Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe

Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe.

A wannabe Russian, a wannabe dictator, a wannabe businessman and a wannabe president.

The only thing he's been successful at is being a conman. But he has already made very serious dictator-like comments.

E.g. using paramilitaries and state forces to impose his will, kill his opposition and extend his term beyond the constitutional limits.

He discredits all free press as the enemy of the people and fake unless it agrees with him.

He lies relentlessly and displays a grand delusion complex.

He surrounds himself with yes men and echo chambers and praises himself as superior to all.

He openly compliments other dictators and their policies. E.g. Kim, Duterte and takes the word of Putin over his own intelligence agencies.

He wants a military parade

The only thing he's missing is the uniform unless you count his swasti- I mean MAGA hat.

His cronies seem to want a civil war.

He seems to love taking from people and giving it to the rich and corporate elite.

Why Americans fall for this conmen shit is beyond me but no self respecting conservative should respect him and the fact that retards like Mike Pompeo call him some sort of God sent messiah is pure mind boggling bullshit.

Can't imagine how apeshit you fucksticks would have gone if Obama or any Democrat made fun of John McCain - especially during his presidential candidacy. Y'all had your dicks hard for the war hero then, now you piss on him because orange man tells you to.

Fucking spineless sheep

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>>wannabe president
Actually, last time I checked, he is the president. And I am damn proud to be an American right now.

Oc Tldr

Will you still be proud when he's impeached and convicted? Is your allegiance to your country or to your party?

I'll still be proud at the end of his fourth term in office, I can tell you that.

You can be proud. But overseas the US is nothing but a joke nowadays. You dumb americans deserve your dumb president. I hope he gets re-elected for another amusing mess of a presidency.

Trumpanzees cant read its ok

More than half of the country didn't vote for him

Keep crying libtard

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>orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad orangemanbad

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Can't answer the question can you?

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>overseas the US is a joke
And what irrelevant country do you come from

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Yet he still won. The least competent candidate won and brought the USA to it's new low. Even Bush wasn't as incompetent.

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You're a retard, not 1/6th of the U.S population voted for either candidate, durrrrr

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still your president

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Where is the conspiracy?

When is the impeachment?

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You’re so stupid you actually probably think OP is a liberal, a shitload of people dislike our clown of a president, including non-liberals, even some conservatives who’ve managed to evolve independent brains and think for themselves

Here I am just spectating how the allmighty USA is crumbling under their twitter hero of a president. So hilarious that you couldn't even make this stuff up but it's the reality we're living in.

I mean Orange man is actually pretty bad tho
PS, OP can’t be labeled an npc, because what he did was far from just blurting out “orange man bad” he gave actual reasons and evidence to back up his statement

Still a shitty president

do they also get paid to shitpost here like you do?

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Avoided his own Vietnam service like a pussy, yet enjoys others serving

Except I’m not part of the left jackass

she lost get over it

Exactly, literally nobody voted for this fat draft dodging retard except a few mentally impaired people he quickly fucked over LMAO

We can do better than trump Or Hillary get over it

So much straw in just one post. Nice work.

Is that all you have? Haha fuck off lib

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How many campaign promises did he keep? None? Thought so.

Where's the Mexico-funded wall? Or even a fence? Nowhere? How about American tax paid fence? Oh yeah that one is WIP.

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>lies relentlessly

Name one lie I dare you

Except I’m not a liberal, the reason you think I am is because you automatically assume that everyone who disagrees with trump in the slightest is automatically a liberal

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Trump spammer is a limp wristed faggot... Holy shit!

“We don’t care about facts and broken promises!”
“We’re going to re elect this motherfucker!”

>you automatically assume that everyone who disagrees with trump in the slightest is automatically a liberal

yet you automatically assume that everyone who voted for Trump is a republican...

protip: corrupt hillary was a terrible fucking candidate. yes, trump really was the lesser of two evils.

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It's ogre for drumpf

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At what point in time did I assume what you’re saying that I assumed

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Can you imagine how the left would flip out? If Trump told everyone he was a fucking Indian and got jobs based off of being a minority?

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keep crying, gender neutral bitch, LOL

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But...But...the Clintons....

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wannabe billionaire, wannabee president

oh wait, he actually is those things, and will be remembered in American History books as long as America exists, where you on the other hand won't leave any significant mark on any history in any country and already are so insignificant that you could disappear of the face of the earth tomorrow, and no one would even realize you are gone.

not with the current stock thats running

Can't decide if soyboy or russian troll.

There's a lot of Trump bait threads going around. Welcome to the board.

You're mistaken. The russian bots/trolls are defending and fully supporting Trump. Spreading his "alternative facts" everywhere.

Ahh so Shareblue/Chinese bots?

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