Meme cup color wars edition

>meme cup color wars edition
>you MUST border your attack
>you must specify who is attacking whom i.e blue to yellow=blue attacking yellow
>if all of your color is eliminated so is your team
>5s = 1 hex
>dubs=3 hex
>trips= 5 hex
>quads< = 10 hex
>Repeating 0s = reversal of your attack
>404 insta kills your target
>ALL OF OPs posts=ducks rolls as I will not be rolling additionally.

Attached: sketch-1563764964572.png (720x720, 61K)

Yotes to knights


knights to shorks

Knights to sharks

Knights kill sharts

Sharks kill nights

Oilers to kings

Yotes to knights

Bulju to bust

Flames on oil


Ducks to nucks

Yotes to Ducks

Ducks to yotes

Ain't no body get a get itt
Yotes to flams

Sharks on nights

oilers to flames

Yotes to ducks pt2

Yeets to dicks

Guess the dubs magic stays in /hoc/
Nucks to Ducks

Ay we got a get

Attached: sketch-1563766455542.png (720x720, 61K)

Ducks to yotes

nucks to ducks

Knights on shorks

oilers to flames again

nucks to ducks once more


Attached: sketch-1563766604727.png (720x720, 61K)

Ducks on nucks

Oilers kill flams

fuck you nucks to ducks

Oil drowns flames

oilels to flims

Ducks on nux

Shorks to nucks

oilers finish flames

mcmeme dabs on johnny manlent with these digits

Flams ded

Attached: sketch-1563766822053.png (720x720, 58K)

oilers to kings

Dux kill nux

oilers oust kings

shorks to vegass

Nucks to ducks



oilers to kings again

re reroll

Sharks to oil

Attached: sketch-1563767026359.png (720x720, 58K)

oilers to kings once more

This oilers are growing lads

nuckies to duckies

shorks are shorking lads

oilers to kangs

Attached: sketch-1563767109025.png (720x720, 58K)

nucks take ducks

yotes to oil


nucks to knights

Nucks over ducks

oilers to yotes

Attached: sketch-1563767183656.png (720x720, 57K)

shorks to nucks

kongs to shorks

oilers to kings

sharks to knights

spics BTFO
nucks to ducks

oilers to yote

shorks to kings

Reversed kings died

Attached: sketch-1563767256577.png (720x720, 54K)

nucks to ducks

oil to kings

Ducks kill knights

shorks to knights

oilers > yotes

nucks >ducks

Duc to nuc

nucks to ducks

oilers to sharks

sharks to hongcouver

Ducks kill nights

sharks to oilels

nuckies to knighties

Attached: sketch-1563767434226.png (720x720, 54K)

nucks to shorks

Finish the job duckos

sharks to ducks

shorks to oilels

shorks to ducks

One more ducks to kniggits

nucks take ducks

sharks eat ducks

Patos to noches

sharks to oil

Duckos kill the noits

nux to ducks

Quacks on nighties

sharks to knucks

Knights ded

Attached: sketch-1563767667461.png (720x720, 52K)

sharks to nucks

sharks to duucks

nucks to ducks

Ducks on oilers for luls

sharks to duuucks

shorks to oilers

sharks to oilllllllllll

c'mon nucks to ducks

nucks HEEM ducks

shorks > oil

Yotes on Oilers

sharks to oil again


Attached: sketch-1563767833569.png (720x720, 52K)


nucks take ducks

nux to dux

Dux ->nux

shorks to oil

Attached: sketch-1563767951850.png (720x720, 51K)

shorks oil

Sharks on oil

sharks to oil

Ducc to nucc

shark to nuck

Yotes to oil

So close

nucks to ducks

sharks to mcmeme

Yotes on oiler

sharks to nuc


Ducks nucks

Ducks on shorks

shorks to ducks

Sharks on oil again

Attached: sketch-1563768328932.png (720x720, 51K)

sharks to ducks

sharks to ducks s

Duks nuks

Sharks to oil

Attached: sketch-1563768417275.png (720x720, 51K)

sharks to ducks again

Duck to yote

sharks to duckies


Sharks to yote

Ducks > shorks

sharks to durks

sharks to duckkk

Attached: sketch-1563768548961.png (720x720, 51K)

sharks to oil

Teal shark attacks blue shark

nucks to shorks

sharks to yotes

Attached: sketch-1563768594973.png (720x720, 51K)

nucks to ducks

sharks to nuckies

shark to oil

oilels to shorks

sharks to duckerZ

ducks to sharks

sharks to nucks

nucks HEEM ducks

sharks to oilels

Sharks doing damage
Ducks kill

Attached: sketch-1563768665114.png (720x720, 46K)

sharks to pooilers

nucks HEEM shorks

sharks to yotess

Yotes to sharks

sharks to oil

nucks > shorks

nucks to sharks

sharks to nuckss

yotes over sharks

Attached: sketch-1563768780048.png (720x720, 46K)

nucks over shorks

yotes to shorks

Yotes to oilers

sharks to nucks

Please dont kill >us till last shorks

nucks HEEM sharks

nucks to shorks

shark to nucks

Dogs to oil

Sharts to nucks



Attached: sketch-1563769022593.png (720x720, 46K)

Sharks to dogs

Was in

Dogs to sharks

Shark to nuck

>double dubs

Attached: sketch-1563769172589.png (720x720, 46K)

Dogs attack filthy sharks

shark to oil


Sharks to yotes.

Go sharks!

sharks to nucks



sharks on oil

oil on yotes

Attached: sketch-1563769418483.png (720x720, 46K)

Nucks on shorks

sharks on nucks


Nucks HEEM shorks

Nucks to shorks

Nucks kill sharks

sharks on oil


shark to nuck

sharks on yotes again

oil on yotes

0s = 1 hex from now on

Yotes breathe a sigh of relief
Yotes to sharks

Dogs on fish

sharks to nucks

Yotes to shorks

Shark on oil

oil to yote

Attached: sketch-1563769801950.png (720x720, 45K)

Yotes to nucks

Dogs eat sharks

nucks to sharks

sharks to nucks

Dogs to nux

sharks to oilers

Yotes on oil

sharks to oiler

Nucks on sharks

Yotes on nucks

Coyotes to Sharts

sharks on oiler

nuck on yote


Point values doubled to speed things up

Attached: sketch-1563770085180.png (720x720, 44K)

sharks to yotes

Yotes on oilr

Yotes on sharks

Nucks >sharks

sharks to oil

Sharks >nucks

Sharks nucks


sharks on nucks

Did it died


Attached: sketch-1563770961705.png (720x720, 44K)

Attached: sketch-1563771029391.png (720x720, 44K)

Attached: 7F6C706D-671C-4382-A535-C6DF5B619352.jpg (480x540, 45K)

One Las nucks vs sharks

Oilers surrender to yotes

sharks to oilers

Oiler to shark

And that's it for tonight, continue tomorrow

Attached: sketch-1563771608640.png (720x720, 45K)