Left or right and WWYD?

Left or right and WWYD?

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Land my helicopter.

Left, but I wouldn’t do much tbh

Same question

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Gotta go right

Just plain old missionary

She’s a lesbian so I’m not sure how she’d feel about that

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Rough anal will cure what ails her.

Yeah, I think that’s what she needs

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Right has some giant tits

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She’d love it

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both: right for the challenge, left for the big finish

Pretty soon she'll be walking around with a bell pepper up her ass.

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She won’t even think about her cute best friend anymore, just big cock

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While she's taking he 3rd train of the day braces can get a nice face fuck.

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heysaw you in last thread. keep exploiting women with me!!!!! yaaaaaa

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Right. I'd throw on a gaff and wiggle my fat ass up to that forehead.

Right, would bend her over and eat that ass
Would love a bj from right while left watches, but I’d also prefer actual sex with left

Mom or daughter?

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Right in that stall, her muffled breathing and moans will echo through the restroom.

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What all did you see exactly?

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just that you posted that cute pic!!

Right. I'd tie up and hide her tranny looking mom while I rim and eat her daughters ass. Left will be mortified by ecstasy on her daughters face and in her moans of pleasure.


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Left and she cooks, cleans, and gives you head whenever. But youre stuck with a 6'7" shebeast from 15th century france. For short you call het Q.Mod.
Right, normal build but every third Sunday she murders a child to appease her goddess Left.

I bet she’d love the feeling of a tongue on and in her ass, she’s probably never had one before

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I would not call this inaccurate

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Its gay when you get off talking about tonguing anus with other guys about a grill youll never own

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Fuckin woah.

It’s not gay if you keep your socks on. Which one user?

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Lawnmower filters?

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After she's lubed up, I'll take her anal virginity. Give her a nice creampie, blindfold her and make her mom clean the jizz out of her ass. With her mouth of course.

Right, I bet she buys a ton of groceries but eats mostly ice cubes.

It's cool I'm wearing a wig.
No socks though!

Something tells me mom would actually get extremely turned on by this

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Well I only have more left so it looks like you picked wrong
Well then I guess it’s gay, good job user

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strip her one piece off and show her a good time

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I feel like they’d both be cute as hell if they weren’t atrocious at putting on make up

Which one?

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Sounds like a solid plan if she were into guys

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I'll remove the blindfold during and the daughter will realize her moms eating her ass. I'll then force the daughter with tears in her eyes to peg her mom's ass while I fill her mom's mouth with peen.

Right for sure. Would make out with while I grope her ass, then bend her over and eat it

Which one user?

Mom would be so into it

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What would you other anons do?

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I'd make her sew on a badass back patch. Perhaps Overkill or Dismember.

What if she didn’t want to?

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I'd make her sew it onto her mom's back.

Mom would probably have an orgasm from that. She strikes me as kinky as fuck

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She looks like a C.H.U.D.


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A bit

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Right, with left's glasses on.
