President Donald Trump is a fascist

President Donald Trump is a fascist.

Trumpism is a fascist movement.

In fact, the Nazis campaigned on the need to secure the eastern border from heavy immigration of Jews (yes, fleeing violence in Russia), which the German right feared was changing their country’s demographic character. The original Nazi manifesto declared “the state should make its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens,” and demanded, “Any further immigration of non-Germans is to be prevented.” Benjamin Carter Hett’s history of Hitler’s rise, The Death of Democracy, notes that Germans frequently lamented their “bleeding border” on the East. “Certainly we want to build a wall, a protective wall,” wrote Joseph Goebbels.

This is not to say that any restrictionist immigration agenda leads inevitably to genocide, nor even that restrictionism is inherently fascistic. One can certainly draw principled distinctions between authoritarian nationalism and the kind that is restrained by liberal norms. But Trump has blurred those boundaries, if not erased them altogether. Conservatives are deluding themselves if they deny any thematic continuities between Trumpism and Nazism.

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Go be a retard elsewhere libshit. We see through the lies of the Democrats

that pic is literal facts

Stormy Daniels pic isn’t even real

fake news


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>In fact, the Nazis campaigned on the need to secure the eastern border from heavy immigration of Jews (yes, fleeing violence in Russia), which the German right feared was changing their country’s demographic character.

Kek this is blatantly false. Hitler himself, held the view that the Jews fleeing Russian (Östjuden) but it was never nazi policy, other than the banning of immigration of non-germans.

But spoiler alert, there were plenty of German-Jews.

you say all that like its a bad thing

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You have gone full blown TDS!!!!

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If the only thing you got to take away from the Stormy Daniels is 'pic isn't even real' that changes literally nothing about the real consequences of her. His personal lawyer, and vice-ceo of Trump inc, was indicted for that payoff with Trump named in that indictment as Individual-1.


fascism is completely un-American.
The whole reason this country was founded was to avoid this kind of shit.

>Hitler himself, held the view that the Jews fleeing Russian (Östjuden) but it was never nazi policy,

I guess if you don't see Hitler as a dictator this makes sense.

It's why we have a 2nd Amendment.

/pol/ be like:

the holocaust never happened
But it should happen again
Hitler did nothing wrong
but liberals are the real hitler!

it's like shit bitch do you even listen to yourself

Being a failed art student has as much to do with Fascism as having a mustache.

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>The real slaves were the Confederates all along.

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Sucks that youre so unhappy tho

“Trumpism” isn’t a fucking movement
You know what is a movement? Democrats constant obsession with increasing the poverty line and lowering the middle class. Funny how that works.

Thanks. I just wish he could be fascist AND ecological friendly.

Ya, the democrats want everyone to be poor. That's exactly it. As all the taxes get sucked out of your pockets so we all end up like some Nordic country. Why is USA so full of niggers?

Sucks that there aren't any real Nazis anymore. At least then you guys would actually have someone to fight instead of shadowboxing on the internet all day like peasants.

It'd be nice. At least they're cracking the fucking whip on all the major sex trafficking. Hilary wouldn't have gotten that done, they have more money than her.

"And comes now this hopeless, vicious buffoon, and the audience of equally hopeless and vicious buffoons who laughed and cheered when he made sport of a woman whose lasting memory of the trauma she suffered is the laughter of the perpetrators. Now he comes, a man swathed in scandal, with no interest beyond what he can put in his pocket and what he can put over on a universe of suckers, and he does something like this while occupying an office that we gave him, and while endowed with a public trust that he dishonors every day he wakes up in the White House.

"The scion of a multigenerational criminal enterprise, the parameters of which we are only now beginning to comprehend. A vessel for all the worst elements of the American condition. And a cheap, soulless bully besides. We never have had such a cheap counterfeit of a president* as currently occupies the office. We never have had a president* so completely deserving of scorn and yet so small in the office that it almost seems a waste of time and energy to summon up the requisite contempt.

They meaning the sex trafficking millionaires who are starting to drop like flies.

"Watch how a republic dies in the empty eyes of an empty man who feels nothing but his own imaginary greatness, and who cannot find in himself the decency simply to shut up even when it is in his best interest to do so. Presidents don't have to be heroes to be good presidents. They just have to realize that their humanity is our common humanity, and that their political commonwealth is our political commonwealth, too.
Watch him behind the seal of the President of the United States. Isn't he a funny man? Isn't what happened to that lady hilarious? Watch the assembled morons cheer. This is the only story now."

- Charles Pierce


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That word President just doesn't mean the same thing it use to.

> hey look at all the fascisty fascist stuff I copypasta here
> ...
> guise hey can you look at my list now...? guise?
> there i proved trump is a fascist, see?

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Trump is a certified genius those 4 bitches are already depressing everyone by the time of the election the dems will be synonymous with joyless rhetoric

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Trump didn't pay Stormy Daniels for sex. At least he gives to charity unlike Bernie the commie like.
All of this shit is lies and slander.

Yeah ever since we let a subhuman nigger have the role.

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Some of us DO know the difference though, user.

Not like the people calling for Obama's impeachment literally the day after he was elected in 2008, claiming he was a "Fascist socialist'.

Mah nigga.

You're the reason why people see everything as racist.

He did. His campaign CFO and personal lawyer have vouched. This is matter of public record sworn testimony. You disprove this and they're going to jail for fraud. This is not rumor, this is ironclad legal.

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Which one, what country, and when?

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You mean that bitch who is insane and a liar? I can see why you relate to her.
Trump is t perfect but he’s a damn sight better than screeching morons who have no semblance of morality or integrity.

Keep pushing toward the inevitable outcome which is people taking back their freedom with force. Even the slowest of learners can see the agenda the fascist left are moving toward now. We won’t get to Orwell’s 1984

Obama Russia of course.... which I find interesting considering how closely NASA works with Russia. Is Russia still the enemy or just an easy thing to point to ?
See 2012 comments

he paid her not to talk about it. he didn't pay her for sex