55 decides how I kill myself

55 decides how I kill myself

>inb4 Op is a faggot
Op will deliver

Attached: Trump.jpg (724x519, 82K)

Troll harder, faggot



Troll harder, faggot


Attached: suicidehelp.jpg (226x250, 12K)

If you are retarded enought to believe that quote, no wonder why you want to kill youself.

Also run into the nearest nigger neighborhood shouting FUCK CRIMINAL NIGGERS

Lol triggered babies waaahhh

What if 55 tells you not to kys faggot?

You kill yourself by living a long, healthy life and dying of old age, peacefully in your sleep.


I've yet to see a good quality video of someone doing a backflip of a building to flat. That might be a good way to go especially with a good camera angle

Lol I love how fags always resort to Shnoops as if it's some beacon of truth...it's run by some woman and her cat, ffs and always backs up any bs from either side, both of which are a joke.

you dont

Self immolate in front of the white house, leaving only a note beside your person that says, "The person reading this is gay lol"

He never said that.
Op is a faggot, tho.

Tie your feet to rock or something, then jump in a large body of water

I love that conservatives are the real special snowflakes

Decapitate yourself

Attached: obama_fake_shooting.jpg (768x768, 76K)

Fox news was launched in 99 lol

fake is obvious fake, just look at that last sentence trump just says things will happen not bet. So if he actually said it he would have ended with something like My numbers would be the best, no one would see numbers like mine. When he boasts he almost always doubles down in the same sentence and he doesn't use words like terrific or phrases like I bet.


fake quote. jump off a bridge

I'm bad at making these kind of decisions but I read a method oncewhere user suggested hanging using a wire that will decapitate your head.. here's the shock value, -you superglue your hands to your head so it looks like you pull your own head off.

shotgun to the face

Hanging with barbed wire pulled from the back of a moving vehicle

Choke on a dick.

reroll because I love this

Superglue hands to hair, decapitation wire go


Stab yourself in the asshole with a carving knife


Get creative

Kill yourself by living a long and happy life, dying peacefully in your sleep and being welcomed into the majesty of heaven after a life of faithful service to our Lord Jesus Christ

We play again until someone comes up with an actual response

By choking on your dad cock

Drive your car or truck into a body of water

Don't kill yourself

Gass yourself


Backflip off some real high shit

okey please dont

Old age


Trips surpasses 55

You don't

Cut off your dick

Jump in a animal enclosure at a zoo

by living a long and bland life



old age
