I'm a 35 yrs old european who drinks every day until unconsciousness. AMA

I'm a 35 yrs old european who drinks every day until unconsciousness. AMA

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How fucked is your prostate?

Op here
I do not know, I didn' have a prostate exam ever

Alcohol is going to kill you. Is weed legal in your country? It's a lot less harmful.

Being Irish must be tough

no it is illegal sadly
if you wanna buy it you have to go to find a nigger who will sell you and I do not want this lol

no I am austrian user

What town do you live in?

Do you know any Euro-cuties, and do you have any of their nudes?

The picture looks a lot like my great grandfather

I live in Vorarlberg

Sorry to disappoint you, I do not have nudes

those were better times for our people

Where do you get the money from?

List the types of alcohol you consume.


I'm a 27 year old who does the same you got any advice

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I am employed, I am a public official.
plus the alcohol is pretty cheap around here

Austrian the real German

Ok I drink Gin, Beer and Red Wine

Pic related is my favorite beer, I'm drinking it right now lol

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OP here
just hop off the train as soon as possible user

Are you an incel?

no in fact im married user and i do know thats knida sad too

It's pretty hard user when drinking is all you have I'm not a loser I have a job and girlfriend but drinking is the only real thing that makes me happy

how tf can someone get drunk every fucking day? Don't you feel bad for you? got nothing better to invest your time on? i mean, it's just a waste of your time, even though i enjoy drinking and do it almost every day i just refuse to get drunk...

yep thats my problem too
its like the bottle drinks me and not I who drinks the bottle

How hot is your wife? Does she give good head?

no I have nothing to invest my time on. my wife is asleep and i am drinking until im unconscious so ill be able to sleep and find peace

Drinkin ain't hard to do
Its the only thing i got to get me thru

why haven't you become a Prussian yet?

mannerheim lima-city de

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no she doesnt give good head
but i honestly do not give a shit 'bout it

she was a virgin when I married her btw

Post a photo of her when you were newlyweds?

Have you been to the whorehouses in Au? I heard that prostitution is illegal in Vorarlberg.
Greetings from Switzerland

yep its illegal and i do not give a fuck about whores

wear this

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why are you such an attention whore that you have to drink yourself to unconsciousness everyday, and then go online and tell everyone that you do it?

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ok user

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I totally get it
Without drinking yourself unconscious the night is terrible you could be up all night struggling with your own thoughts
Drinking is the only thing that calms our Minds enough to relax

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She looks cute. I would impregnate her.

well, that's just very sad tbh, seem like you gave up on live but you're still young. you could read a book, watch a movie, play an instrument, paint, whatever you'd like. hope some day you can find something more interesting than drinking OP..

Op here
and this is my fucking problem summed up in a few words user, thank

the idea of going to bed sober is just so far away from me like the fucking south pole

My mind is full of demons that only shut up when I drink enough

Well you wouldn't understand the struggle
It feels good to conversate about it it's pretty much aa if the dude want to talk about his struggles with alcohol it's all good and you could fuck off

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lucky man user. delightful hints of red in her hair. very pretty. why do you drink? really why.

good to know user, if you should try I'll just kill you ok

are austrians sick of serbs?

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what do they say?

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because i cannot find ease without alcohol. I cant find sleep without it.

You can stop OP, it's fucking hard and you but you can do it. I'm on at the end of day 3 sober after waking up passed out on the floor last Friday for the 7th day in a row, longest I've been sober in about 2 years, finally decided I've had enough of this shit. When you get to the point where you disgust yourself, imagine what other people must think of you, your time will come

they whispter to me all the mistakes I made in my life. all of the mistakes i ever made come to my head, ever since fucking kindergarten

The same dude that's been replying

You're not alone buddy I go to the same thing everyday as stupid as it sounds I self-medicate my anxiety with alcohol every night I have to drink myself unconscious too my mind works a billion miles per hour if I'm not doing anything and it doesn't help that I can't sleep whatsoever even if I've been at work all day

just kys

just hop in front of one

Leaking all snapchat sluts

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the problem is that i am running pretty good with drinking for a long long time now. nobody notices it really. my wife just thinks that i do need less sleep than her and that i just like to have a beer or a gin in the evening. i dont think she has a fucking clue and that is really odd

I think we're talking about metaphorical trains like the ones your mom has run on her

woah, is that the reeeaaaal OP?

It's called addiction. Your body makes you feel bad because it craves the substance which has taken over your dopamine production.

Have kids, start exercising, medidate for 10 minutes everyday, tell ur wife ur problem. A woman can help u with this.
I'm 22 n I I have sleepless nights too and I am often tempted to drink. It's 3 in the morning here and I can't sleep. Also I have only slept 3 hours in the last 70 hours.

Yeah I'm fucked

Its weird even with the black box she looks like a cutie

>have kids

yeah we try that for a long time now and thats whats not working too user and I'm fucking desperate 'cause of it

don't take medication with that?

Get checked out, both of u. My uncle got a healthy son by the use of IVF. Maybe look into that

yeah sometimes I do (Amitriptylin)

Honestly just get a connection and then once its established your good. Hard to get a good one though without knowing other smokers. Surely its got to be better than dying of liver disease and it might hit the right spot. Even if you took a train to amsterdam and shoved a 50 bag up your bum I doubt they'd find it at the border.

you'll probably die then

Smoking is less harmful than drinking, really?

Do you piss your bed?

Well, drinking is going to kill you, and then some other bro is going to fuck her, so I'm sorry to say, but you should just let me fuck her now.

>still young
good one user...

Do u like to stroke it?

Das Bier gibt's nicht wirklich. Alter Schwede was geht bei euch ab in den Schluchten?

Than drinking every day to unconsciousness? Yeah of course. This guy will be dead by 45.

weed faggots get out, op is better to die of liver failure than become a deadhead stoner

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Op hier
das bier gibt es and I hold it in my hands right now


Op here
thats a nice promise user thank you kindly sir

You know that alcohol kills your gains, right?

I know those voices and I used to used to smoke dope the way you drink. I stopped when I started making more mistakes that were eerily similar to the ones I regretted from long ago. Things like ruining relationships and friendships, avoiding opportunities, sabotaging myself. I don't really have any answers for you and still have those thoughts but when I do now, I think to myself that back within the context of those things I regret I would never have acted any differently than I did, and it is only in hindsight that I even realize a better choice could have been made or better actions taken. I think it is a matter of self love. I'm realizing I have a pretty low opinion of myself, and I think I get that from my parents. My father was an alcoholic.

op here
yes i do, but tbh alcohol is pretty cheap right here as is said before

those voices can be very fucking brutal and when they hit me they really get me.
Drinking is the only thing that ever helped me with them.

maybe its the cocaine talking but i think you should try to take charge of your thoughts. first thing is making silence, you can do this by stopping engaging in your thoughts & instead listen to your surroundings, the wind, the cars on the street etc, you will find this is relax. second you look at what you like in your life & what you need to do to keep it f.ex drink less/do less cocaine , then you plan your day, excercise+stuff & voila, you are sound asleep caus ur full day of pissing excellence has made you too tired to fuck with thinking about anything, repeat

>t 37yr scandinavian

imma have another bump now, did anyone here realise Yea Forums is like a public place with the chatham house rule? Amazing!

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Is your name Onslow?

Last words of OP
I'm a wreck now but I do thank you anons for your interest and your advices.
Be well guided and may you walk your paths without floating in guilt like I do

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Oxygen is poisonous, and slowly kills you day by day

Do they sell chesterfields no filter there in austria?

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I didn't know that little piece of plastic in the magic 8 ball had mindfulness written on one of it's sides

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the dream police
(they live inside of my head)
the dream police
(they come to me in my bed)
The dream police
(they're coming to arrest me
(oh no)

That's just your booze-fog mind telling yourself that because you want to believe it, trust me from personal experience, she fucking knows

What are your reasons for doing this, why dont you join the army and do something of value with your life?

kek joing the army with 35yrs

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40 yo american drinker here. It sounds pathetic, but I cant imagine being always sober. I drink every night, but never during the day

He´s too old & a public official, prob done some horrible shit to get that position plus seeing the nasty shit going on around him, he needs a vacation

Its possible, if he as a career he could join as an officer or a Sargeant at least.

Demons. There u go. Talk to jesus pls and read the bible.

American sounds pathetic

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