What's the best camera to put tin my bathroom to get pictures of my sister in law when she is showering

What's the best camera to put tin my bathroom to get pictures of my sister in law when she is showering

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/spy-camera/dp/B07NY6ZNBL/ref=sr_1_1&ie=UTF8&sr=8-1&keywords=spy camera?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxLWLpsbH4wIVAp6fCh16vwMzEAAYASAAEgJo4_D_BwE
amazon.com/Bluetooth-Speakers-Wireless-Detection-Real-Time/dp/B0785M96P8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=bvcam speaker&qid=1563765049&s=gateway&sprefix=bvcam soeaker&sr=8-4

The one she doesn't see


Wireless pin hole cam in ceiling lamp

Do you have a kik? I can help

False economy: Risking going to jail and sex offender registry for some bad naked woman photos. They are FREE on the internet and way better looking women doing any sex act you can imagine.

Best is subjective.
What’s your budget and do you got pics of what your bathroom layout looks like?

Not the same, material of girls who’ve known and have wanted to see nude is 1000x hotter than any cam girl

The same reason why leaked photos get way more attention than regular nude photos, people wanna see someone they know over someone they don't especially if u have a thing for them.

This especially if it’s a girl you will never have a shot at

Recorded my SIL tight little body. I've always wanted to see what she looked like naked since the first time I saw her. Rate her tits

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one of those small ass cams on wish.

You've just got to be smart and you'll be fine.
I've filmed many women over the years.
The feeling you get seeing them nude is indescribable. Worth the risk every time.

They're great. More? Can do on Kik if you prefer.

This. The only advice I would give is do t let it consume you. I started and I couldn’t stop; ultimately ending with me acting something I knew was wrong i wish I could take back. With that said it’s still something I fap to often


yup. need some deets here.

Wanted to do the same thing with my roomate's fat whore forever

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I already recorded 3 sisters of my gf and her mom

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Got really obsessed into it. A few girls in particular, over time I got more brave and started venturing into a more nitch voyuering style. Ended up building situations where I could get certain girls i wanted alone and really drunk. I took it to far, in retrospect I realized how stupid i was being.

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plz share

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How many sister does your gf have?

years ago I was able to spy on my aunt getting fucked when I was staying with her for a few weeks on summer break, so much hotter seeing someone you know

Her sister. She has 4

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Her mom

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How'd you pull this off tho? How did you get them to not notice?

If I was dealing with something like this, how could I set one up in order to find out whose been stealing my soap?

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Another angle

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And another one

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This might be tricky since it seems you guys are always tidy. I have a hidden cam handy disguised as a charger. I simply put 'shaver only' so as to not suspect something and leave it plugged in.

Try your luck with this type, user. Act like you plugged in your phone to charge and left the charger there. No one will bother assuming no one will put it away.


How old?

A charger would arouse too much suspicion...are there any that can be used inconspicuously with the vent in order to take advantage of the mirror? Or how about a clothes bin?

Download an app for android hidden background recorder put the phone in a pocket of your pants and put in a good angle when they're about to shower


The charger I showed you can also plug into a portable charge block. Obviously you're gonna have to figure out a way to angle the camera through the vents.

Never would have thought of that, how long do these work?

Depends on your memory and the way you set up the app settings

user, this is fucking genius.


Drop your kik and I can help

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>I took it to far
What does that even mean?

Use the tissue box method that one user wrote up.I'll post it one sec.

no app by that name

Like other anons have said the "right" setup all depends on your unique situation. However I recommend the 808 cam. This is a solid setup for beginners looking to be more dedicated about the nanny cam hobby. Flexible application with decent video quality. (I've posted this before.)

I think it started out as a "covert keychain fob" camera. More versions and variations came out that got adopted as cheap dashcams and then later as POV cameras for RC airplanes. The 808 cam is a decent camera with a good price point that is readily available around the world. There are a LOT of versions of these cams. Fortunately there are also a lot of forum discussions and tutorials about them. So it'll be easy to do light research or do a deep dive into shit like updating firmware and optimizing the settings.

You can't really go wrong with any of these. But if you need a hard answer, maybe try out the Mate808 with a 70 degree lens and lens extension cable. The extension moves the lens onto the end of a flexible ribbon cable which will make it much easier to position. I'm seeing these on eBay for under $25 dollars/euros.

Where I am tissue boxes are common and would not be out of place in any room, especially the bathroom. You can leave the setup unattended for long stretches (usually days, but possibly for weeks depending on the powerbank, SD card, and activity level of your location). The tissue box is still usable and grabbing tissues won't interfere with the camera. It's easy to relocate the whole setup on the fly or swap the setup with a duplicate, unaltered tissue box if you think your nanny cam is getting too much scrutiny. AND it would not be weird if you were "caught" with the tissue box in your possession.

>808 cam with a lens extension
>USB powerbank
>charging cable for the cam

>tissue box with a busy pattern
>small sheet of foamcore or cardboard or double-side tape
>glue (white glue and rubber cement)
>hobby knife or x-acto blade
>awl or small screwdriver

>Open the cardboard tissue box being careful not to rip the cardboard flaps (you'll be re-sealing it later).
>Pull out the block of tissues and set aside for later.
>Using foamcore or cardboard, make a frame for the camera's body and the powebank.
>You want the camera body/powerbank to be secure within the frame AND the entire frame itself to be very snug within the tissue box.
>You might have to make two layers of frames depending on how big the powebank is (powerbank sits on the bottom, camera sits just above it on a second "level").
>You can use double-side tape instead of a frame or any other method you lik to secure the setup.
>BUT YOU MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THE PARTS WILL NOT SLIDE AROUND IF THE TISSUE BOX IS HANDLED. If this happens it will be a dead giveaway that something is not right.

>Next, determine where the lens will be and poke a small hole for it using an awl or mini screwdriver. Poke the hole going from outside in! It will be far less noticeable that way. If you poke the hole going inside out, the cardboard will be visible and obvious. And again, be careful not to crease the box or otherwise introduce any signs of tampering.
>It's best if the tissue box has a busy pattern to help hide the hole. But I assure you it is not necessary. I also suggest poking a few additional decoy holes to make it look like random "damage".
>Do not poke the hole someplace obvious like dead center on the tissue box. Off center and/or closer to an edge is less obvious.
>The 70 degree lens I suggested is essentially a pinhole lens. The hole does NOT need to be very big at all.
>At this point I also create a smaller frame from foamcore that will hold the lens over the hole in case the box gets jostled and so I can remove/put it back easily. Secure the lens however you want (velcro strip for example).
>Perhaps test the lens placement to double-check it isn't blocked.
>Re-assemble everything. Slide the frame/camera/powerbank into the tissue box.
>Put the block of tissues back in, removing however much you need to so it fits on top of your camera setup. They key is to make everything snug.
>When it comes time to use it, turn the camera on and set it for motion-detection recording.
>Re-seal the flaps using rubber cement. I like rubber cement because it is possible to open and re-seal the flaps several times without damaging the box but is strong enough not to pop open if handled.
>I do not suggest double-sided tape or velcro because the flaps need to be flat against the tissue box. Anything unusual about the exterior flaps will draw attention IMO.
>Your nanny cam setup is good to go. Place it and enjoy.

Problem with this is, if they find out you're fucked, where as a background recording app on a phone is locked by your personal pin. It's easier to explain why your have left your phone in a bathroom, but a tissue box with a camera and battery... well you've fucked it big time

This. Gonna try this with gf first and see how it goes. If all goes well, I will try to catch my SIL stealing my bathroom soap.

In my experience girls are becoming very aware of recording apps. Leaving a phone in the bathroom is not a safe option anymore. You have plausible deniability of course, but if your phone is handed back to you once you can't do it again. They are also aware of of the cams that look like chargers. (I'VE seen these cams regularly show up on deal sites. They are quickly becoming commonplace.)

Like the write-up says, tissue boxes are NOT going to be scrutinized.

See the mesh bottle holder on the side of the bag... well if you put a phone in there the camera will shoot through it like it's not even there. Most people will not realise this and will not question it. Your just a need a reason as to why you left your bag in the bathroom

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The smaller the mesh holes the better

I was thinking about putting my phone in the pocket of a pair of shorts and place that strategically in the dirty clothes bin.


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worked for me using a pot plant once. hidden in the dirt. careful that it does not focus on the leaves and leave subject blurry

or you can get a black fine mesh clothes bin

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Tin? A lead one?

Nice. This is what I'm working with at the moment.

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I'm looking for a camera that LOOKS like a webcam you clip to the top of your computer, but it has a hidden camera on the back side, with Pan-Tilt-Zoom, so it can look like I am concentrating on my laptop when really I am aiming at some girl's crotch under the table.

You're missing the point. People want to spy cam women in the bathroom because, unlike professional cam girl models, they don't know you're watching them. It's the forbidden aspect of doing it that makes it a thrill.

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got any more user?

Reposting this because it was helpful as a reference. Didn’t save that anons comments on lens and iso stuff.

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More info

?? The pic is self explanatory different cams different quality


Which one

of the sisters and mom?



Captured my buddy's girlfriend at a lake house with a shared bathroom. Used an 808 and power pack sewed and glued into my toiletry bag with the lens poking through one of the black grommets of the back. You can't see anything. My heart was racing so hard when I saw her go into the shower. Greatest grab of my life. Fap to it every time I see her now.

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post a pic of her in clothes

Just the sisters

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Any pics of how it looks?

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so great man. this is what its all about. so fucking scary, but i can only imagine how great it is to have that win.

Do u have a pic of faces and with clothes?

youre my fucking hero man. so risky, but so crazy to know you have nudes of all your girlfriends sisters and even her fucking mom. you know what her tits look like. so great.

AS Asian cameras man, I think you need to know some things.
Hi Res as possible your camera can go + full framerate = low light for camera sensors = darkness pictures when low light.

Weekend of

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I know. I love it

Wow. Can you post the full vid?

hyou have skype or kik or anytihng? id love to chat more. perv out over how youve captured and exposed your girlfriends sisters and mom.

Wow thats the sister?

no, sure don't. sorry

hmmm any other way to stay in touch? would be cool to chat more about them. hear about your collection and your work. so awesome.

AS you can see, your USB charger is in wrong spot because you try to captors objects that have bright light source behind it= can't see anything, so.. Move it to under the light source.

It’s all about the rush user. Epic win man!
They still together?

Ask your dad what he uses to take pics of your sister.

Yup here's the other

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Damn man, to have eye fucked her entire family! Well done user!

yeah, talk on here, fag

Dude dunno about you but I made a compilation video of all my girls family

ok. where are you from? where are they from too i guess. Your ages? there ages?

thats awesome man. who are your targets oyuve got so far. would love to hear about it and see your work.

Still waiting for more opportunities

Wow good shit any more?

aren't you scared that one day they'll see the pics and instantly accuse you?

More of her??

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oh my god please post. thats my dream situation. right now i have 1/3 sisters for full nude, and some partials of her others. and some hot of her mom

Yea gonna need a little more broski


GoPro hero 4 1080p

Wow dude I would be terrified to even try this. Do you get nervous, your gunna review it and catch her staring at the camera?

amazon.com/spy-camera/dp/B07NY6ZNBL/ref=sr_1_1&ie=UTF8&sr=8-1&keywords=spy camera?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxLWLpsbH4wIVAp6fCh16vwMzEAAYASAAEgJo4_D_BwE

amazon.com/Bluetooth-Speakers-Wireless-Detection-Real-Time/dp/B0785M96P8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=bvcam speaker&qid=1563765049&s=gateway&sprefix=bvcam soeaker&sr=8-4

yeah totally but the risk makes it hotter

Anyone wanna stay in touch on kik and share good pics? I'm trying to get an album together with different girls in the shower. I'm hoping my cam will work on my bag pocket.


new room

who is she?

sorry if you said above. Great tits on her

Kik me we'll share girls we get pics of. I'm looking to get one really soon. Kik is fuckfloodmaster

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It's all about the thrill

Dont even have any yet? sounds tempting

what happened?

Let's see it

Here's a webm with face. Enjoy

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Her ass

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Only shot with any pussy

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Johnnysnowballs for my kik

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Describe how it was the first time you got wins. How did you see her afterwards? How often do they come over and how often do you get wins?


I try to use my phone wherever possible
>pic related, my SIL

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Got any nudes?

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Explain your setup, how do you pull off getting that angle?

What is she to you?

Put the phone in a far end of a book case in the shadows

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bros wife or wife's sister?

wow. what a body,

wife's sister?

I used a spycam app on my phone, also trading more of my sister for tributes on kik. kik ohsn4ps

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Bros wife

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very nice! webm please!

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Explain your setup user

Explain what you felt the first time you tried this with her and got wins

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i have a massage chair, a bottle of lotion, some tissues and two wrap around pc screens

Need to make some
I’ve had a perpetual boner ever since

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Like, how did you conceal the cam?

The titty fuck of a life time right there

She's hot. Any frontals? Do you think she's ever suspected anything?

kek im sure thats not him.

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this is so hot

Wife on our holiday

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shes looks really hot man. you gotta let us see her face.

Any pussy shots?

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I like the look of this

What is this? Explain

ive only ever seen 1-2 stills from this! post vid!

No can do
Faint but it’s there

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so hot

I bet you came super hard the first time you caught her

gf in hotel, phone tucked behind tv with some other bags and stuff aroudn it

At least blur but show her face

Post a vid of her getting jackhammered

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Who is this lovely cum dumpster to you?

That's incredibly sexy

The best option IMO

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The first one's I got were with the 18 yr old, I only see her 1 or 2 times a year. When I first got them I would beat to the all the time. The day of, I would watch the video while she was in front of me. The other one, I see her all the time and love that I know what she looks like naked

Fuck me this is hot! More pics? Video?

This. This here.

That's wild. How are they like around you on a normal day? Are they easygoing?

Who is ? Is she the 18 yr old? Tell me more about her. Any more content?

I've done the phone in my pocket thing pretty much every time I go to a massage parlor.
Usually works, some of the girls are wise to it...get laid either way.
Lemme see if i can dig up some wins... I usually delete pretty soon after, it's more fun to capture than to watch spy cams...almost zero action ever.

Not op, but


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If these two are same woman, more please!


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Fuuuuuuck, moar plz!

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Any holiday pussy or fucking?

What is there a smudge? Also, what is she to you?

this is a great thrill at first especially when you get your first win. but then the first time you almost get caught you are scared as fuck... but you keep going.

and that happens a few times until you get to the point where you've done it so many times that you get sloppy.... and then you're fucked. i almost ruined my life for this shit. not worth it.

Perfect tits moar plz

Glued a one mirror with my camera behind it. I rushed the placement and smeared some of the glue

Explain, what happend to you? Also, what was the aftermath?


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Yes she's the 18 yrold just more of the same. Only have the 1 video

Can you post it? Also, what is she like around you? Is she easygoing? A hardass? Does she act like she's too cool?


She's nice to be around. She's always wearing tight clothes, revealing, one time we were playing video games and she was bending over in front of me on the floor with short shorts and I was staring so bad. She has a nice from soccer

any more of her?
impressive tits


How long have you know her? Does she treat you like an older brother?

For 4 years. Yeah she does actually she's a real cool person. I've been trying to capture her for a while but finally got lucky

How did that feel?

im curious for your wife dude.

I love it. Wish I could fuck both her sisters

In what way? Like you want her nudes?

Well, seems to me like you've gone further than most guys ever will. Kudos to that user. Out of curiosity, is there any way you can post a clothed pic of the 18 yr old? Even if its without face

Ah for sure. To compare to sis and mil. Bet she has big tits also.

On kik


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damn those look bigger than her sis! Ever compare bra sizes? Also moar

I think they're around the same. I always stare at the sisters tits when she has a tank top on

Any good dressed pic of sil?