Cozy thread

Cozy thread.

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Anyone lurking?

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Whoa! Any idea where that is?

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West Memphis, AR

Must be incredible to wake up in every morning.

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pretty damn good start

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an hour later, but yesh

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I wanna live there.

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i enjoy the snowed in and stuck feeling. Especially with some nice food and drink and a book or something to do. nobody going to bother you at all and you know it

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I definitely wanna move somewhere where this is common.

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valdez alaska, though no clue what jobs there are there

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love this one, why so small

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very cozy user, desert cozy>winter cozy

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Howdy, remote village Alaskan here. What would you like to know?

any chance of a job for an engineer with a masters that doesn't involve oil?

oh my god. The only reason why i bust my ass to become rich, is to once own a property and house like that. I absolutely love it.

Sure, canneries pop up left right and center industrial engineers are in common demand. Same story with tenders and fleet management. Mechanical engineers and fabricators get paid out the ass.

Eh, im more of a math and theoretical guy, but what i would give to live in meters of snow most of the year.

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Gonna be COMPLETELY honest. It's way better than living in the hot places on earth. Calm, reliable, comforting, sound dampening. Just move up here. It's great. Avoid Anchor-Town though that bitch is a bit of a warzone.

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Oh, and don't be a political cuck. You will never alienate other Alaskans harder than by bringing up politics, or worse, taking American politics seriously.

this is a cozy thread - I just wanted to say that.

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Cozy? More like creepy. I'm sorry, but so many of these places would scare me, after a while. They look devoid of people, abandoned of life. Maybe I should just stick to living in the city.

bump cuz i love these

That has to be fake, how do you get permit to build there and most importantly, how do you get a proper bathroom? I can understand short term stay, but you'd have to go to the bush or somewhere to do your bathroom business.

Come on in, the winter's fine.

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I think a little creepyness or lets say... a mystic atmosphere can add a very positive affect to cozyness.

I'll bring a bamboo rug and some good tea!

I never want it to be warmer than 68 F and i don't care about politics as long as they don't bother me.

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Lets see how you like a few inhabited areas then...

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just shit and piss in the river? or at least dump it in the river

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More my thing. Thank you! It does look like a cozy book store or library.

Because it's comfortable to stand in cold water to piss and shit, if everyone pisses and shits in streams then the world would look like India

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I'm a fan of anything book related for comfinness.

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Uh... No you fucking dingus, it literally does nothing in nature.

It probably sounds weird to many people, maybe it doesn't to you, but I would want to live in any one of these places. They all look like they have cozy charms.

>devoid of people
That is what makes something comfy.

that is pretty sexy

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one of my go to spots in my mind

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love this one

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Yeps - the OP is the one for me.
Best house.

wrong thread?

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this is really nice

Winter and cool rainy evenings are maximum comfy.

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I like the comfy factor, but hate the fish tank setup. I want to take some comfy pics once I have a second Arcade1up next to my Final Fight machine and 5g betta tank with live plants, but don't know whether to get a Galaga machine or wait for TMNTs.

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Basically what I live for. Distant thunderstorms and strong seas are great too.

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I just want to stand here for an hour and look out over the city.

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Out of the entire thread, this one best fits the definition of coziest to me.

Baths are also comfy.

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id love to fall asleep to a shower, though it would be very wasteful.

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I'd be happy if that had a bed loft, a small kitchen/bathroom, and a library room. Nothing else needed.

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Same here.

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u piss and shit from the balcony.

goodnight Yea Forums, i'm going to pass out

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Sleep well

Something like this?

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i want that room, or at least that chair

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And into the trash it goes

Thanks for posting anons, I'm gonna pass out now.

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Different, but still confy

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hey, my home town

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Took this just now.

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Aarhus, Denmark?

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love this thread !

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>leave wall wide open with the mattress on the floor to make it easy for the gators and snakes to get you

what? It's Ålesund, Norway.

Weird? Nah. Who wouldn't want to live somewhere cozy?

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Any medieval taverns?


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Spent my honeymoon here.

Image Limit Hit.
Thank you, everyone!

Man I really need to take some time off work and travel. Maybe rent a small cabin and do some hiking

Mass repliers are the worst. Kys

Thank you !

Comfy is nonexistant for me... Can't think back to when I last felt comfy... Wake up, go to work, shop for groceries, get back home, do chores, care for wife and kid, sleep. Repeat.

What brand of mental illness would lead you to think that you need to tag every post in a thread? Is it just a crippling need for attention?

I was just thinking to myself the same thing, except without the wife and kid. I’m stuck in a rut with no goal

can we have some pubs in here?

Post your wife nude for proof.

This thread is a friendly thread, it shows how we're cozy creatures of comfort.
Sometimes enjoying being alone, sometimes enjoying sharing these moments with other people.
Art of building a home, shows how civilised we can be, and how we long for aesthetics.
Today Yea Forums was good.

well put

Bernard Black would approve...

Mortal Kombat II, user. If you don't have a MK2 cab, what the fuck are you even doing with your arcade!?

Why are there white girls under an African savannah tree in a rocky mountainous desert climate?

>what planet even is this?

very nice, even though Japan isn't exactly known for its firearms...