Alcoholic, had enough, ready to quit, worried about withdrawls. Post your stories and experiences...

Alcoholic, had enough, ready to quit, worried about withdrawls. Post your stories and experiences. Wanna know what to expect if anything. 6 or so drinks daily for over 10 years, more on weekends if that helps.

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Not sure exactly where you're located, but as soon as weed became recreational use in my state, I switched over to that. Used to drink everyday. Haven't had more than 3 beers in the past 6 months total.

stomach pain for about 3 months. get ready it sucks really bad. you will feel like you are dying. once you get past it then it's no problem.

You think cbd oil/gummies can help too?

Damn havent heard about that symptom before.

Haven't tried the those, but I often roll a joint using CBD hemp flower too and smoke that when I actually have to work or do productive shit and can't get super high. It's relaxing but doesn't produce an intoxicating effect.

I drank a gallon or more of vodka everyday for a few when I got to my worst. If you can go to detox center. They can give you benzos to help you through the withdrawal and make sure youre safe if you have seizures. Once your through the withdrawal i recommend Kratom. It helped me a ton to get past the first year. I havent drank in two years now and I dont feel like I need to. Good lick man its tough but worth it.

user. I'm a alcoholic. My little brother was a alcoholic also. I witnessed first hand what happens when people withdraw from alcohol, it is no joke. You can have seizures, or possibly die. DO NOT cold turkey it!!! Taper off.
My brother decided to cold turkey it, started hearing voices, full blown visual hallucinations, and talking jibberish, shaking. sweating. Then was admited to the hospital where they put him in a drug enduced coma. Breathing tube down the throat, hooked up to machines, the works..this lasted for WEEKS. Even when he woke up he was astill a little wonky.
Just google ways to taper off alcohol. Do not just stop drinking suddenly.

Librium is this best for withdrawal, painkillers for the stomach pain, vitamins etc

I'll second that don't quit cold turkey. Shit will fuck you up really try to get into a detox center. I went to a detox center and the withdrawal was terrible but I can't imagine what it would have been like if I tried to cold turkey it.

Binge alcoholic here, man the brain chemistry associated with alcohol abuse is a bitch. I started too early (dad was functioning alcoholic) so I had previous precursors though I still take responsibility for my part in my downward spiral. Lots of stories were I ruined relationships with people, embarrassed myself, or lost/destroyed items I worked hard for. I'm 31 now and by some miracle I've managed to reign it in and get my shit together after 13 years of idiocy. I cringe at the thought of what I could be versus where I'm at now if I hadn't of abused alcohol this long. If you aren't currently required to get shitfaced daily turn back now before it gets there.

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Be carful cutting cold turkey if you do. My father went into shock from doing that after drinking the same amounts as you. He went into shock and then died pretty soon after from brain damage.

2.5 years sober, it's worth it my dude.

My name is anyone and I’m an alcoholic.. it’s been 375 days since my last visit with my worst best friend. Are you ready to do anything to quit drinking? I was and I went to a clinic and got myself a treatment and detoxed (hell) 2 weeks later I stepped in to a AA meeting.. been sober since. Greentext wincest some days, FML other days. There is 2 doors to the left of you: #1 the red door: A hero. 2. Pink door: slowly a hero with alcoholism and what not.. to th rights: infinit numbers of white doors with life. Good luck. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

Used to drink a handle of whiskey in two days for years. Quit cold turkey, had a month where everything i ate gave me acid stomach, and could not sleep for shit for two weeks. But it can be done. Stay strong

Forgot to say: before 99 shitty days to one good day.. now it’s 75 good days, 10 really good, 10 meh and 5 really fucking shitty days

Honestly your habit isn't that bad. I was up to a dirty 30 and maybe half a bottle of vodka nightly plus a couple xans throughout the day. Do not try and detox at home cold turkey. You need to go to the hospital and detox, because dts and seizures can kill you. While in detox you will be given Ivs of Adivant. 1. To keep you calm and 2. Benzos are used as a anti-convulsion. You should expect o be in detox for about 4-7 days. After I detoxed I was put in a sort of psychiatric level in the hospital just as an observation. This was about another 4-7 days. They will try and push you to rehab, which I do recommend. I cant promise you will have the same experience as me, but I'm sure it will be similar. Make sure you go to a hospital that does medical detox, because without the addivant it will be hell and maybe deadly. I've been completely sober for 5 years and Im now 32. Hope this helps a bit. Goodluck, and I highly recommend you do it sooner than later. Its hard work, but if you do what your supposed to it is so worth it.

You guys are fucking heroes. Thanks for sharing all these stories and keep em coming!

dont listen to this asshole.
if you arent drinking a handle a day or get the shakes because u dont drink you can quit cold turkey just fine.

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The majority of responses ehco that, there must be something to it

check out a AA mtg before you dui

this is a chemical burn

Dont risk it. Do not quit drinking all together suddenly.
I would talked to a trained medical professional for advice. All I can suggest is to slowly taper off alcohol, or go to a hosptial that does detox so you can be in a safe place and be monitored if you start to have DT's or seizures.

Thank You, some of these people are idiots!this is so far from the truth its ridiculous. It all comes down to the individual! If you wanna gamble with your life, I guess buy their b.s.

even with OP only drinking 6 drinks a day?

I drink quite a bit on the weekend, but lowered it to 3 during the work week. I wonder if I can stop for a day.

Good luck. Get a friend to lock you in a closet for a few days, and then just throw some SPAM and a fork in, and bottles of water every now and then. The isolation and passage of time will be unbearable, but make success more likely. This is why you need to be locked in by someone else. DTs suck, but are unlikely to be dangerous with alcohol withdrawal, unlike heroin or meth. If you have any other health problems, especially heart problems, get a professional rehab joint to be the closet.

You'd do well to solve your emotional problems while quitting.
When you feel like drinking try to find a substitute.
Maybe try not drinking for a day and write down what makes you crave a drink or even what time.