Talk me into or out of suicide. i'm on the fence

talk me into or out of suicide. i'm on the fence.

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Why do you want to commit suicide?

Just wait lmao you'll feel better eventually and then it'll just be a memory

tomorrow is a brand new day?

If you don't mind permanently not existing what you gotta do.

Christopher Walken doesn't look well these days.

If you kill yourself you will never feel the joy of gazing upon the beauty of war and the faces of the masses starving in their war torn countries

do you really think you can kill yourself by jumping from a fence? you'll probably just break your leg at most

Why not just ride the wave. Make your life new. Go on a fucking adventure. Do something?

What is bothering you user?

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do it faggot

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becasue i am stuck in my own life

i hate my job, my ex wife, i hate California, and nothing is realistically going to change for at least 14 years. i just dont think i have it in me any more
its been over a year
more of the same shit hombresounds attractive compared to this nonsense

Tits or GTFO.

Which isn't to say I think you're female, but rather than if you aren't female, nobody gives a shit if you live or die, faggot (unless it's some leech who's living off your money).


Why dont you flip a coin?

If you're serious about dying then join the army and get to take a shitload of people with you, when you get killed instead of being thought of as some sad wanker who topped himself you'll be remember fondly as a patriot and a hero.

think of the dubs user but fr just tough it out, it’s never a good idea to just end it, be optimistic. i thought a therapist was just complete bullshit and a waste of money but along the road i found out it’s actually comforting and nice to be able to spill anything that’s on your mind to someone who won’t judge, reconsider user

>nothing is realistically going to change for at least 14 years
You have a 4 year old kid?

Honestly, don't listen to Yea Forums on this stuff. Including me. This place is shit.

Now since you are still reading and didn't listen, start asking people what they would do if you died. Tell parents/friends that you feel like this. Go to therapy. After you do those things, then consider suicide. But before hand seems like jumping the gun (for an off color metaphor)

do you have a 4-year-old kid?

>One year
It really isn't a long span of life user. One year is nothing.

>Hate my job
Why not find a new one? Fill out your resume and send it out all over the country. Find something new and interesting.

>Hate my ex Wife
Who doesn't? She is your ex. Do you have kids together?

>Hate California
Holy shit you need to move. Fuck that state.

>Nothing is going to change for the next 14 years

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I can't, you'll probably just die of cancer anyways

Do a backflip! faggot


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As hard as it sounds sometimes literally doing something different in your life can change how you feel you just gotta find what that is

And hopefully it isn't suicide

Have faith user keep pushing

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I will join you OP. Was thinking about slitting my wrists, but will likely blow my brains out. I failed at overdosing too many times.

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>you will never have shape-shifting salt monster gf

this is what i hate about your pos country, you dont fight and die for the globalist, you survive long enough to return and take your country back from them

useless fucking americunt

To bad Yea Forums filters exif data now or I would find out where you are. Life gets better user.

Livestream it plez

woah, lady... put down the gun

>Which isn't to say I think you're female, but rather than if you aren't female,


too old

if dubs i live another day

>This place is shit.
sounds like earth desu

too old to learn a new trade and make what i currently make. 2 kids

another reason to end it

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What about your children? Don't you want to see them grow? Why give your shitty wife the satisfaction of your death when you can make your kids hate her for being such a bitch?

user, I have to get to sleep. I am going to suggest you don't do it and live for something new. Go out and try something new even if it hurts you. Find new love, live for something new, or just make happen the dream you always wanted. Sounds sappy but it is better then the end of a gun at your head.

Good luck OP.

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What did you try to OD on?

Are you sure it's yours?

Save up 1 month of pay then move to Alabama and live like your rich.
>but that's not realistic
My ass
You can rent a trailer for $300 a month.

Take a picture with gun shoved up vagoo, then leave this thread open after you pull the trigger.

I'm not suicidal but I am depressed, you just don't have the motivation or will to do anything, it sucks man.

>2 kids
selfish faggot
make it look like an accident if you can, and most importantly, livestream it

>2 kids
You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

But don't you want to watch them grow up and start posting on Yea Forums, too?

I think I just made it through a period of months where I didn't want to be here anymore. I've had a good couple mental health days and I just hope it sticks.

I don't know if its any consolation or not, but most people that have attempted suicide by jumping claimed to have regretted it the second they went over the rail/edge.

The only reason I didn't end it was because I worry about what would happen to my dog. But I realized there is a lot left out there I haven't seen, and I should probably at least make an attempt for x amount of time to find something that would make me want to stay.
If in x amount of time of searching and I haven't found it, maybe it's time to go.

If you decide to pull the trigger (pun intended), godspeed to you, and I hope your last thoughts grant you peace.
If you decide to stay, I hope you find/found something worth it.

Take care Yea Forumsrother, whatever you choose.

tomorrow holds better days.

If I had the willpower to do it I would. Been so close but something in my head always has told me no. So my life must be worth living someday I hope.

Get gun, go to bridge, get by highway and see if anything tells you to stop. If it doesnt that's for you to decide.

Personally while my life has been bullshit so far theres always someone with it way worse who would cut their cock off to trade places.

>2 kids
Get a fuckload of life insurance, liquidate as much of your assets as possible and put it in a trust for them that your ex can't touch. Make the trust the beneficiary of your life insurance policies. On a dark and stormy night, drive your car over the edge of Hwy 1 on a curve so it looks like an accident.

Had a good group of friends that all used to hang out together. One turned to hardcore drugs, the other shot himself, one left to the military and I haven't seen or heard from him in years, the last friend moved hundreds of miles away. Been a hard time for me but I ended up starting to build a new life. It isn't easy user. Fucking hardest thing I have ever went through but I am doing it. Trying to be better everyday. It gets better if you work for it. Keep moving forward.

Death is the only thing you don’t have to actually go out of your way for. Why would you actually make a conscious effort to do something that will eventually happen anyway? Seems like a waste of effort to me.


looks like my ex

A period of months where I spent every morning contemplating one of my guns before deciding that I'd wait until tomorrow slowly does wonders for your perspective on things.

she give the good S U C C?

Or tie your suicide weapon to a weather balloon and make sure the wind is blowing west.

You can always change your mind later if you wait.


>Save up 1 month of pay then move to Alabama and live like your rich.
yes, did tests when i found out she was leaving me
i wouldn't jump
probably not
too old and unhealthy to afford a big policy
why not control it?
it wouldn't be satisfaction on her part, it would be hell. she hates her time with the kids and constantly asks me to take them so she can go out and party. i always accept becasue i know if i dont watch them she will dump them off with someone retarded

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i amWhen I thought about ending it it's because I looked at it this way, in which I assume most people who either haven't/won't find religion (which is fine either way, it's besides the point) or look at it stoically would see it.

Much like the concept behind the pale blue dot comparison, on the GRAND scheme of things, we are entirely unimportant. The entirety of humanity, shit really the entirety of Earth will come and go and the universe won't have batted its eyes.
All of our problems, all of our sadness and anger, or whatever it is you feel are all so impossibly inconsequential to the greater image that is our universe that it doesn't really matter in the end whether you continue on or not.
I suppose if you look at it a little differently, it is also a perfectly acceptable reason to accept life for what it is and move on.

One of the biggest factors in why I *think* I have decided to stay is that none of us are really supposed to be here anyway, It's just blind luck that we are all alive.
Every single thing, every moment, every movement, every particle created had to have happened in the EXACT manner that it did for the last near 14 BILLION years for us to be here. It's an amount of time near impossible to comprehend, and if a single thing had gone differently, it's possible that we would never have been.

I don't like to subscribe to the idea that everything happens for a reason, because I generally believe it doesn't.
I just think that what happens, just happened to happen. And with all that history behind it, maybe there is a reason still ahead that things are the way they are.

But maybe not, I could quite possibly and most likely are a rambling idiot, but that is how I like to think of it all.

Do a flip.

tomorrow does hold better days. each day is a new opportunity. don’t do it.

I don't mean to say that you would jump, I just mean a majority of the people that have made that leap (pun not intended) regretted the choice immediately after.

I suppose you'll never quite know for yourself unless you do it, but if as many people have been there and regretted it as they have, maybe there is something to that.

What's your suicide plan OP?

Tired that too, OD on any shit I could get my hands on. Always hated myself when I woke up the next day and kept trying every day for fuck knows how long.

Not saying it got better or that I don’t think about trying again now but I know now that life can change in either direction almost at random times so if you stick it out long another day...

Show us your cock

If you're gonna kill yourself at least take some bastards with you.

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drive to a state park ive never been to
park car
hike a mile into the woods, leave cell phone, wallet, take off clothes i was last seen wearing, hike back to road and use burner phone to uber to another state park ive never been to
ditch phone en route
hike a few miles into woods, try my best to bury myself and OD / drink myself to death

anyway we can talk OP? kik? insta? snapchat? fucking linkedin?

That's a shit plan OP. Message me. Kik

Jesus loves you and has a plan for your future. It's worth sticking around for and if you believe in him as lord and savior, it will happen. also suicide will destroy those you love and care about.

>ik? insta? snapchat? fucking linkedin?
i dont use any of that millenial bullshit
i know

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If you're so miserable with your life because of your kids that you're going to fucking kill yourself, what if you abandon your kids? At least for some time?

Sure, it'll fuck em up, but it won't be nearly as bad as if their father commits suicide.

Are you still with their mother (dunno if this was answered already, haven't bothered to read through this whole thread)? Are your parents in your life? Could they fill in the void financially while you move somewhere and do your own thing for a while?

bad advice. you sound like a major faggot.

you should take estrogen hormones and publish pictures of yourself with penis in chastity cage

California? No wonder you're sad. That state sucks. The only state in the whole country I don't want to visit.

Only you can ultimately make the choice but here's a few things to consider about becoming an hero:
CON: You're dead.
PRO: You're not alive.
May Kek guide you to the right path, friend.

Write in your suicide note "Don Nickol told me to"
Do it

suicide is for communists

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we love you OP

Is someone gonna do it or is this thread just gay?

I mean, if you're going to that much trouble, you could walk out of the woods, and use the burner phone to call an uber and go start a new life.

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Dont do it

I say don't do it. It may not seem like it, but the world will be poorer without you in it.

this will def bring you out of it.

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you should definitely go live on the edge, say what you want, do what you want, like you are gonna die tomorrow, and see how it goes.

not sure what i watched but now its time. goodbye faggots!