Alright /b i need some advise in how to ruin a hookah lounge...

Alright /b i need some advise in how to ruin a hookah lounge. I was living in peace minding my own business but it just had to be disturbed. The local wannabe chads opened a shitty lounge/bar next to my door. When i open my windows to have some air i always get hit by that goddamn hookah stench and burning coal.Everytime i leave the house these fuckers look at me like they want to mug my ass even tho they look like spaghetti noodles.
Stealing all parking spots.
Parking like assholes.
Littering my damn street and chilling out infront of my door.
Being fucking open till 6 am and disturbing every goddamn neighbor
One day some wanabe chad just leaned on my car ( to show dominance i guess). yelled at him throw my window that he should get his gay ass away from my car and he started getting pissed. Not sure what the fuck he was thinking but he challenged me and got beat up . On many occassions i got into trouble with those fuckers. I just want to live in peace .been living here since 1997 and they just opened up last month.

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Also somebody did a hit n' run on my damn car last week. Pretty fucking sure it was one of these assholes. I just can't fucking take it anymore. I really don't want to kill anybody but if this shit keeps going i will fuck somebody up real good

Play loud music but music which chads don't like

Throw a ton of stink bombs near or in the building, and i don't think you can get in trouble for this.

That's just fucking up my neighbours too. I threw ketchup bottles this week on their cars. Probably gonna throw some eggs tomorow . If they catch me i'll be dead. Weak fuckers carrying guns and knives and stuff

Why would you yell at him like that? That just pisses people off. If you ask normally they'll usually stop. If they don't, then there's of time to be an asshole after.

A lot of homeless have migrated to the city I live in and I've noticed that they respond better if you ask without being an ass. You're just venting when you scream at them but that is more likely to cause further problems than resolve the issue. You especially want to be careful if your car is regularly parked outside.

What country is this in? Your options depend on it

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plant a colony of cockroaches in various places

If you're already resorting to vandalism then put raw fish in the buildings vents or something. Irritating the people going there probably won't make a difference.

1) Get cans of Febreeze
2) Every hour, cinch a zip tie around the trigger and bottle of one and chuck it inside
3) ???

Attached: Febreeze.jpg (480x346, 18K)

>Learn how to pick lock
>Break in every night
>Steal days earnings
>Get better nightly
>Learn how to avoid cameras as they put them up in a weak attempt to save their now money draining business.
>Become the greatest thief of the modern era as they crash and burn

Then sell your skills to governments for big bucks.

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Go to the toilets and shit/piss on the floor

>Not sure what the fuck he was thinking but he challenged me and got beat up

OP this is where I knew you were lying and baiting. Better luck next thread.

Because i live on the 4th stage i had to yell
. Germany. I am a german and don't care about these turks arabs or lord knows where the fuck they are coming from

Nice idea

Building has 0 vents. That's why they are leaving the door open to get the smoke out.

If they see i'm fucking with ketchups and stuff they will probably get my ass while i'm sleeping or attack my family. This has really become a hotspot for illegal stuff. I can't prove it but the rumors are true since the local drug dealers are sucking some pipe in the back area

No. I just cut the story short.
I saw him leaning on my car and first shouted that he shall remove himself from my car. He started badmouthing me then i started yelling.
>shitty german come down and we will see who the real man is
Even tho i don't get tilted and violent easily i was triggered beyond believe. How can he badmouth me even tho i'm right ? I just don't get it. Walked down and the typical german vs turk stuff happend. He took his phone called his amigos for backup(coward) . And i just took the opportunity and fucked his shit up before they turned up. Never saw him again.Police came and i didn't get in any trouble what so ever. Probably because he fled the scene and is known for drug abuse and dealing.

The ideal way to get rid of them would be to catch them doing something illegal. Look into the business laws. They're probably violating some building laws or something.

I'm pretty sure you'll lose a war of attrition if you try to harass the people. Do they get into fights outside? Regularly calling the cops on something like that will probably make the drug dealers uncomfortable at least

Play German war songs

They already got shutdown once. But reopened 5 days ago. There was a seal on the door that it shall not be broken . Not sure who broke it but the broken seals are still there

They sometimes get rowdy in the night but a couple times they fought in between themselves.

Neighbours are old people and probably also just want their peace and they are frightened by them


Stop doing petty shit. It will only get you in trouble. Go big or go home. You know want needs to be done.

Go to their toilet and plug them with something permanent. Use your imagination.

Introduce a serious vermin problem to their place. Mice, cockroaches etc. Pet stores are your friend.

Throw a wasps nest in there. You can even put wasps in a jar, shake it hard and throw it in. Remember to wear a hoodie.

Try getting a hold of their hookah supply or maybe place some hookah flavoring with something sickening in it.

Plug their locks.

Start throwing superglue at the people without being visible from the window.

Wherever the chad wannabes live, do all the things to their place too.

Slash their cars tires.

Get a loud speaker and play mosquito tune.

EMP their place.

Fuck with their electric supply.

Find out about the sisters/moms of those chad wannabes, bang them while filming it and distribute it for free online while tagging that hookah bar.


Sign them up for spam mail.

Sign them up for garage sale/give aways.

Sign them up for furry conventions.

Another idea is to find out where they're from and what country they hate. Then go online and pretend to have free hookah + snacks for the people of that country. Invite as many young men as possible to the hookah bar.

Buy facebook ads

Target aggressive black men

Advertise free hooka at their place

>EMP their place
Jesus Christ dude

just grow a black mold culture and spike into their walls. They have to shut down if theres black mold in the building

I'm an immigrant myself but I fucking hate these degenerates. I've gotten in fights with Arabs over this kind of shit. Inconsiderate shitskins.
I've had arab neighbors play loud music all night long. I knocked on their door but they wouldn't answer. Called cops but they didn't come. Next day I bought white paint and threw it at their door. They didn't play it for next few months.
And yeah, you disappoint the shit out of me OP. You made the supreme führer turn in his grave. These are all simple things. Just don't fucking get caught. Godspeed!

I think we had a misunderstanding over here. I meant to basically shut down the power by frying it out wirelessly. Not to nuke them.

break into the lounge, piss on everything

Thanks man i will try some of these

More suggestions coming in;
Fish juice on furniture (tuna cans with water)
Pee in a bottle and spray it over the furniture. Don't fucking pee live because it leaves you vulnerable during the act. And don't break into anything. Just pretend to be a customer. Maybe even be a customer for a day. Try to disguise yourself well though.

You can even take black mold with your as well as the piss bottle and fish stuff. Gotta mess their day up at least.

If you wanna go the pussy way, be cool with them for a while and then throw fireworks from the window. Just don't look to see the results or anything otherwise you'd be spotted. And don't do it in a pattern.

How do i do that without fucking up my house too ? They are connected ( next to each other)

No problemo. Good luck in kebab removal. You're doing God's work.

fill their place with cockroaches through a back door when they're closed. call in health inspector.

Ja. Problem ist halt nur das diese verfickten araber und rest familie bedrohen etc. Polizei hilft auch nicht wirklich gegen diese möchtegern mafia barone da die auch zum teil bedroht werden( war selber zeuge bei einem vorfall ). Die fucken mich auf übelste ab ich will doch nur in ruhe schlafen und leben. Diese verdammten wichser tun auch immer einen auf unschuldig

plant it inside the building or get it into the ventilation but only if the output vents are away from your home. Just get it somewhere where it can grow a while before they notice the horrific smell. Even if they dont go away by then it will cost a lot to have it removed. Make sure your own walls are bone dry.

They know me since i got into trouble with a couple of their customers and friends. There is no way i'm going to break in or steal something.

Pee on a plate, freeze, slide under door

Might look into it but i have to find a friend to smuggle that in since they already got wind of my resistance

Aus welcher stadt kommst du?

get the friend to spike it behind furniture in the walls and even in the furniture. All it takes is someone to call the health inspector and if the bastard finds one trace the whole business has to shut down for inspection. Spike with a thick needle soaked in black mold for minimum suspicion.


1. Enter hookah bar
2. Restroom
3. Drainflies in the sinks
4. Toothpick fish in urinals
5. Rat tail maggots in toilets
6. Earwigs in the paper towels and/or in the hand drier (Earwigs nest like rats, learned this shit the hard way)
7. Rats on the floor (If you want to make it more traumatizing, stick pins into their brains)
8. Leave restroom (Make sure you do all this right before they close)
9. Leave establishment, wait until 2-3 AM or so.
10. Gay pride flag over the door
11. Fliers for a "LGBTQIA2PSFH+ Pride Happy Hour" and praise it as "Like being an extension of June" and post those motherfuckers on every telephone pole in a ten-mile radius
12. Hire actual strippers (Male and Female) to do a show there at the same time that you specify the happy hour
13. Advertise a "Down-syndrome awareness rally" at that specific location at the same time as the strippers and happy hour
14. Wait

According to my current models, it will be such an absolute catastrophe that the place will get raided by SWAT, FBI, DEA, ATF, Interpol, SAS, Spetznaz, GSG9, SEALS, and maybe ISIS if you get lucky.

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Thanks for all the support guys. We will win this i have faith. Will probably update next week or so

I Google translated that bro. Not living in Germany.
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through that... This shit is common in shithole countries.
I'm from one and trust me it's a shithole for a reason;
(Spoiler alert) the people.
I never understood why some white fucks are so keen on bringing more of this garbage into a perfectly functioning society. They could atleast filter out the garbage but nah they grew up in a happy clean world and think rest of the world is like their safe havens. Its not.
And I know you just want peace in your life, I do too. But please be safe and don't get yourself noticed if you do any of the things I've said. Justice is no good if it's served too late.
And again, I hope your country opens its eyes to the trash that it's imported.

Remove kebab for us, user.

Duisburg ist echt voll mit dem schmierigen pack. Wirf nachts eier an die scheiben oder piss an die hauswand von der shishabar. Es gibt doch diesen einen Fisch der unheimlich stinkt. Nimm ne wäscheklammer damit du selber nicht stirbst und schmier diesen gottverdammten fisch an jede stelle von der shishabar. Das sind so paar sachen die mir einfallen, viel Glück

Thanks man.

Yeah will probably go to prison for that kind of stuff. I want to regain my peace

But how would they link you to any of it?

Danke. Wie gesagt das problem ist dass vor der bar eine kamera ist. Würde sonst jeden scheiß machen. Wenn ich eier das nächste mal werfe poste ich das hier.

Cameras. And it also doesn't help that they are aware that i'm resisting currently

Play really loud arab music with a speaker facing your front door. The neighbours will call the Cops and when they show hide the speakers. Play that shit LOUD

Anyway guys. Thanks for your support i gotta go to work now 5 am here in germany . If i do stuff i will definetly post it here

You could actually do a modification of what the guy offered.
Atleast inviting people to the hookah bar for some convention. (people that arabs would hate; blacks, gays, other arabs etc)
Do it often, do it online, use VPN and never admit. You can get cockroaches in their place at night from under the door.
Wear a hoodie and don't go straight home after doing that.
Leave their address and number for a "viewing" best done if you go to a ghetto and leave PRINTED PAPER there on some pole. Mention a believable rent and that the place will be rented out for 6 months and its an open viewing so anyone can come. Free coffee too.
Make surenl you look out for cameras anywhere you put those up.
Whatever you do, be safe and don't tell anything to anyone you know in real life no matter how proud you feel.

Gonna leave now. If you made any progress, let us know over here. If it's something major, use a VPN and please be safe.

By some fish and some beef, wrap it up and hide it in your clothes or in a bag (maybe have a female friend with a purse do this), and go in as a customer, sit down and smoke some hookah, and then hide the fish and beef in spots where they won't be found for a while (under seat cushions, maybe tape it under a table, if the bathroom has movable ceiling tiles, put them up there, etc)

The place will stink like fucking shit within a few days, and it'll take em a while to figure out why.