I just picked this mushroom. Anybody know what it is?
I just picked this mushroom. Anybody know what it is?
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looks like a weiner
Death cap. Shrooms have a real thin stalk.
Not even close to a death cap
Stop trying to kill OP
I am op. But I just googled death cap and I didn't know they looked so much like amanita muscaria. Which I have picked and eaten. They taste way better than this mushroom I just picked
It's called a Clarinet here in Uganda.
Try it and you'll find out...
U will kno de wey.
Are you retarded?
Tell us what region of the world you found it in.
Yes. I am retarded. That's why I'm here. How about u?
and what does it look like under the cap?
It's dinner
Here's another one I picked right by it
A mushroom
I can't tell u that
looks like a cube. pinch the stem in the middle and if it bruises blue you are golden. looks like there's already bruising from where you picked it at the bottom but can't really tell. also 4 gram wet is a tiny dosage so you may barely feel anything
That's my cock, Luigi
Definitely not a death cap or any other kind of Amanita. Could be either Psilocybe or Stropharia. Your pics are shit, by the way.
Squeeze the stem and look for bruising. Was it growing in grass, or in cowshit?
Best I got for you without knowing location, smell, spore color, or bruising info. See if the details match, I guess.
It was growing on a brf cake