Mother-Son Incest Thread

Mother-Son Incest Thread

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Jesus Christ, this is disturbing.

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I hate that I didn’t start fucking my mom until I was an adult and she was barren.

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Checked, he always eats cereal anyway....

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How old were you and her when you started?

She trying to eat that peen?

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I wanna bump this and see how this goes

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Source on artist?

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Curious how many anons ever had sexual encounters with their mothers. Bonus points for mother not being drunk or passed out.

22. So 4 years ago. I went to visit her for the first time since I moved. We were just talking and smoking cigarettes then something just came over me and I told her that I had always found her attractive and that after my dad died I wanted to make a child with her and be her husband. She just put her cigarette out and said “alright, come on”

Now I try to go out and visit ever few months.

I’m also very fortunate to have a wife who’s family is incredibly white trash and have/do practice sex with family members regularly. Incest and those of us who married in both.

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Damn nigga, that's hot.

My mom and I never got beyond mild flirty stuff even though we kids were active with each other. Closest we got was the time I broke out in hives down there (new detergent my underwear was washed in) and she helped with Calamine lotion.

Bump for interest.

Fuck, what? No dude, that's hot as hell


It's getting cold so I'm gonna turn things up a little.

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This image is of a quality rarely seen. The craftsmanship, the well crafted dialogue and narrative: all brilliantly realized.

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This is absolutely phenomenal. First the composition is incredible. But it’s the surrealist lack of cohesive plot that ensnares the readers higher thought frequencies. No explanation how this zombied out junkie of a mother attacks her son sexually and sodomizes him with a fake phallus, and there need be none. Her dead eyes tell the woeful tale. Not ashamed to say this piece moved me.

That sir is certainly a misfortune. You clearly have a robust imagination. Any of these fine works your own creation?

The reason Viagra was invented

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I was 52 and Ma was 73, but pure prime, my dude.

My sheckels are on precisely Zero. Perhaps save for some weird fat redneck type who humped at his fat slovenly moms gross bloated snatch cuz she’s a sick pedophile. Nothing you would want to see.

What a well crafted tale. So realistic. Your logic in your mothers seduction sounds stellar.

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Is this artist still working? Source please.

Damn nigga, it’s fake.

Incest porn was always mildly interesting to me but the thought of anything with my own mother repels me. Ick.

I can still jack off to it, user.

After hours Japanese game show that purportedly had mom son couples having sex, and most were hot. Americans don't take care of themselves the same way, so not as appealing. Any non-American anons have got moms?

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Damn autocorrect...meant *hot* moms.

trying to get her son hard for the cam


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