What is your experience with Latinas?
Do they like white guys?
What is your experience with Latinas?
They’re not all alike.
They don’t all like the same things.
I mean like, generally speaking
Literally every race wants whites over anything else, also they fuck like semen demons
oh this same thread again huh?
yes they crave white cock....its latina kryptonite
Every race hates white guys.
The delusion. I guess you don't understand how hated white people are. When you live in a buble, I guess it's hard to see reality.
both of you live in a bubble
yes men of every race tend to hate while males because they run the world, are smarter, bigger dicks, better looking, more money, more creative,own more property, nicer cars, treat women better, stronger ect....
women of every race crave big white cock for those same reasons, and then it make their men even more jealous lol
stay mad paco
even white people hate white people
As a peruvian, I must say white men have it pretty easy with non-white women in general
Latinas love white men because they look rich and well-polished, and tbh most of them (the ones that can afford to travel) really are.
only the most beta losers....but they really just hate themselves because they havnt been able to achieve the success attributed to most whites....most white males who hate white people have tiny micro dicks and drink soilent
Well, yeah, if you are good-looking. I had a drunk columbian girl walking after me on the street saying she wants to kiss and fuck me. Told her that I don't like putas and she can fuck off. Another peruvian came to talk to me in pub and asked me out - first time a female has done this to me, hasn't happened with white girls.
Hilarious...but bo...really....
all other races males except whites should be exterminated we keep the women
based and red pilled
dude run theyre all bipolar and yell
i treat them like shit because theyre so
clingy and want attention all the time
Well I'm married to one, and yes they love white guys.
This thread needs a nice bump
This pretty much sums them up.
Trips of Truth
>What is your experience with Latinas?
Have a latina gf. It has been a pretty good experience so far.
>Do they like white guys?
She sure does.
Latina ass is a work of art.
Generalizations are stupid