On 200 mics LSD right now. 1 hour in. Screen appears to be floating. AMA

On 200 mics LSD right now. 1 hour in. Screen appears to be floating. AMA

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Is 200 Considered a low dose around here?
Stories also welcome.

Try to watch the end of devilman's ep1 now

Koyaanisqatsi. Youre welcome

Different fag. No. It's a fair amount.

How ya holding up buddy?

Hey bro hope you're having a nice time. How was your come up?

>1 hour in
you're not even there yet man.
get a good playlist and vibe going, have something to watch queued up for later.
you got snacks and drinks ready?
if you smoke then have those ready too.
an ice cold beer or two can be good if you're nervous but only have 1 or 2.
dont smoke weed until after the peak, makes shit too intense.
you have prob 90min before shit starts getting crazy.
if you're tripping alone, i recommend having TripSit IRC open and ready
it's a chill chatroom filled with other people also tripping plus experienced trip sitters. if you need help just type "help".

turn your phone off, close your messaging apps, go Offline in Steam n shit. You dont want a message from someone, bad news from home or reminiscent thoughts about someone or something popping up and ruining your trip.
an hour from now, get off of Yea Forums.
dont be bored on your trip, it makes you think about shit, sometimes think about the past.

put good tunes on, watch something, draw some pictures, play the guitar and have a great time.

Sending good vibes to ya brah

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You wouldnt be posting here if you were on 200 mcg of LSD. Your LSD is bunk

>1 hour in
>Makes thread
>No response for 15 minutes

Guys I think ops in wonderland.

OP is probably having a blast staring at his carpet right now. Das my guy

If it were me you can guess I went for a piss and saw the mirror.

Same. It took my like 45 min in the mirror once to come to the conclusion that I'm just a monkey with weird hair

You ever watched that timelapse of the universe video?

I took acid last night

Where do I buy acid ?

acid stores

Sorry guys. Totally wondered off. Shits bending. Building are melting. Its amazing!
Never seen Yea Forums so jelly.

Woah woaaaah woahhhh im floating away user quick grab my hand

Thanks man. Drank a beer, now shits bending. Its amazing. Truly. Seeing shit that would never move bend is something...

This is way toooooo weird

Gonna go 4 a walk guys, wish me luk.

Godspeed, user

Godspeed user. Bump the thread (or make a new one) later in your trip to tell us about your adventures.

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Hella sketchy walk out there. Taught wasnt interesting enough took another 200.
What to expect anons?

dont over-expect or under-expect anything.
just chill, lay down on a comfy bed with music on and let it all just wash over you.
dont worry about falling asleep and missing the trip; you cant sleep on acid.

I get that effect from staying up for 48 hours

The funny thing is I just realised it got waaaay stronger. Now whole keyboard mangaled up. now gotta wait 4 the other one to kick in i guess

yeah based on when you dropped you should just start peaking, or hit the peak in the next few minutes.
get comfy dude and enjoy the feeling. i'm jealous as fuck.

Why arent you tripping?

I'm literally tripping around my apartment and looking at the walls.

dont have any L, and not in a good place and time for it anyway. it's winter here so I'd rather do it in the summer and /out/, either innawoods or by the beach.

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I see. Have you tried shrooms?
Any experiences?

once, it was OK but I didnt take much.
i liked it cuz it was a short trip compared to LSD. LSD is a fucking long trip, like 10 or 12 hours. makes it hard to schedule in basically a full weekend without interruptions if you have a life, job, friends and hobbies n shit.
shroom trip is only like 5 or 6 hours all up, could totally get away with a little on a weeknight to loosen things up if you wanted/needed.

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You guys are really up on LSD. The last time I tried making one of these threads I got spammed with gore.

Looking down the apartments, roads flexing, cars getting bigger/smaller. Also lot of things are seemingly breathing

Can feel my body tingling, getting lighter, barely feel that im walking.

Listen to music friend. Seriously! Go put on whatever you enjoy listening to on the daily. My recomendation is Boards of Canada.

Here you go tripping OP. Have some mandalas.

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it's cuz it's late night Sunday for the US shitposters, Yuropoors are asleep and Aussies are still at work.

Its actually hard to believe that this image is .JPG
Colors blending is beautiful

Yuropoor myself xD
Not feeling like sleeping really

Turn of your screens, monitors, TVs, and all electronic devices or they will track you. Not the feds, not aliens. Something else. Something interdimensional. Hurry OP. Dont make the same mistake as me.

Naah, i dont believe there is anything worse than feds

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