Truckers are disgusting slobs

Truckers are disgusting slobs.
Change my mind

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Average American right there

I cant change your mind OP, i agree.

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that is actually fucking disgusting

It's my dream!

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How the hell do you manage that?

Maybe it sharted and just couldn't stop.

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Fuck you commie

That's just an example of a lazy disguring slob! It's not the example of a trucker that you're trying to portray , I am a trucker and I can assure you I'm not disgusting. My truck is clean inside and out I can eat off my floor , but I bet none of you can say that about your humble abode in the basement of your mom's house! Also keep in mind that just cause I drive trucks for a living doesn't equate to me being a slob, a piece of shit, lazy, and finally without a family. So in short I say this, I drive a truck because it pays me 2600 a week and with a family ,a house and all the other day to day shit we buy money is an important factor....and that fat fucking slut in the picture shit her pants because she herself is a nasty slob! Also fuck you and
>inb4 fuck you good buddy

>inb4 op can't inb4

l mean, op is 100% right

when was the last time you shit your pants?

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At taco Bell playing in the play place . When was the last time you shit your pants?

When was your taco bell incident. I last shat myself about 3 years ago at work, but it was the end of my shift and I made a semiclean getaway.

Just another American




Avg amerimutt

They're working hard.

>>semi clean

This story needs to be told.

rent free

This isn't even english

Obviously, she didn't get her shit packed before leaving home.

Almost 3years ago..I knew better than to get the Baja chalupa but I did it anyways, luckily my pants broke the fall of turd and it didn't splatter when it hit the floor. Did have to throw out some nice almost brand new boots tho

Checked. It's not very exciting, I had less than a hour left at work and decided to wait and shit at home. I felt some leakage as I was descending a ladder. I immediately went to the restroom, finished shitting while cleaning my pants(luckily jeans) with soap and paper towels.

RIS those boots.

> (You) #
This isn't even english

This isn't even punctuated

truckers plz check this thread:

funded by shartz ;P

> Two lone Vikings bravely gave themselves as a sacrifice in honor
> May the gods watch over them in Valhalla