I'm going to kill myself in about 45 minutes. Roll trips and I'll livestream it for the filthy people who want to see a Yea Forums fag shoot himself in the head.
I'm going to kill myself in about 45 minutes...
Other urls found in this thread:
or dont? :)
awesome OP
ill meet you by the card stand in 30mins
or suck my dick? :) Please, I rather you get hit by a car than play good guy. Fuck off.
instead of live stream die, you must live stream making a pizza from scratch
Is this blood thinner OP?
Die op
If this is quads u gotta live op suck it up.
You lying bitch.
Not that guy, but you can suck my dick. I could think of a hundred ways to put you to use alive.
Fake or not I'm still rollan
Post it to liveleak
Lying bitch hope you die
You are using Yea Forums which means you are one of my people. I would hate to lose one of my own. Use logic, brother.
K. Go fuck your mom, faggot. I don't want to larp with you. You should kill yourself with me.
Do it faggot
I will cunt. And you're not invited to my birthday party
Let's bet, is he a fat virgin ?
No, I'm a paranoid schizophrenic who can't deal with it anymore. I'm done trying to give it a 110% for a mediocre life.
Make a spectacle of it and do it in public.
There it is
I honestly don't want to do anymore damage to people. I know my mind is rabid even though I try and mean well. I just want to go to sleep. Might have done it for quads though
I'm not killing myself bro, been there but now I'm having the time of my life.
Satans trips
I hope your future daughter gets raped and beaten by a bunch of methed out mexicans. I hope I get reincarnated so I can be that methed out mexican
Im the baba yaga
Before killing yourself at least do something against this bullshit government and let the water running on all the house bathroom and even kitchen so when police find you you have wasted tons of water and the house walls became shit so the government can't sell your house or if it's an apartment at least you fuck the landlord day
well good for you dude. I don't really care lol
Op if you’re not a larping fag than post your gun with timestamp
How about no? Get help
You are so gay, I hope you randomly die soon. Like, getting hit by a car or something while you're not paying attention.
Trips say no
shut up idiot
Nor do I care if you top yourself. Go right ahead.
999 = no
I might in a minute. I'm writing my suicide note rq to say one last thing to my brother.
Hell yeah
Trips say call a therapist
Fuck you op
Black Butler was actually my first anime
Welp, there you go
Based trips
he wont follow through
Cool talk. Now fuck off scrappy.
I love black butler.
And just like that, OP is nowhere to be seen
25 minutes left, we are waiiitiiinnnggggg op, come on end this miserable life
Uhmmm... I've posted like 8 posts here. But I'm going afk for a bit to set it up. I'll come back to see if trips ever hit.
Aight scoob.
I guess it took 2 sets of trips
Trips have been hit
Fuck you tranny faggot. I hope you die by a Nigger with a big dick.
yeah I like the Chef guy he is pretty cool Bard I think? it's been a few years since I've seen it
I hope you die to user
Do it already
Do it op
Yeah, he's the coolest out of the trio. The gardener was my favorite.
Fake and gay. The little shit couldn’t even focus the camera
suicide is gay
I know what a fucking dick .
yeah finny is pretty cool when I first watched it I was like 13 and didnt think it was gay at all i was like woah epic butler battles
Ok op send the link already
the fuck are these faggot?
I cant feel compassion for people of a different race I just cant bring myself to see them as human
This thread is further proof that op is always the faggot
Book of circus is a really good one if you haven't seen it. They didn't overdo the fan service in that one.
alright, lets go bro
nigga we are here to watch a man die not gush over queer things like "anime" or as we humans call it "animated gay shit"
yeah I've seen it. it actually made me tear up the first time I watched it. the titanic one wasnt that good in my opinion
K, just roll trips.
I'm not a man, I'm otherkin and also OP
>being this much of an attention whoring faggot
well would you look at this?
try going out like a legend and beating off 46 times consecutively, it should be easy with anime knowledge
Hitler said the asians were ok
While we wait for OP, what happened here? I'm assuming a beekeeper got stung a lot and died, but... why?
literally just kill yourself or admit your a faggot and abandon your thread
>"r..role trips"
done now kill yourself faggot
Same honestly. When Doll confronts ciel, and reflects on their fake friendship, and realizes her real friends are dead.. was a hard hitter.
Oh shit, I didn't see that. Sorry guys. Give me a second and I'll set up stream.
I was literally right now explaining my gf what Yea Forums is and you came in the best moment, now we are both waiting for you to post the link
Fucking faggot
Ok bro, sorry. I just want to make people happy in Yea Forums. I failed everywhere else but this place gives me peace. I'll link the stream in a second.
Has a OP ever actually followed through in any thread ever?
Yes years ago when the average age of Yea Forums users was above the age of 18
you forgot the comma after yes
well it's been a good conversation OP most people who like the show are massive faggots
ye ive seen some OPs follow through
its just the pretenders that dont is what piss people off
Yea Forums is filled with fake OPs who lie and those who lie are branded with the name that suits them best
a faggot
>OP here
I just can't go through with it sorry bros I'm just too pussy.
its been 45 minutes faggot end it now pussy
Top kek
Don't do it op
Boooring, just tie yourself to a rope and jump from a bridge with the rope around your neck
I fucking knew it lol
congratulations OP you let your friends,family,acquaintances and even Yea Forums down
Wher is the timestamp op???
dont do it man please dont just find something to live for please
THATS NOT ME GUYZ PLEASE LOVE ME I just want fwends :(
dont do it man try your hardest to go talk to someone even if its anonomys phone line things man
>not knowing how to reverse image search
are you still gonna do it?
holy shit dude Justin is that you
peepee poopoo
wait it’s fake
Fug off op
you’ll never see it comin
I was never going to do it. I just wanted to be surrounded by like minded negative people so I could unleash some steam on them.
the new season of danmachi doesnt seem as good or maybe season one was just as bad
fuck you op
I propose a new rule that says if op doesn’t deliver he gets banned
Saying dumb shit won't get you any friends OP
This was so damn funny
But this one really made me laugh loudly, I sorta imagined Squidward saying it
you cant enforce rules on b dumbo
I guess everyone lost interest now
well user you did it
you disappointed us just almost as much as you did your parents.
you happy now? Mr.disappointment?
im not even going to call you any mean names anymore not because I feel the need to act in respect but purely out of the fact that you wouldn't be worth it.
the only worth I saw in you was your death and that was it
but now that is gone.
so go and watch your silly little "animes" and ill leave you too it.
good day user and may we never meet again
Oh shit sorry.. I have split personality disorder as well and my troll personality took over. If you guys roll trips again, I'll do it for real this time.
just take it and go nigga
I just want love and cuddles :(
Certified bruh moment
Ah shit
We’ve seen this b4 your not fooling any1 op, you little fucking faggot
I killed myself and uploaded it here.
Niggs gonna nig
Hey guys op here. I’m sorry for being such a faggot before. It’s just that I need attention wherever I go. The more attention I get from being an autistic freak, the better I feel. Please continue to reply in my thread so I can jerk off to my precious (you)s
>autistic freak
t-that's kinda mean
OP here, this is how this thread made me feel :
Thanks for the help guys
Okay, OP didn’t deliver and is a massive faggot what els is new?
This shits to funny
Only a massive snowflake faggot would listen to Eminem. This person should probably be dealt an underage ban.
Fuck off nigger
Check em
b-but eminem's prime was in the 90s//early 2000's , pissing off the snowflakes. Thus making what you say simply ignorant :^)