Daily reminder that without the US...

Daily reminder that without the US, these cunts would be drugged-up prostitutes being sold for sex somewhere in a shithole country.

Good job you stupid fucking liberals. You elected trash and that’s exactly what you’ll get. Trump and the Republicans are going to dominate 2020

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>You elected trash and that’s exactly what you’ll get. Trump and the Republicans are going to dominate 2020

that fucking face!

Yea. You elected trash and that’s all the democrats have to offer now, so Trump is going to win (again)

they way you made it sound is trump is the trash the democrats deserve

Shut the fuck off, Putin

Did they elect Trump?

in a way yes, by being too cocky

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Your point doesn’t really prove or show anything.
Are they shit politicians? Yes.
But they’re doing the normal process for getting elected and becoming politicians with votes etc, you know, like the one we have here in the US? The land of opportunity where anyone no matter where they’re from can follow any path they please?

typical leftist reaction. laughing at reality.

Yea but that comes with consequences. Like a fucking war

Or you could just defeat them by raising support for an opposing political platform and getting votes

Yea but if that fails then war is the backup plan.

I’m just telling you the course of events here, that’s it. If the libs want a civil war when Trump gets elected next year I’m all for it. They can start shit any time they want and I’m 100% fine with that.

I endorse this message

Well I’m personally not a fan of either of them, so I’ll go build my own country when it comes around

Most of the country voted against your candidate as president, he only won electorally. He's the first president ever to not reach a 50% approval rating. He couldn't downplay his lie about Americans not having to pay for a border wall. He said he would get rid of the deficit, but he doubled it. He complained about how many days Obama spent golfing, and then played more golf in his first year than Obama did in 4 years. He tried to ban people from entering the country based only on their religious beliefs.

Seriously, who has all day to list all of his
hypocrisies and failures?

I think only AOC would survive 2 days as prostitutes

trump and republicans are corrupt jew russian fag boys. Libertarians 2020

nice try sharia blu... go eat a bag of dicks jew faggot.

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SOMEONE is angry that AOC is getting more cock than he is!!

They went back in time?

Better to laugh at reality than deny it even exists (or think it's fake). *honk* *honk* faggot.

My guess is your only source of sex is prostitutes, so maybe you know what you're talking about

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Didn't have to. Right up until election night they were still trying to claim Trump only had a 5% chance of getting elected lmao.

>Better to laugh at reality than deny it even exists
>But transgender people are real

My fucking sides.

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Anyone got some good pics of AOCs nude tits or ass yet? I need to fap to this bitch, but the material is shit.

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>not even once

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You do realize these women are members of congress? There are 535 members of congress... With that many, you're bound to have some nutjobs on BOTH sides...

Let me give you a protip, spend some time learning about the nutjob republican members of congress... You'll be just as shocked. Thank me later... everything in moderation /bro

Trump looks like Mason
AOC-"Hold my beer Pelosi"

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but that includes moderation itself

good job OP!


Check my stream

You're going to remind us daily what a butthurt faggot you are OP?

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>Screamed at an empty parking lot
> Was elected on the whole "white capitalist patriarchy vibe"
>Voted against increased funding that would help detainees
>Lies about "asylum" seekers
>Lies about "parents" being separated from their "children"
>Lied about toilets and drinking water
>Is now the new face of the Democratic party
>Advocating a path to citizenship will just incentivize more to come with up to 80% of the women being raped by TRAFFICERS
I don't want to vote for Trump. I didn't in 2016, but I'm seriously considering it now.

lol stffu. Trump is a criminal. He's a fascist. He's an illiterate racist. literally a bag of shit would be a better president.

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BOOMERS get off my Yea Forumsee.

Also, imagine shilling so hard for the ultra wealthy that you post garbage tier memes. It's like you're all either some kind of Russian troll group, Boomers who got their education out of pre-civil war history books, or a bunch of teenagers that didn't bother to pay attention to any social studies courses in high school.

Libs are fucked. No way they can win with this shit.

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Not worried at all

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hey so Why is Donald Trump parting with sex trafficker and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Why did trump talk about how "young" Jeff liked his girls?

You know why. It's just hard to admit openly that Donald Trump, the President, is a child rapist.


inb4 durr u dont no wut fash ism is

I have also wondered this. He promoted Alex Acosta to Labor Secretary to hide his rape of Jane Doe.

Donald Trump is already a criminal who will be indicted in 2020. We just don't know how bad his crimes really are, yet...

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Taxes have to go up on the Middle Class because of your stupid President's policies
>confiscate guns, reparations
>free entry
>abolish private health care
It's a long time coming actually

Except that map is obsolete now trumpshit


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Thanks to U.S. led economic warfare.

uh oh faggits is gonna be mad about dis

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It's technically illegal to accuse a sitting President to be a criminal in Time of War.

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You have to have more than hearsay to convict, sweaty.


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>muh strawman butthurt


Winning Bigly

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>I'll defend my criminal just to spite you sweaty

i think this is unintentionally, extremely accurate


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Except the Democrats aren't offering trash, you're just assmad.


go fuck yourself, liar. Just some accusation is in the Mueller Report. It also came from michael cohen in sworn testimony before congress.

Many investigations have spun off. Donald Trump is a president. Sucks to suck, /btard/

GOP are traitors supporting a cheater and a fascist. Donald will face Justice.

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>he thinks he's seeking justice while denying evidence is necessary to convict someone
>he'll willingly break the law if it makes orange man stop hurting his feefees on the internet
Peak cope, sweaty.

>GOP are traitors
>cries about elections being rigged for decades
>one guy makes it in despite the rigging of popular vote
I shouldn't have to make an example of you. You already know you're a dumb nigger.

Where is Bill Clinton?

Where do you think?

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Imagine not knowing that the 45 richest zip codes all voted libtard.
The top 5 highest market value corps. are all libtards
Then you shill libtard shit thinking you are Robin Hood.

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this bait is so weak im starting to think its liberals posting it trying to build some outrage so more liberals vote...

And cause of stupid white men they are not. Christian white men tried to save the world and we are anoit to suffer for it.

Yep ole Billy boys on pedo island with his buds

They are the Opposite Hood. Rob from the middle class to give to themselves and the poor.

>Like a fucking war
What are you talking about, you ignorant sack of shit?

Troof hurts

fyi, puerto rico /is/ the US. Their country /is/ the US. You fucking retards.

Like who? Trump’s pornstar Hookers?

here's your hat, retard. Trump won't break 200 EC points.

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this is shockingly refreshing

He's got a point, too. They're fucking whack-jobs.

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Getting his back busted?

Now do it by population and remember why you need to lick the electoral college's boots

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when everyone you surround yourself with is either a convicted felon and/or fucks kids

You know, the electors don't necessarily have to live long enough to cast their ballots.

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People like you are a blight on this once great nation.