Hi b I need some advice...

Hi b I need some advice. My fuck ass neighbors wife called the police on me for "active drug use" cause she heard me snorting coke 1 night. & while the police haven't come to knock on my door or anything they did have an officer pull up to the front of my house & I think he thought I wasn't home which is why he didn't knock. So my question is should i be worried about them kicking in my door anytime soon?

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>she heard me snorting coke 1 night

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Maybe you shouldn't be snorting coke loudly, or, you know, at all.

The fuck do you hear someone snorting coke

You know. . . The snorting sound you give of when you snort


Coke is fucking amazing why would I stop doing coke?

Maybe you shouldn't be snortin coke like its the 80's fuck face

Small penis

it does shrivel my dick up which is odd but idc its not like anyone was fucking me to begin with

Protip: Snort more quietly.

That shit right there is why I don't want cash ever again

the only people who dont like coke are those whove never tried it

Also it fucks with your heart

I backtraced your post and called the police on you myself OP. It's going to take an intervention at this point and yes you're going to have to become a Christian.

Probably because you're a sniveling fiend.

I tried it didn't feel much different than a caffiene high so I didn't continue infact I went home and took a nap right after

Fuck coke, take ecstasy like a fuckin champ

jesus fucking christ. oh shit i guess i cant say that anymore.


im actually kind of wealthy too wealthy to be fiend at least

yeah theres been nights where ill do a couple bumps & go lay down i feel like im wasting the coke when i do that tho

Holy fuck you are stuck in the 80's

You're going to have to give a 10th to your Church and you will have to be a Republican too.

>too wealthy to be fiend at least
Wealth doesn't stop people from becoming coke fiends.

well if i have to be republican i guess i can still get away with doing cocaine ill just have to blame it on mexicans

They won't kick your door down unless you sell/go through massive amounts so that they can prosecute you for selling. It's got to be worth the price of a new door or they won't kick it down.

It's not that loud wtf, just sniff it you don't need to hork it all in loudly,

Bruh its 2019, just buy a mod and fucking vape

I'm gonna need you to post a vocaroo of you snorting coke so we can gauge how loud you fucking snort.

Don't blame Mexicans, blame South Americans.

>heard you snorting coke
Jesus Christ man, are you an elephant?

yeah i do it kind of loudly. the fucked up part is when i saw the cop pull up outside i thought it was the day they were gona ask to come inside so i fucking flushed 2 eight balls

Side effect of stimulants due to their effect on your cardiovascular system.

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damn bruh ill go to pee & ill be like where tf my dick go

You moron, ask for a warrant then slam the door shut and rail all the coke, it takes hours at least for them to get clearance to invade your home.
Also, just sniff the lines, you don't need to go hard, just a light sniff is enough and far quieter.

i flushed all my cocaine when the police showed up. but they ended up not even knocking

Fucking madmen. Just shove them up your ass like a normal person.

They have no evidence for a warrant other than some dumbass lady saying she heard you do drugs. 9/10 they've never had a call like that before and prob wrote it off as bs.

in Florida they can come in without a warrant if they have probable cause but i guess they didnt have it the night she called because all the cop did was go & talk to her

Yeah it's a damn shame. Fucks with sex too. Hard to get it up, even harder to bust.
For drugs that would get the most out of fuckin make it harder to do so.
Still wouldn't give em up though.

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yeah i figure if they were gona do something they wouldve already done it but just the fact that theyve pulled up to my house 2 days after the first call is making me paranoid


lmaooo im not man enough for that shit

What nigger-tier apartment do you live in where the walls are that thin you hear someone snorting coke? Unless you're that snort drugs like some sort of fucking animal?

What do you mean are you a landlord?

>heard me snorting coke
is this pasta?
anyways 0/10

I do, do it kind of loudly. . . I dont live in an apartment I rent out a 3 bedroom house. I never really thought about how loudly I do it

I hope this does become pasta that would be hilarious

it sounds like you have coke induced paranoia. if it's that bad flush your shit and go to sleep or start drinking till you pass out bud unless you have some benzos on hand. also now's the time when you start laying off the drugs as each bout of paranoia will get worse and worse until you either fuck up greatly and ruin your life or hurt yourself or someone else

fuck it. i'ts going in my pasta folder

I've done it a few times and I could honesty go without it. I don't see what the big deal is frankly.

Also if you're really that loud just do it in your bathroom with the shower running. Jesus do I have to do all the thinking for you?

Cops have actually showed up to my house. I wish it was paranoia. But yeah I'm going to layoff for awhile

Not sure if bait. who snorts coke anymore? Youre supposed to I.V the shit.

>pic related

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Oh no. You're an actual crack head

The thing is that both my bathrooms are right there where the bedrooms of my neighbors house is

Here’s your (you)

Because it's making you paranoid.

Dude actual cops have come by my house they didn't knock or anything which is odd but I think they thought no one was home.

>doing coke like some bitch ass fag
>not speedballing fentanyl/ketamin/pcp combo
fuck off and just stick to vaping you pussy ass nigger bitch whore faggot cunt millenial piece of shit

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You got that right

I believe you.
Calm down.
Everyone... smile.
There you go, take it easy...
You're not paranoid.
They really are out to get you.

I'm like Jason Bourne

Nigga said: |======>——


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Lol clever

Yeah I thought so too




>still doing drugs like a sad depressed weirdo enjoy being depressed rest of your life loser lmao you'll never get back serotonin, dopamine

It's the only reason I Jack off. For the dopamine

You're fictitious?

A loud sound is not probable cause. You're paranoid because cocaine. Just be low key and you're okay.

Nice quints

Offer her a line off your boner and snort one off her asshole.

This. How the fuck did they hear you in your closed home?

Where my bathroom is in my house is exactly where her bedroom is in her house & I didn't think about until now but I do it very loudly especially because my nose has been kinda runny

>implying I ever planned to make it to 30
I turn 28 in two months, it's the time of fucking reckoning soon.
I've seen everything besides Jesus anyways

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No. Government agencies are after me


If the cops kick down your door based on your neighbors single report of "I heard him sniffing alot in the bathroom" you will have one hell of a lawsuit on your hands.

That said you can still put yourself in a better position by not keeping anything on the premises for them to find

And you're super good with dealing with that, too. Well heck, you don't need our advice.

Yeah I got rid of all the coke but the thing is I have a bunch of bongs & a bunch of hash oil cartridges

>You're paranoid because cocaine.
OP also stubbornly/stupidly does not accept that scenario...

>It's got to be worth the price of a new door

You really think the cops cover the cost of the door? Do they also cover the cost of the family dog that shoot? or all the people they murder in a no knock raid?

For real i no knock raid is a green light to shoot anythign and everything in the house.

They can do that literally everywhere in the US. Hearsay isn't probable cause! Do you know how much money a warrant costs? More than the cost of your door. They will not go after you unless it's worth their time.

Anyone that into drugs as a lifestyle really should move to a state where at least pot is legal.
No wait... stay where you are, please. We don't want you.
Fuckin' bongloaders.

I witnessed with my eye balls a cop pull up outside of my house.

pretty much this. He literally said the word “sniff” too. He just wants people to know what hes up to

>all the cop did was go & talk to her
Have you actually talked to your neighbor about this? :ike, "Hi, I saw the police came to your house. Are you okay? Can I help?" Maybe it's not about you at all, snowflake.
Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.

Wasting the coke?
All I ever do while on coke is lay around. Makes me chill as fuck - don’t feel like going out doing nonsense. I’ve never really done coke in a party environment, though

I get it I get I'm being to fucking loud

Do you think assholes who ren't pay for the doors cops break, or the cars cops run over in chases? The city pays for that.

I mean she's had a stick up her ass about me & my woman since the day we moved in she's called code enforcement on me a bunch of times because she thought I was abusing my dog but my dog was just a baby at the time & cried a lot

>cause she heard me snorting coke 1 night

t. an underage faggot that has never done coke.

I would advise you to stop doing drugs. however the following is a made up situation that has no relation to yours and should not be taken seriously.

No for real DONT do this.

>Aquire a few grand worth of drugs
>dont snort them. i know it will be hard but we are going for the long game here.
>make sure those asspies dont have home security cammeras
>clean out your stash good and propper
>buy several boxes of little baggies
>buy a cheap postal scale or something small like that
>plant drugs on their property. like under the front porch, or a shallow hole in the yard
>or, plant on underside of car
>plant baggies with scale too. maybe in another location.
>call cops
>tell them you have seen some shady people around and are concerned your neghibors are selling
>cops swing by with a K9 with that kind of a lead.
>dog goes nuts for the planted drugs
>now have probable cause
>search and easily find $2000 worth of drugs, baggies and scale
>they get nailed with intent to distribute

Not underaged but this is the first couple times I've done coke to be honest


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Like Hoover vacuum loud, jesus man?!

Nice dubs

I suggest you stop. Now.

Not for good but I'm going to take a break

Must sound like a industrial vacuum

Police can't just kick down your door and search without probable cause. Even, if your neighbor's wife heard your "snort" coke. That's still not evidence enough for them to enter your forcibly enter your apartment and search it for drugs.

Now they can question you but they can't enter your apartment unless they have a warrant.

If they do question you they are not required to read the Miranda to you, at all. That's only read if you are arrested and charged with a crime. During questioning they don't have to read it to you and they can also lie and say something like "We had 9 people call in and tell us that they saw you sucking big black cock."

At that point I have the right to remain homosexual right?

If they do knock on your door block their view as you step outside so they can't see inside. Anything they see inside can be misconstrued as probable cause.

Why don't you tell your room mate you were blowing your nose Hoover Harry!! Do you say Woooo! After huffing a line? Perhaps scream Disco Shit bayyybeeee!!!!

Hey, I need some advice, too.
Some asshole decided there wasn't enough room on his street to park his truck and camper, so now they're in front of our house. Been there a week.
Any suggestions on finding out who this buttmunch is?

I had my music really loud & was singing a long to minecraft on my mind. . .

But not wealthy enough to live in a place that doesn't paper-thin walls

Touche & nice dubs

Which could have been for who knows what reason. You only think your neighbor called the cops because you came to that conclusion on your own.

I used to do a fair amount of coke, and let me tell you, it'll really fuck with your brain after a while. I doubt the cops are watching you, but if they are, now's a great time to maybe take a break from the coke.

Probably not. He made a show probably because he had to respond to the call.
Police don't give a fuck about drug users. If you're in your home and out of people's way and funtional, they'd rather just let you be.
They care more about dealers and organized crime and even that's above their heads.

If you are really using drugs then you deserve to be caught and jailed. Hope you like BBC because you gonna be gittn sum.

I used to take a little bit of Viagra to get right past the old coke dick problem. Always worked like a charm.

Sex on coke is pretty amazing.

Why not both?

That sounds like a heart attack cocktail bruh

Report it abandoned to the council. They can take a long time to do shit about it though.
Eventually someone will come by and plaster a sticker on the windshield that's really hard to get off. It'll get towed if it stays there too long and once the sticker is on there, it's kind of in danger of being towed any time.


Jesus christ OP your nose a fucking vacuum or some shit?

Drugs bad alcohol good

Coke sucks you're a fag

I get it I'm being fucking loud

Yes, perhaps lucky to be alive. I abused coke regularly for 12 years before getting sober.

underrated post

tried it several times, it made me anxious, jittery and sweaty and paranoid, felt like shit, so it doesn't work for everyone, I have a friend who gets the same feeling, the best drug for me is MDMA hands down

You hear that? It's the sound of you being a faggot

For one how goddamn loud are you doing it? How is it possible to sniff so loud other people hear? And two what’s up with her that she immediately knows the sound is you sniffing cocaine and not something innocuous. You must’ve given her some other hint for her to know that sound is you sniffing cocaine. How
Often do you talk to her? I bet you sound like a coke head when you do. You had to have given her some other hint for her to guess the sound correctly.

>she heard me snorting coke

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he was obviously just tweaked out lmao with big ass pupils

I've talked to her maybe once since I've moved in & she's seen me smoking weed on my back porch but never called

so let me get this straight
>OP snorts a line like a fucking elephant
>neighbor calls cops because paper thin walls
>OP flushes a quarter ounce of blow
>Cops had no warrant, no probable cause, and no standing to get a warrant from any reputable judge.

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Dude, seriously voocaroo you snorting a line. I’ve got to hear this.

fucking junkie. as soon as you shoot up anything, you're officially a junkie.

im fucking dead

I dont have anymore cocaine I totally would if I had anymore

just boof it. makes your whole ass numb

Fuck off man I was paranoid. I got kids too so like idk I just imagined them being taken away.

I am not a homo

Maybe don't sit around your house doing blow by yourself like a fucking junkie loser.

well snort a flour

Why on God's green earf would I do that

Your favorite politician does coke


i know what you mean man but you wasted a lot of money. flushed about 500 dollars of coke. just ask for a warrant and the police will go away they wouldn't waste their time contacting a DA for a warrant on hearsay

It'll clump all the mucus in your nose and lungs and you'll cough and sneeze it up. Your airway has never been cleaner.

yeah but youre not, not a homo

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>favorite politician

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lets hear your nasal passage way just give us a snort

Yeah I got rid of all my coke & I'm probably going to take a break for now. But the problem is now I have about 30 hash oil cartridges & a couple bongs around the house that I need to get rid of if they do decide to grant a warrant. It's in my history that I was arrested for possession before

how in the fuck did she HEAR you snorting coke?

Are fetishizing my cocaine snorting wtf

coke makes you paranoid. Back when I used to do coke id reup with my friend. and he would make us turn off our phones becuase he thought the cops where tracking us with helicopters.

My bathroom in my house is right where her bedroom is in her house & it was pretty late so just imagine in the dead of night hearing loud as fuck snorting sounds

What. I couldn't hang with that guy that's too goddamn much

just one snort on vacaroo. Do it

up to this point it seemed you were an alright guy with a coke habit but if you have kids and do this type shit. i honestly hope you get arrested you piece of shit your kids would most likely be better taken away from you.

Ouch. I mean they dont live with me. The day I thought they were going to knock & the day I was actually doing coke were different days

hallucination about cops secretly spying on you (but seemingly too pussy to actually arrest you) is actually one of the more common paranoid delusions of coke users. Being gang-stalked by cops is actually an EXTREMELY GOOD SIGN that your brain is playing tricks on you.

If only OP could understand this....

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Because fuck heads

ohhh fuck i miss these days..
My drug of choice was meth though..
cant tell you how many times the meth task force was after me. man they were everywhere and everyone was working for them.
going to the courthouse was a fucking blast and i still could never find any of their surveillance gear. they had that top notch shit that could see through walls and through television.
no bullshit true story one time I was so out of it I got arrested and while i was being processed i thought they were actually training me to be on the meth task force they conducted hearing tests and even had me communicating with people telepathically..
once i got into the cell after being processed shit got real man and i tried to fight my cellmate.. I yelled and yelled and told them i know a fucking ambush when I see one..
funniest part though is meth makes your dick shrivel up insanely bad it almost looks as if its a childs dick.. so i was coming down and my dick had its regular size to it and i was feeling confident.. well I was convinced they would let me out if they thought i wasn't fucked up anymore so I flashed my dick to the CO every time he walked by to do his rounds... i never got out though and had to stay 3 months for probation violation and no one would bond me out lol. epic fucking story.


lol le epic story of a junkie


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Fuckin Gross

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holy shit dude,
>flushing 500$ worth a coke for cops that dont have a warrant
move out you dumbshit
if your nosy bitch neighbor wants to call police

Wait... you've only talked to her like once. How are you positive she called the cops? How do you know it was b/c you were blowing down? Do you have any evidence them being out front was even related?