non-porn webm thread
Non-porn webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
1.) bump
2.) no webm's sry op
3.) that bus driver didn't give a single fuck
What the fuck am I looking at?
Looks like a bus driving over a pile of bicycles or mopeds
wtf is this?
negro dancing m8
A nigger
dancing, you uncultured racist
Some kind of monkey dance? Does it have a name?
Damn that is fucking nuts. I thought at first it was some joke.
Fucking kek
That's my kind of bus driver, gonna be on time no matter what.
I miss that card stand. I spent quite a few lonely christmas eves waiting for op to get there in 30 minutes
kek, didn't see that coming.
that is fucking amazing
Level-2 chimpout
caught this half way through saw the massive warehouse on the side of the water and thought. "man that must have been an awesome submarine torpedo test"
I remember that kek
Some user said to look at that camera at that specific time lol
Bet he didn't wipe
humans are weird.
when they cut a nintendo switch it stays on for about 75% of the cutting right down the middle
Level-4 chimpout
i cry every time
how can white bois hope to compete???
>Grand orchestral piece plays
>Chiarina The Consumed Maidens
better not be fat rolling boi
epic thread
holy shit, that is fucked
humans really do come from apes
>when you shit in your pants instead of in the street
Remember the stakes
never trust snakes
the fuck did the fire come from
we have a common ancestor, humans did not come from apes
that truck must have jewish tires on it. They'll stop on a dime but also pick it up
>NPC Maroon shirt pink jacket has encountered an issue. NPC black shirt backpack is still alive
>NPC Maroon shirt return to state "wander mode"
also what fucking country is this where a semi truck see's a buss offloading kids and doesn't evne slow down?
That bus looks like it's going back to the Future
Well, some are more human than others if you know what I mean.
There's a very good reason you don't see white people doing this shit
yeah, he might as well just take off, he's not going to want her back
is it because most are turning into "traps"?
why is it that we allow racism on this website exactly? who does it help?
fucking why?
All these chink vine type of videos are fake/staged, and it's painfully obvious.
california in a nutshell
Everyone who needs the truth
awww, what's the matter sanjay? did I hurt your feelings. fuck off you whiny brown bitch
Girls really are useless at fighting. Can't throw a straight to save their lives, even with their dominant hand. Just ineffective flailing
more like slavic countries in a nutshell, you have no idea how many times I've seen my own grandpa piss in places he shouldn't be pissing
Some fraudulent claim attempt I would guess.
it's a monkey think, you wouldn't understand
Serves him right. I hate seeing fat fucks who are too lazy to pull their pants up. So fucking gross.
If the idiot even survived...
yeah, white people are way better and cooler
He saved them from their stupidity
is that a special Ed. class?
30 minutes guy...olden Yea Forums was here
its a track and field class where the kids trained to go to some epeesteen island or something
i use the term 30 minutes today and no one remember this meme
This music just brings the nigger out of every black person even the more well behaved ones like Carlton
because so many people don't get a broad/general life education. frankly this is nothing new though, maybe even worse today than it was a generation or 2 ago though. the not-quite-joke about the young woman who got her new car and then didn't understand why it stopped working because she never picked up on "cars need gas" or "oil changes" has been around a looong time
my brother is no different. Unless he specifically wants to know something, he retains nothing. So constantly fucks himself (or more likely others) over in life cause he just doesn't get the basics.
the gun made me cringe
this kills the crab
that shit is not funny. i'd beat that guy's ass for doing that shit. punkass gonna scare a toddler like that should get fucked up
always gets me
you don't have to explain that shit to me i once had to teach a grown man how to do fucking laundry. I just thought it was some russian trend or necessity
Walking around with a fake penis ffs
don't worry sweetie it won't hurt you or anyone anymore
nigs gonna nig
>Webs you can smell
Are you a fucking retard?
bad parenting 101. That kid just learned you use violence to get what you want.
shut up you childless basement dweller.
was the grown man you user?
"So glad we weren't aborted!"
ha ha yeah you caught me you caught the tater my fellow fortnighter
obviously proof that the earth is alive. it is breathing hard because we're making it sick with all our air pollution.
Why you say that to me ????
lol so rude
What is burning? Why?
In all honesty, this is weirdly hot
your mind, cause it just got blown man.
how is it obvious? i think you just dont want to like things
looks like a battery got broken open. my scientific wild ass guess is its either ANTIFA or some BLM retards
>fracking's totally safe guys
hate crime
was she trying to kill herself or?
>Tfw you'll never have fun like this with your bros
I didn't even say that, you dolt.
Just more evolved and useful to society at large.
It's clearly the roots of the trees embedded into the soil. It's windy, and it's dislodged majority of the roots, allowing the top soil to move.
She looked pretty determined to me.
exactly. that black girl has some trouble coming her way. she'll probably get out of it though, like they always do
I have to know if Lucas is ok....
Hahaha baboon got slammed
my name is not sanjay nor am i brown. as for my feelings
my feelings are indestructable
honestly more than anything im curious. i like the website, the constant racism is annoying.
All niggers belong in sub-Saharan Africa.
I had mates who were in my team all my life till we hit puberty and we split cause im better than them.
Then one day we had a match on the same day and time and they asked me to help them out.
So I did.
I forgot my bag at my teams lockerroom so i went to get it and when I came back they were basically doing that shit
What is that?
I forgot you nerdy little pussies have never been to a show apparently
is it the og ?
oh jamal we's gonna have a baby !
Well you left quite alot to interpretation now didn't you? Also: a video of stupid dancing doesn't do anything to support your point.
Gonna kill myself
Climbing the 3ft high railing would take way too much effort, better get a chair
There's some humans that need to undergo the treatment.
travelling, he took 4 steps without bouncing the ball
Don't fuck with cheerleader Skipper
i think maybe she was trying to sit on the rail or something maybe so she could take a selfie or something equally retarded.
oh well 1 less set of retarded genes to worry about
Send some incorrigible juvenile delinquents through the processor.
waterjet cut
Rodent problem solved with one Amazon cat delivery.
Cali too though, they're having typhoid outbreaks right now because of all the shit in the streets.
nah, she for sure meant it. she even looks beforehand there is no one below her and lets her ass freefall.
basically why fur fags shouldn't be allowed to own animals
Smile you fat old sadist cunt, you're on camera
Well they dont have 50cm cocks but at least they have brain
time for some mouthfucking
thats a neat trick
Fucking lost.
Waste of nice pussy
Three possibilities, the ground aluminium from the bike frame ignited, a battery in an electric bike was punctured and ignited, or a fuel tank in a scooter.
Not all of the bikes are electric by the looks, no idea about the background to incident.
Poor kid has to grow up with that shit bag as a father.
It would be hot if she were hot. But she's a ghoulish looking cunt. Your taste in women is bad and you should feel bad
80 IQ sub-humans
Fucking kek
How is life treating you guys?
thats so fucking hot
The showers at Ram Ranch?
this looks spectacularly fake
why was someone there filming and be completely unshaken by what has happened?
Beep beep derivery
I thought this turned me on.
Then I saw this.
How leftist liberal Democrat voters are created.
She thought it was just a friendly man giving her a ride.
Little did she know she was in for a looooong ride to pain town!
He then ate the dog and fucked the chicken
Amerrica's Bane. Filthy feral bestial sub-humans that need returned to sub-Saharan Africa.
All white people should go back to western europe where they came from
poor little guy
niggers being niggers
Practicing for the Mecca visit.
people from chicago are weird
That nigger gonna' mess with the wrong dude some day. He will then become a very good nigger. The best kind of nigger.
tone it down bub
how would that smell?
Based bus
probably like a meth lab and cat shit. people that keep cats as pets are pretty notorious for being filthy
This is a wonderful and wholesome webm. Thank you, user. You are good people.
just remember guys that human eyes should not glow in the dark
This kills the crab 2001 scifi version
kek i would had done the same
dude can't even hold a fake gun properly
Negroes are extremely easy to hate. USA needs for the Negro-on-Negro murder rate to soar.
is there more on this?
The sad thing is I can see his real 2 incher
Godzilla passing close by.
Typical behavior of female Hillary Clinton supporters.
Its a cosplay of the whatsapp nigger that everybody was sharing
makes just as much sense.
fuck you
That would be fucking awesome, you're all welcome. Hilarity ensues as every non-white country suddenly turns into a shithole and western europe becomes the new superpower
as are you.
how exactly do you make that connection?
Heather is a fucking beast, I'm in love
this is what happens when you don't put your phone in airplane mode
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yea Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yea Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or Yea Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.
We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.
"A" for effort!!!
Go fuck yourself
Coming around a curve like that? Probably one obeying the laws of physics.
don't try to understand their warped minds. in their world everything connects to their identified boogeyman
>when the acid kicks in
He had enough of the niggers being niggers
That's a girl raised with brothers who knows how to brawl
god i wish that was me
This is actually not so bad as it kills the crab instantly with no pain
not even sure why they went through the effort to make a fakeout webm. They could have taken a frame right from the shitting and nobody would care.
shit looks fun
that probably makes sense. Depending on the country the driver was too retarded to slow down as most Europeans are
Hey man, nice shot.
beucase you're a faggot
couldn't you just fly kick him in the head and kill him?
Wow. This really made me sad. Poor kid.
lol we deserve respect!
At least he wiped. Gentleman in my book
Or just sit on his face until he dies
What an obnoxious fucking old bitch. I literally fucking hate anyone who would do that to a cat.
hes drinking pussy protein that's. He looks like a retarded ass that hasn't figured out to preps . Just a shit fuck with a shit tattoo prob going to raise a shit kid.
Good lad
Lucky for her it wasn't a crash.
they are filming one of those colombian narco series
why didn't they hit the fucking nigger ? I would of dipped the chimps ass.
There are rails everywhere you know
Man's best friend indeed
Hey Phil is my ba---. Never mind.
Fake as all fuck. Muzzle flash looks like trash and they dont run when they see them. Also the fact that who ever is filming sees them coming and is prefilming at a wide angle and doesnt flinch by the shots what so ever
I wish this copypasta was still true.
She's the same kind of bitch who babysit kids and handle them like ragdolls just to hear them cry and scream. That shit makes them moist.
Was about to say. Ought to teach her how to sit properly in a car.
where is this ? you would get fucked damn near killed where im from.
I have a few questions
at least try to speak properly
The gangs dude filming to prove hit. Probably spotted and called it in first. You see that nigger trying to hold the other nig in front of him?
im sure about a trillion chinese fucking tony ma's passed them bye too without a second look. Please nuke chinese someone.
kills the crab quick no pain and on to the market to sell. if it were china it would cook it alive like the piece of shit chinks they are than they will hop on pubg to hack.
he's got his fingers taped to leave no fingerprints as he Rob's the store with a fake gun. what a loser
dude how. ?
fake and gay
sell to china they will buy cats.
Why is he booking it so quick if the gun is fake?
its from a movie
Moslem version of Jehovah's Witnesses.
>Niggers are weird
I sense redditfaggot
nothing attracts monkey's like white trash.
lol because he's not a true G and doesn't want to get caught not like you homeslice you thug as fuk you'd just wait for the police to arrive'n shit
This is a Clear Air Turbulence. Untill some years ago, it was undetectable by standard radars.
Where are the six other people that jump in?
If they put half as much effort into cleaning that bathroom
Fuck you, we do not tolerate cat abuse
So proud we got this cunt
Typical 80 IQ nigger mentality.
Boston dynamics watermark fuck my life hahahaha
cats suck you faggot
Yeah that video upsets me, idk how you figure that's a good idea to raise a kid like that
lol did u?
No, but if the gun is fake I wouldn't be worried about the lady grabbing it... Continue to jump over the counter and take it back. She gonna bust a cap in yo ass n shiet with a fake gun?
I'll be there in thirty
So many newfags in this thread
I love the waterjet channel
its a bb gun. the thing that flies off is one of the removable handles where you insert the CO2 cartridge
Not enough blacks in the room
Stupid as they may be, dindus are sly enough not to gang up on somebody if they're outnumbered in a room
they both got killed.
Typical leftist liberal Democrat voters.
This is so fucking embarasssing, makes me almost ashamed to be white
oh niggers. ... why did they use you as slaves when shitty workers.
Elephant's horny.
Gotcha! Makes a little sense now. He didn't even wanna feel the sting of that.
A glitch in the matrix.
hope the snake fucked them all up. hacking chinks.
needs the duck tales space song
why? what's wrong with them?
Use that against the rioting barbarian filth invading Europe.
much like you they serve no real purpose and will never actually feel love
porn webm enabled
How do I marry her?
most people are fine with Europe accepting more refugees.
The new Mirror's Edge looks dope
Some people have lived in cities all their life user don't be a faggot