I hate all of you god damn Burgers so much.
I hate all of you god damn Burgers so much
Other urls found in this thread:
I bet you're from one of those smelly countries.
It's not even 12 yet, what are you doing here?
This is a burger website, fucknut.
Qq incel eurocuck mongo
why do you hate freedom so much?
Damn Americans and their love for creaturas and goblinas. They can't appreciate the good things of life. Pic related.
The only freedom the Yank has is from foreskin.
and the freedom to tell you to shut the hell up
and freedom from a royal family that does literally nothing but sit on their asses in paradise on tax payers dime.
It's hard to hear over all that diversity you got going on over there man
Really? We don't even think about you.
>Everyone not from the USA is from Europe
Burger education
Then why tf you on a burger site?
Fucking lol
Well the Asian governments don't let them on the internet, Canada/Mexico are America-light so you got nothing to bitch about. Everywhere else is a shithole mudhut country that doesn't even have internet.
That leaves Europe.
Blow it out your ass.
He's just mad because we pored his tea in the harbor
Don't forget to tip me when you reply to my post.
american here, could you enlighten me on what's wrong with any of those women? they all look good to me
don’t you know aoc bad
Dear op
i don't know what aoc means
Thats an awesome quote you stole from a fictional television show, youre so badass.
It stands for the aryan organization cartel
No shit, they just did a 40th anniversary tour. I can't stop thinking of them either.
AOC is the only ugly one... the American one. But Americans say she's a beautiful empowered Latina, kek.
and the home of the braaaaave
I mean. that map is not really that wrong aside from "best people" needs to be moved over to the nordic area and russia should be labeled "shithole"
Do the Americans realise that the rest of the devloped world looks at them with pitty?
Hey man its not cool to joke about Vietnam
The USA kicked ass and took names in every single conflict in nam. Then got board and said "ah fuck this it was fun at first but whompin on the gooks just lost the flare it in in DubyaDubyaToo" and kinda just packed up and went home.
And the nooks got to dance around with 18 broken bones, a black eye and a fat lip shouting "HAHAHA WE WIN WE KICK YO ASS!"
Picture an NFL team playing football vs a highschool freshman team then getting board at half time and going home. because thats what nam was like.
>then they got board
The American education system at work folks.
Yes, a dangerous organization. These are her lieutenants.
America is the only country that matters, try and prove me wrong faggots
Why the fuck would the Aryan Cartel have latina women as lieutenants? You went full retard user.
we don't even think about you
That's not how warfare works.
Which part of europe you from... The asses we kicked or the asses we saved?
>Then got board
Surely whatever comes after this will be a well thought out idea.
You do realize that you missed 2 other countries on that map, right? Or maybe your just from one of those other countries and like the typical dumbass you are you are trying to rewrite history or you just don't know history?
americans are too fucking stupid to get the irony
How can you post that image and not point out that Don was clearly an asshole and wrong as fuck in that scene. All you can do is call plagiarism.
Wait... so that chart isn't a ranking of the hottest?
Was enough to elicit a triggered response. Lol
Neither, I'm American
awesome oriental cunts
Eurofags have so much Butt Hurt
>wanting to be an American this bad
You’ll never get in fag lmao, enjoy being subhuman
>you stole that!
>posts image that shows that isn’t the quote
I can't wait till they out breed us and over take our cucked white men.
My face sure is red!
What's that smell?
Bunch of grilled Burgers in this thread.
i literally left it. thank god for dual citizenship
Shit looks tasty not gonna lie
Lmaoooo forreal. All they bitch about is being outbred and them becoming a minority in America. They can't even breed properly.
imagine being this obsessed with America. You fags can seriously never shut up about us.
case in point
You know them niggas spend their money on Jordan's and weed and white people brands clothes
Im into skinnier girls myself but power to you man
rolling for waifu
IDK man, a few drinks and she wouldn't look half bad, luckily, she's a bartender.
i jerk off to her
The usa invented the B-58 Hustler, all human existance past its invention is superfluous. as long as that plane was invented, then this instance of human civilization has served its purpose
why are his legs so fucking skinny??
read a sci-fi book
she is a bit long in the mouth, but uglier people have gone on to be in happy relationships.
she has a bit of a goofy face, but it's cute. her body is real nice tho
We pay for cheap Chinese labor overseas to walk for us, you fucking pussy.
Muscular atrophy.
Thats not true, we walk sometimes
That's dope
100% trump supporters there.
Unironic Trump voters.
cheese nipple rifle handbag.
white trash identifying itself
>wake up
>walk to car
>walk to store
>buy junk food
>walk to car
>walk to computer chair
What?? Why would we want to keep people like the guy in Des Moines Iowa that just kill a woman, 11 y/o girl and 5y/o boy out? He needs a safe space too.
www cbsnews com/news/des-moines-murder-mother-children-iowa-guatemalan-charged-previously-deported-2019-07-19/
We should be more like europe and just except getting rape/killed as part of living in a big city.
We have our own murderers, we don't need to outsource.
i thought you were the home of the brave, fucking snowflake lol
i'll try not to breathe too hard in your direction
oh lord, how do americans not even know what the white house looks like?
U S A fuck yeah!
>screeches in illiterate
The video is pretty gud
thats depressing..
in that scene? Don was wrong about everything all the time except advertising.
France, UK, Cambodia twice(monarchy then Khmer Rouge), laos and Japan also.
Ur mom wasn’t wrong when she speed-bagged my deeick
The biggest arms dealers are the UK, France, Russia and china so that pic is misleading.
They're really not very bright people. Just look what they elected for GEOTUS.
What, you care about the natives? Lmao
A lot of wrestling fans are minorities, dumbass
Oh noooos! My ego! How will I ever recover? Wanting to keep criminals out of my country made me a snowflake! I should be more like london and just except that self defence is illegal.
I’m not him but there are exactly 0 minorities in that photo
one of the big users/mods on thedonald before it got taken down. back from a thread he posted while in Mexico
>Found the inneleckshul.
my point is that your entire country is so full of pussies that you all feel like you need to hide. can you even comprehend the likelihood of any of that shit happening to you?
you're more likely to eat yourself to death than get killed by some refugee, yet you happily stuff your fat american faces everyday.
you guys are so fucking dumb lol
suck my cock commie faggot
i dont understand, the republicans are the party of small government, but they created the patriot act to let their government spy on them?
why does his head look photoshopped?
Everyone calls Americans burgers, I've been to Europe many times and I swear to god there are more burger joints in Europe than the US.
>latent homosexuality
Republicans don't mean anything that they say. Not that the Democrats do, either, but Republicans usually claim they speak for a higher authority as well.
Boifat posts a picture of a Dutch burger joint
Wasn't there testing on these and it was found out they only block about 10% of bullets, namely mostly 9mm.
Ever heard of Oceania?
Amerifats also bought a lot of skyscraper parachutes shortly after 9/11. Would be a miracle if any of them could be deployed.
nice trips
also Oriental Cunts are indeed Awesome.
thanks for the tunes my dude.
I think your dude was talking about the place that Goldstein runs.
Good thing it's my country's flag on the MOON and not any of yours.
>When you hate the United States for various reasons
>But when shit hits the fan you ask for help
>things that don't happen #125535
>only in the minds of boifats they happen
Quints of truth
I actually dont understand what you mean. I mean i hate jews as much as the next guy but im lost.
You're right, we should've let Germany done their national pastime event twice.
>boifats thinking they won both world wars
maybe so.
at least their racist leader was competent.
well i dont know what to tell you dude thats how that shit went down
Your dude made a reference to a book so famous that it's even taught in US high schools.
Maybe there's a graphic novel version of it available by now.
Looks my superiority has created some controversy
americans are fucking stupid
>having to carry britbongistanis throughout the european theater.
>boifat posts a graph and has no idea what it represents
>boifat has no idea the history of both world wars
>boifat has no idea that America fucked up the DDay landings and nearly ruined it for everyone
Waiting for the salt
>being oblivious intentionally just for the sake of arguing
>nothing to bring to the table
go ahead and toss out all your american inventions, and do not dare wear american fashion, and for gods sake do not watch american television you third world fuck stick ingrate.
>trying hard thinking a french graph would win a point
>boifat still has no idea what the graph represents
>will continue to cry about it
Still waiting on why you think the graph represents you winning both World Wars.
You, son, are incoherent. Must be a muriKKKan.
Couldn't understand the French, eh?
It was Hollywood that created the myth that muriKKKans won WWII.
this is israel not america
Because you would be speaking either German or Japanese. Or Russian if Stalin wanted to stir shit around, fucko. Doesn't take a history professor to figure that one out.
No it isnt. The point is the double standard. It has nothing to do with the amount sold.
Wrong, what won WW2 was the Russian offensive and a dead homeless guy dressed up as a fake officer with fake documents on him, with a plan of invasion coming from Africa up through Italy. And the Germans fell for it.
All America did was arrive late, gave some supplies, fucked up the DDay landings, tried to nuke Berlin and was told to suck a dick by allied forces, had to wait for the RAF to bomb targets along the northern French coast so your poorly navigated troops could catch up with the offensive.
Japan wouldn't have gone for Europe you idiot. I bet you don't even know why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor either because you aren't taught it.
Still waiting on why you posted a French graph thinking it means you won a war.
Still seeing salty replies from you kid.
some amerifats in this thread thinking they were part of wars and somehow today's american society won them and that somehow their unemployed ass is richer than the world. while at the same time they are scared to go outside without a gun because their country is full of criminals and yet think everyone else is unsafe.
Europe consumes so much American media it's insane. Why is everyone so obsessed with us...
Maybe it's just America lacks inhibition or something idk?
I do know, in fact, you eurotrash begged us to help you (remember why we didn't want to participate early on? probably not, while japan forced our hand after they bombed pearl harbor but missed out on our carriers on patrol, simply because of pisspoor communications and tensions after cutting them off of oil and metal while giving them the middle finger on the Naval Treaty, something else you probably didn't know about). , but you're not worth even remotely trying to "explain". So, keep pretending to believe you're superior to the country that bailed your sorry asses out when you were getting blitzkrieg'd by moustache man while the French got their asses handed to them.
Btw when shit goes south yet again in the next year or more, don't bother asking us for help when your country suddenly became under siege and threatened hostile take over. More than likely to receive a bullet in the head as a response to your crying wolf calls than you are getting help.
Should've built that 3rd nuke and dropped it on your ungrateful asses.
>You're fucking welcome btw
>Europe consumes so much American media it's insane.
Believe whatever the media tells you to believe
>Stop blaming us for slavery, we weren't alive back then, it was our ancestors!
americans are so fucking stupid
Did you even read a single thing I posted? Or did you cherry pick through... fuck it, i'm tired of reasoning with you. Enjoy Sharia Law.
I'll enjoy if it ever gets here. You seem to enjoy Christian Sharia enough as it is. Fucking dumbass.
Oh yeah because we asked you for help for both Iraq wars... oh wait we didn't you asked us, especially more so with the second one.
Oh yeah we asked you for help with Vietnam, oh shit no wait you asked the Australians for help.
Oh yeah we asked you for help with Korea, oh shit no you asked Australia then too.
Oh yeah we asked you for help with the Iran-Iraq war, oh wait no, Reagan gave Hussein 1 trillion dollar in aid to push his regime so they could topple the new regime in Iran because the Shah was removed and the US wasn't getting more cheap oil.
Oh and then we asked you for help with WW1, oh wait we didn't, you entered it because a German U-boat sunk the Lusitania as it carried US passengers.
Then we asked you for help also with WW2, oh wait we didn't, you asked us to help you persuade your senate to vote for you to join, but they voted by 70% not to, so you had to blockade Japanese supply ships from reaching China and hoping they would attack Guam where your ships where and Australian ships too, only for them to hit Hawaii instead at Pearl Harbor - oh the crying and tears as you declared evil Japan attacked America for no reason.
I think you need a history lesson kiddo.
Kek fukn rekt
too accurate, oh my god
It's from first hand experience.
>small titty porn of 30yos is considered cp
sounds like a shithole to me
>tfw the whole jury is Indian.
It's the same in your economy. Indian gets HR manager, hires only Indians. USA streets will be littered with shit soon
Fucking Kenny Everett kek
Not really the kids had to spell, its clear that Indian kids have a better understanding of English than natural Americans do, even when it is sesame street version English.
They're not obsessed with you. Most people in Europe are just stupid too and enjoy formats made for retards
Indians are still scum
So what's with the superiority complex Europeans have towards Americans?
americans talk big game, but really, the only superior americans are the billionaires that suckered everyone else into giving them more of their money.
the average american has nothing to be proud for, they work until they die and barely get to enjoy living.
Better and Clever scum than you lot who don't educate your kids properly so you produce professionals to do specific jobs, so you have to hire immigrants from India etc to do it for you.
How sad is that, its so bad that you have to import Printed Circuit Boards and Technical goods from China/Taiwan and Germany respectively.
Let that sink in, you don't have the manpower to do those things.
they're cheaper and smarter than americans. do you hate capitalism?
>superiority complex
That's not even a thing.
google it
You were looking for the comparative there, Sparky.
True fact America Time
Since 2000, over 240k Children 15 or under has been married by Judicial consent in the US, 98% of which are Christian children married to Christian brides/grooms.
The youngest was a 10 year old girl to a 74 year old man. The worse state was Texas with 74k of the 240k, until late 2017 when they changed the law to stop it.
New Jersey didn't want to change their law and allows it to happen to this day.
America is pedo capital of the world.
(If you mean to appropriate the Freudian construct, you'd be misapplying it.)
4 different authors faggot
I would actually buy one of these.
That can be said about most nations around the world though..
Can even be said about Europe..
you mean canada?
>"but but but everyone does it too"
Warcry of boifats in 2019
You can have it made to order online.
of course it can be said about europe.
but relative to america, THE MOST POWERFUL AND WEALTHY NATION ON EARTH FOR NEARLY A CENTURY we've been enjoying benefits you guys will never enjoy.
our minimum wage is considered a prominent job in america, and that's not even counting benefits
so glad obama got rid of that like he promised everyone
I don't like America as an entity. As a landscape? There are beautiful forests, lakes, and wildlife. But as a country of people with an awful and corrupt government? Yeah I don't care for that either.
>Be American
>Be Born
>Give tip
if you hated obama for that, then why did you elect someone even worse than he was? americans are weird
Fake news.
I'm American, I have my tip.
I literally had 2 burgers for dinner tonight.
You clearly have no idea what goes on outside of your country if you think that.
And you aren't that Wealthy, your economy is in really bad shape. But that is normal for Americans because to be honest most of you have no clue about how the economy is run or what politics is.
All you care about is what is told to you via pro-goverment education, government led media channels and of course propaganda channels that fill your head with shit that you don't question anything.
Name one thing you enjoy a benefit of that you think nobody else gets.
I get universal healthcare
americans personally pay several times the regular price for the same drug
our mcdonalds workers get 5 weeks vacation
the average american cant afford 400 dollars in an emergency.
you guys are even blind to the suffering of your fellow citizens lol
i think user thought you were american
Yep, that's one of the quirks of the muriKKKan psyche.
Dude looks like Paul Walker.
Surely you mean that Paul Walker might look a little like John Steinbeck. Steinbeck got there first after all.
Well yes. You know what I meant user. Paul Walker does look a lot like him in that photo.
all I know is that wherever your from, we probably beat you in a war.
a neanderthal would beat me in a fight, too. what's your point, dumdum?
>commies best people
fucking kek
every country ever has places like this, hell, some entire countrys are places like this picture
Japan and France should both be highlighted too.
and yet the greatest country on earth has more places like this than the EU
I don't really like "steak"
but a Burger is da shit
>The USA kicked ass and took names in every single conflict in nam.
does this include the Tet offensive where the us temporarily temporarily lost control of the SV capital, and permanently lost control of 2/3s of the countryside?
does this include when the US demanded a 6 month cease fire under which both sides weren't allowed to move troops, but out of desperation the US did anywa, even tho they were supposed to take its troops out of SV and bringing them home?
does this include the final push by the north where the VC completely encircled the US army in SV (which includes cutting them off from the sea and border countrys) where the US had to make a desperate helicopter evacuation from the US embassy in Saigon, which was the one and only place still under US/SV control in the entirety of Vietnam?
does this include when we lost 57,939 soldiers in a country that we had no right being in in the first place?
either this is bait or your just as stupid as people from other countrys think all us Americans are.
they don't really teach much in american schools. they just tell their dumbass children that america always wins
Civil war
the casualties speak for themselves tard stop sperging out
This is really true. The stupid muriKKKans have been educating under a policy of "no child left behind" which, of course, only guarantees that the train will never leave the station.
As a consequence, fully a third of the population now actively distrusts learning and embraces prejudice, as evidenced by the current federal administration.
America is the country with the most immigration in the world brainlet
Almost all of the area gained by the vietcong in the Tet offensive was either retaken within a week, or was lost because the United States pulled out. Speaking of which, in the unholy error of letting internal politics influence the strategies and actual use of military instead of the actual military themselves the US essentially tied all limbs behind our backs and thought to ourselves, we can cockslap the foe to death. Nothing was as embarrassing as the Vietnam "war", which we ruled we could not go past a certain fucking line because US politics. When enough people realized, "hey, making it impossible to actually do anything to the enemy leads to countless and unnecessary casualties and does nothing but prolong the conflict for the sole purpose of prolonging the conflict" we started to pull out. But fucking surprise, dipshit political leaders back in the US, you've made your country look like some dumb fucking mongoloid that lost to some fucking rice farmers because you wouldn't let the military do their fucking job. Fuck I hate when someone thinks "hehe u lost to nam" when it's really "hehe you lost to yourself in nam, retard".
Says the inbred MAGAtte from Kissin Kuzzins Holler, Kentucky.
Is that what they teach in US schools these days?
That's not how it went down at the time. The US was getting its ass kicked by a bunch of rice farmers. Even Nixon knew he had to cut his losses.
everything i just told i learned in an american school...
is that school a good representation of the average american school?
Sounds like a slogan for a t-shirt…
aww, c'mon, he looks like a nice guy. don't shit on him for being different
with a comeback like that i'm sure you'd lose a fight to a vegetable
That's what all the muriKKKans say. Even though they're more conformist than Germans.
it's in south Jersey so the school itself is pretty crap, but the school has really good teachers
is this an insult???
US education is the insult.
its officially 4:20 in freedom new york time
Actual story inbound
>be me
>be american
>visit Europe consistently for 6 years
>be in italy
>missing Five Guys
>order a burger and fries
>20 minutes later
>”Numero Venti-Uno”
>the fries are shit slabs of fried potato, and the burger doesn’t even have cheese or mustard
>why the FUCK would you try to imitate something you cannot recreate when you have some of the best food in the world
>mfw american culture has ruined italy
>mfw cultural warfare is destroying a countries individuality and history
>mfw no one cares and everyone is arguing about ORANG MAN liberals porn fetuses sex war shootings and immigration
>mfw summer is getting hotter each year, and fires are breaking out more and more
>mfw the world is ending
are you implying everything i said about Vietnam was untrue?
Plz stay medicated to be a good citizen..
how do you know this guy is KKK? i just don't like picking on people with downs or other conditions like that
fair. I'm just saying, american education is pretty lackluster given the level of wealth existing in america.
Probably. Can't thread anonymous posts, but pretty much everything pretending to know about Vietnam ITT was written by someone who didn't live through the war. See
I'm not american but i bet you're a sand nigger
ok retard
>He doesn't think his blood is so muddied with various European cultures that he can't actually separate his life from that of another so he lumps himself in with others who also feel the same because "muh skin colour."
Have Sex
i don't smoke weed and i bully people who do i just like the ironic mention of the time
Such a fine product of muriKKKan eddicashun!
ok retard
Stay Mad,AmeriFats.
thats how teaching about the vast majority of history works, by that logic you should never trust a single word anybody tells you about Alexander the great.
Not to mention just because you lived through a conflict or even fought in it, there's no guarantee they know everything about it. almost all Vietnam vets belive the Tonkin Incident actually happened, even though it was completely fabricated.
Your bait is wasted here! Keep pouring it in!
You got number 5
better version
Number 6