MSNBC Did just did a short where they investigated the nazi Internet stronghold known as "Yea Forums"...

MSNBC Did just did a short where they investigated the nazi Internet stronghold known as "Yea Forums". They decoded our secret lingo. (This is real lmao).

Attached: 1563747694464.png (1130x982, 993K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's all over.

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They even know about Traps (the girls we want to rape). It's all over.

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Is this real? Oh god, let this be real.

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They know about everything! Fuck, I'm burning my proxies and going underground.

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they're so scared of Yea Forums that they won't even post what each of those actually mean lol

Please let this be real. This shit is too good

They literally hired a dumb intern that was too afraid to go to Yea Forums, and started making shit up.

>alt right frog cult
possibly real?

Attached: fake news..jpg (900x507, 134K)


>secret frog cult
I cant into that

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I've seen these posted before many times, this is not new, but I have no idea if it was real.

Found a YouTube video is this real

Also moot joined google?

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Fucking hilarious

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They got all of them wrong lmao. I can't believe people get paid for this

big kek

The MSM isn’t the best at getting their facts right about this place

Obvious photoshop,

I always forget how young and retarded most of you are

I always forget how tech inept boomers are.

Close enough.



King of the interns strikes again.

Hearing the female newscaster read out these names was fucking hilarious. And she did it without skipping a beat so the same mastermind must have added phonetic pronunciation to the copy for her to read.

Absolute madman.

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Thats funny

Someone needs to mAke a thread about some bullshit meeting spot for Yea Forumsros and see if it gets noticed.

The only correct thing so far.

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>They literally hired a dumb intern that was too afraid to go to Yea Forums, and started making shit up.


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Nononononooo. This is bait. No news agency could possibly be that inept. None.

FUCK that replay shit is annoying as hell. Fuck the retard that posted that shit.

Since when is this shit "secret?"

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Heck, even most Yea Forums users have no idea what "cuck" means.

>No news agency could possibly be that inept.

Nothing surprises me this day and age. I've seen some pretty dumb news articles written by functionally illiterate millennials who are too stupid/lazy to use Google. Not just political, but any article on any topic. It's like their theories and opinions become the facts these days.

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>Heck, even most Yea Forums users have no idea what "cuck" means.

I've known the term cuckhold forever long before Yea Forums.

Then I guess you're not among the 'most'. Congratulations. You're special.

Its definition has been expanded to be used for anyone you may disagree with, thanks to Yea Forums

that one is actually acurate

Are you literally AND figuratively retarded man?

Ummm.. no.
It's any left-wing asshole who melts down at any perceived slight in social justice.

... and feels they're unique and special.

It's not quite as broad as that, since cuckoldry in the geopolitical sense is usually what's meant, and applies to anyone white Western 1st worlder who assents to their replacement through immigration, or any policy choice that undermines their own socioeconomic and political standing in the world.

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>newfag posting about 2 year old propaganda piece
>redditfags eating it up like it’s new
>op possibly a genius outing them out with this glorious bait or he’s one of them
This board is even grosser now. Time to retreat to the good boards

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*thanks to the land without mothers

>good boards

Hope you don't mean Yea Forums, where French postmodernist philosophers are preferred to any mention of Shakespeare, whose Winter's Tale is all about cuckoldry, to get back to my theme, sir.

Do you think they know nigger spic and Kyke means subhuman

technically, yes, you're correct. No actual news organization would ever allow such sloppy pathetic and incorrect information to be passed by their outlet.

what you must have missed, is that this was MSNBC, not a reputable news outlet. that's where the difference is.

Well this is pathetic. Someone should be fired.

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the images are different (check the bottom of the screen) so i think that the words are real, but the definitions are absolutely edited.

It's not shopped faggot. They literally ran this three years ago.

>3 years ago

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and i suppose there's a video out there?




hilarious, but several years old