Celeb thread

celeb thread

late night comfy edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>iwn be as comfy as this gg

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Very RIP :(

My wife hanging out with her friends.

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there is always hope fren


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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology.

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Yeah RIP

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from a impartial third party, shes very high on the list, morgan is pretty hot too.


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/ ||
/ \

Who's the no 1?

Someday, perhaps. That level of cozy is a dream of mine, tbh

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is she singing? does this exist with sound? jesus

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I can't tell if its two faggots or two chicks

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watch some bob ross, that always puts my comfy level through the roof

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best unboxing videos

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holy MOLY

>this whole time it's a mans hair she was brushing
disappointment immeasurable, day ruined

Mmmmm dem trips

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why isn't Jeff Goldblum in more stuff these days? I'm kinda pissed off about it really

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au revoir mes amis

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I think the neighbors behind me are fucking. I hope I'm wrong; I don't want to have to go through this again.

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i liked that movie

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Did they invite you over?

dat hair

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It's that, when I was in university during my junior year, Fall Semester (2015), I had a roommate whose girlfriend came over LITERALLY EVERYDAY and stayed the night. They fucked....and fucked...and fucked repeatedly. And loudly, at all hours of the night. It wasn't a matter of *if* they were going to do it, but "when," "how long," "will there be a Round 2?," etc. It had become so bad, that I developed an addiction to sleeping pills, because they were the only way I could manage to stay asleep through all the noise. I was actually even able to keep track of the guy's stamina and development over time. September in particular was the worst.

As such, whenever I so much as think I hear a woman making sexual noises, I become immediately alert and full of adrenaline, having flashbacks to that time.

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Who is the sexy blonde and can I keep you up all night banging her?

gay for pey

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which movie?

What the cuck

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This here's Sky Ferreira, and she's the type of celeb I'd just want to cuddle with and watch Hulu or something. Maybe some Battlestar Galactica. Mind you, that experience kind of damaged me, as I developed a hatred of sex.

It was rough. It took a year to get off the pills.

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More like yaaaas

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you should've complained, now you have ptsd
it's so big

Seek therapy or a gun

She looks very slutty

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They wanted me to; then they'd have a reason to ambush me outside of the dorm.

Those therapists hurt more than they help.

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It's just Sky's aesthetic. I can assure you, she is a classy lady.

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That's fair, I'll take your word for it, you seem trustworthy.

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I haven't heard much of her music but she's a bad actress

Any of you guys into piss?

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fucking top tier underboob

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I'm into Kylie's piss

>she's a bad actress
pls no bully

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nah, but im into kylie's tits

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Hate that I can relate to this shit, had a roommate in 2nd year who broke up with her boyfriend and became a massive slut, her room was right next to mine and the walls were thin as fuck. You might think ‘wow listening to her fucking could be hot’, and it was at first, but when you hear that shit over and over and over when you need to be up early and are trying to sleep, it becomes annoying as FUCK

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Queen! More?

Doesn't it just? I mean, I was fine if they were doing it around 10 PM, maybe 11:30, 12, but they'd do it at 4-6 AM too. I had an internship to go to, and they'd just be doing it, Round 1 at 11 PM, then Round 2 at 5 AM. I knew when they were done when she'd go take a whore-shower (which thinking about it, she was probably walking around nude...I could've at least gotten a glance). I could even recognize *her* ringtone on *his* phone from the other room, and it certainly didn't help when he'd frequently move all of his stuff into the common area and claim it as an extension of his filthy room.

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Oh ... I guess they're okay.
me too

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Don’t think I’d have minded as much if it was just a couple in a good relationship. But it’s the fact it was a different guy every time, bringing him home drunk at 4am, giggling like an idiot at his shit jokes. I mean I hate drunk people when I’m sober anyway but this was next level. Luckily I got some benefit from her whore phase later on, but that shit was so irritating for months.

need milk

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I have the urge to jerk my dick

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So pretty!!!!!!!!!


It would be so hot if she had a big cock

milk truk just arive

I'd suck Nicki's cock for sure.

milk truk just arrive

Is that a village in Italy?

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I'd drink Kylie's piss

Fuck yeah, me too!

people can say all they want they she's fake and disgusting. I don't give a fuck, i want those asscheeks clapped over my face

Me too user, me too

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smother me with ur bootie bimbo sloot

she's a sexy bimbo whore

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Constance Wu has taught me the value of saving money.

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same tbh
milk truck

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I'd pay to taste it

g-good boy

Hot as fuck

Why is she not breastfeeding me?


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I'd live on her piss alone if I could

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Dem tits

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Oh god yes! Drink it everyday

those fat brown titties need to be coated in cum

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she's too busy with verlander and her baby

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Like I need another reason to wanna suck her titties...

Guess I better fap


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nicki tiddy bukkake?

Nicki makes people lewd

She said something in an interview or something that she expects her partner to fuck 3 times a day or something like that. I don't think anybody would object to that

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Quiero leche por favor

3 times a day would be my minimum

Nicki is so hot I'd fuck her until I died

Nicki makes me more than lewd

that is true
I think that was in a song, though she probably brought it up in an interview. Don't think it would be hard to go three times with nicki though

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i'd be trying to nut til it hurts with her

What happens user?

you better

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Orgy for nicki?

I get veryyy weak and veryyy lewd

I'm not going to say no to Kate and those tits

Just another reason as to why Nicki is top tier as opposed to Farti B. Have any of you seen her Tits? They're a backyard Tit Job and her nipples are literally staring at the floor, I'll find a photo in a second unless someone beats me to it. Just thought I'd share this first.

joining milk truk fap


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I could see how that could be a problem

welcome user

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we're all masturbating stay away

This one made me nutt
dat belly

Nicki is 100 times hotter than cardi B

yeah, I like my bimbos but cant into cardi

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God damn

100x is a little low

god that fuckin outfit... imma try to find the one where she had her whole titty hanging out.

this one?

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here it is

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she's a top tier preggo

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fuck yeahh

I would be happy to try and help you with such a problem

Those tits got fucking huge...

Sleep well?

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Does nicki like when boys fuck their ass with dildos for her?

those pics are what got me started in jerking to nicki

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Work through it together. Expose you to her till you learned to control yourself.

yup, totally mogging her younger self now

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I'm not sure I'll make it...

how's her butt

I can handcuff you if need be. You can handcuff me too for trust sake.

Why are these fucking bimbos so fucking disgusting...?

See for yourself

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u good?

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not bad but it's her tits doing most the work

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low test?

Your cock is throbbing right now isn't it

That might be unsafe, what if something goes wrong. Surely one of us needs free hands.

you know it

I mean look at these things... and upon trying to find the picture apparently she's gotten them Redone.

Attached: Disgusting.png (901x681, 907K)

gay take tbh

She'll turn around in a photoshoot to try and show her ass and in the process have her tits nearly spilling out of her bikini top.

Why don't we take it in turns then. Would that help?


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No i just like women that are Not fucking degenerate...

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ok, that sounds more responsible

i want to stick it in and shoot all my aggression in there

Things can't get lewd if one of us is in handcuffs right?

Meh, I could be better, but no real complaints c:

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>not fucking degenerate
who said that's a bad thing?

i'm not sure about that...

too perfect

sounds like a good tradeoff
would too

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she needs a hamburger

Here ya go Yea Forumsros

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What are you worried about happening?

Would you like to take this somewhere else?

>looking for women that aren't degenerate
>in a celeb thread
your not marrying them you psychopath

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makes me so sad

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for sure

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hands, mouths...Nicki owns me


so much titty goodness

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I would eat it out and then just keep pounding it until every last drop is out in there
probably would last about 10 seconds

I don't understand...perhaps I need a demonstration for clarity

fucking my ass for nicki

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oh yeah?

how do i do that


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being honest is the key user

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Should we go somewhere more private?

Going to cry tbh :(

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Man. She's just so pretty too.

I've never felt a fake tit before, seen a handful though. And obviously seen a bunch from porn.. i feel like they're hard. Probably the material you choose to use. Cardi's look hard as rock, Nicki's look relatively soft for the most part. Brooklyns look like you could fall asleep on them big old natural pillows

i just want a girl like her to hold and cuddle all night as she cries into my chest and i kiss her self harm scars



very hot

I need to be smothered by either those tits or that ass.

I would elbow drop my own nutsack just to have a 50% chance of having eye contact with her for 5 milliseconds

Discord perhaps?

hnnngh im close

is there any more of this day>

If you look it up on celeb jihad theres a video of it.

i'm a sucker for her tits
who's brooklyn?

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what is yours?

Kinda weird, user

working up a good load for her?

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I just said that, in my opinion thats not attractive in any way, its just disgusting. Ill take ScaJo, kate, babs, whatever but this fucking thicc shit is so stupid

Same. Would love to jerk with my face shoved between those tits.

I don't care, it's my only life goal.

It's still hard for me to believe someone would have sex with her and choose to cum anywhere but her tits.

I forgot to attach my photo, Brooklyn Decker

Attached: download (1).jpg (266x189, 9K)

No really? But degeneracy still just doesnt turn me on

Agreed, I'd do far worse things for that.
Thank you user ;)

yes, have a big one
that guy wasted it, he should've shot inside, god I would've pounded her into the mattress

ever sissygasm?


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would be a pretty great experience
oh duh, Brooklyn is so hot. Yeah I can't speak for all the different ways boobjobs are done but certainly some looks better than others

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>not wanting to fuck every fat bitch that has a pussy
>must be gay

must be a testament for how good she is, was able to work that dick and not give him enough time to turn her over to bust the load
well he eventually got it right

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I have, but only a few times.

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Fair enough, good luck user.

Is it gay to fuck exclusively men and not like women at all?

can i cum for her

Good girl.

Idk how i would feel about a fake ass either.. But who am i kidding if Nicki wanted my cock im giving it to her any way she wants

Nah you're fine.

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after 5 more minutes of edging

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Looks like a cutter to me, or maybe that's just me hoping.

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I really like it, but it takes a long time usually.

Yeah that makes sense. I've just been casually groping my cock for her for a bit now and all I can think about is exploding while wrapped between those tits of hers.

she is just smol user

I just know that it would be some of the most awkward and greatest 45 seconds of my life

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its throbbing so hard for her
I'm stuck between wanting to stick it between her tits or going to town on her ass


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>O R B I T

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give yourself some more credit user! maybe the nerves would help you last a little bit longer

just think what she could do to you in person
its got to be the tits user

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lol maybe, but fapping to her I struggle to last more than a minute
though like said earlier, she expects at least 3 times, I'd be ready to go round 2 pretty soon after

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Christ, I was scrolling by and peeped these and now forgot what else I have to do today.

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My heart.

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oh god it all shot out to that one
it was fun user, and remember: gamers rise up

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That's all I'm thinking about while I edge. Probably won't cum to her tonight though. Just get hard and wet with precum before bed.

soon, society will be ours

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>all this tittyposting
hell yes

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Is this one real or shooped? it’s a damn good shooping? Im on the fence but still leaning towards shooped

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I got a jury summons, what do Yea Forums?

just make sure to give it to her in the morning, after a nice workout

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yeah its real, a leak

GOD DAMN. I just got in here and I'm already unzipping

It's not funny! I had something to do before bed now now all I can think of is Kates tits!

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wew this is some good shit user

Mmm she deserves it, throbbing for her feels so good right now.

great addition


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well enjoy anons
kate's tits deserve the love

emrata has nice tiddies, but she is the booty queen imo


Go to bed Tristin, school comes back before you know it.