I'm sorry, *honk*

yesterday around 12AM (timezone), i have made a huge mistake. i wanted to prove that anime was not for kids by posting hentai. i went to google typed hentai and posted the first high resolution lewd i could find. with this i forgot to both confirm the legality of the image and also forgot to spoiler the image. i am sorry, i'm ashamed of myself. i did not mean for any of this to happen. i'm not apologizing because i want you to forgive me, honestly couldn't care less. i'm apologizing because i regret posting a loli-hentai on esfores. i do not have any excuses other than, it was an honest mistake. but morality isn't subjective, bad things are bad, period. i will BTFO back to Yea Forums or /r9k/. i do not belong on nice board. i am also sorry for all the trolling i did. and despite this being a sincire apology, please stop taking me serious. i'm a clown *honk honk* pic related to imply i'm a faggot. anyway, i needed this off my chest, that's all! don't forgive me. we all make mistakes but this was not okay!

Attached: loganpaul.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigger die

Attached: 13002DD7-5240-48FC-B098-E9F512E526B8.jpg (295x378, 53K)

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why do his eyes look like that

pedo dubs

No worries. Anime is for kids and grown ups thats the magic of it.
pic related it's prove that anime is also for grownups

It was a epic thread do

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What i want to know is why did you screenshot that before the image was deleted? It clearly says boards.Yea Forums.org instead of archive.4plebs.org

Because he deleted it but it still showed up because I didn't update...
Also what's the point of this question

look at the time.
He deleted it before that...

No just curiousity. I understand now.


Attached: BBD78B13-01A5-4E7F-B6A3-080E8ACA9358.jpg (1586x2046, 787K)

wrong pic lole

Attached: B00C509E-3BEE-4333-A915-8817347F0B94.jpg (420x523, 40K)

you're not a clown, you're someone who aggrandizes themselves on trends and adoration of the lowest common denominator, hence this thread
tl;dr you're an attention whore and a child throwing a tantrum combined into one

Grow a spine and think for yourself, you lost my respect a long time ago and it wasn't for posting loli

that's not for grown ups, just for deranged kids

I think Yukiiii!!!! is a bit retarded and doesn't get sarcasm.
Yukiiii!!!! please be more clever

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trips noise

Fuck you yuji sakai

no fuck you user


Fuck you

no fuck you

Stfu and get out

If you don't calm down I'm gonna KICK YOUR ASS

Attached: Mexico.jpg (480x360, 14K)

no you stfu