Can we get a good ol fashioned fat hate thread?
Can we get a good ol fashioned fat hate thread?
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Woman charged $20 for extra weight on bag, fat dude forced to buy $400 ticket for extra seat. What's their fucking point?
fat women make big poopoo fat men make them too too
Lose weight. Become a better person.
Dude, I'm a fucking 300 lb guy (6' 4" with a broad build though, to be fair), and I fucking hate landwhales. Fat people make me cringe like crazy and I always look at fat people getting a shit load of food and just judge as hard as possible.
Like for example, I only eat a 6" sub from sub places. It's plenty. But then I see fat fucks get a 12" sub with extra sides, large drink, etc, and it just pisses me off. Especially the ones that get a diet drink and/or a side salad. Like the fuck you think you're achieving, fat ass?
>hates fats
I fucking hated when my fat ex gf would lie to herself and tell herself she's curvy lol I wanted to tell her so bad that she's just fat.
Absolutely. At least in my case I can say I'm actively losing weight - 50 lbs so far over the last year. I see other fat "people" everywhere just doing nothing, complaining, riding rascals, and just not even trying.
At least I try, and succeed.
At least I can admit I'm fat and it's my fault and not someone else's. I don't expect other people to conform to my body, I'm fully aware fat is unhealthy. AND I'm doing something about it.
>AND I'm doing something about it.
Good for you, keep at it. We need more skinny people on this planet before the whole fucking thing falls out of the milky way. By the way I didn't mean the milky way that you can eat, tubby.
>fat hate
If they are fat, then I say they are fat. And if they are fat, t-h-e-y have to be ashamed for being fat, not me for pointing it out, I am just telling it as it is, for fuck's sake.
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I'm fat too, but any of the pro fat, everyone is beautiful, eat a xlarge meat lover's with a small diet coke (trying to lose weight you know), can all fuck off.
Maybe I'll eventually lose the weight, but the rest of the world shouldn't have to bend to my poor life choices.
got dc?
dc? Direct Current? The mains is AC, but I do have DC devices. =^_^=
>likes to jerk off to dudes with tits
>thinks he has the right to make fun of fat people
As an obese person with a bmi of 40 I find this offensive as heck
>At least I try
THIS. This is the main difference between fat men and fat women in my fat opinion. Fat women blame others for their being fat whilst fat men blame themselves for it. That's why fat men are so much more pleasant to be around then their female, hamgalaxy grotesque counterparts.
Hahaha. Literally.
>Be fat woman
>Beautiful and curvy, not fat
>Nothing wrong with being fat
>Fat is healthy
>Skinny people are unhealthy
>It's wrong for skinny guys to not like me
>Why don't the hot guys find me attractive?
>My beautiful curves must be too much for them to handle
>They should make clothes in REAL WOMEN'S SIZES
The absurdity of it all.
Dude Wtf I didn't need to see that
Yeah exactly, that's why all these HAES and fat acceptance movements are dominated by women. You don't see any photoshoots of fat guys smashing up weighing scales. Obese women are in denial and unwilling to help themselves to they make it someone else's fault be it society, their boyfriend, or even random strangers. I almost dated an obese chick once and she was batshit crazy because of her weight. She'd constantly talk about eating healthy yet had PUT ON weight over the years of saying this kind of schtick, She was awfully insecure and never accepted blame for everything and ended up having a breakdown on me because our politics differed (very mildly). I'm very glad I will never have to deal with that atrocious landwhale ever again. Put me off fatties for life.
This right here.
I put on some weight over the winter and I want it off, so I'm exercising and dieting, and guess what?
"I just can't lose weight no matter how little I eat!" is either a lie or outright self-delusion. You know the type: goes to the gym to spend fifteen minutes on the treadmill at its lowest setting, then, for her brutal workout, rewards herself with an entire McDonalds franchise.
I'm dropping five pounds a week and I'll be back to my ideal weight in two months.
Good on you not-in-denial-user, keep at it.
Man, most fat chicks disgust me, but I'd slam the -shit- out of that one in that pose.
I get it, I hate the delusional fatties too.
However there is nothing wrong with cutting calories where you won't really notice. On the rare occasion I get fast food, I'll always get either a diet drink or unsweetened tea. Why suck back a shitload of calories you won't even really enjoy?
No, the problem is those fucking women (it's always a woman) who have somehow convinced themselves that diet drinks are *negative* calories. Yup, that Diet Coke literally cancels out those two Big Macs in their deluded minds.
This, it's just math. Burn more than you take in and you lose weight.
Starting dump, we'll see how far we get before i'm tired of captcha
>My beautiful curves must be too much for them to handle
Well, they're not wrong on that point. Seven-foot-tall, black, professional basketball players lack hands large enough to handle the rolls of lard hanging off these beasts.
>when they claim to be thick
>but their rolls say otherwise
>but they retort being big boned
>you are not big boned, you're big blubbered.
(I'm the "At least I try" guy) Dude, I literally lose 2 lbs a day when I have my shit together. And you know what? I don't have any sort of problem with it, because I simply make good choices. We don't NEED to eat as much as we do. You can eat good food without overdoing it. You know what I use as a part of my weight loss plan? Chocolate and chocolate milk. Normally, I don't even eat that much chocolate, and I literally never drink chocolate milk. But it's genuinely good for you - if you don't fucking overdo it. That, plus good fruits and veggies, maybe dried meats, and super low calorie foods to pad it makes for some good shit. Also I swear I don't have issues. I know 2 lbs a day is actually kind of a lot, but it's a controlled/planned thing, not an obsessive thing.
Absolutely. You need to actually, literally eat less calories in order to achieve something. And people like THAT believe that a salad or diet coke will just negate excess calories like magic. Doesn't work that way. What DOES work, is padding your diet with things like pickles, lettuce, stock, and so on, shit with only a dozen calories or less that can actually be filling AND enjoyable. But no. People just need their god damn artery clogging shit to be happy I guess. Pathetic.
Oldie but goldie.
Let he who has never fucked a fat girl cast the first stone
We have fatties in my country but luckily we don’t have the whole HAES/BBW queen mindset yet. The fat girls know that the slim girls are more attractive and desirable, they just even the odds by being easier and usually dirtier.
You can literally see the pain that guy is expressing constantly, having to deal with that parasite.
My bad dude
Congrats on the weight loss and being healthy
I weigh much less and I'm probably worse off so I shouldn't have made that joke anyway lol
I once tried to harmonise the innumerable hypocrises, double standards, and contradictory stances and demands of modern Western feminism and was left with this:
Women are never responsible for anything.
Now, when it comes to most of their childish, autistic demands, their incessant whining is usually enough to get them what they want. However, no matter how much they bitch and moan, eating too much and exercising too little will make one fat. Metabolism and the laws of thermodynamics don't care a whit for your little tempers tantrums.
What to do, what to do...
Got it. Simply demand that everyone find your fat ass attractive anyway.
It always goes back to the same belief: women are responsible for nothing, not even their own emotions. Men are rightly expected to be their own masters, as adults should be.
Her fat his obscuring her gender what the actual fuck
Isn't that technically morbidly obese?
Better fuck a pig at that point
She's wearing a sweater to hide her extra wide figure.
I'm 30 and have never been over 125lbs. I don't even eat healthy or exercise much, just bike around sometimes if it's nice out.
In the choice between being a manlet and being a fatty, I choose manlet. Well, God chose for me but still.
That poor man.
Imagine any other group unironically using that "word".
>Stop drunk-shaming me! Health at every level of liver function! *pounds handle of Jack in righteous protest*
I'm, ah, not seeing the dancing in this pic.
>spreading skidmarks and 2nd hand Beetus
I would've thrown that scooter out afterwards, it's a lost cause.
Hey, OP, 'grats on making a rare good thread.
honestly at this point i'd fuck a fatty, i haven't had a fuck in 10 years, but honestly i don't think i ever will fuck ever again. I don't know how to talk to women that haven't already put me into the friend zone.
I'm 27 now and my metabolism has slowed so I'm 6'0, 220 pounds and I'm starting to feel it. Mostly in my self esteem. I can't imagine how people 300+ feel. I got a lot of respect for fats, but not the "it's YOUR fault that you're not attracted to me cuz I'm fat" fats. Or the "if you don't like my fat in this tube top belly shirt then look away" fats. Like bitch where am I supposed to look you expect me to make a 90 degree turn to look away and that fucks up my pathing bitch I'm going east not south.
You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American.
You *will*, however, go broke if you fail to do so.
Elevator access only.
Am I the only fat guy who hates elevators?
What was here?
Thanks man, and s'all good
That woman is positively svelte when compared to the hamplanets of the glorious year 2019.
The rope is the only way she can get her legs up that high.
Limit carbs, limit calories, or limit both. It's not that hard. Anyone can do it, if they make excuses not to it's because they're a fat piece of shit and deserve a heart attack.
What whas whit
That's only the tip of the iceberg.
Fat-acceptance is cancer.
God no my man, I hate elevators too. I take the stairs any opportunity I can. Like, I think elevators are fine and all, I just can't help but picturing the cables snapping every time I'm in one even though I know they can hold thousands of pounds and I have literally nothing to worry about.
She should try smegma guac
Last time I had to use an elevator was because I had a pulled calf muscle in my left leg that was shooting pain up to my knee. Shit sucked though. Meanwhile I see these walking beanbag chairs use it like a leisure pleasure.
Well thanks to weed that won’t be a problem for long.
One of the easiest and best things to do when dieting is to simply cut out major sources of carbs.
No, not *all* carbs. No, not like that idiotic Atkins diet which encouraged people to eat three pounds of bacon for breakfast, then wash it down with a litre of olive oil.
No, just cut pasta, rice, potatoes and bread. No hunger, no cravings.
God I hate fucking seeing this. It was cancer the first time and cancer the 12,000 other times I've seen it. She's an absolute fucking mental case for reacting that way to it. And if I remember correctly she only eats like fucking cheesy potatoes or something.
To be fair in one respect though, Brussels sprouts are fucking awful, I don't care who you are.
Go out for a walk, 30 - 45 minutes a day. Use alternative means for transportation rather than using a car out of habit (depending on what needs to be done). Don't even need a gym membership to walk to the store and back for a couple items either. Easiest 4 miles done.
Man, they *really* like that suffix, don't they? It lends a certain pseudo-intellectual gravitas (you'd think they already had enough of that) to their acts of willful self-hypnosis.
>Be me 3 months ago
>5'8", 158 pound fat fuck
>Got a promotion at work, had to work more
>Also got severely depressed
>Found out doing exercises makes depression less bad
>Because work only eat 1 meal a day
>Do cardio alot too
>Loose 30 pounds in 2 months because depression and overworking
See anons, just get depressed and you will loose weight
Also willpower plays a big part in it too. Most people that are "hungry" in a first world country only think they're hungry or eat because they're used to eating at certain times of the day. If you're mindful of what you're eating, you tend to realize that you don't need as much as you think you do, and in a lot of cases you're only hungry as a reflex, not because you actually need food right here and now.
>They keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
>Instead, treat it like a buzzword that most mob mental tards recognize automatically.
yayyyyyyyyyy i knew someone would post this
Fucking lost
I actually like them. The trick is not to overcook them, for if you do, their flavour becomes sulphurous.
It's ridiculously hard to find them in the country where I live, so whenever I find some, I buy an armload. Hell, usually when I ask an employee if they might have some, the person literally doesn't know the word for them.
Try it, though. Parboil them for about four minutes, then halve them and fry briefly in a little olive oil. Fucking delicious.
I used to be fat. 5 foot 10 inches, 270 lbs. Through exercise and determination, I'm 176 now. Its been about a year & 5 months since I decided to change my lifestyle and BAM. Now I fucking despise fat people, especially when I smell them in public. I hated myself for years, so I have no pity for chubbs. Get off your lazy ass, put the fucking donuts down, make a change in your life.
Brussels sprouts are delicious
/FPH/ is my specialty
Or just roast them for about 40 minutes. Taste like popcorn.
Interesting. That might be why. You see, I've only ever had them made by my family, and I kind of suspect they might have been cooking them wrong since my family has a tendency of shit like that.
i needs pictures like this to keep me on my weight loss goal
dr robotnik?
Is she taking a shit
That too, of course.
My first and most important bit of advice for someone embarking on a weight-loss regimen would simply this:
Count. Every. Calorie. Even that splash of milk in your morning coffee, count it.
All of them. *Over*estimate your intake. *Under*estimate your output. Our potential for self-delusion is easily the greatest pitfall.
I'll take the bones. I am kinda like a dog in some ways.
probably a good bet
Atkins is shit, they think low carb processed junk is a substitute for vegetables. I'm 5'2" and went from 160 to 115 easily. I constantly eat while still losing weight. My father had the typical "old man gut" and completely lost it within two months of following the same diet.
no, she's flooding the toilet with her 10 year mistake and worried that if she moves, the toilet will flood the floor from her beetus
Hell yeah. Listen to this person. Overestimate calories, even if by a tiny bit. I like to round up when counting, so if I eat something that's like 260 calories, I just say it's 300.
The fuck am I scared of? Getting crushed?
>160 to 115 easily
What were your routines?
Not sure if belly or thighs
Probs belly
he comes on Yea Forums quite a bit
Atkins was always shit, but there is ever a lucrative market in telling people what they want to hear.
"Eat all the buffalo wings I want, and still lose weight?! Sign me up!"
Doesn't actually *work*, mind you.
Howd you get this picture? Thats my wife
If she made than her dress size per hour she'd probably afford a bigger place.
I tell my wife shes a fat fucking cow all the time. Makes her go to the gym.
This boy got really husky. Ew
Hey, how can they say there are no "realistic" (read: "fat") characters in games? Fat Princess has been out for a decade now.
Spoiler: they had a shit-fit about that game too.
>When you claim being fat is a healthy thing
>But you are winded after walking one block of 311ft
>Delusion: 100
That is a valid concern, yes.
This got me
isn't this the goblin king? didn't know he was into drag
>walking one block of 311ft
The autism is strong with you. You're going to go far in life.
Regardless, if you get winded from walking to your mailbox, you got a problem, no one else to blame but yourself if you let yourself go that far.
>Put that damn cookie and spoon down
Fuck you, I was literally sitting here eating a tub of icecream when I read that comment.
Amendment: I don't get winded from walks though. I go on walks all the time and I'm on my feet all day. Stamina isn't a problem.
I work as a geologist so I hike around the jobsite once in a while, but I mostly stay in the car and write reports. Once a week I do some yoga stretches for thirty minutes. I do have a sedentary lifestyle besides that.
this is amazing
Man, she can grow a bigger beard than i can!
tess holliday
Thats not just plain fatness, thats an actual disease.......right? Right, guys?
she tryna hide her fat behind that tree. not working.
I don't get fat hate.
I used to be a fitness freak, working out 6 days/w both strength/"bodybuilding" and conditioning(or what the fuck you call it in english, aka speed running). But regardless of that, I was always pretty skinny. During my fitness years I was at about 165 almost constantly, then when I stopped working out it increased slightly to about 172 and stayed like that for about 3 years, and during that time I was eating wtf I wanted, and I ate like shit, but my biggest problem was probably sugary drinks, I could drink upto 10 bottles of soda per day
Anyways, it all changed when I became an alcohol, and started drinking 20 pints a day, which I did for about a year. That's more then 3000 calories per day from the beer alone. That really made me actually gain some fat for the first time in my life. And I just thought it was hilarious.
I've cut down on the drinking slightly, but not that much. I'm at about 15 pints per day now and i've been doing it everyday for the last 4 years now. I've been weighing 210 basically constant throughout this time, and i've become a chubby dude with a hint of bitchtits. But everytime I go to rehab, I drop those pounds immidiatly. Like, it will take some weeks. But longest time I was in rehab I lost 40 pounds and didn't do shit for it, I also ate alot more food then I would normally do aswell, and still.
Point is, loosing weight is fucking easy. So why don't overweight people just do it ?
Well, obviously because they don't want to, or I mean, maybe the want to, but their lifestyle makes it impossible, and they're not ready to give up that lifestyle. I'm an alcoholic who drinks way too much beer, that's why im fat, and i'm cool with it. If I wanted to be skinny or fit again, i'd stop, but I just don't want to. Another person might be fat because he loves food, and doesn't want to quit eating unhealthy. And another person might be skinny because he's a crack addict and never eats, sure he's skinny but his body is still rotting from the inside, but he doesn't care, because he loves the crack too much.
Anyways, hating someone specifically for being fat makes no sense to me. Almost everyone gets their "high" of something, whatever it might be, who gives a fuck if someone loves to eat and obviously doesn't care enough to loose weight. How and why does that make them hateable ?
Realistically it's not that they hate fat people, they hate fat people with that shitty "everybody else's fault but me" attitude. But your average mouth breather lacks the depth to understand their own mentality so they chalk it up to a general "all fat people" thing
those poor shorts.
>nyways, hating someone specifically for being fat makes no sense to me. Almost everyone gets their "high" of something, whatever it might be, who gives a fuck if someone loves to eat and obviously doesn't care enough to loose weight. How and why does that make them hateable
"we" mostly hate the fatties that are actively (lol) trying to convince other people that being fat is healthy and that there is nothing wrong with them. They drag down (mostly) girls that are trying to get fitter, and are a huge drain on society.
You do you, but don't try to tell me you're healthy, or that I am obliged to find you attractive, and don't tell others to stay/get fat.
As ridiculous as this is, American airlines (I believe there is a specific company called that, but that isn't what I mean) will refund the cost of a second ticket purchases for someone who CLAIMS they don't fit in one. My friends aunt and uncle do it to guarantee seats next to each other for less money.
she's right that BMI is a terrible system. According to the calculator i have a BMI of 37 because I'm 6' and 205 lbs. I spend at least an hour each day in the gym and i eat healthy 6/7 days a week, im just muscular.
This bitch just fat tho.
But have to agree. B.M.I scale according to modern medical standards is utter bullshit. Weigh 180 lbs but have less than 15% fat, well you're still obese because a piece of paper said so, despite running a mile no problem and able to lift shit around with mild effort.
>5'2 115 lbs
>Latino detected
I actively refuse to believe it's possible for a human to be so far gone.
user; I don't know how else to tell you this, but you might want to get your eyes tested.
Thats a brick wall, not a tree.
I just bought my mother-in-law that same scooter. It's max capacity is 300 lbs. It's overloaded by a good 100 lbs.
Story time.
A while ago a guy started working at my workplace.
I was 24 and he just turned 22. I had somewhat of a dad bod but he was overweight. Not too much but still somewhat round.
Turned out to be a really cool guy. Liked music like I did.
Became bros. I asked him to work out as it would be good for him. He was depressed too so I also convinced him into /out/ stuff and more.
We didn't talk more about that.
Fast forward a few months. See him and he's happy. On the way to the gym.
I can't explain the happiness I felt by just him trying to improve himself.
Bitch hasn't drank water since she was 12.
She's throwing big gulps down like its her job.
>American airlines (I believe there is a specific company called that...)
Not your point, I realize, but yes, you are correct.
worth the read
cleansing the world 1 burger at a time!
Must have taken you a while to type that with giant chicken-greasy sausage fingers. Or did you use the pokin' stick?
6 fat people is all I see.
I've been depressed my whole life, but then I got a job where I sit all day and now I'm 6'1" and 190 pounds. I'm probably gonna keep getting fatter, maybe I'll just die.
the fuck is with those spots on the legs what the fuck
Alright anons, I'm curious: how fat is too fat for you to find a girl attractive?