Walk into your bedroom

>Walk into your bedroom
>You find Belle Delphine like this
Wat do???

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Kick her in the spleen


Sic my doberman pinscher on her

squirt her with a water gun filled with my pee

flying triangle choke

Put her penis in my mouth and drink her piss.

Why not use the Thunder Cross Split Attack?

Ban her from my room

>What are you doing in my bedroom get out

Give her what she's obviously craving...

Find out how she broke free from the shackles

Take the back and put her to sleep

feed her eggs
she has to eat the whole bowl

Rape her


Get me a can of Thot-be-gone.

They better be old hard boiled eggs.


Punch to the face followed by a massive cunt punt

Slap the shit out of her for being retarded e-thot.

drown her in a bathtub and sell the water

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stop talking about my queen you heathens

Attached: MYQUEEEEEEEN.png (506x498, 573K)

Tell her I only fuck std free chicks

Take the camera and shove it down her throat

chain her up and have her pee in jars so i can see it and get rich

Ah fuck it imma say what everybody wants to hear...make her gag on a fat dick. Lol

> Wat do?
Call the fucking police?

punch her to death then feed her to my cat

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I would likely kill her. If we’re talking about her randomly teleportation into my room and no one knew where she was. She would never be seen again by the world.

At least fuck the dirty British whore..lol

Tell her to take those dirty ass shoes off my white shag.

Id been pretty suprised.

Offer her some Abreva for the lip herps.

Exactly. There's no decency anymore.

Smack that dumb look off her face!


I'm sure my 3 pitbulls can take care of it one way or another

1. Put her in bathtub
2. Bottle bath water
3. ????
4. Profit

Turn 360 to avoid herpes and walk away

Get herpes

Ask what shes doing in my home. Probably awkwardly attempt the intercourse only to be murdered by her hidden bf.

You know, every major religion actually has two gods. There's the faceyou see and the one you don't. The one you don't is almost always the one really running the show. This hidden face is often far more malicious, nefarious or otherwise untrustworthy than the more obvious one and this is so because the true face consists of the actual intent of the religion, rather than the intent fed to followers.

In the modern world, we have tons of quasi-religions based around the wildly spreading memeculture caused by the advent of the internet. Majority of them follow the same archetype mentioned before.

If you don't get why I bring this up, your newfagging ass needs to lurk moar.

>as above
>so below

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what would you do if you found ricardo naked, spread eagle in your bed?

Rape her immediately of course