression and that shows in your confidence. You need proffessional help, and that's quickly. You would not want to talk to someone who's severely mentally ill. There is help out there.


Because you post on Yea Forums you ugly piece of garbage

Therapy wont help ugly

It's because you haven't found your faghags yet.

LGBT people love company as the lifestyle can be fucking lonely. Most of us are pretty depressed. Most of us are autistic. Most of us are pretty fucked up.

So if you want a friend who will listen to what you have to say as long as you entertain our delusions, we can be friends for life

Stop saying that, it isn't helping. Show some fucking humanity.

I'm not so sure about the depression thing. Girls ghost me all the time too and I'm not depressed. I think it's more "fat and ugly" that's the problem

Uggos arent people

Because you look like the biggest pile of dumbshit ever shat.


fat cucks gonna get splattered

1. Let’s face it. You’re a chunky bitch. You need to lose some weight

2. You’re not really good looking. You’re bottom end average Joe looking.

3. That nose would be excusable if you were skinny and wasn’t ugly but that nose is chunky and bulbous like you up

4. That crinkly white shirt man. It doesn’t even look very white. Makes it look like you don’t take care of yourself. And on the fashion note you also have no fashion it doesn’t look like it anyways

5. Your hair style is flat and stupid. Looks like you put product on the side of your head. The only thing product on the side of your head should be for is for flattening the side and back of your head, and you should use only a little bit to do that. Not make yo. Hair look gross and greesy. Looks like you use hair jail. Fuckin don’t do that. Don’t use polmade either. Use something that has a Matt finish. I suggest using American crew fiber

6. Your eyebrows need done

7. You are pasty. You need a tan

8. You are visibly depressed and unconfident. Your natural default resting face should be smirk or a smile. Your facial hair has an arch that makes your ugly frown look even more apparent

9. Your eyes look dull and unhappy like a fuckin serial killer. Stop resting your eyes like that, like you’re some sad psycho

10. That facial hair is fucking shit. Do away with it completely or keep it way shorter than that.

11. If you just talk about sex you look like a creep and that matches how you physically look so it’s a double whammy that dooms you

12. Work on being more confident. Take everything I said and fix it. If you’re not confident and don’t value yourself no one else will. It literally boosts my confidence and makes me look down on people when I see they’re not confident or don’t value themselves. That’s how people respond to that, they don’t respond with pitty, so don’t think anyone feels sorry for you, even if they pretend they do your your annoying

I have a hard time believing that this is actually you. I saw your face on r9k years ago.

Considering how ugly he is, its no surprise hes been on r9k this long


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What is r9k?

This guy again? How much beta can you get man? Have some self confidence!

because you are a gross Yea Forums dude. the fact that you are here means that you are subhuman

How old are you?

Probably older than you. I don’t go on these dweeb sites usually. Yea Forums is pretty much the only one. So just tell me what r8k is and quit being a fuckin neck beard

Use Google, and then you can apologize and suck my dick.

Why use google when you clearly know it all you edge lord

it is me. i have no where else to go except if i were to kill myself

Not OP but I'll be your fag hag

>that nose is chunky and bulbous like you up
what? please reword it because it doesn't make sense to me
>crinkly white shirt
it was after a full day of work
>hair look gross and greesy
it was wet from water
>Stop resting your eyes like that
don't know how to fix it. i am sad and a lot of people would say i'm psycho

yeah i'll give up on the beard. i look like shit without it but big surprise right. i look like shit either way.

Once you dry the tears off your keyboard, go ahead and go to WWW DOT GOOGLE DOT COM. I wrote it extra big in the post so you couldn't miss it, even if you somehow got distracted halfway through.

it's not the depression. it's fat and ugly

it's safe to say i'm quite ugly, no matter what i do

i'm not sure there's a reason for me to be alive.

because youre not gay and not my boyfriend

do you think i am gullible

i think you need mental help

it might be a waste of time. i'm probably close enough to death anyways, i'm in horrible health

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>tfw you ugly too nigga, so stfu.
mfs on this website thinking demeaning a dude who obviously suffers from fucking mental issues is HiP. nigga I'm trying to enjoy some Yea Forums wholesomeness.

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Nothings wrong with you, you might just be looking for love in the wrong places. It might take a long time to find something real but nothing good ever comes quick.

Because you are literally a square.

Nah, keep the beard. Unlike most people your beard actually meets your mustache pretty well. Make the beard your project. Buy a special brush, oils, shampoo. Make it a project in your life and as you grow and maintain it your self esteem will follow.

there's only like 2 people in this thread who are being nice to me, and even they admit it's because i'm ugly

i wish i wasn't ugly, but i am

The fact is you need to value yourself man. You have to force yourself to be a better you every mf day. deadass, once you actually put in the effort to give a fuck about yourself girls will dig you. it may not always be the Stacy, but fuck Stacy man. Her pussy got fucking yeast in that bitch. I'm a chubby fucking delivery boy and I could get with most bitches if I wanted to. Once you learn that pussy is secondary to how you treat yourself is the moment where you fucking made it, get that bread user. GET THAT MF BREAD!

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it's too thin on the sides and patchy and it doesn't go up high enough.

i have gone through times where i thought it looked good, but then i always come crashing down to earth. it's time to just shave it all off.

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Stop trying to talk to people ghosting you and go find people to ghost, you fucking loser.

not even, my jaw is pretty round. more "you're literally a circle"

Use a pencil, faggot.

>you're gay for not using makeup

that's a new one

Stop looking so pissed off too.

just trying to hold my face so it looks less crooked

It's faggotry because there's a simple solution and you're unwilling to use it. Men have done the same for eons. I'm not telling you to wear mascara and lipstick and cut your dick off.

Fuck that. Just look happy or content. Imperfections are imperfections and you can't do shit about it, but nobody wants to be around a sour ass.

Poor boy. Lower your standards. Someone will fuck you. But you will never find love.

i like you user, no homo

Got a kik, op?

i'm going to shave now. if i can't grow it without makeup, i don't deserve to have it

you're right, may as well throw a smile on because my fucked up asymmetries are glaring either way

i know you're right.

If you're out for only pussy fuck all of this convoluted shit. Just act confident, even cocky, and say stupid shit bitches can laugh at. Don't be self depricating.

The good news for you is women and men age differently. The bitches who won't talk to you now will lick your asshole in a decade. I'm almost 40. I wouldn't screw a single bitch I went to HS or college with and they all know it. The hunting gets easier as you go.

i hope you understand why i can't believe that.

yes for what?

i don't want to be anyone's last resort, which is what i am.

Wanna jerk it to a fine ass ho to cheer u up?

Beauty is like art is all perceptive, you’re looking at yourself in the wrong light, outside opinions are irrelevant Yea Forums isn’t the best place to look for answers but venting or asking questions is always generally more healthy than not. Also, keep the beard you can find studies online proving that women find men with beards more attractive than ones without. If your unhappy with how your beard looks you can look up beard grooming/growing tips on YouTube there’s actually a pretty large community surrounding the topic.

It looks fine, just leave it. I've told you before if you stop staying up all night you will lose the dark eye bags. You aren't ugly, you just look like a normal guy. The problem is you look visibly depressed and emotionless, based on your expression. The corners of your mouth look like a sad clown. If you can fix that you will be way more approachable. Try to look like you enjoy something at all
Idk why I feed this bullshit because you always ignore anyone actually trying to help. Quit moping, be a man, and get some actual professional fucking help if you really need it. And stay the fuck off Yea Forums with this bullshit, idk what you expect to learn here

I think what was being said about your nose is it’s a bit large and also kind of.. round? bulbous is the best way to describe it.

You could stand to lose some weight by the looks of it. Would recommend intermittent fasting as well as exercise.

I believe in you, user. You can look better.

Try looking on the bright side as often as possible. That may get the sad, lifeless look out of your eyes if you’re feeling happy-ish or optimistic (:

yeah if she's really attractive, my kik is ezkillr

all i know is i've never had any female attention with or without the beard so i'm not sure why i should keep it when people keep shitting on me for having it

quit acting like such a faggot, and least pretend like youre worth 2 cents

That's bullshit. There's a woman out there for every type of man. You just gotta find your market and type.

I make a pussy living off of introverted college girls and pseudo-intellectual geeks in the their mid 20s. I talk about Marx or Lenin a lil bit and then make up a quote or two. My best hunting was in Boulder, Colorado and Amherst, Massachusetts as a result. The flip is I'm back down south now and in a pussy drought because my market isn't redneck country chicks and coloreds.

Become a tranny you fat faggot

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it's hard to listen to people being nice when the majority say i'm ugly. it makes me distrust the nice people.

i'm not sure how to not look visibly depressed or emotionless, i can force a style but my eyes still are dead

They’re probably jealous they can’t grow one, beard growth is genetic most guys can’t grow a full beard like you can. If you don’t want to keep it for some one else, keep it for yourself, it’s cool.

no i understand that my nose is bulbous and ugly and keeps me from having any form of social interaction. i meant i didn't understand the second part

yeah i could stand to lose a fucking ton of weight, i've put on 100 lbs in the past couple years. i'm eating myself to death

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i'm definitely not worth anything or i wouldn't be hugless and fuckiing 28 years old

Does it matter if you're ugly? Past 25 bitches don't give a fuck about looks and some long before.

i don't think there is a type that likes me.

man if my nose is fucking disgusting for a dude imagine how ugly it is for a girl. i would look even worse

You’re on Yea Forums. On Yea Forums.
You’re gonna get shit on by people here even if you’re literally Jesus.

Facial hair takes quite a bit to get perfect from what I know. It may grow into a better looking beard, but, honestly, all that matters is that YOU think it looks good. We can give our opinions on it all day, but at the end what matters is you thinking you look good.

If you think you look good then that’ll improve your confidence, which will in turn make you more attractive than an unconfident depressed person. Then you’ll have a better chance of finding someone who likes how you look, too.

As said above, still could stand to lose some weight, though.

i really don't believe anyone is jealous of me in any way. my beard is actually shit

Yes there are. Try aiming way down, I mean fucking low, and then gradually move up to the highest point u can get to. It'll make you accustomed to the whole thing and build your confidence. Even if it's some crackheaded retarded chick you start with.

yeah it matters. how am i supposed to talk to anyone when everyone avoids eye contact with me at all costs. there's no one out there for me

i don't think i look good, and i don't think the beard looks good.

This thread would have been hilarious if everyone would have had their own conversation and ignored op.

Instead of listening to things that reinforce negative feeling or thoughts, try to listen and focus more on the positive thing people will say. More often than not if you do a bad job at work it will get noticed and you will get bitched at, however if you do a good job it will likely go un noticed. Compliments/insults work kinda the same way if ya think about it, if you get an insult you may dwell on that enough to begin to think it’s true even if it’s not, and soon you will begin to disregard compliments/positive feedback even if it’s true. Ya gotta try to focus on the positive things, it’s not easy to do that at all but life will get better the more ou work on it.

Missed opportunity

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Stop with the depressed eating.
The second part was a jab at how you are also most likely ‘bulbous’

C’mon, man. Get in shape. Eating yourself to death is going to ensure you die fat. And that will probably mean you die alone. If you’re going to be depressed anyway, use it to get skinny. I go days on end without eating because depressed and I can’t get myself over 155lbs. Use that shit to your advantage.

You can look better, it’ll just take work.

Most people avoid eye contact with me too. Most people avoid eye contact period because it's fucking awkward. I personally would prefer for everyone to stare at the floor, including me.

Loose some weight user. Guaranteed you'll look like this. Then the halo effect will take over. And people will find you interesting and funny. Despite the fact that you know deep down that it's just a facade and they only listen to you because of your looks

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Well you're on Yea Forums so no shit they're going to call you ugly. The fact that you post here isnt helping your situation because you're going to hear all kinds of degrading bullshit. Idk if you realize this, but whatever your mental state is shows through your expression, at least a little bit if not a lot. In your case, you look sad. If you're depressed it's going to be obvious through your resting face. If you feel confident, same thing. Quit asking lowlife idiots for advice and get help from a normal person or therapist

You said earlier that you have had time where you think it looks good. Give it a couple more months, groom it nicely, etc. If it doesn’t look better then get rid of it.

We know you don’t think you look good. We also think that. We also think you can look good if you work at it.

user, if you lost a bit of weight I think you'd be pretty attractive. At the very least a 7/10.

Know what reeeally sucks? After you get a girlfriend it's gonna be more miserable than now. She's gonna be annoying, stupid and eventually just the sight of her is gonna piss you off. Then you move on to the next, then the next and it keeps being the same. Suddenly one day you're gonna find yourself fapping alone and realize that's how it was best anyway.

OP, don't listen to that faggot. Keep eating as it's the only joy you will ever experience. Imagine your shitty life minus nice things to eat. That would be torture.

ill hug you user

that's not true, i look even worse when i'm smaller

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Or just find a fat chick who loves to eat. I once gained 35 pounds dating a fat chick. It was the best time of my life.

this. make an effort

i won't ever look good

How often do you take pictures of yourself sad and shit? Stop doing that. It's fucking creepy.

Ngl, If there was some confidence in that face, less with the depressed look, would probably sleep with you after a few dates. You look pretty good in that picture.

I’m gay btw.

none of that would ever happen, i'd never have a gf

No homo, but if you added the beard with the weight loss and grew out your hair some too...You'd be ok.

cuz ur a fag

you look good here aside from the eyebrow cuts, what happened there?

just neutral face

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What kind of girls are u trying to fuck? i.e.

Economic Class
Looks _/10

Changing your demos can change a lot. My other specialty is Hispanic chicks. I love them and they love me. I want a burrito just thinking about it.

i wish

Definitely smile, retard. And go broncos!

(I miss Colorado chicks.)


you seem like a normal cool guy outside of all this, id drink a few beers with you. looks like you play guitar, maybe get a few buddies together and play music. just take a few months and ignore females and what you think they think of you, and hang out with a group of friends and have fun. that'll do you some good

they have trash receptacles on fences in brazil, one fell down right as i walked by and i stepped into it

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i don't have preference, i'd take anyone. nobody likes me though.

The ugliest motherfucker I've ever known was a burnt orange ginger with giant odd shaped freckles on his face and a flat top haircut who weighed in at about 140 pounds. He pulled nice pussy. How? He dressed neatly, spoke confidently & lied his ass off. Never forget women are typically both tasteless & stupid. Dealing with them makes me envy fags.

colorado chicks don't like me either

If you’re not looking for just women then lose some weight and then I might be interested, user (;

Where are you going to in search of women? Are we talking Starbucks, BWW, TGIFridays or what? Because those are places middle class wannabe yuppy bitches go and they suck. Go some place dirtier, grittier and more working class.

Go out to those towns on the Plains like La Junta, Rocky Ford, Fowler or even Pueblo. Girls in those towns, especially working class Hispanic girls, will like you.

what were you doing in Brazil?

Honestly, OP, I think you look fine as you are. Don't listen to the fags that try to bring you down. Sure you might need to lose some weight or trim your face hair, but I'm sure you're still beautiful as a whole. Smile. People care and will be there for you even if you don't think so. If you're lonely, reach out and talk to someone. Take it from a fellow depressed user. Everyone deserves a person to love and feel loved back no matter who they are.

There's probably already been several chicks who liked you, either you didn't notice or you talked yourself into not believing it.

The only real 10 I ever fucked worked at a Wal-Mart store of all places and I was her boss. I was 22 and not very confident myself. I kept telling myself she was just being nice or I was misreading her. Then one day I asked her if she wanted to smoke a blunt. She said yeah and to meet her in an hour. When I got there she was wearing a bra and no underwear. She had been wanting to screw for weeks and I had undercut myself.

She ended up being a complete cunt and retard, but the pussy was right.

Almost certainly you've overlooked a few too. It happens. It still happens to me sometimes.

Let's keep this Yea Forums wholesomeness GOING.

here's me playing guitar

i don't have friends. like i legitimately have never had a friend.

just my daily life, walmart and shit

i really don't think so. hispanic girls like me least of all.

mormon mission. i was young and impressionable. i don't believe in anything anymore, 0% religious.

i have no one to reach out to, user

I've seen fat guys who owned being fat, though. It was part of their charm. My ol running buddy was a fat guy and thought he'd never get laid and then I bought him a hooker. Now he's two ex wives down, bigger than ever, and still fucking college girls.

wow what a story. you're a lucky dude.

yeah no i'm really observant, i'd have known if someone liked me. 28 consecutive years of them looking down or aggressively to the side and violently avoiding eye contact tells me all i need


wow that dude must be cool. and just because he's fat doesn't mean he's ugly.

If you want, I can help you with that.
I'm always open to new friends.

do you play any video games? like on pc? we could play some games together (:

how close are you to idaho

no i haven't enjoyed videos games since 2009, i used to really like them but just not for me anymore

by that logic neither are sociopaths like who who lack the ability to empathize.

You got to have a hunting strategy.

Try this: Use Facebook to find single girls in your area. Have one stupid message you send all of the ones you like, something like 'did you go to school with me' and friend them. Stay engaged with the ones who message you back with a follow up. The ones who keep talking to you want to either date or fuck you. Then invite them out. If they turn you down, big shit. Keep hunting. Play the numbers. Eventually everybody gets a hookup.

Pretty far. I live on the west coast

That could work. Tried Tinder uet6, user?


On the west coast? Id visit to get you laid. I'm stuck in Alabama and would murder to be on the west coast again. I'm saving up now to go as far west as I can get.

(Upside of Alabama: They like fat guys here.)

Nah. I'm too old to change shit up. But, I probably will get blue balls and try it eventually.

shit man, that was pretty fucking good. you should be slaying if you can play like that. girls love that finger picking style. if you can get 10 songs like that in your set and play a coffee shop, you stand a better chance than half the douche bags that pick up girls at bars. that's a nice skill that many dudes try and fail to excel at, but you sounded good

If you're looking for a meaningful relationship, don't bother. It's usually just for hookups.

Heh. But what exactly are you trying to find here? Friends? Pussy?

You shouldn’t brag about being psycho. You need to fix that. Change your attitude and stop being a child. Child is another word for psycho. When you grow up and still act like a baby with a temper but with more physical capabilities, you’re a fucking child. Change that. Nothing to brag about

As far as your nose goes I mean it is a piggy nose and it fits your piggy body. You can’t change your nose though, and it wouldn’t be such a big deal if your face and body wasn’t also fat

Don’t take pics directly after getting out of the shower and with wet hair. Looks like shit. Use American crew fiber

You either need to completely shave, or trim your beard to be way shorter like a stubble.

Don’t take pictures of yourself directly after work and you should be wearing whiter shirts after work. You’re not going to convince me that that shirt is white. Get new white shirts and don’t over wear them and don’t mix them with colors and don’t mix white with other whites that aren’t AS white because it will make your whiter clothes less white in the washer

I know how to fix your eyes. Stop looking down first of all. Make a conscious effort to open your eyes/ lift your eyebrows. No one cares that you’re sad and no one feels sorry for you being sad. It’s 100% up to you to be sad. If you’ve made that choice then that’s on you. There’s two things involved with being sad, there’s the feelings of sadness and there’s the choice to be sad. You may not be able to help the feeling but you can help the choice. Choosing to be happy even when you feel sad is your responsibility. Focus on the positive shit instead of feeling sad.

You seem like the type who asks for advice and doesn’t take it.

If you have any bad habits like smoking then you’re ugly as fuck by the way. Cut that nasty shit out stinky yellow bitch.

So anyways, focus on the positive, the positive is any steps you take to better yourself such as anything to lose weight

is OP actually brazilian?

that would explain his stupid threads

I've got this legitimately retarded step brother. He got a brain injury from an accident he had fleeing from the police. He looks like a mentally disabled wigger gumby,. All he can spell is "Jesus and Chris Loves You" and he posts it repeatedly on FB when he isnt in jail. But, he's had 2 kids by 2 diff women and is married now. He always has a side gf too. Never underestimate the poor tastes of women.

If you're 28 now, then in the next 5 years you're gonna see everything flip. Women your age will be the ones begging for attention.

Being ugly isn’t a reason to kill yourself either. It seems like you just came here for a pitty party. Like a said. No one feels sorry for you. Being ugly means you need to work on your physical appearance and you’re obviously just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside with all of that depressing boo hoo me bullshit. You need to work on your inside qualities too. You can start right now. And also you got to start talking positively about yourself or you’ll never get out of the state you are. Even if you have to lie to yourself and others, you have to say you’re the shit and you look good and all that. You wanna be lazy and take the easy way out instead of working on yourself even though we all gave you legitimate tips where you can IMPROVE yourself, but you wanna be lazy and not listen and try and get people to feel sorry for you saying there’s no reason to live. There’s that choosing to be sad I was talking about. You definitely choose what you type. You choose what you say. You choose what you consistently think, even if you don’t exactly choose what you feel, positive feelings will grow from consistent positive talk and positive thinking. Now stop being annoying and do what we said to do

Don’t believe this guy either. There’s definitely shit wrong with you. I spent multiple posts pointing it out and people agreed with me. Work on it

i have more than 10 but who wants to watch an ugly guy play


He is square because he isn’t all there. Am I right? Can’t say he’s square because he’s not around because he is round

Weed, pussy, atmosphere, a place without inbred rednecks, etc. This place is hell. I grew up here, bailed, came back when my dad passed away and have been stuck ever since.

no i'm american

That beard looks like shit. It will never look good. Shave it or trim it down to a stubble and shape the stubble with a taser so that you don’t have any sort of neck beard or cheek beard

>legitimately retarded people with brain injuries are more attractive than i am

This guy does not like you user. He feels pitty for you. Dont think you don’t annoy him. He wouldn’t spend his day chatting with you. He wouldn’t hangout with you for long periods of time and listen to you because you’re so down on yourself and childish. So just take my advice and work on the things we said and don’t listen to the superficial compliments. I’d give you a compliment if I could find something to compliment but I can’t

No. He's just shameless and constantly trying. He gets rejected constantly and brutally, he just doesn't care.

You definitely should distrust the nice people. They’re evil

Bro you’re fatter than I thought you look like Santa. You need to lose weight bad or you’re going to die. Seriously stop eating so much and exercise. Work on yourself damn

Bro it’s not really your nose. Yeah you got a piggy nose but the problem is you’re a fat fuck. Your nose wouldn’t be as fat and also wouldn’t matter if it was fat if you lost a large amount of weight and stop eating like a loser. Fix yourself

When i was in my 20s i sweated all of these details too people are going over. Then I got older and realized just don't be a miserable fuck, don't fixate on yourself, talk about the other person more and roll with things. Also, if you're gonna be a dick try to be a funny one. (Self deprecation comes off needy and selfish, btw. If you catch yourself doing it, just stop. No one wants to hear the shit.)

This advice is terrible. It doesn’t matter what you think. If you want a girl it matters what she thinks, and she’s not you so that means it matters what other people think. Take my damn advice and trim it short to a stubble and shape it better. No neck beard and no high cheek hairs

Do you have a job and saving money to move out?

Don’t take this advice man. If you date pieces of shit girls will not want you because they will think they’re too good for you. Instead what you should do is be friends with some girls. The hotter the better. They see you being friends with girls and other girls will assume you’re worth getting to know or worth liking

Honestly I am almost positive you jack off to being humiliated

lol you are not ugly. many people have said that already. youre just being ridiculous now. even if you were ugly, id still watch you play because you have some talent and you sound good. the reason I said to play a coffee shop is because it provides nice background music while people study or relax. that takes the pressure off of being the center of attention, since you have such a negative self image, which is ALL in your head. seriously

Yeah. Job and savings. My primary entanglement is I have family here to care for and after being gone for 16 years already I've got to stay and help out some. Maybe next year.

Don’t listen to this guy. He is one of the low life idiots he’s talking about. He’s projecting. We are strangers who aren’t going to coddle you. Sure some of us are just here to tear you down, but people like myself are simply saying you’re an unstylish fat ass with low confidence and a shit beard and bad eyebrows. And a childish attitude. Those are all things that can be changed. That’s the bright side. So the potential is there to be way better than you are now. Fix yourself fucker

Then they'll friend zone his ass or think he's a fag.

See? Yeah, good for you! Where do you plan on move to next year if you can?

You still have that stupid ass depressive look on your face, but you are way better looking without the beard and with less weight. see. Take my damn advice

No don’t take this advice. Fuck fat people. They’re annoying. You know they are because you’re fat and annoying. Just follow the good advice. You know what to do

Fuck off if you have advice man.

Don’t fuck a guy. This dude needs more help than you since he’s a fag. He needs to change that. There’s hope for him too though if he stops being a fag

all of those sound really great by the way. especially the last one. you could look like steve buscemi, but if you play like that it doesnt matter

Do date shit girls. Theyre the easiest to get started with. Then move up. Just wait until that hot girl says 'she's not good enough for you'.

Plus, it's that everbody has to date a 7-10 mentality that means a lot of 1-6 guys aren't getting laid & vice versa.

Bro you’re still fat in this picture, just less fat, and your hair looks retarded, and your fashion is shit. And those eyes still look like Jason vorhees eyes you need to open them fuckers more when you take pictures, but at least you don’t have that dumb ass frown on your face. It’s better. Get skinnier than you are in this pic. Take all my advice. I’m not steering you wrong

Because you look like you're always contemplating cannibalism FFS take an improv class and get some therapy. Figure it out.

As soon as we're suffering a food shortage far people will annoy me, until then I don't give a fuck unless I'm sitting on the center seat flying coach.

Well Christianity is right but Mormonism is not they are fucking crazy thinking that the devil is Jesus spirit brother and that everyone can become gods. I’m pretty sure galaxy quest the tv show was based off of Mormonism lmao

Lmao he rejected you

But their crazy beliefs turn out a superior product. I find Mormonism to be retarded, but I gotta admit by most measures they're excelling past Catholics and Protestants.


Girls really don’t give a shit about guitar. Don’t depend on guitar to pick up chicks. You’re just going to look like that douche bag who is always playing guitar instead of socializing and you’ll look like you’re begging for attention. It’s fine to play guitar. I play, but don’t use that as your default. Only play when the opportunity is there and don’t keep pushing it. The people on here are giving you shit advice except me, the one who numbered my advice and keeps telling you to fix yourself and to take my advice

What dumb fuck would willingly ruin their day by seeing you?

Fuck off you cunt

Bulletpoints would've proved it

Okay so this is good advice. I forget what it’s called but this is a legitimate strategy. Door to door salesmen do this because the more people they go to the more likely they are to have someone buy. Same goes with getting a gf or getting laid. I’m the one who numbered my shit early btw

Lol I thought my message was positive. I'm kinda drunk so who knows. Just trying to help. I agree with your advice though, although it's more blunt than I'd put it

Have you ever been with a girl? Had sex? A girlfriend?

I remember now why it was such a pain in the ass being a twenty something.

No bro don’t listen to this guy. You’re definitely ugly. And it’s for the reasons I listed in the numbers above. Look at the advice I gave, write it down, then follow it and you’ll be good. No ones saying you’re ugly ugly I don’t think but you’re on the lower part of average Joe looking

It's 5:30am and I'm shitposting baked on the toilet as the sun is coming up...It's been a goodnight.

no i've never even hugged a girl

They will not try to friend zone him if he has girls who are friends. Being around other girls talking to them and laughing with them literally makes guys look more attractive to other women. Bro. Like I said bulbous big boy. Take my advice. I’m not going to steer you wrong

I'm not saying brag about it, but if he plays a gig somewhere that's totally acceptable. Like you said, if the opportunity is there. Play a gig counts as that. And you're high if you think every girl out there doesnt give a shit about guitar

I haven’t been on this site in almost half a year, and I come back and this guy is still posting. Kudos for not having anything better to do.

There's another shitty part of that too: You have to hang out with women without getting laid. I'm not convinced it's worth it. But, if you've never had pussy....maybe.

Excuse me how is this not a troll?

Same here. Wish I had a little weed to add to the mix

Go forcibly hug a girl. Fuck it. It ain't rape.

I think OP left

Bro I know a guy who is awesome at guitar, but he’s so fucking ugly and stupid that no one gives a shit about it. He used to force it on people. Guitar is a great complimentary thing to go along with the advice I gave. It’s good to have a complimentary hobby, but don’t make it all about the hobby and force it is what I’m saying. And don’t depend on the hobby instead of improving your looks and attitude because the majority of people will give no fucks. It will completely offset everything you’re trying to do to get a girl.

no i'm here but a couple guys kinda took over, mostly the "i gave good advice everyone else gave shit advice" guy

That’s not shitty man. If your main goal is getting pussy then all you’re doing is seeing women as an object and women can see right through that. Don’t be that guy. Take my damn advice. Get girls who are your friends. Fuck they might even HELP you get pussy and he’ll they might even give you pussy you never know. But be get friends of the opposite sex take my advice or you’re just throwing a pitty party

So besides guitar what are you into? Got hobbies? Interests? Sports? Politics? History? Cars?

Not Op.

But exactly, I see women as objects (pussy) and their personalities as obstacles to be maneuvered around in getting that object. Guilty.

That’s because you’re a beta bro. And everyone is admitting my advice is solid. I can just tell that you’re the kind of person who asks for advice and when people give it you don’t take it. That’s a fucking terrible personality trait. Part of me thinks you are just one of those people with a humiliation fetish and you jack off to it. But anyways none of us feel sorry for you. None of us care enough to talk to you every day. Everything is in your control and everything is your fault for as long as you don’t take the very fuckin easy steps to greatly improve yourself. Anyways, that’s all the advice I have to give anyways.

Fix your hair, shave your beard, lose weight, wear more stylish clothes (matching, better fitting), resting face should be a smile, open your eyes more, get friends who are girls, drop bad habits like smoking, don’t fuck guys, don’t date pieces of trash or fuglies, don’t depend on your guitar to pick up chicks, and stop choosing to be sad when you feel sad. I already explained what I mean by that so don’t ask. Anyways I’m out

no other hobbies. i watch sports, nfl and nba. i don't like politics but i'm informed. don't care about history or cars.

Maybe they got a negative perception of him when he forced it on people. I agree though, it should be a side thing when acceptable. The root of the guitar subject was me telling him he should play/socialize with friends and work on his own self confidence. I suggested to play somewhere because he's actually pretty good and I thought it might boost his confidence to do that. I wasnt saying he should try and pick up chicks after he's done. Just trying to be constructive

Oh yeah and don’t view girls as objects to fuck. You’re fucking yourself big time when you do that. Anyways I’m out for real this time

yeah i just got a haircut, there's no competent barbers around here so i guess i'm fucked.

i'm shaving it off. i think i'm going to trigger my depression to lose weight again, that's how i lost 80 lbs in the first place, this time i won't stop until 150 lbs.

not going to buy clothes since i'm going to lose literally half my body size. i'll try to put a smile on and open my eyes more. i won't be able to get friends who are girls. i've never smoked, my bad habit is eating absolute garbage 100% of the time but that's been addressed. i was never going to fuck guys, no girl would ever fuck me anyways so no need to worry about starting too low, i wasn't going to depend on my guitar, i can't help feeling sad about my existence.

That's a place to start. Ask a girl to go to an NFL or NBA game. I've had lots of successful dates at sporting events. Poorer or sheltered girls many times will go just for the experience. I take girls to college football games a lot. My last serious ex was a trendy hipster from Boulder who swore she hated football but knew more than most of the men in Colorado about the sport because she always wanted to go to Alabama games after the 1st one.

start tomorrow

Have a good job to afford it? Lose weight the manly way by eating only steak and eggs. I still crave abnormal amounts of protein (no jizz jokes) after losing 35 pounds that way.

This got over 200 replies. I love Yea Forums.

Hot belly

check your kik

Because we're tired of your bullshit threads. It's the same shit over and over again. People help you and you dismiss everything and blames others for your shortcomings.
Just kill yourself already.

wubba lubba dub dub


How tall are you