Rekt thread please.
Rekt thread please
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now thats a strike
I don't have much gore/rekt, was hoping to get some goodies to show a friend that says that they've seen worse stuff than me. I've browsed numerous rekt threads in the past but I don't really save anything, but I wanna win a bet, help me out anons.
With sound
should I just post my entire china folder?
most of it isn't straight gore, but its still pretty gnarly
this one's a classic
Yes please.
How do you not laugh at this?
Chances are it was gonna ve a nickleback song anyway. That stool did us a favor
I'd stomp his throat until it was flat
you have to go back
did he live?
lol that clown
laughed so hard i'm crying
there's barely any decent rekt out there that you haven't seen a hundred times, but there's this one 2 minute vid of that guy torturing mice. aside from that, there's shoveldog and funkytown, but i think people are overreacting to all of those. just go on deathaddict and look through torture, you might find something. cute pic btw
Please fill me in on this. Sauce???
Tianjin nerve gas factory explosion from a couple years ago
I remember being near there on a business trip not even a week prior...gave me chills seeing it on the news
Roads are for driving, not dancing.
Kek Nerve gas. Always makes me laugh. Thank you for info, Yea Forumsro.
Learn how to use Google you mental reject.
Wat is that
it's a piece of very fresh fish
Bro that guy got clapped by the fucking overhead sign. That's so predestination shit right there.
Thought it was fake at first, when I saw her in the stretcher bleeding and broken I just laughing hysterically. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Wtf happened?
>Wtf happened?
I wonder.
Gas leak at a gas station/vape shop looks like. Guy sparked a cig and boom. Everybody dies. He turns away immediately with his eyes closed probably cause the gas was in the air so densely and it sparked everything so his eyes probably felt the fire first since they're sensitive. Fucking insane.
at least the douche driver was the one who died
why the fuck would you try and use foot to stop a car instead of using the breaks in the car. LOL
Most stories online say yes. But it's kind of unconfirmed for the most part.
Well. Hope that guy has fun being murdered in his own bed by his son later in life.
is it just me or are they kicking the shit out of him
mobile niggas
you do see which set of sex cells the driver possesses, correct?
how fucking bad does your spatial awareness have to be?
Oh, China...
How do you not see or hear? Both of them. Worse than China.
That's why you don't loiter in the middle of a highway and should get over to the shoulder soon as possible. But no one cares to give a damn. That's why I let Darwinism/Natural Selection do its job.
China is a cesspool of stupid drivers running over stupid pedestrians.
That is fucking wild with sound! That's why Chinese garbage products are so cheap, fuck all is put into safety.
Does every fucking vehicle in China explode into flames when it hits a butterfly?
why thr driver even thought about going left
Never work on split rim wheels in the open. Always use a tire cage.
Taking out the trash
The only problem with that is that it only works if the person hasn't procreated yet. Most dumb people have 5+ kids and contribute to dilute the gene pool.
Stupid bitch
>when your ideology is so peaceful and superior that you have to copycat fucking muslim terrorists
>when you have to run over innocent civilians because you're so tough you can't fight your opponents face to face and have to drive them over from the back
god bless them
Retarded woman
It's like getting chased by the devil
lol the standing guy walked right into it and the guy on the bench stood up to feel the wrath too
Chinese have no souls
It's fake faggots.
woah that was fucking cool. imagine watching that shit irl
>when you rolled a -2 on dex
how fucking stupid can you be.
Any work related accidents ?
Fucking gooks
Could have been worse
>immediately swarmed by people with masks and weapons
Good one.
The machine must feed.
They cosplay ATHF
Hmm that's new
360 yeet guy on the bench cracks me the fuck up every time.
That dude that whiffed the kick and fell down.
Fuck you, you partisan shit. This wasn't "Republicans" this was elements of the alt-right.
Seriously you faggots are no better than rightwingers who use "liberal" as an insult all the time.
I love it how those spoiled Antifa brats try to fight him but actually creating a reason to escape (what killed the women).
Without Antifa the woman would have lived. Nobody talks about that.
this shit is hilarious why the fuck does everyone wig out over this video?
Gas ignition. The gas could have even been oxygen.
I mean... It worked though.
You don't know what you are talking about so you should probably just not talk.
Typical man behavior by a woman. She should have ded. Enough Chinks on this planet.
I have no dog in the fight but as a third party observer when you place yourself into dangerous situations with a lot of unstable people looking to cause violence then your safety isn't assured. If she didn't go she'd be alive today. No one is safe at militant protests.
It's a scary world when you realize that heaven and hell are a myth and the only thing that stops any random person from attacking you on the street is they choose not to.
stale thread is stale. Time for drunk corn dogs and Queen of the South. nighty night faggots.
>Fat activist cunt has a heart attack after getting nudged by a crowd of people that a car shoved into her.
Such a tragedy.
i am concerned by how casually i watched this.
Im just glad he made it out unscathed.
how did you let it happen?
Are you trying to tell me that she somehow survived that?
Notice he deleted all of his posts. What a faggot.
And who do right wing, Alt-right supporters vote for again?
AOC and Bernie Sanders? Nice "le both sides" cuckery there you stupid piece of shit sophist. Keep pretending that literal terrorism and murder are equal to a bunch of thugs that get into brawls with other willing thugs are the same thing.
That's a nice fucking shot
both wings are bad man.
stay central.
Guy walks in after finding out the reactor is gone. Warns everyone, one guy swears he's delusional and to take him to the infirmary.
>And who do right wing, Alt-right supporters vote for again?
13 year olds on the internet can't vote, retard.
Neither can russian chatbots.
filename kek
I love how all those NPCs just stand there doing shit
Spongebob me boy, I have jumped into boiling canola oil and I'm going to fry, Agagagagag.
Jesus Christ, what god-forsaken shithole is this? Like how fucking dense do you have to be to not realize this dude is being killed right on front of you? And his own fucking team doing fuck all until he's almost dead.
This is still one one my all-time favorite videos. I've watched it hundreds of times.
This along with the exploding oxygen tanks on the truck in Russia, with Highway to Hell in the background.
give your life some time, You'll learn
I love how he tried to be 'just a victim' but then realized 'this fucking hurts'
How come it didn't fall immediately?
is he okay?
I remember when this was a new webm.
Makes me feel old
I'd still fuck your sister
but there's still that one stupid clueless cunt in the gene pool breeding and raising more stupid cunts .... improve your aim, asshole
>Tries to melee a car
TF you expect?
IDK wat you taking aboot mate?
This is what indoor smokers want...
This is fake, a woman would never attempt to take a wheel off a car.
He was probably alive until his crew broke his fucking neck even more
Fuck, I REALLY should have gone to The Bards College...
Nerve Gas
Uzbek muslim terror attack in Russia during some sporting event. Think it was the Sochi Olympics.
Tighten the shit out of the lugnuts on either side of the locknut, it'll sometimes compress things enough that you can loosen it without the key.
Note: may fuck up the studs.
What? Fuck studs? What?
China says 173 died. I find that very hard to believe. I reckon it's more to 400.
upsetting that one goat got hit, hope he's ok
the thready metal bits that go through the holes on the wheel when you attach it to a car
The stool that pushes yours
Whoever shot that clown deserves a medal.
why did he do that there
I thought he go full on the fire gut from fantastic 4
did he just regenerate?
Imagine living in a shit hole who's only traffic law is 'try not to run over people on purpose' and everyone just runs around the street like fuckings brainless insects. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ.
fresh muscle + salt = interesting results
People don't clean up after themselves when a music festival ends and they leave the darnedest things laying around, like still-perfectly-usable thots.
las vegas shooting from the looks of it
Don't worry he's alive
This is why I will never set foot in that absolute shit hole.
LMFAO I swear watching chinks suffer the consequences of natural selection is my favorite activity.
The complete lack of awareness in China never ceases to amaze me. These people genuinely are better off dead that reproducing.
dude no one calls them studs anymore go back to the nursing home grandpa
Thank you
Because it's not the movies. Living things don't die the moment they get shot. The vast majority of gunshot wounds are non-fatal, if they make it to a hospital before they bleed out. The only way a living thing is dying immediately like that is if you get shot in the head or heart - and even then it isn't always instant.
What do you milquetoast whippersnappers call them these days?
>Wtf happened?
You share the intelligence of a chimp.
>is in car
>car is starting to move
>tries to use foot instead of breaks
Natural selection is a beautiful thing.
she just got tired from lifting heavy snek
Do chink vehicle not come equipped with brakes or something?
He had already made a mistake using a lighter with an open jar of gunpowder.
How hard is it to follow the most simple safety rule?
Excellent, now we just need one more of these with 1000 times the power and spread out the entire country and throw all niggers in it as well. The world will be a better place.
bad call, mr crab
I think this was voluntary
Can any asian fag explain to me why most asian people run over other asian people in purpose? Why the fuck are asian fags souless? Theres no way That nigga could miss a woman wearing White laying on the fucking road.
I hope his phone was OK.
I cannot figure out if she has a problem or not.
Another one
That's a nice pussy
Beside the idiot talking and his Chinese bitch speaking broken English, this clip has good audio and visual. The dude filmed it upright with his faggot iPhone unfortunately.
I'm ok with the vertical on this one. Captures the height of it well.
Her friend, said "How you know Chinese magic?"
I order my car with Chinese woman but I not pay if she dead.
democracy at work
Dock that chink a days pay for napping on the job.
He became Goku
Pepper "Balls"
I love how quickly that dipshit flipping off the cops drops his hand when Faggot Mantis gets tagged.
best explosion ever.
Them 1970's Bruce Lee light bulb hair do's never go outta style.
Actually funny
chic was like, wut, where did she go?
>The Arrival (1996)
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
This is why I have no fucking respect for Chinese dogs either here in the US or abroad.
How could you not jump over that
Dude, they paid for their entertainment, why would they stop it?
Litterbugs angered captain planet
This is why you look both ways.
Niggers are always inventing new dances. Whats this one called?
Satan? Was that you?
>Niggers are always inventing new dances
This is why Ebola has been released once again.
holy fucking shit, i laughed so hard
Any nudes?
I had a feeling
There is no place in Russia where people can be dressed like this during the winter
Heavy dose of antipsychotics
Metallica one mp3.
Funny af, wouldn't scar my own child that way though
Humans?... They're GR-R-R-REAT!
Nerve gas?
No, he'll never walk again because they took his foot. He's now studying neurology so he'll be okay
nah, just a fuckload of voltage. also, checked
this hardens the penis
No nerve gas
why my peepee hard
this video made me excited
Yes please
Once upon a time, the stuff in the video happened. The end
Okay, God
They do. The problem is that women don't come with brains
thank me later
The Ricky Bobby 'on fire' dance
LMFAO i cant stop laughing at how fast he reacted to suddenly being ablaze.
Omfg this makes me so happy.
short trick, good trick. would come to watch again.
Oh self vehicular manslaughter those are rare
how can people watch a TMZ video... total retarded cuts, audio etc.
She has CP, showing that she can live a "normal" life.
What anime is this
Yep. Pedophiles can't cook pancakes due to the wrist injuries from the excessive masturbation.
capitalists are leeches more news at 11
street layout below is not US...
Girl: (attempts to stomp on cat)
cat: (causes her to fall flat on her face because of karma)
That one is kinda poetic, it's like a visual poem
Apparently that blew the guys cock off
If you slow it down or pause it you can see the guys cock in the air
You are an expert in identifying cocks, user.
So that's how you get a golden shower!
I think she has some kind of neroligical or muscle damage and she has a yt channel showing her do things
>I remember when webms did not even exist, neither gifs, jpegs or Internet. Newfag.
I don't even like hunting but that was fucking nice
Nerve Gas
Nerve gas
good one
What is this?
Nerve gas ?
>faggot mantis
Jaywalking - just don't do it
well they did bust in the windows...
You see the literal explosion. Doesnt work that way newfag
Because in psychology they've proven the mirroring effect where children display the sorts of behavior that they witness. This teaches children to beat others to get their way.
that filename
Las Vegas shooting excerpt of full video full-blown autist retard shouted that his mum is a nurse and therefore he is qualified as medical expert, checked the pulse of already dead people and recorded it... Some guessed he acted out of shock but not sure
try a citizen arrest on already downed guy... some black dude comes around and kills downed guy...
This was all fake. Shot at a movie studio back lot. ,,,,, Didn't anybody even see the Fast & Furious movies?? This is the same thing. ,,,,, Oh, and we didn't land to the moon either so, :P
Yeah,,,,then he got the f out of the road! lol
>the idiot
sounds like a nigger or sth like that for me.
Oh is it Bluce Ree?
is everyone blind, stupid, and fucking antisocial in China?
,,,, I'm gone! ,,,, I'm so sweet like a nice bonbon!
All the guy said was "Jehova"
The state of women in 2019. And y'all wonder why you can't keep a man if you can't even flip a pancake.
You're just jelly you can't drift thots into trees and hump em.
LOL! ,,, That is hilarious! ,,, Al Qadea is definitely not going to hire this guy.
she? you fucking idiot!