Hey, got any Hitler fun facts?

Hey, got any Hitler fun facts?

Pic unrelated.

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he was jewish

He and Henry Ford were bros

So that's why he killed himself.

but not before he subverted a white woman to do so first, allegedly

>On his last day, Hitler converted to Judaism
>When he was about to shoot himself, his last words were: "Well, at least I got a last one".

...oh and would you believe that one of his testicles is in the Albert Hall?


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he was a real jerk

Hitler was using Testosterone

he did nothing wrong

>Hitler was using Testosterone
Hitler invented Toblerone


My gran was German, was in the Hitler youth and at one parade Hitler patted her on the head, still remains the most famous person anyone in the family has met

He played the trombone

Hitler was a fucking nazi. It's true.

>He played the trombone
...on the telephone

Wait a second, wasn't Hitler speculated to be a homosexual?

and a socialist too

>Wait a second, wasn't Hitler speculated to be a homosexual?
No but he was speculated to having given sexual favors for money during his homeless years in Vienna.

And have a micropenis?

His goal wasn't domination of the German race, that was just a side effect of something bigger: freeing the world from the Jewish ideology, so that races can freely kill each other off (or subdue).

He wasn't even sure if the Germans would prevail, although he obviously didn't advertise it when grabbing the power in Germany.

Okay here's a serious one:
Hitler cut his formerly large mustache to his signature smaller one because the former wouldn't fit in his gas mask.

idk about that, but he probably was circumcised.

The foreskin is the blanket of the penis.

This was common in the first world war, probably the second one too