Im Dutch, I just had a big plate of Pannenkoeken

Im Dutch, I just had a big plate of Pannenkoeken.
Ask me anything

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how many half a presses did it take

I have no idea what half a press is but I ate 10 of them big boys and a pint of milk.
Shit was cash

Just visited Amsterdam and a few other cities in Germany a few weeks ago. The Netherlands are awesome.

Tell me about "dropping" I read about how parents drop their kids off in the woods and they have to navigate back.



The netherlands is great but you felt the need to name drop our mortal vijanden!

Yea Forumsros you can have this

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Lol yeah that's great fun.
Used to do it as a kid and got lost all the time cause me and my friends would sneak beers from our dad's and drink them on the way getting piss drunk.
but yeah you get like a map without proper direction but rather weird markings and you have to know how to read them and then follow the path back.
Fastest group gets a prize of sorts.
It's best at night and in the winter when it snowed a bit.
It's like walking trough a winter wonder land.

Nice indeed

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Can't get a boner I had too many pannenkoeken.

How's the fear element play into it? Also any idea how the tradition was started?

Post or link a good recipe for me to make at home?

The fear for kids of course is the darkness, but there are trips you can do during Halloween.
Not the same as dropping but it's in the forest and volunteers pop out the woods pretending to kill ya or some shit its great if they hide well enough or when they use distractions and the pop out of a different location

How's the war against the ocean going? Will the duch be endangered if the sea levels rise?

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250 grams of flower
>Pinch of salt
500 ml milk
>2 large eggs

>Sift the flower and the pinch of salt over a large (large enough to add the milk and eggs to the flower and whip it) bowl.
Crack the eggs and add them to the flower
>Add the milk
Beat the batter with a whick or a large fork or just uses a mixer (see picture)

Get yourself a pan of about 8 inch to a foot in diameter
>Put the pan on the stove
Put in a nice chunk of butter and let it melt
>Pour in about a half a cup to a cup of the batter
You will fuck up your first couple of pancakes because it needs to harden a bit before you can turn them and either you do it to early and it breaks or too late and its burnt or worse it gets stuck
>Dont put the stove too high when you have the batter in
Pro tip; use butter too let it melt from the side of the pan under the pancake and slowly slide your spatula under the pancake and see if its loose add tiny bits of butter to help it along
>if the pancake is pretty much hardened and not liquid at the top you can try and flip it
Repeat till satisfied and saturated with the wheaty goodness

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yes most of the Sodom and Gomorrah parts of our country will be fucked and like in the bible their sins will be washed away by god.
Meanwhile I will have a beach resort to look forward to.

Thanks! I gonna try it.

No prob user
250grams and 500 ml milk isnt for one person btw
I think its for like 4-5 people having like 3 pancakes each
I never make that much when im by myself unless im sure people will be there the next day.
Best to finish the batter and make all the pancakes and then store them in the fridge.
You can heat them up a bit the next day with some butter.
They become a little crispier though if you arent careful

did u cum on them?

Hoe erg is mijn rassenverraad als een Chinees meisje trouw en keer op keer bezwanger?

Hollanders zijn een beter volk dan Nederlanders.