[RICHFAG THREAD] ask me anything niggers

[RICHFAG THREAD] ask me anything niggers

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how much cum do you swallow from your uncle's dick?

pay pal me money faggot, then we will see if you are rich

Can u buy me a house

Do you wish you were white?

What have you done lately to waste more of your inheritance?

When did you realize money won't fix your shit-coloured skin tone?

why are you wearing such shit tier studs if you can afford an AP?

How rich are we talking here?

All that 'money' and you still couldn't get a decent haircut?

Why does it burn when I cum?? Please help the cum burn send me an email on how to stop the pee pee and cum burn. Pee Pee burn why why help me with pee pee burn my pee pee should not burn why my pee pee burn help my poor burning pee pee.

What the fuck is wrong with your skin?
Spend your money on medication, creams or treatment instead of a retarded watch.
You know it tells the time the exact same way as every other watch except when it gets stolen, breaks or stops you will have lost money that you could have used for "not being a superficial cunt" classes.

>has AP
>cuts his own hair

sure thing bruh

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>implying that's yours

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

im proud of my indo-india chinese heritage sad you have to be a hater cause i live a better lifestyle

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drug lord.

heres me and rae sremmurd

see the difference between me and a normie is that ive actually left the country

ive been places...

france, italy, quatar, etc

learn to live you guys...

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how rich?
net worth?
annual income?

if no questions answered I'll just assume larp

>> heres me and rae sremmurd
Who's the chick on the left with the earring?

Why didn't you answer my question?'

Did you forget the point of your thread, or are you just retarded?

Let's try this again... What have you done lately to waste more of your inheritance?

dont want to reveal too much but lets just say this fit.

Fear of God Jacket $2k
Rick Owens Essentials Shirt $500
Saint Laurent DO3 Jeans $1.3k
Saint Laurent Wyatt Boots $1.6k

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Why is your skin the colour of poop?

Ever thought of being a sugar daddy?

>here's me with some random guy

>I've been abroad guys

Must be richest man on the planet. please donate 1m it must be spare change to you

Could you send me some money?

How do you spend over 5k and still look like trash haha

Lemme be your stylist I'll get you the best most expensive clothes I promise lmao

all those nice expensive clothes, hiding a flabby sack of shit mcdonalds gut.
why don't you hire a nutritionist with all your money?

for work right now really i just free lance

my parents helped me get into modeling gigs so im working with some big labels so i can start doing runway

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LOL user.

lose some weight. please.


Better start getting into shape if you wanna live that dream chubs.

Is this thread mommy's idea? She trying to get you internet famous or something? Or is the "parents helping me get modeling gigs" also fantasy?

>my parents helped me get into modeling gigs so im working with some big labels so i can start doing runway
oh lord HAHA, just know, that you are far too ugly, fat and short to ever work as a model in ANY capacity if you had no connections.

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You rule

Bruh. Hes not fat. Its that coat. Its a style.

nono, this is op's way of making himself feel better after being rejected by the modeling companies even with all his privilege.

Can you send me some money to buy a new guitar? I just want a Squier Stratocaster which is about $130. paypal.me/spyC

tell that to my parents when they sign your check at the end of the month

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if you a real one cash app me 20$ $dripeffect

Which coat? Every coat ever? If it's a style then you'll be a great model for dad clothes.

This lol

why are all of your photos taken at a mall?

Still no answer to my question:

Ever wanted to be a sugar daddy?

Jokes on you I'm unemployed lol

Still looking way better than your fatass too hahaha

this one was taken in paris

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suffice to say, it wouldn't get through to you, but money is the furthest thing from the most important thing in life.
you will be surrounded by yesmen for the rest of your life, not knowing who really enjoys you for you. have fun living a superficial life full of vanity and self-doubt.

that neckbeard

>my mommy will fuck you up

Grow a pair you pathetic waste of oxygen. Tf can you provide this world with other than more worm food.

Post a pic of yourself with hundreds of dollars

fake and gay

i can tell by the pixels

Give me 10k and I might believe you

What wisdom or values do you have to pass along? Do you have anything for us besides being a spectacle?

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heres far more than hundreds in shoes

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Be. My. Sugar. Daddy.

>implying these are yours

I can take a picture like this too

He. Has. No. Money.

I don't get why all you fags are so mad that he has money, agreed that he could use some of that money to make himself look better physically but other than that I don't see what the big deal is.

This guy broke af

Are you an only child?


this 17 year old kid flexin his dads watch and money

its funny

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Rae Sremmurd isn't a duo it's a person. fag doesn't even know who he's fanboying over


is a duo, isn't a person ***

Yeah, that's Sway Lee or whatever the untalented fags name is.

ikr? posing with all this shit like it's his haha stop living in fantasy op

it's either that or he's a POS with no friends to show off to and wants to feel big so comes here of all places?

ORR plot twist this isn't op and he's just being roasted


Nigger and a beaner in a closet with their pinkies out

ohh wow!

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what are we looking at user?

OP, see this.

post similar or shut the fuck up

My man.

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how is it that your life is so empty that you have to post for attention on Yea Forums?

He can't, he's already said it's his mom's money

Which, if it was his mom's, he'd probably hide that fact a bit better. Cos who wants to be known as a mommy's boy on Yea Forums?

Richfag? Like your opinion is any different than anyone else in the world. Everyone's blood is the same on the outside.

Why haven't you learned English yet?

You look like a fat faggot there Sanjay

When is the part where I'm supposed to be impressed?
Your shit all looks like you won a shopping spree at a soon to close mall.

Let me know when you have multiple houses, cars, boats, and the finest of everything in your own name and its paid for and you can show me the title and deeds.

Mommy's money can't buy you friends or girls. Coming to this place to brag is like going into a special ed room and being proud to be the smartest.

Noone cares. Literally noone and if you're trying to make me jealous with all your nigger tier shoes and clothes it isn't going to work.

By real estate, businesses and anything else you can turn a profit on.

you can buy this outfit for 100 bucks at the local mall.

And yet here you are. With the rest of us.

lmao u fucking midget

And OP is kill

good work Yea Forums

Why are you poor? Why are you retarded? Does mine second question correlate with the first one?

You look like an incel i went to hs with


deep rich kuwaiti money there in charlotte. this thread is a joke.

I can tell by your knuclebone you are a turbo faggot

It is a duo you fucking retard