Epic Tier Edition
Epic Tier Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
oh my god.
a racist
>whites only
Too bad, mayo boy
You bastard! How the fuck did i lose on the 4th pic?
This thread is pure garbage
fukken lost
He better have ran like the god damned giraffe that he is.
Why would ANYONE ever do this for any reason?
Self fulfilling Prophecy
but Kobe made his last 2 shots, free throws both of them.
Hahah anecdotal andy is working today
Made me smile
>that fine man is offering me a beer
You guys are good at stealing memes
Shut the fuck up nigger
Learn to cope faggot
Denver cholos are totally this dumb too
Then u pass out and wake up farting his jizz for the rest of the day
Not anymore. kek
them darn libturds YEEEHAAAW
Fukn kek
Requesting asylum is legal. Claiming to request asylum while jumping the border isn't.
A little salt over there
Kek rekt!
That’s the pepper darl, u sure are wearing a trump hat hey
I am pro life but I hate brown people >:(
I am pro life but I don't wanna pay for said life to survive >:(
I am pro life but I am for the death sentence and bombing in foreign countries >:(
Don't even own one bud might wanna loosen your tin foil hat.
Someone, plz spam this thread to death
Can’t wait for 2020 you trumptards are going to sperg soooo bad when The Squad makes reparations a thing!
Textbook Trump supporter. We are all getting fucked, but they don't understand who is doing the fucking.
>white only
I’m literally going to lose my shit. But it won’t be as soon as 2020. So.....go fuck your self you nigger loving faggot.
Should have guessed you were too much of a pussy to wear one. Fucking faggot cowards everywhere.
Fucking kek'd
nice one
I just never liked hats, you should probably try harder than haha jebaited incel.
Scarily true. Notice no trumptards even true to refute these ones.
Blubberbutt Carpetmunchers
Not even close to being
Can confirm, Aurora included. Back in the 90s, there was one little 4'10" beaner that would drive his van around. It had airbrushed murals of Aztec sorcerers cutting the hearts out of conquistadors and then raping blond white women. Is that dude still around? Used to drive up and down North Federal all the time...
Blunderbuss Crinklecutt
That's not true, he has shoes and teeth
Lol fucking r e k t
Bigglesworth Cumguzzler
You live a very unfulfilling existence
You must be 18 or older to post here.
gee moot your mom lets you eat TWO hot dogs
btw thats not even soldiers field
Strangely accurate
Probably got shot by now driving Federal on Cinco De Mayo would be my guess. You know how they get lol
Almost like nobody cares, nigger.
>I am pro life but I hate brown people
>I am pro life but I don't wanna pay for said life to survive
Why the fuck are they my responsibility? Get a job, nigger.
>I am pro life but I am for the death sentence
I like how liberals are fine with killing babies, but not murderers.
>and bombing in foreign countries
I'd prefer we didn't, but some dead sandniggers is near the bottom of my list of concerns.
Buttercrumb Crumblecake
Bumpersticker Cardboardbox
Blubberbutt Cumdrinker
Imagine having such unfounded and irrational beliefs. You're not pro life then, you are just insane.
Regardless if you want to call it a fetus, parasite, baby, person or tumor, it is a potential life.Then the question becomes, are we willing to reduce the life quality and even threaten another already existing sentient life over that potential life.
I personally think if we look away from religious positions etc, the answer is definitely no.We would not force or tell a person to dedicate short of a year of their life, parts where you would be unable to have the life quality you could have (or otherwise would have) and even undergo life threatening periods of time for that potential life.
You could list a million reasons why and how it is insane to force someone that don't want that burden to risk their life and quality of life and other opportunities and time etc.
>giving a free bump
>not realizing Yea Forums is reddit 2.0 anyway
Let it go man, just enjoy the free porn and occasional laughs
Bendydick Copperpot
This thread is shit
Blabbermouth Cumcannon
>It's okay to kill babies cuz raising them is hard
Enjoy Trump's second term, faggot.
There is no such thing as economic asylum
Raising them is hard?
Going under the process of pregnancy occupies your life and giving birth can be life threatening.
Not shocking to see what a Trump supporter took from that though. Always surface-level takes.
You weigh those risks BEFORE you get pregnant retard.
Bamboshurobu 0202
>this is how I see you
>my opinion of you matters user, you better be ashamed
You are a waste of space on this planet
You dont always chose to get pregnant or not. You will understand when you start having sex
Why can a woman choose to end a pregnancy cause she doesnt wanna carry it for 9 months but a man cant opt of out being financially tied to a child for 21 years?
hes a politician they all lie fgt
Actions have consequences, faggot. You don't want to get pregnant? Keep you fucking legs closed. Babykillers get the rope.
>if i mis-use b2reddit multiple times then im not newfag herrrrr duuur
I bet I know what your house smells like
As soon as u put dick to vag you risk pregnancy. Unless it was rape you need to be resppnsible for your actions.
Kill your self cunt
Die in a plastics fire
Shut up Mimsy
It's a woman's body and burden. Those are two completely different subjects, but sure.
I agree that men are treated unfairly when it comes to having children or not.
I'm not even pro-life but this is the most retarded reasoning for a pro-choice position. Killing babies and accepting illegal immigrants are apples to oranges. Leftie got salty and rushed meme
Lemme guess. All forms of contraception is also murder? Which btw never is 100%
This post is purely a waste of time
>not letting people in a country illegally is the same as killing unborn babies
The absolute state of our country
>muh sekrit club
Oh sweet summer child.
Here we go again with edgelord eddie. So edgy. So much edge.
Well if you get raped in Alabama, you're forced to keep that kid and risk your life in the process.
And no, sex is good and fun, and we have contraception and medical assistance to prevent pregnancy, but nothing is 100%
wasted trips, you do realize they are on a mission to bring sharia law to america
The fucking sticky note!
Even when people caught crossing illegally say they're doing it for political asylum, they did not do so the way the government demands it must be done: Declaring your intention at the legal port of entry. Just crossing a border and screaming ASYLUM! doesn't magically make everything alright.
The whitest
"Pro life" "kill baby-killers"
- Total amount of people decreased. Another win.
>Arguing about politics in a YLYL thread while not posting anything and using up more replies
I don't usually tag multiple posts, but you guys need to shut the fuck up and just post funny shit. Go to /pol/ if you want to argue
Probably meant for you.
What is it?
>"Ltrlly no1 cares if Trump promised all of those things guys"
Lol fucking cowardly, unprincipled, closeted bigot sack of shit white trash
why the fuck are you even on here retard? I swear to god everyday the faggots from reddit get on this board an /pol/ trying to infect everyones mind with this liberal shit like reddit and twitter, where conservative views are stamped out by bots and faggots like you...don't you realize where you are soyboy?
Sorry, here is a meme.
Youre shit, you'll eventually come to the realisation that youre wasting away, and all you do is sadly attempt to put down people who are trying to have fun. Do something else, maybe contribute instead of reflecting your own shittyness onto others
Bet you don't.
No, but it does lead to the degenerate state that we're currently experiencing, and the right-wing movement sweeping the world. A lot of people are about to die, and boy, do they ever have it coming. Yourself included.
user, please stop taking all the bait. Leave some for the rest of us.
Are you retarded?
Its about a less sexualized society and girls minding their choice of partners. The moment abortion and birth control isnt an option people behave differently.
The entire existence of memes is being ripped and altered you dumbass nigger. Join the 21st century or put a watermark on your shit.
"African" culture
>pyramids of Giza
>infect everyones mind with this liberal shit.
>conservative views are stamped out by bots and faggots
Man, if only the bots and faggots would appreciate your attempts at political statements the world would be a better place :(
Too bad facts have a liberal bias.
This and we have taken shame away. Noone is ashamed to act like fucking degenerates anymore cause it's been normalized.
Getting pretty tired of paid liberal shills shitting up the board with normie fb “memes”
Why did someone photoshop his hotdog?
>A lot of people are about to die, and boy, do they ever have it coming. Yourself included.
Scawy mean boy on Yea Forums >:'(
Degenerate state? You mean the same tendencies of all developed places around the world where we have less children and aim towards maximizing happiness?
- Yeah fuck that shit.
I love seeing people that go to this website try to have moral high grounds.
You're a degenerate too, user, just embrace it. Who cares what anyone else does. Everything is meaningless, people are going to do whatever they want anyway, and you're only hurting yourself by caring so much.
Let it go, nuke a hot pocket and
>surf the kali yuga
Golden here. idk. i remember punk rock hearse driver years back who would run up on emo fags on yt. Was pretty funny. Passed the Ghostbusters car on 25 couple of times, I wonder if he sold it after the recent movie, i sure would have.
10/10 shrekt
how will they ever recover??????? That nigger Obama can't save them now lmaoooooooo
Bilderberg Conspiracy
>facts have a liberal bias
>there are infinite genders
>there are no differences between races
>communism works
kill yourself retard
>when you strategically avoid debating any of the proposed solutions by just listing off the effects of the current broken system
How about this, this good contribution yeah?
Hawaiian pizza was invented by a Canadian in 1961 though...
Lets see some good edgy Trump memes. Let me make one here and now.
Picture trump holding his thumb up.
Top text : winning
Bottom text:
You're on 4cuck.
Theres nothing but normies here anymore.
If you want your sekrit club, go to one of the better chans.
too bad the liberal party censors every single thing they don't agree with and then mass communicate their viewpoints to echo-chambers on social media and use media slave celebrities to help spread the message to poorly educated sheeple
I probably know or knew said punk rock hearse driver, I have known quite a few there used to be a club of them that hung at Bender's for years
Ahh, lemme see the democratic candidate or political figure that says that?
Or did you mean people on twitter again :( Yikes.
I lose
My favorite post, thanks user.
BBBBBBUT Noheart hyuck hyuck hyuck
Bold of you to assume a stupid fucking /pol/lack can think outside his basement echo chamber.
I cant beleive AOC got elected. Its laughable people could elect a fucking dummy like her. That muslim chick hates america and freedom and supports people who want to destroy it. Dunno the 3rd one. The fouth is a combination of 2 groups of people who have never mattered and who have never contributed anything, women and blacks. Just proves it liberals dont give a fuck about policy or anything they vote for whoever they think is a good person regardless of their intellect. Easily manipulated. its like none of them have read 1984 because fuck if they dont keep advocating for it, make everyone think like me or we will attack you with violence. Thats why you are NPCs you have to think alike or you get attacked. Its fucking depressing. In canada stuoid people voted for Trudeau and the guy spends all day cucking us. Ruining our economy, stripping us of rights and there is still retards who think hes doing a good job. At least when the EU was getting countries on board to combate 'hate speech' and 'racism' online the US told them to go fuck themselves but Trudeau the idiot signed us on to let our speech be governed by an unelected EU dictatorship. But of course when libfags label every single conaervative and a nazi and a racist that means all conservative voices can be silenced and punished. Just remembwr that you fucking cuck fags when we live under an authoritarian global regime that punishes you for having the wrong thoughts and all your freedoms have been stripped away. Just remember thats what you wanted, fucking stupid libcucks.
Show me one example of "the liberal party" censoring someone that isn't a bad faith actor, conspiracy theorist or spreads misinformation.
Echo chambers? Look at the rules of some conservative forums like the donald and look at some liberal forums. Circle jerks is literally in the rules of the conservative forums.
Flavor Town
Did you watch the primary debates?
>decriminalize illegal aliens (re: open borders)
>free healthcare for everyone
>free college for everyone
>everything's free now
Can't wait to see you faggots cry when you lose 2020, hopefully there's a lot of suicides this time.
Whats this uwu
Oh its just me owo
Literally kill your self
FFS go argue somewhere the rest of us are trying to be retarded for fun not on purpose
>When you look at the image of the post and decide to express your political opinion about the meme while not contributing to the thread
Post funny shit or don't post at all, you're wasting the bump limit
Take it easy on them, the kool aid hasn't worn off yet.
>this s funny
so much edge im surprised you dont cut your coffin lining when you wake up at night
nice photoshop faggot
Oh, sorry. Did you Americans really WANT to take the credit for inventing Hawaiian pizza?
Maisie Williams 6th grade school photo
>I get all my news from Yea Forums
go read any tweet a major celebrity or corporation posts that is related to politics, they feed off of dumbasses to push their agenda and the conservative party does the same...stop thinking you are above everyone on this board because you are a liberal, you're a shill that devours propaganda from your government
Damn, you would have really dunked on us back in 1000BC
I blame the greeks and canadians
Fucken kek yeah no shit dipshit. He didn’t go back in time and take pics of ancient cities. Fuck u trumptards are literal potato
A classic
What? You didn't even answer me question about political figures talking about "infinite amount of genders".
Yeah, probably going to lose in 2020. almost 100% sure.
Nothing is "free". What every educated person means when they say free, is free by the point of consume. As in everyone pays taxes and everyone has access to all the help and assistance the public provides.
Btw, when I talk about data and research, you dont respond with candidates propositions.
I remember that episode. Absolute legend
prolly some gay shit to make it 2 dogs for dubs
Stonetoss is pretty based but theres a faggot going around vandalizing his work like yours or pic related
Im guessing its a kike doing it
I don't get my opinions from random people. I get the from peer reviewed research and professionals.
Which is why I think it is insane that the President says illegals are a problem, eg crime and violence, when they are documented to commit A LOT less crime and violence than the native population.
That guy was so fucking funny, he looked like a better Dr.Phil by far. Phil was such a scared chump he had his security remove him
How many people advocate stalinism?
You don't understand what open borders means. It's not some abstract concept that's difficult to understand, they have them in places like Europe, where it's legal to move between countries freely.
Decriminalization is not the same thing as legalization. For example, you could theoretically bring marijuana into states where it is legalized without getting into any trouble, but you can't bring it into states where it's merely decriminalized, or else you'll face legal ramifications. Are you capable of understanding that?
You're obviously just repeating things you've heard on whatever fake right wing news media outlets that you consume. Stop parroting bullshit you've heard now that you know better.
the ones who get murdered by immigrants they don't want here aren't as funny
I hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight for posting that
Lol pretty hard improvement.
No, he just gets information wrong, and believes that anything not politically correct is automatically funny
Have you read any of the literal bullshit YOUR President pumps out on Twitter? You really are literal retard.
Stalinism fucked up everyth8ng. Leninism was where it was at.
Thats the first step towards the north american union and the amero. Nice try schlomo.
I don't disagree but this isn't commune where we just take anyone in without a process of citizenship, that's fucking retarded both from an economic viewpoint and a civility viewpoint, both of which work out for the better for an immigrant and a natural-born citizen
Abortion isn't killing babies
Hoes mad
Why did Drogon melt the Iron Throne before flying off?
To make it handicapped accessible.
Im here all week.
Its a clump of cells? You're a clump of cells retard. You never stop being a clump of cells.
>240 replies
>122 images
>Still arguing over politics in a YLYL thread
It’s going to be one hell of a sperg down south when that shit wear off. Texas will have to announce a national emergency as all the incels REEEEEEi unison. Kek
Yeah. And no one really advocates for stalinism, that was my point
Here 2 months and already oldfag. Cute.
Sort of correct. However, the only way to increase growth of a country and economy is to increase the resource pool, like labor. If we could use all the people that come her willingly as workers, we would see drastic economic benefits and boom to the economy.
Immigrants are coming for a chance at a better life. Let's use THAT in boths favor.
So? A fetus isn't a baby
The people they detain can not leave under normal circumstances
your mom sure wasn’t stallin last night when she was beggin for muh dick
We understand that in your case your parents caught feels halfway through, but most abortions do kill the babies, user.
Flooding the job market with candidates who arent subject to labor laws is somehow a good idea for the american worker? Are you retarded?
Go and have a cry faggot
/pol/ has already been confirmed fake.
Take your meds user, you're seeing ghost boards again.
And their entire "national emergency" will be funded by liberal states because those they can't pay for anything themselves. They sustain on federal welfare.
Then why do you get charged for 2 murders when u kill a pregnant bitch?
Fuck off idiot
You’re just smug that you were born when your mom took a shit so abortions don’t affect you.
No dude.. The point democrats try to say is "make them legal". Make them registered citizens so they can work legally and pay taxes. Make SURE they impact us positively as a whole instead of using billions trying to remove them.
Isnt that a slap in the face to the people doing it the legal way?
It's good to know that there's a different way for illegals to be released. Do you have anything to contribute to this YLYL thread, or just here to share your thoughts?
No, abortions kill fetuses, fetuses are not babies
I wish it was. It no longer longer works as containment for all u assholes. Snacks woulda just booted u all to fuckoff land.
Because its a womans choice. Thats why you hire a female to off the bitch.
It doesn't have to be good for low skill workers, it is good for the growth of economy and incentivises people to seek higher educated and skills.
I don't think this comic knows what "detain" means
stay mad
Yeah ok, brainwashed infowarrior. You seemed to have missed the point. Saying they want open borders when they are in fact NOT proposing open borders just makes you look like an unthinking, spoonfed jackass.
Legalizing all the illegals isnt gonna stop the flow. It will increase it. To stop it you have to cut out the incentives that make them wanna come here. Like the loophole that allows CBP to only hold them 20 days but it takes at least 120 days to get them in front of a judge.
lmao fucking rekt
WDYM? Are we not going to do something that severely benefits us and removes a huge burden because it might be annoying for the people trying to go through the process legally right now? I dont see that one m8
You don't in most places
When have they ever said that liar.
Why would you want to stop the flow? Wth
Says the person trying to pass off political views as jokes
Snacks was a faggot, but not as big of one as moot.
Its pointless anyway, 4cuck is dead.
ITT some fucken funny liberal cunts
yeah and seeds are not plants and traps arent gay but we cant just destroy all the seeds in the world willy nilly and killing a trap after you cum is atleast 15 yrs.
Berniebro here. Instead of hunting down people that might be here illegally, and spending insane amounts of the budget on that. Let's make all the people interested American legal citizens. So they can be employed legally and pay more than just property tax and consumers tax.
And a whole lot of butthurt trumptards kekkkekkekk
Can you post mp4s? What types of files can I post? I have a huge ylyl folder from 2009 but its all mp4
Why would i want to stop the flow of illegal immigrants?...
Shutup dude you’re making too much sense.
You type like a faggot, I bet your part of the lgbt community.
And no one is saying to kill all fetuses
So I can't joke about political views?
Pretty sure that is both Bernie and Pocahontas approach.
Why would you like to stop the flow of workers and taxpayers? You're not a capitalist I take?
As I said, make them legal.
And then they can apply for government benefits thats theyve never paid into.
what files types are allowed here? do you know?
Sorry >:)
Conservatives having some sense of patriotism because their moms happened to be standing over American soil when they fell out of their pussies. Who knew that was something to be proud us?
They can be made legal. Theres a process for that dipshit. You dont just get to cross borders and say youre a citizen of that country now.
Jew crazy, nigga. Anne frankly, I kinda like it.
What types of files can you post here? Everything I try seems to be invalid.
You type like an illiterate fuck who secretly wants to suck black dick kekkkekkkekk what a fucking retard you can’t even get the spelling right hahahahahahahahaha
What types of files can you post here?
Just Webms, and without sound. It's pretty gay.
>this triggered he got called a faggot
Cope, homosexual
Are you serious? Fuck this site then, back to 8ch
Fuck leftists
Useful idiots
The law in the states that allows for harsher penalties (unborn victims act) also explicitly states that they are not seen as humans for abortions
Stay mad kek
This, fucking NPC's
You can, but your jokes are shit
There is insanely easy policies one could implement to prevent that. Like having to contribute x amount before being able to consume welfare etc.
And once again, the research does show that the people coming don't tend to "live off welfare" more than the already existing native population.
One day I hope to accidentally stumble upon this when going through porn sites.
Picture and video. No sounds.
Pictures, gifs, webm's without sound, but you can only post one at a time and it has to be less than 2 MB
Cya bye!
this much butthurt cos he spells like a retard! It’s ok lil faggot the Democrats will fund literacy programs for you in 2020. You might even meet a nice back guy to hook up with a get your ass pounded. Hahahahahahahahahaha
Yeah pretty much.
/b2/ is better anyway.
>picture and video
Are you fucking retarded? I asked what file types you god damned idiot. png, jpeg, webm, mp4, gif etc. Cant you fucking read?
Stop being so emotional. Some of them have lived here their entire life, they see it as their home. They won't leave and for us to stop wasting money and restricting economical growth, just make them legal tax paying citizens.
Do you get all your news from Yea Forums? Terrorists get locked up in Scotland, and that guy wasn't arrested for the salute, it was for him saying gas the Jews, and he received an £800 fine
>wall of text
Cope homosexual
Picture and video. No sound.
I had high hopes for b2 but it’s so fucking sloooooooooow
I'd try avoiding flash and pdfs :/
based user have a platinum cope
it comes in waves, its fast right now. You just have to wait for the faggots who shitpost porn to get banned.
>barely 3 lines of text
>haaalp wall of text
It’s ok lil faggot it’s just your retardation making you unable to read properly. The democrats will fix the education system for you next year kekkek
Libtard signing out though. Have fun spreading misinformation while I am gone.
And remember, google and MSM bad, project veritas and alternative media good.
There are some good OC threads in progress. One user is making shops for everyone and hes really fast.
That’s the best thing about b2 - no porn faggots!
>I-I didn't write a wall of text
Cope, homosexual
They wont leave til that ICE raid hits.
You have to go back. Anchor babies are next.
This, this place was killed intentionally by salty faggots from places like reddit and discord.
>Still replying
You're posting anonymously, so just pretend like it wasn't you and contribute to the thread. Otherwise it'll just get even worse
Fuck you want slow?
Try spacechan, torchan2, or nanochan.
Ratwire is good for nostalgia but stupid.
The only thing 4cuck has going for it is speed of replies.
The first and third point are never said, you just feel like they were said
He cant, hes a triggered homosexual
Spacechans owner got doxed, thread is on b2 fuck that fag
Did he? Nice haha
Why is it so easy to bait faggots like
I saved the screens, if you ask for them there ill pass them along if the thread is down.
That faggot reacting so hard to the word cope really made this a ylyl thread
Im leaving now, you losers enjoy your cucked threads and bbc