Be me yesterday

>be me yesterday
>think i am gonna be alone for a while because family went to neighboring state
>decide to make a big pot of delicious stew that i can eat for a couple days
>spend 5 hours slow cooking this delicious stew
>finally eat it at night
>best stew ever
>have 3 bowls
>put rest in fridge
>family comes home that night
>today i wake up at noon, thinking about that delicious stew
>go to fridge and it's gone
>ask my mom what happened to my stew
>she threw it away
>not sure what to do about this

do i:

a)let my anger subside and get over it

b)throw out all the food from the fridge to see how my mother likes it

c)never talk to my mother again

d)reconcile with my mother and accept her offer of Dominoes pizza?

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What was her reasoning.

she said she thought it was something old that she made, which i don't believe because it didn't look like anything she had ever made

E) rape the shit out of her then knock her out

Tell her to not to do that again without asking you
Also, get a job and move out so you can have your shit your way.

Option b.

Punch her in the stomach and crack a bottle over her skull. Her actions were unacceptable.

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bake a delicious cake or pie tomorrow and if she asks for piece say no to her

>bake a delicious cake or pie tomorrow and if she asks for piece say no to her
this is so petty i might just do it

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Clearly she won't ask permission and will just assume.

maybe time the baking so that when she comes home from work the cake is in the oven and she has to ask

>Also, get a job and move out so you can have your shit your way.

This. Not living with parents, relatives or even roommates is the best thing.

nice, triple dubs

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Move out. If you're old enough to be on here you're too old to live with Mommy.

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Stay of her territory cooking and cleaning all she got

She knew it wasn't her work.
She crossed the line, and now its time for you to send a strong message. Post pics in this thread we expect great things from you.


OP, be an adult about it, have conversation with your Mum about it, tell her you were disappointed she did that and from now on to check with you before throwing out food she didn't make.

Just be cool, don't be an autismo about it.

And like user said, move out and make a living space of your own.

that's not how that works you retard



Make another stew it will fuck with her small little woman brain

Are you really going to let her just fuck you like this and run away (move out on your own)?
What kind of cook are you?

Option D. You can always make more soup, you can't always get free pizza.

>Make another stew
i would, but i used up most of the ingredients; that's why it pisses me off so much, it was such a waste.

>Nobody is asking for the recipe
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

it's probably garbage, probably literally since we're on Yea Forums

Hes right. What did you put in it?!

...yes it is

Its just dubs however there are 3 pairs of them which makes it significantly more impressive then just dubs thus warrants attention. Newfriend

Accept the offer of pizza. Sorry to hear something like that happened, but let your mom know how much of a cunt she is for doing such a thing without asking.

Red wine and fresh herb are a big part of how I make better stew than you guys.

e. pin mom down and pump a huge load inside her.

i took some cured/smoked veal role (kinda like beef bacon, really fatty) and threw that in the pot to brown it a little

then i diced an onion and threw that in to caramelize just a bit, then i added water, some garlic cloves, cut up carrots and celery and let that all boil for about 15 minutes. for seasoning i put in about a 2-3 teaspoon of vegador being carefull not to add too much because the water will eventually diminish through evaporation

then i cut up cauliflower and threw that in there, along with the cut up stem. (didn't have potatoes, because my mom burned her last batch of mashed and threw them all away)

then i made a roux out of the stew water and flour, also threw in some more vegador in that, and put it in the stew to thicken it up a bit.

finally towards the end i put in the broccoli, and some other spices. some crushed red pepper, black pepper, a hint of Italian seasoning.

then i left it to simmer for like 4 hours until it got nice and thick.

She doesn't deserve it after throwing that goddamn stew out

Since you have no more ingredients forage around for a fresh roadkill and leftovers out of trashcans. Cook a new stew using these ingedients and feed it to mom.

id go with Yea Forums

>inb4 im a sob
yes, i am

That sounds really good!

it was amazing user, really amazing

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just live a few years on your own then try again to understand the kind of sacrifices humans need to make to be able to live around each other (which, despite all the retard behavior, is a good thing)
then, choose to live with people who arent stupid enough to either not think about it or to think that stew could have been something they just forgot about

wtf is a vegador? do you mean vinegar?

how the fuck do you burn mashed potatoes? are you and your mom retarded?

Shit man, this is a tough one to let slide. You just dont fuck with a man's stew like that. It's a guy thing that females will never understand. She needs to be taught a lesson on this time. Chain her in a dark basement for no less than 3 days with no food or water. She is allowed a bucket to shit in, that is all.

Needs to be pizza but not dominos. Some good local god tier pizza

Yea Forums says b).

i think it's spelled vegador, that might be a brand though. i also know it as vegeta, it's like a seasoning made out of vegetables, it's european i think. i tastes kinda like chicken bullion i guess

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I'm this guy.

Trust me, moving out is the best decision you can make. I had to work shit jobs and pay a high rent but I wouldn't move back in.
I got to bang hoes, eat whatever I want, get home whenever I wanted, kept things my way without someone "cleaning"... Don't get me wrong, I'm OCD about cleaning and clean once/twice a week and keep things organized. But I fucking hate others touching my stuff.
Best thing would be to jerk off whenever I felt like and wherever I felt like. Watched porn on full volume and did it all naked.
Now living with my gf though but she's cool so no issues regarding any freedom. Except no more hoes. Which is a good thing since I don't have to deal with shallow bullshit over a disease ridden vag.
You won't have to listen to your parents gibberish or them fucking/fighting.
Just fucking do it.
They'll fuck with you less after that.
And yeah just talk to them next time instead of posting shit here. Don't be rude unless they are but be firm and clear..

another pic

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Tell her she will never see her grandchildren.

This. Also it's your mom and your relationship. Everything you do on your own is shit. Just buy more ingredients and make a new one.

Kek.... bitching cuz his mom tossed stew cuz it was so shit it looked turned.

I seriously doubt she did this out of spite. Shit happens sometimes, particularly when you're still living at home.
Time to be an adult. Accept her apology and pizza, although you might up the ante to a steak dinner.

Bet she gave up on that years ago

You could recreate it with her and bond over it, or you could do what the other user said and chain her in the basement with a shit bucket.

>Artificially flavored vegetable stew made out of Italian seasoning and vegeta

I'm glad she threw it in the trash. She probably thought you put semen in it or poison you sick fuck and the rest of it was trash bad cooking.

I do not give a shit if your mom did this on accident or not, THROW OUT FUCKIN EVERYTHING.

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Start over, nigger
If you hold a grudge over something so dumb not only will it ruin your relationship w yer mom, but it will eat you up inside & make you physically ill

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sound over cooked

You should only ever need to slow cook tough meat or beans. Never slow cook veggies or potatos, otherwise it all turns into a ugly mush babyfood. The key for a good stew is to throw vegetables in after slowcooking the meat. My point is don't over cook the veggies

Veal skin.

This guy again.
I didn't read the pizza part before.
What kind of dumb nigger are you OP?
I know your stew was special to you but it's clearly a mistake/misunderstanding. It seems a lot like she didn't do it because she hated you or anything.
What the fuck man? You're a dumb little bitch for plotting shit against her.
Just go and tell her it's fine and you fucking take her out for pizza if you acted like a cunt to her over it. .
Next time leave a fucking note with your stuff as long as you're living with them and don't be rude to her over mistakes like these. Just fucking communicate. She seems sweet.

OP you negative fuck.

Get your own place, loser

Realistically D but only if your mom changes it to papa Johns

>If you hold a grudge over something so dumb not only will it ruin your relationship w yer mom, but it will eat you up inside & make you physically ill
it already eats me up inside user, she is a serial "thrower outer" i dont have a better word. my whole life she has been throwing things out without asking anyone. things that i specifically told her not to throw out get thrown out.

>sound over cooked
it was great, just how i like it

Why not just make another stew?

>if you acted like a cunt to her over it
i haven't done anything yet, i made this thread to try and vent. and i know i need to move out, but i just keep thinking about that stew and how good it was. also this stew thing isnt an isolated incident. i really want to break her legs

i already answered here

No, I don't think you did.

my bad, i meant this

e) get nudes of your mom and post on /b

i'm telling you it was delicious, you dont have to beleive it. and it's not "made out of italian seasoning and vegeta. i put a pinch of italian seasoning to add some complexity, and the vegeta is mostly salt anyway. what kind of bland stews are you eating?

Funny thing loser is I want to break your legs too you and your shitty stew.

I'm telling you my mom who's Mexican makes vegetable soup and never uses stock.

Stew is some shit that's thick like baby formula

Vegeta is the name of a dragon ball z character. All this sounds asian or sandnigger cuisine

i appreciate the humor user, but it was not hers to throw away.

my stew did nothing wrong faggot

You used cold veal bacon too. Fat grease and skin fucking sick.

it was a veal role, there is plenty of meat on it, i was just describing like bacon for those who dont know what it is. and when it was slow cooked it was amazing

Just talk to your mom and be like "what the fuck...You threw out my stew I just made". Listen to what she says and just tell her what she did was messed up because the stew cost money, tasted really good and that stew was the only thing that brought you happiness in this world. Maybe she will order you some dank pizza or something.

It sounds like some shit i would make when i really don't know how to cook.

It's happened to me too there are better ways you could take this incident.

When it was slow cooked it was raw.

Then it's your own fault for not putting a note on it
have some if you want

or you could be a man & move out

yeah it was thick, and some of the veggies broke down to add to the thickness (which was planned), so to the other user telling me i was wrong to slow cook it, no, i wanted some of the veggies to almost puree

>It sounds like some shit i would make when i really don't know how to cook.
oh fuck off, if it was shit i would have thrown it away myself, and i used to work in a kitchen so i know a thing or two

>When it was slow cooked it was raw.
no, i already said it was cured/smoked. you can literally cut it up and eat it cold. i bought it from the european store

>Then it's your own fault for not putting a note on it.
i thought i was gonna be alone for a couple of days, hence the large batch of stew


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A or D

Huge overreaction on your part if you feel anything above slight annoyance and disappointment.

Overseasoned too. I bet it tasted like curry an Indian took a shit on.

Fuck your stew nigger and fuck your mother

tell her she can make it up to you by fucking you in the ass with a big black dildo

& you should have protected your precious stew when they got home

OP is a faggot
I'm out

Put armed tapeworm in her food?

This nigger literally wants his gay vegetables baby formula with bacon grease. It's actually cold goat skin and curry. Yummy! Satan came in it.

do white people really not season their food America?

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Sandnigger curry with cold shit.

antifreeze in her food

Dominoes is shit, fucking murder that bitch op do it for the stew

Reconciliatory tendies or no fucking deal.

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uh okay... get more ingredients. what are you handicapped?

>Reconciliatory tendies or no fucking deal.
nah, i already knocked those out of her hand when she brought them to my room

You made a roux of vegador and chink shit.

It was not Mexican chile peppers and salt. It was McDonald's stock from Asia.

>chink shit.
>It was not Mexican chile peppers and salt. It was McDonald's stock from Asia.
what the fuck are you on about? it's a legitimate seasoning, sorry i'm not scouring the forests for fucking nutmeg you hipster fuck.

On friday evening my mother stormed into my room screaming, whirling an almost empty pack of white bread over her head "Why did you leave a slice? Why did you leave a slice?", then she threw it against my face.

She is under the illusion that nobody would eat from a pack of white bread (or cheese or anything) with just one slice left, so either I have to eat it or throw it away. Throw away perfectly fine food. Can't wait to get away and this time forever.

Damn bro, she sounds nuts, sorry you have to put up with that.

This her house? Shut the fuck up and get your own damn place freeloader. Oh yeah, opening a can on Denty Moore is not making stew, faggot

>Oh yeah, opening a can on Denty Moore is not making stew, faggot

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Take the dominos
>avoid her but dont ignore her
Make some more stew and put a note on it this time in a ziplock bag
>Learn to accept that shit happens
Toughen up cupcake you are going to get more shit on your plate soon enough

1. Thank your mom she lets you use her fridge, and kitchen utensils.
2. Next time label something if you put it in her fridge.
3. Learn to deal with disappointments.
4. Get your own place.

Or you could just buy canned soup.

Give me the recipe for this soup

canned soup sucks user

i already gave the recipe and people shat on it, whatever, they can't judge unless they try it

It's a simple mistake. Don't be so butthurt over something like this.

Go makes some friends or something you fucking momas boy loser.

yeah i'm pretty much over it, this thread was cathartic, which i was hoping for.