Would you fuck a sissy?

would you fuck a sissy?
>sissy thread
>almost certainly gay

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of course, they are hot

>would you fuck a sissy
absolutely fucking not
[spoiler]my little locked clitty isn't fit for sex. it can't satisfy anyone. it belongs in its little cage to twitch and dribble[/spoiler]

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flawed logic: u can still go ass2ass and fuck eachother... also, do u wish u were lola?

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Depends on the sissy.
Wouldn't necessarily have to be a passable trap, but if it's a chubby guy with a chiseled jaw and a deeper voice than myself then fuck off.

Something like
is really over the line in the jaw department

sooooo sexy! more please!

ill take that as a no since we pretty much all have 'jaws'. also hrt doesn't miraculously change your bone structure, only makeup contouring and high camera angles can do that...

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God yes, without hesitation. Having my cock inside of a man's ass while he desperately tries to act feminine for me would be the ultimate turn on.

Not everyone has a jaw like that. That's pretty manly. Like i said the sissy doesn't have to be passable, but somewhat effeminate is a must.
Like this chin/jaw, it's perfect. I can go more manly than that, but those other images are too much for me

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I disagree; I think this is just right. I think the ideal sissy/trap is one where you only have to look a little bit too close to see a broader jaw or more manly hands than a woman. Subtle, but noticeable.

Aren't there reconstructive surgeries that "file down" jaw lines or something? Not saying that that's safe/advisable, but plastic surgery is pretty advanced from what I know.

To each their own

>high camera angle
>fool me once, you've been fooled, fool me twice, you can't get fooled again
>george w. burger

ya, that's pretty drastic tho. i don't think most sissies would undertake that unless you completely enslaved and brainwashed them

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Oh come on, now you're just being difficult. Not everything can be explained away by "muh camera angle".
Different people have different sized chins/jaws.
Is that you in those pics or something? I meant no offense, i just think you're fooling yourself if you think that chin/jaw isn't above average manly

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this isn't a trap thread. yes, is me, not trying to fool/trap anyone.

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Lol its just another example for the discussion. Calm it.
The thread literally asks if i would fuck a sissy, and i answered.

Yes dying to.

I'm a femboy. Anyone wanna kik me?
Kinda want some PayPal money.

>begging for money
>Without even giving a proper incentive to add you on kik
Post some pictures or something, faggot

ive been hypnotically conditioned to, so i suppose yes

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god i wish that was me

What's the difference between a sissy and a trap? And how do regular gay labels like twinks or femboys fit in?

Yea Forums doesn't know what a "trap" is, they use the word interchangeably with shemales and trannies.

emasculation fetishists
A male that passes as a female
just a skinny guy with boyish features
Basically twinks that crossdress

I am all of those besides maybe not trap
