Dumb fuck

dumb fuck

>imagine being mad that someone is widening there legs to be less uncomfortable

Attached: 2019-07-21 23.34.04.jpg (888x1052, 315K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>just be yourself

Imagine winning an award for designing a chair that actually makes you less comfortable.

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Or if you just think for yourself. That’s not ok.

This is fucking retarded. Men and women sit differently because they have different hip structures.
Another case of a low IQ neanderthal being put on a pedestal because, muh meet flaps fighting the good fight.

damn, you reak of incel

You reek of didn't graduate highschool. Were you never taught that pee pees are different from ginnies

The only people that rely on logic are people that dont have sex, in your opinion?

I sit with my legs spread because there's a higher percentage chance that farts will be silent. No meme.

Racism is natural but so is every crime.

Not sitting like that to be a dick, sitting like that because I have one. Balls need to cool down or the sperm die off. That's why your dog lies on his back with his balls in the air yo.

>manspreading: "practice of a man sitting on public transport with his legs wide apart, taking up more space than he needs and preventing other people from sitting down"

what is it called when a girl hogs space?

Attached: ofo6REc.png (1053x800, 1005K)

Wtf. So women are allowed to "manspread"? This proves again that feminism isnt about equality.

>thinks a tiny rail is going to keep men from spreading their legs anyways

And it proves women are low iq as well

Attached: look_my_fucking_balls.jpg (604x453, 156K)

>wins award

It'll go nicely next to all her participation trophies

I'm going to make women's underwear with prosthetic dick and balls and set them in a warm room.


Go get laid, it may help you calm down a little, sport.

>what is it called when a girl hogs space?

i kekd

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penis envy

You don't understand, women will always find something to be ill content with, if you actually listen to them then they will increasingly only ever get ill content with stupid and petty shit. The problem is that men listen at all

"Manspreading" is a natural phenomenon.

It makes males look more attractive and dominant by increasing the space they occupy.

Notice how the guy on the right kinda looks weak and gay? Would he produce healthy offspring and protect your family?

Now image him "manspreading" in a relaxed position. He would look much more dominant and attractive to women.

Feminists, it's human biology.

Women have a wider pelvis with the hip joint at a different angle that tends to keep their legs together.
It has nothing to do with OMG MAH GIANT BALLZ SO SCHWEATY.

Imagine being a woman.

Typical male shaming language, have fun on the plantation, unless you are a hole. In which case, heh.

Don't try and correct them, everyone knows they are retarded, but feelings matter more to women then reality, so no sense talking reality to them.

You's got good taste in chairs.

Attached: EamesChairFrasier.jpg (600x495, 39K)

Actually hell on earth, imagine being so incapable and intellectually inferior that you lilely have no chance of overcoming any of your natural instincts and are destined to always seek something better, never finding content with your life.

Protecting themselves.


Wait that dumbass is a dude?

Good thing too, that way when a homeless man shanks her she wont need any white knights because she was protected.

That's the point.

Feminists know men do it because it makes them look and feel strong/attractive.

They don't want men to feel strong or attractive. Any man who isn't naturally confident is insecure and therefore worthy of nothing but hatred and scorn.

It's still taking up the whole space you dumb niggers! It makes no difference whether they chair spread or man spread. This still takes up the same amount of space!

Very true, they want to be a man without the responsability of being one. Consistency and reality is a tool of the patriachy.

Yeah. What's ironic is feminists might be attracted to these men on some subconcious level, as the "manspreading" seems to be an efficient way to grab their attention lol.

It's fascinating how nonverbal cues and body language can influence the opposite sex.

Stupid human biology!!!

Oh they surely are, women are very vulnerable to their natural instincts due to their lesser degrees of higher brain function so stuff like that always hits them hard.

ITT: pathetic incel manlets circlejerk themselves into a spermy frothing frenzy

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Lots of male shaming language going on here, please show us the rest of your magic buzzwords. We are all quite impressed with your original perspective and views.

fuzz balls

I’m so alpha these days I take my shits standing up.. don’t care if I shit on the ring.. bitches can lick that of later. Feminazis are a joke..

True, but that doesn't make feminism any less retarded.

Like the special olympics.. ok, you are winning but are you really??


The idea of feminism is ok. Men/woman equal value and all that..
Feminaziism: take a piss on everything with a penis.. pussy good/ penis bad u rapist is total bullying bullshit

somebody needs to be a hero and punch her in the cunt

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Feminism has nothing to do with equality. Equality was achieved in the 70s. It's all about equity now, which is the opposite of equality.

I have the fattest hog/biggest balls out of anybody in this thread and I can sit with my knees together just fine. Sorry y'all have joint problems or bad posture or are so insecure you think spreading your legs makes you look 'attractive'. For 20 minutes on a crowded train you can man up and sit like you were at the dinner table. Or do you spread your legs wide at Chez D'Alain too lol?

She is forcing my sperms to get hot and making my seed defective. I would sue.

I am an unfuckable nerd. I have just the thing to make myself attractive to strangers on the bus! I will spread into as much space as possible and then not say a word when an alpha sits next to me and forces me back into my fair share of the space.

Dipshit. Its about your thigh size. I'll be happy to sit with my legs together, but this fat fuck is gonna have to fondle his nuts above his thighs everytime. If I have to do that, the least you can do is make eye contact as I touch myself.

American people are literally the worst on this planet

It's ok user, the femens don't want you at their ally rallies.
And they prolly won't touch your bawls, until you're in the retirement village.

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I used to be a fat fuck and couldn’t close my legs for shit, now I lost the weight and can sit like normal man, even though my nuts are as mighty as ever!

That ‘chick’ don’t look exactly comfortable either with a massive chunk of wood smooshed up aga8nst her hairy snatch

Your Incel game is good young sperg.

None of those manspreading dips hits are single! The ladies like to see you airing your balls.


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Ah here's an interesting fact. Work for a living and take care of your body like a man and you don't have this problem. You can't discipline yourself how the fuck you going to complain about women who hate you cause you're fat?

Is your suggestion that they should stop hogging space and then you would? Because that's lol you fucking hypocrite.

Definitely a dude that wants us to think feminists vote for trump.

Ironically, most ‘manly’ jobs wreak havoc on the body. But you wouldn’t know, softy.

Yeah I guess I don’t have bad knees like you from kneeling and sucking cock all day u dirty fagit

Tbh I usually sit like the right one unless it’s too warm and my balls are getting sweaty. Takes up less space + anxiety.

Feminazis are trash, we already know.

It's called "external genitalia", you hateful cunt. It occupies a point in space.

Not everything is an expression of dominance and power. That you think it is reveals you as the authoritarian piece of fascist filth you are.

It hasn't been about that ever since Karen DeCrow was ousted from NOW in the seventies.

Take a good look at pic related. That was a good woman, and the very last of the true egalitarians.

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Do you have balls because if you do then you know it is an issue

Learn2sumo and suck your balls up inside you. It’s a sacred sumo skill to protect their nuts from getting slapped while in the circle.

I often wonder how anthropologist will look back on LGBT. A anthropologist will tell you that Male and female bones structures are inherently different especially with the pelvis area. Women sit more comfortable with legs close by design but men do not. Men are just not structure that way.

That's correct and none of them make you fat or force your legs to be open all the time. Stop being a fat piece of shit and you too will be able to sit with your knees a foot apart instead of three feet apart.

i have massive balls and it's not an issue

You cannot look at one skeleton in isolation and determine if it is male or female. You can do that within a population and make a fair guess. What you're talking about is a myth.

>Equality was achieved in the 70s

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Nobody mentioned Trump yet. Hmmmm. Hey what does this have to do with Don? Can you leave it in /pol/ not EVERY SINGLE THREAD EVER DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN DADDY

That guys a pussy tho. I would just nicely ask her to move so I can sit. Any reply other than "yeah sure" will not end well for her

>Equity is the opposite of equality!
A really really smart guy lol

Turn the male chair around

Or there's plenty of space on the train and he feels like standing. Also you wouldn't assault a woman in public for failing to follow your commands, Zodiac.


If you sit like the chick in the OP you have never lifted a heavy thing in your life and have severe back problems.

If you man spread on public transportation, hope you like my hair faggot leg all up on you because I'm specifically looking for you to rub up on.

Couldnt have said it better

Manspreading is only a "thing" because people have forgotten how to or are too afraid to ask people to make room so they can sit there too.
Need the seat next to me on the train? Well then you will have to say something or stand up. It's a you problem..

Women don’t say anything cos they are scared of men like you who will sperg out and probably rape them.

Actually it's a thing because fucking solipsistic mongoloids like you don't notice other people. I bet you don't stand up for old disabled people either cause you're so alpha lol.

It’s also a,problem because ppl have forgotten how to be decent human beings.
>Perhaps that person might like to sit down too...
>nah fuckem cos muh nuts

the human brain is wired to look for obstacles/tools conflict/confirmation.
these 7. wave? feminist are just screeching about who get how much legroom because it's the only conflict their brain can find in this sheltered existence. it's sad but true.

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So you are saying you use manspreading To make women to talk to you! That’s pretty fucking desperate and weapons grade autist.

Kek that’s the sign of true nuclear grade autism right there.

>like confidence
>don't like it when men act confidently

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yeah because a self entitled kid who thinks everybody should know and cater to said kids feelings and wantings is the same as showing the elderly respect, you're nailing it here sonny :^) GJ! ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ A+
your vast intelligence is TRULY showing.

>Forcing someone to be less comfortable because of their gender

Feminists are so fucking sexist it's unreal.

Fuck me. You must be such a hit with the ladies. Kekkkek

I’d still make dinner for her.

It’s an art piece, she’s trying to make men feel for a moment how women feel all their lives. It’s caused an awful lot of autistic literal spergs because artists can’t see the higher themes she is reaching for. It’s a normal part of massive retarded autism to be like this and I honestly hope it becomes legal to shoot autistic fuckers on sight in the near future.

Lol you think old disabled people are self entitled children? Close your legs or stand up. It's not a big deal. You making it a hill to die on is pathetic as fuck lol. Really flexing your 'power' huh

Laila Laurel is obviously totally unaware how much space typical women over occupy with their revolting fat arses.

Yeah but they generally don’t flap their disgusting snatches at you with widespread legs.

Hey fat guy post your pic with a timestamp XD

Why? You wanna jerk off or something you dirty faggot

actually not rolling over when confronted selfrightious turdsucklers does entice a positive respond in females, try it, faggot.

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No you're fat. You'll deny it now but it's too late sorry chubby. Clean up your own house.

niggers really dont get sarcasm do they :^)

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Kekkek you are the mighty warrior!

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13digitfilename.jpg hate women and Jews? Noooooooooo!

Bitch hoggingReddit spacing

Wow this is completely unexpected.

Reddit gay begone

Fuck me you really that butthurt you pulling the ‘muh jooooooooz’ card? The ladies must love that kekkkkkkekkk
>hot chick: close your legs please
>you: sh-shutup you j-j-jeeeew!

assuming that all women in general feel like this all their lives is bigoted, juvenile and down right autistic. good job putting labels on entire demographics. nice "anti-prejudice" behavior -u cunt.

13 digits and you hates dem wimmin and dem Jews.
Just fuckoff already.

>sees child approaching covered in sticky honey
>is holding a roll of paper towels
>Tyler Tarden "is it a problem for you to ask? *smug*
>panties drop so hard around the planet the Earth wobbles like a dubstep bassline
>wakes up

Kek stay mad

kekek can't stand up straight so you hate on people who can, predicable, at best.


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Watch him sperg now he’s been outed

It’s ok to admit you don’t understand art and it makes you sperg

>hers chair
>designed it
so? Is she selling it? Is any1 fucking buying it? How r u forcing any1 to take the "correct" chair? Whats stopping met from sitting on the spreading chair?

I wouldn't have time to be a feminist. Is be too busy playing with my snatch all day and everyday. Would be fucking awesome. They don't know how lucky they are.

Lmao he might not be able to type anymore now he’s lost his shit and thrown his keyboard across the room.

if art is used to whine about "poor little me" then its more like a tantrum right?
it's not that i don't get tantrums, i just grew out of that shit as a baby, unlike these pampered millenials who for some reason thinks the world owe them something

Incoming pathetic kid /pol/dad internet tough guy Macedonian rage.

How old are millennials, /pol/?

It’s an art piece. Men feel what it’s like being forced to sit like a woman, and women get to experience the power that comes with being able to sit like a man.
It’s not meant for any commercial or normal function. It’s part of furniture design as art. It’s a huge fucken movement that’s been around for years.

Seems more like it's pointing out big faggot you

why is the specifics important to you?

>literal autism
You come to an art piece with your own pre-conceived bias. If you cant at least respect the idea behind it then you have no hope.

i'm a male and i've never had to spread my legs that far on a chair/train/bench/whatever. why do guys stretch their legs that far? i barely keep my legs like 8-10 inches apart when i sit down.

Attached: troy.jpg (640x393, 35K)

coherit, nice.

respect is always earned never granted. people who say otherwise are pleasers/millennials.

thats completely ass-backwards, then. The chair design should be 2 chestnuts u have to put into your panties as a woman and try to sit with your legs toghether to see how comfortable it is
and whores dont sit with knees toghether either - they sit with legs crossed, knocking their dirty boots all over ppls shins

It doesn't matter how tightly they keep their inner thighs together it still doesn't confine the revolting smell adequately, nor does it stop the outsides of their obscenely flabby thighs bulging out laterally even further than the knees of your typical "manspreading" guys who are merely trying to make enough space for their enormous genitalia to rest comfortably rather than being squeezed together like a couple of large coconuts and a salami sausage being pulverised in a pair of giant nut-crackers.

Don’t worry babby, you are not going to be forced to sit on her ‘evil woman’s chair’ in any public setting. It’s a goddam art piece. If you don’t like it then forget about it. I respect it as a clever way of allowing each gender to feel a moment I the others life. It’s commentry on the power that comes with being able to spread your legs is apparent, even in this thread where every9ne of you autistic manchildren are losing your shit that you might have to sit with your knees together.

That’s fair enough, why dont you make a chair set that defines life in that way? Seems you are perfectly free to do so. You will probably win an award.

The fact that women have issues with this shit not my fault they will start looking at my dick like I don't care if a women spreads her legs or takes up 2 spots of a train for her fucking bags but when they won't move there bags for another women to sit down is worse. Why do I need to crush my balls or make my legs cramp to make some random bitch happy

Anyone who has gone to the effort she obviously had to create this furniture deserves a modicum of respect. I doubt you could ever come up with such an interesting idea, plan and design it, then actually build it and market it.

tbh i never consider how my legs are, they kinda just go were comfort takes them.
i can't imagine being brought up in a society that makes people afraid of sitting with too much distance between their knees, you're being conditioned i hope you know that.

Nice strawman.

That’s cos you don’t have power and control issues.

Ad nominums babby

You're just a little confused. It's ok. Lose weight and maybe your brain will work again.

i've built a vacation home nigger -what?
the design is shitty, simply rotating the chair strips it of its function, try again!

lets say ive got a yt channel and thats going nowhere, so i dont feel like ill get the attention i deserve anyway, therefore i have no motivation to bother. Also im saving up for training, so buying chairs like that to hotglue chestnuts to is not on my priority list

can smell the autism from here


Did she also invent it.

can't you just spread or close your legs... literally anywhere? why the custom chair?

it's perfectly comfortable to sit with your legs together with large testicles sorry about your sensory processing disorder

It's probably also because he's not scrabbling for every bit of masculinity he can find because he's not worried he's actually a faggot or that everyone thinks he's a faggot.

coherit, nice.

sorry u think pea-size is large

and he boils his eggs... so there won´t be any offspring

Yes we know. You own your own business or you're a union dock worker or you're a landlord. Which one today?

Fuck me you don’t understand the themes behind this piece of art, this is the last hi t I am giving you before I have to go to work, the idea of the two being rotated is part of its symmetry and part of the idea that the sexes can’t exist without each other, ideas of the genders being two sides of the same coin exist as well as functions of power vs the inverse of power are on show. In additional to that the form allows the chairs to stack nicely and to be setup in a lovers seat arrangement.
Your vacation home is not art, it is a (barely) functional house. I sincerely doubt you even did that. Autists are usually not very good with tools and end up losing their temper and hurting themselves.

It’s got nothing to do with hip structure you dense cunt. Men spread there legs subconsciously to allow their balls to cool down

Then you’ve already failed.
She didn’t. She is a success.
You are a failure.

shes not a success

so says Buster Gonad

Attached: Buster Gonad .jpg (467x467, 46K)

>standing close to the door for a quick getaway in case of emergency

Attached: 54523.jpg (427x572, 80K)

that's a lot of assumptions kiddo, let me make one
you're between 16-20 years old.

Impundix, nice

5 min google session for 1 word, good job.

I literally just made it up because you're making up words soooooooo did you find it on google lol

as i

no but it would be a fan-fucking-tastic opportunity to tell her how she's human garbage

hey guy that does this in every thread can you post more 13digit boomer memes from slovenia

you got lucky it's a word with meaning, go tell your mum kiddo :^)

Finally you will have your revenge. You seem really tough can you talk about more cool things you would do?

Cockalorum, please

close,(again with the assumptions kid, abit off) first time i post in months, but i guess your mobidick is outthere somewhere, he'll come around, don't lose hope.

polaroid smegma! highfive!

fyurst teeyime eye pyost iyn myonth

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prove me wrong faggot :)

It's funny when you see.guys spread like that because they have zero cock. If there was a big fat hog hanging out nobody would care but it's always the incels in sweatpants.

imagine being so insecure you think the position of your legs determines how hot you are

fucking based word op

alright faggots it was fun, but i must go now, you 2 argue with each other instead now ok? you can still have fun
>pic semi relevant to thread.

Attached: 9d3.jpg (948x417, 68K)

Did stormfront decide to quit rageposting? Maybe his balls are little afterall.

What a fucking cuck boi

OP nobody is mad about what he saying. They're mad because some humans in general are antisocial numbskulls. The portion that manspread like three year olds are men.

Not to take away from all the really cool and impressive anger on both sides of this argument but has anyone EVER sat with their ankles 5 feet apart on public transport? On a singular chair like the one she's designed you might have space to but on a train 1) you probably don't have that much room per seat and 2) it's not even comfortable being thaaaaaaat spread out. When I sit my knees are typically about parallel vertically with my shoulders, because that's natural and comfortable

Have you seen the standard of craftsmanship (or lack thereof) in the creation of those farcical chairs. My God, it doesn't genius to realised they could only have been botched together by a woman. Let's be fair no self-respecting man would ever display such a low standard of workmanship in public,
but it comes as no surprise to me that if a woman managed to cobble them together, without them falling apart as soon as someone sat on them, she probably does deserve some sort of award.

hey avril lavigne showed up post your tits slut

jesus fucking christ go back to your womans studies joke of a fucking course

Attached: 8056245_t.gif (200x120, 32K)

This is correct and socially normal. I see guys cracked open like that on the train every day and it's always some chubby beta who gets huffy when you sit next to them and start playing with their hair.

and that has to do with hip structure you absolute retard. the male body evolved to accommodate the nuts and needs

> "...My God, it doesn't genius to realised ..." ;
= "... My God, it doesn't take a genius to realise ..."

You said you were leaving. Feel free to do that. Or are you incensed lol.

I'm an athletic thirty year old male with a big cock and balls and have no problem sitting in a dining hair with my knees 8 inches apart. I'm not sure why you guys are insisting it's impossible to put your legs near each other like they are magnetically repelled.

I manspread to take up as much space as possible because I'm an alpha not a cuck and you aren't going to do anything about it bitchboi

look at this reddit shit

>what is it called when a girl hogs space?

being a cunt.

Are you fucking stupid?

Back problems stem from all sorts of shit. Hang drywall and tell me it doesn't fuck your back, in shape or not.

Not to mention years of manual labor depending on what you are doing.

its called baww my peepee huwts

to be fair that award is most likely rewarded by a feminist / alternative organ.

I work construction. My back is strong as fuck. I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

they have back problems because they collapse their back when they sit with shit posture like that hth

New Designers Belmond Award

sponsored by BELMOND HOTELS ...


Hello how do you do my fellow males. Why do you sit at maximum leg separation and not how your bone structure deems comfortable like how chairs are made. Just tuck you knees together or better yet cross your legs like me, a male athlete.

wow mr art genious. what a jewish faggot lol

Belmond Award

I bet the management is full of cucks

Art is subjective. It's stupid all of it is. Go do charity work and fuck these petty sex battles. This such a mundane waste of time. Finds real issues, not these every small step wins the battle shit. No lazily picking the weakest issue is the sign of weak wills. Gender disregarded, fuck everyone.

Can you post a picture of yourself sitting at a fancy restaurant with your legs in different counties please? Or can you reign it in when there's nobody to pretend you're having a competition with?

Title of work: A solution for man spreading
Judges Comments:

‘A bold, purpose-driven design that explores the important role of design in informing space, a person’s behavior and societal issues of today.’

>just be yourself
>unless you are a heterosexual white male

Video games are bad.
>Distant screaming and rending of garments.

Don't worry where my legs have been, freak. My knees with remain separated and even with my shoulders as that's most comfortable. No extra space is taken up that wouldn't be occupied unless you're a inconsiderate cunt for others personal space. So stop bitching like woman.

I'm a hetero white male and have no problem. Maybe it's not your color or sex or gender, maybe it's you!

Like that short fuck at Subway???

We got the least amount of problems, per capita, than any other people.

>Guys who take up too much space in public. Cunts.
>Girls who take up too much space in public. Cunts.

Waah my balls!
Was you can't comment about female space takers you sexist! Someone may rape her!

Both minority retards, don't be a dick/cunt and simply be decent and respectful.

>Anyone who understands the differences between men and women must be incels

Attached: npc looking frontways.jpg (490x586, 16K)

Even with shoulders is normal you idiot. That's not manspread. Jesus Christ park your victim complex.

>sees word incel
>goto npc
>beep boop
>implying there's a significant difference between men and women's ability to sit like a normal person

The whole complaint about MaNsPrEaDiNg is about how men sit normally you indoctrinated subhuman.Go fix your tampex.

Yes, Like there isn't a twig and berries between a man's crotch.

That would be rediculous.

There IS a difference, considering we have two balls and a hotdog to avoid sitting on and need to rest comfortably.

Is it? Did you look at op pic? Have you ever witnessed someone manspreading? Lol the answer is you have no idea what you're talking about.

Your penis is down underneath between your legs? That's a vagina. Penises and testicles are attached to the front of the torso.

There isn't and plenty of men and women are capable of sitting politely for extended periods. If you interact with others sometime you may notice them doing it!

Just because you are too young and too autistic to understanddoesnt mean it’s stupid. It just means you are frustrated and having one of your ‘moments’

Hey man wanna go kayaking?
-Sorry as you know men physically cannot do that. For if their legs approach each other they're gay or malformed.

This is kinda the point of the artwork.

Men who kayak are gay af.

Just because it's at the front doesn't mean it won't flop down when you take a seat. You fucking retard

Attached: Vaccinated Pepe.jpg (399x388, 19K)

Kayaking is fun and relaxing as hell. You need to go outside more, lil' guy.

Men who play video games and complain about everything under the sun are gayer.

You have an underwear problem or deformity if your testicles are between your legs at any point. Are you sure you don't have a vagina?

Outdoors cuck

Not only that! It's impossible!

Any more complaints?

I'm starting to question if you even know how a penis works. They aren't just sticks that stay up straight 24/7.

You have a dick and balls right? You ever squished them from your lega being too close together? Its painful

Your penis goes in between your legs huh? That's extremely weird. Stop tucking.

I think his ding ding is "different"
Its cool so is my dads I get it

why would I do that
i wear supportive underwear because i am an adult
it isn't an issue

it's impossible to turn that chair around....

Sorry to inform you but some people don't want their bulge to show sitting down

Wow a real problem solver. Thanks for completely misunderstanding what's happening here.

This guy manspreads because he doesn't want anyone to see his peepee. Think we got to the real cause here.

Someone isn't using their big boy brain. "Manspreading" isn't real. It's a complaint about how men sit normally because cat ladies have nothing better to do. with their time. Go get pegged.

>he reeks of incel for being the only one pointing out facts
ok nazi

It's not. It's a complaint about faggots sitting as pictured in OP. This isn't hard but I'm not surprised you define things however you want and pretend that's what they mean lol.

Why do leftist faggots use the word "incel" ?

You do realise stickingy our dick in another man's asshole and jerking off to traps isn't real sex?

'facts' like men and women sit differently when obviously men and women are perfectly capable of sitting the same

i assure that if you google manspreading you will see that it isn't what you think it is.

>A real cause
>Stopping men from sitting comfortably

Attached: guy laughing.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>shaking intensifies
Hmm I wonder

Camt red wurds

Oh shit

I'll sit however the fuck I want and I dare someone to force me otherwise

Lol no you won't. You aren't a psycho. If somebody sits next to you you're going to adjust your leg.

Uh... yes. Yes you can. Men and women have different pelvis widths and shoulder widths, among other factors. Pretty basic biology, retard.

ok internet tough guy

incel faggots are getting their panties in a bunch

No you absolutely cannot. Lern2anthropology

Only because its courteous
Walk up to me and bitch about man spreading and put your hands on me and watch how fast I cut a fucking gash in your arm

Lol wow you're super edgy and scary! Incel?

Consider drinking poison.

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is this you tough guy

Attached: joker-evolution-ss04.jpg (1280x720, 222K)

About as incel as you are a hardass, go out and start getting physical and watch how fast you get fucked up.

Consider that everything you posted is in relation to another skeleton from the same population. Notice all the comparisons? Notice zero specific differences?

You were proven wrong by a simple Google search. Kill yourself.

On my opinion, people who think they win arguments just by using the word 'logic' don't have sex

>Yeah come on start a fight with me and then I'll be violent!
The cry of the pussy. I am a hardass. I sit on manspreaders three times a week and have been for years and welp the worst I've heard is humphf.

>On my opinion, people who think they win arguments just by using the word 'incel' don't have sex

No you don't.

Maybe, just maybe, you should try talking to actual feminists in the real world instead of assuming that everything you've read on Yea Forums is true

I know you must be scared to speak to women, but I promise they're normal people too

Consider reading what I posted which was that you cannot tell if a skeleton is male or female without comparing it to other skeletons. I'm sorry you can't read or can't admit I'm right but that's enough posting now. I understand you're wrong.

Women aren't on you or your opinion.

Male Skeleton
1. Pelvic cavity narrower and less roomier.
2. Coccyx less movable.
3. Sacrum long, narrower with concavity.
4. Pelvis heavy and thick
5. Joint surface large.
6. Greater pelvis deep.
7. Pubic arch less than 900.
8. Ischial tuberosity turned inward.
9. Obturator foramen rounded.
10. Pelvic inlet and outlet smaller.
11. Sciatic notch narrow.
12. Anterior superior iliac spines closer.

Female Skeleton
1. Pelvic cavity wider, deeper.
2. Coccyx more movable.
3. Sacrum short, wide nearly flat with forward curvature in lower part.
4. Pelvis light and thin.
5. Joint surface small.
6. Greater pelvis short.
7. Pubic arch more than 900.
8. Ischial tuberosity turned outward.
9. Obturator foramen oval.
10. Pelvic inlet and outlet larger.
11. Sciatic notch wide.
12. Anterior superior iliac spines wide apart.

lol you're mad at women for your fatness?


I do lol. It's why I'm posting in this thread. I'll sit right next to you and politely take up my whole allotted area and force your leg to a normal position with my leg hair all up in your leg hair. It's normal to give others their fair share of space. It's weird to threaten to cut people about it, twisted fucking psychopath.

Yes you can. Visually, at a glance. That's part of how morticians and doctors identify remains that no longer have any flesh. You're wrong. Poison yourself.

Narrower than what?
Another skeleton from the opposite sex.
You can Google things. That doesn't make you an expert. It means you have the most surface understanding and are pretending like you know. Look up if it's difficult to sex old skeletons instead and wow what do you know!

>Force you to
You'd deserve that knife in your thigh too lmao

You cannot without comparing the skeleton to other skeletons from the same population which maybe you could learn and internalize? Wtf is wrong with you retards.

he gotta pound something besides his tiny fists

You can't read and the fact you can only post about violence is hilarious. You're pathetic as fuck XD

They are different. Physically. Bottom line. Get the fuck over it dude.

uh oh it's the guy who threatens people online
please stop im scared

Nobody. Said. They. Weren't. Idiot.

By all means keep up the act, someone will fuck you up eventually


>There are physical differences
>But none that can be seen unless you compare to the opposite sex
Is this your logic?

>narrower to what?

I have a question for you:
derp hurr derp herp?

Huh I wonder if toxic masculinity related to weird pathological obsessions with arbitrarily defining and protecting 'your' three seats on the bus with castle doctrine might be the problem? Nah probably just hot nuts.

Did you read what I posted? If you followed the thread back you could probably find out what I said instead of pretending I'm making claims that I'm not.

ITT: Faggots angry about furniture.

I'm the guy just waiting on the subway fort someone to sit next to me and violate my invisible barrier so I can violently assault them and pretending like this is 'manly' not 'sociopathy'


Problem solved

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read the thread instead of assuming you know what the discussion is about hth

Muah ballz want airflow bcu the get hot so I spred

To be fair, winning special olympics is actually one of the bigger achievements disabled people can have.
Unless I'm mistaking it for paralympics.

go back to wherever you came from you don't "get" Yea Forums

He's not wrong though. Even women, outside of America, look at these women as sexists retards

>Huh I wonder if schizophrenia is related to weird pathological obsessions with arbitrarily defining and protecting 'your' seat on the bus with incessant bitching might be the problem? Nah probably just feminism.

Lol that you think what you wrote means anything at all but especially that you think it's some kind of own

No I just think you're a schizoid screaming into the wind

This is true and aliens say American men are the smartest and can suck their dicks the best!

It's literally take up one seat, don't be a dick, but get all histrionic about it if you want XD

Try that around me and I'll cut your leg off.

>trying desperately to change the rules of comparison hoping to get a point
>failing this hard
Because if you want to tell men from women, you have to compare women bones with motherboards and male bones with barbecues.

Male skeleton is large in shape and size than female skeleton.
The male skeleton has larger and longer bones of limbs, whereas female skeleton has smaller and shorter bones of limbs.
Male pelvis is far away different from the female
The male skeleton has thicker and stronger bones, on the other hand, the female skeleton has thinner and weaker bones as compared to the male
Male skeleton contains more amount of calcium while female skeleton contains less amount of calcium.

I honestly don't give a fuck my dude. I'll spread my legs wherever I please.

You sure post like a bitch about it for somebody who doesn't care xD

ooooh post more about it please and show us how little you care

Vasily. Enough.

If I labelled everyone in this thread, how many (You)s would you get?

Girl builds stool in woodshop class, b/cels lose their shit.

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Most of them. I've been trolling you for a while and I own you every day lol.

you aren't smart enough to post here. go.

It's actually just you and me here. Nobody else.

I think you have me confused with another user, I posted the green text reply and the one after that to you.

Mongoloid. Retard. That was my first post itt. A lot of tards post here. Reply doesn't indicate same user noob.

Only good post

bunch of whiny faggots

Uh huh.

I can't follow your schizod arguments. Why are you taking about aliens to insult american men? Also I'm a bong, so agree that American men are fags put up with this untethered extreme feminism too much. Outside of America people tend to just recognise men and women sit differently.

You think someone would lie on Yea Forums? For fun? To aggravate another poster?

What is a bong? What the fuck are you talking about? Use words. I bet you couldn't find one non American woman complaining about manspreading huh?

the lesser life forms are reproducing

>What is a bong
reddit.com of you go newfag


Is that where I'll find out what a britbong is or is that where you go when you don't realize you're being trolled?