put your face through amd other anons rate
Other urls found in this thread:
Rate. WWYD?
Ngabe ngenza lokhu ngokulungile?
Nigga looks like a coffee bean
Ngabe ngenza lokhu ngokulungile?
But why?
You look like you need a thick log
Would fuck/10
What about me?
Oh please, I'm a sophisticated tard.
Seriously guys, this shit is too fun
Got another one! fuck.
Ray pist? is that you?
Holy fuck, I feel like cartman in that one where kenny poses for the school picture with his ass handing out his parka!
I haven't laughed like this for a long time.
source image
nightmare fuel
Oh, just you wait
Looks about right.
No, this
404: Julianna Wetmore not found
We need to keep this shit going, more tards!
kekkkk that is bad
Just gonna keep shooting these out.
Hell, here I come.
I'm going to bed. Fuck this.
Don't need to do anything to this one.
Well this is interesting. I kinda like it
And of course I forgot the pic
Post original
Rules 30 & 31
No way that is you.
>High as fuck
Dont care and no
Uh yea. Are you new here? I've posted my face around here for YEARS
Not new, just tend to stay on /gif/
Miss my beard. Fuck office gigs.
yes, i see
Fantastic work.
Who are your influences?
Oh I see.
Well yea I've been around here for a long time. Most anons call me vchan
If you have been on this site for years you would have called me a faggot for hanging out on /gif/
And you are clearly trolling, I don't even know why I responded to you in the first place.
I look like a cool guy
I dont care where you browse user.
Unlike you I dont follow "internet culture"
I did when I was like 16 but that was a very very long time ago.
When you get old you tend to not give a fuck
Top kek.
traditional Chinese folk hero Yao Ming
Nice try, "vchan"
Faggot /pol/ mods killed one of these
it won’t do hitler
Think its bait all you want user.
All you gotta do is literally go to archive. Moe and type in my name and you will see thousands of pages lol
u are pretty femanon
hitler is too hot for it
Typed in vchan and got a bunch of gay porn, "ma'am"
i’ve tried 10 different hitler pictures it won’t
his beauty is too much
Prolly some fucking political correctness gone mad shit
got one
why is all rembrandt
The lemon got more sour
Thought id share
Well thanks user
No you didnt
My most prized one. So many diff Barry attempts. But it paid off in the end.
2 for 2
Nice try, I'm getting tired trying to talk sense into you redditors.
Lol ok kid have a fun first day on Yea Forums
right looks better
Lol ok kid have a fun first day on Yea Forums
Why did you post twice?
someone trick it into doing porn
What image did shekleberg come from?
>unfunny cunt
My sides
Hey that's pretty good
Not really what I look like but dope
I clearly didnt
Someone else just decided to post the same shit for some reason
This thing RUINED Alex Morgan
I'm bout to conqeuor y'all so hard
Looks like hobo Johnson now
Lost hard
Gotcha kid, go to bed
holy fuck lol
What a fucking nigger
? Gotcha what? I downloaded it because I get ads on my facebook and I wanted to see how cheesy it was based on the writing I saw. Big whoop lol
Also dont see how that wouldnt equate to me being a "kid"
Women read smut and romance shit all the time
Roast me you Reddit fags
Damn this thing is good
Likely story, user.
got eem lol
No not really
holy shit you're autistic
>downloads games from facebook ads
>was actually intrigued by those corny-ass ads
>makes up defensive stories
top lel
Anybody can say something into a microphone, whether they are lying or not.
Theres no defense for it.
Just curiousty lol I have no shame in the stupid BS I download lmfao
why are you doing this?
Based on this picture And this picture I can say that you had been playing this game for at least 12 minutes... And nobody takes 12 minutes to "find out how stupid a game is"
Because it's what I do? Been doing it for years.
Hence why anons named me Vchan (vocaroochan)
I didnt give this name to myself
Vchan shut the fuck up
For real
I meant to tag these
Vchan STFU with your basic ass
Seriously why is this even a big deal? Lol
Nah I'm good!
well it's stupid, stop.
Basic hoe
Get the fuck outta here
Why? Does hearing an actual human voice scare you and trigger your autism?
It's ok it's a common reaction.
When we attack people online it's easy because they're just a wall of text. When you hear a voice reply back to you it can make you feel uneasy because the realization you're talking to an actual human overwhelms you
Nah I'm good.
I'll leave when I get bored
yeah you nailed it, dumb bitch
Because this is actually worse that reading a romance novella or playing a porn game, it is a combination of the two.
Always do.
I dont think so. I do some pretty cheesy shit. When I was like 15 I used to write anime fanfiction so if you think this is cringey OH BOY are you wrong lol
Thankfully the thread is about to die so you can finally fade in obscurity with your basic bitxh ass
Bitch BYE
Whats autistic is that you feel the need to defend yourself from a bunch of random assholes on Yea Forums.
fucking this, god I hate women
Ok bye bye user.
I'm sure we will bump into eachother again and again
Which is why you'll stay single forever incel
I'm retarded how do I do this? what's an amd
Lawl, ermahgerd! so akweerd!
>Says she isn't defensive by getting defensive
Honestly, how fucking retarded can you be?
I guess you're personality is that great
You'd still fuck me
You'd ride me and sit on my face you dumb bitch
Wh it kinda was but I was 15 year old weeb and the hormones were strong so no regrets on my end
Ew lmfao dont flatter yourself please
I'm neither single nor incel, happily married to a not annoying dumb hoe such as yourself
What does (You) mean?
Don't flatter yourself either babe
I'd fuck my hand ten times before even giving you any sort of attention
Well you sound like you have a happy marriage for sure...
What do you mean? (You) is you
LMFAO yes ok sure you would.
That's hilarious user.
I didnt know you were a jokester
No, U
If you think this is a serious question, you are a newfag that has never seen this.
This is the equivlant of a guy Hitting on. Girl and being rejected and then he says ""whatever bitch you're ugly anyway"
Its cringey for sure.
I'd fuck RuPaul or a dirty tranny before ever considering some thot like you
I didn't know you thought men actually enjoy overweight fatties
We just fuck you for experience and out of desperation so please call the fuck down
Again user. I've been here since 2004. If you think I take any retarded questions seriously the only new one here would be you apparently.
Eh it's not uncommon. It's just a coping mechanism that rejected guys use
It's evident you have daddy issues so please, go on
G'night anons, it was fun trolling this vtard with you fine gentlemen.
Who said I'd fuck you to begin with?
Why do you use Yea Forums if value your identity so much?
Oh man you're absolutely seething.
I'm sorry I rejected your weird attempt at hitting on me.
I'm happily engaged so I have no interest in others
Good night Daddy
I'd fuck you in your ass just to show you who's alpha
>What do you mean? (You) is you
You took it seriously, dumbass.
Scary Stories
>Being mean
>He automatically MUST be hitting on me
Just because I mentioned that dudes fuck fatties doesn't mean I'd fuck you you fat pig
You really are desperate aren't you
Hey! I was the one that hooked her with I am clearly alpha, if you are daddy, I'm motherfuckin grandpa
Well that wasn't me you're talking to but I doubt you're telling a random user they have daddy issues.
But nah. I love my dad. Hes a great guy.
My moms a cunt though so maybe mommy issues?
Wow this is trolling now? Gosh times sure do change...
Lol it's ok user. Just calm yourself
Who said I valued my identity?
Who gives a shit about it?
wanna fuck? you sound hot
You homo
I'd kill you before you try to rape me
I wouldn't rape you, I'd learn you a lesson with a toilet brush.
If you wanna think that then sure lol
Thats what I was thinking!!
Desperate for what? You? Lmfao again stop flattering yourself so much
You scream daddy issues
>Who said I valued my identity?
>Who gives a shit about it?
you clearly do. If you didn't you wouldn't throw your name around.
>admits to having mommy issues
Hey anons! We found a wild lesbian!
dw femanons I'd rape you
Also, you keep saying lol... Of you where a real femanon you would say kek like the rest of us.
>He's being mean again
Bitch i'm listening to Toby Keith "the courtesy of the red white and blue" right now bored as fuck browsing b
Calm down
For real
As I already said, I hooked her, and I also started the whole "Chapters" thing with my alpha male autism, faggot.
Um no.
Do you know what daddy issues are? Lol
How could I have daddy issues if I have an awesome dad? Lol
I mean I just said I night have mommy issues maybe but that's about it
Name? You think my name is actually vchan or something?
I just said it because the user thought I was fake. Most anons here know who I am.
Simple as that.
Wha...? How did that conclusion come up? Lol
I have no interest in women. Granted I like admiring them from afar but I have no interest in engaging in sexual activity with one lol
You clearly have them
I've been on this site for like 10 years and I have absolutely no idea who you are, stop flattering yourself
Do you know what mommy issues are? It means your mommy was mean to you so you seek inappropriate relationships with older women in order to emulate a relationship with your mommy.
Why should I say "kek"?
Again as I said before. I'm not about that internet culture.
I'm not a some mindless sheep that fellows a herd and copies everything they do.
When I was a kid maybe I cared about "fitting in" but when you get old you really stop giving a shit.
So no I won't "kek" with you ya goddamn sheep.
I'm always calm lol that's my secret!
>I just said it because the user thought I was fake.
No that user was calling you a newfag, you're the one that brought up your alias.
you're an annoying cunt
Someone do the merchant
She's hinted at lesbianism
You're lying to your husband every day
You pothead
You probably suck good dick
I thought I replied?
Just because you keep ignoring facts and repeating shit doesnt make it true you know? Lol
So your point? I dont believe I said EVERY user knows me. Just a lot do.
Well I mean I must be one confused dyke then since I'm marrying a man lol
Ooooh ok well then I guess I dont have that either lol. Idk man my dads a great guy but my mom was the huge traumatizing cunt so I was just saying if I'd have any issues they stem from her lol
would you stop fucking talking already? jesus christ it literally hurts reading your inane banter
How many kinds of schizophrenic are you?
Hopefully you die so you can finally shut the fuck up
Thanks. I try my best!
Well I dint think its gay to admire beauty.
But my fiance knows. He thinks it's funny
Haha I actually dont smoke. Dont get me wrong I've done it plenty of times but I dont enjoy it much. I usually have a panic attack and almost call 911 on myself. So if I smoke pot it's very rare and it's only because friends offer it to me.
I just stick to drinking.
As for the dick thing idk. It's not like after I suck dick a man is gonna honestly tell me if I was good or not I'm sure lol.
Only thing that makes me feel like I'm decent was when I was a virgin and I sucked my first bfs dick and he got made because he thought I was lying about sucking dick before because I "was too good at it".
It actually started a real damn fight lol
So theres that I guess.
your fiance sounds like a fucking weak faggot cuck
It's pretty easy to stop reading lol
None. I dont hear any voices in my head thankfully. It sounds like a pretty horrific thing to have.
See first reply hun.
oh my god shut the FUCK up
????? I said my first bf when I was a teen
I havent spoken about my fiance user....
Now yes my first bf was indeed a faggot cuck
does lying that you have a fiance make you feel better about yourself
Oh my god STOP reading lol
Shut the fuck up
God damn I'd fucking stab you out
this one actually looks like a portrait of a sick medieval executioner
>haven't spoken about my fiance
>"Well I dint think its gay to admire beauty.
But my fiance knows. He thinks it's funny"
are you always this retarded? I'm glad I've never run across you on here before since you're apparently such a superstar and "lots of anons" know you
...? Why would I lie about that? Lol
Again. Check the archives. I'm sure I've posted plenty of pics of us
Sure you would hunny
I meant I havent spoken about him personally. Just simple shit.
And how does him finding that funny equal cuck behavior?
Do you actually know what a cuck is?
What ecactly made your bf a cuck? Faggot?
>check the archives
yet you give literally nothing to go off of, just go scroll through millions of threads you'll probably find it
Ah yes that's true. I gotta be honest. I'm a lazy bitch and I thought you would probably just do it lol oh well.
I'd post a pic myself bit the image limit has been reached
Why do you feel the need to keep speaking it is both very childish but also "defensive" you know the term you denied earlier. You know I took your words into consideration earlier when you said you were just curios but clearly curiosity is not your objective by your actions. If my brother were to call me a ugly cunt I would just ignore him and move on since I am older. These are random fucking people on the internet and you are acting like these personal attacks matter. An user once called me a cum muncher did I get defensive about being a heterosexual? No I simply told him he was not addressing the argument and deflecting his insecurities onto other people because he was incapable of intellectual dialog. It seems you are the same maybe those "Mommy" issues messed up your self esteem psychologically and maybe make you do things like defend your actions constantly like a child.
why the fuck did you tag me in that?
Oh fuck wrong person I assumed that wall of text was her retarded doings my bad. Anyway See
That's the thing though I never really saw these actions as "defeding"
Heres an example.
If someone comes up to you and says "hey you know the grass is actually red right? The goverment just dyes it green at night"
That's some stupid BS right? So are you being "defensive" when you respond with an obvious "uh no that's bullshit"
No it's just being factual.
That's how I see my replies. Someone says something incorrect I just see it fit to correct them. That's all.
Do you see what I mean kinda?
what the hell is going on in here
God if I know.
I posted a portrait like the thread asked and these neckbeards lost it apparently
was a cool thread then got all sperg in the end
I see what you mean but you were trying to defend yourself over that app
I guess people react differently but if someone were to do that to me I would give them a sarcastic "ok" this nor reaffirms or denies their belief. If I knew someone was blatantly retarded to believe that this method would work the best since I am not being negative towards them but it shut's down their ability to say other dumb shit. If they were to continue so what? We acknowledge this person is beyond retarded why would we continue to entertain his bullshit by speaking to him like you repeatedly did to these other posters? Some guy telling you to "shut the fuck up" does not demand a factual response in fact it can only be reacted to with a defensive response. So I see what you mean but it feels like you are having trouble grasping what actually occurs despite it continuously happening to you throughout this thread.
I still dont see how really. user posted the screenshot like he "caught" me or "outted" me like it was some secret I was ashamed of.
I just simply stated why I had the app. If I cared about anyone seeing I would have cleared the notification.
Just basically helping user realize i actually didnt give a shit if people knew i had the app is all
>legitimately autistic
Like this little retard here he can't handle a basic discussion so he throws around insults. I simply reply to see if he is more retarded and if he is I don't reply again.
Well if we are being completely honest its midnight and I'm bored. If this was a person to person convo I'd probably be more passive and not care.
But dude I'm bored so of course I'm kinda saying shit to piss people off lol
Granted I'm saying honest shit...its still just shit.
But yea in real life situations I tend to not put fuel to the fire if I truely wish for no bothersome conflict but if I'm bored online then why not fuel it?
Its personally hilarious to me when people online take shit way too seriously or get worked up over some random cunt online
When you go out of your way to explain yourself, it comes off as being defensive.
jesus you can almost smell the neckbeards in here
>go put of your way
I dont believe I had to jump thru any hoops of fire to hit that record button buddy lol
It wasnt out of my way at all. It was pretty easy
you're proving my point tho
???? I really dont see how but ok
Because you keep defending yourself over dumb shit that could be ignored. See
I was being honest and I appreciate your non-sperg comments like some others would do. Anyway I think after they started to sperg out you were true to your said objective. Before that though you were being defensive about your age and sex. I guess my point is if you are going try to troll do it consistently. If you are bored why don't you do something productive instead of being on this website?
That wasnt my reply but again....I'm not defending anything. Just responding to what's being said. That's how conversation works user.
I still don't see where I was being defensive but i guess were just gonna have to agree to disagree on that.
And its midnight user. I cant really be very productive at midnight.
I guess we will just disagree on that part then. Also there is plenty things you can do to be productive. It is 3 AM here but I am still about to go walk to 7/11 while listening to some tunes. Some other stuff that comes to mind that I personally should be doing reading, learning, cooking, and cleaning
Well I CERTAINLY cannot walk at night lol
And I got the tunes going. As for household chores I cant really do any of that since my fiance and everyone in the house is sleeping. I cant really be moving around being loud and stuff
Good point that is unfortunate walking around at night and just exploring is one of my favorite things to do. I live alone so I did not really think of that either. I am out of ideas and arrangements so night I guess
It's me again auto correct arguments to arrangements my bad.
Haha yea so ya see being online is all I really can do for now
And goodnight to you too user