Old cunts give young cunts advice.
Old cunts give young cunts advice
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Buy a cheap car and an expensive house.
don't let your fears stop you from trying something
Economic viability is also a good reason to marry. Marry a doctor if you can, even if she is a 5/10
Always consider how long it will take to recover your investment money. For example you'll need to own Solar Panels on your house for 8 years until you start making money.
She'll likely look like her Mum. So if her Mum is horrendously fat. She might also be become the same in her older years.
OK vaccinate em but dont poison em or nothing &dont hit my wife
Never buy a car new. Always second hand. Cars lose horrendous amounts of value as soon as you buy it and drive it out of the car lot.
She's not thinking about you. She moved on. So should you.
Be ambituous in life.
Don't consider yourself more special than anyone else of your ame age. You are just the same until you work really hard at something for along time to become an expert. This will take a long time. At least 10,000 working hours.
Ignore everyone else. Their grass appears greener as they are cherry picking the special moment and leaving out the bad ones.
The truth is that everyone's as indecisive, self-doubting, and frustrated as you.
Just do your thing, you’ll never have any reason to envy others.
how so?
I mean if I knew how to win, and knew how to execute that action of winning, I'd be at the top in a heartbeat but I don't
tips? I have no marketable skills, no job, 19 still living with mommy and daddy so of course I need to get out and a trade would take 5 years to learn when I need money right now and a good life I don't deserve now, and in the future
Life is fucking hard from birth to death. You will work hard to survive throughout it. This is no different to a majority of people on this planet.
The world bubbles with opportunity for anyone with ambition. Work hard and you find flowery, fulfilling success. The specific direction you need to take may be unclear, but it’ll work itself out—just dive in somewhere. And if that doesn't work, try something else. Just keep at it. You are young and have 60 to 70 years ahead of you. But do nothing and nothing will happen. You have to work hard for a long time to reach happiness. Just like your Mum and Dad.
Drink milk.
If they are cunts then get rid of them. Rid your life of cunts. Cunts will cause you worry, cost you money and drain your lifetime away. This goes for your Mum, your Dad, your sister and your brother. You have no obligation to look after them. They are grown adults and can look after themselves.
College is good if you have the patience. Get a degree in something that has lots of jobs. Otherwise go to trade school. Air conditioning repair is pretty good. You want something people will always need that can't be automated or exported overseas.
To lose weight, reduce how much you eat. If you are not sure how much you eat, write it down and calculate how much calories your consuming every day. The 4:3 diet is a great start and it works.
nah they wont
just don't let yourself get into a position where they actually would you homo
cunts are cunts but if you let them get to the level of cuntery, you played yourself
only you can play yourself in life
Go into IT
Oldfag here (48). If I was to study something nowadays it would be in the IT / Robotic sector. Automating our daily lives requires smart people to design, build and maintain.
I wouldn't want to allow myself get a shitty non useable degree "gender studies" ubnless I was able to con my way into money with that degree
I know I need to learn a skill but I need employment now to pay the bills, and a skill for then to live that life
An exclamation point is the nigger in a white neighborhood of punctuation.
Ridding yourself of cunts is the first and most important step.
"Give someone money and they will remember where to go next time they need it"
bumping for the wise oldfags
general advice bump but I ask a question for the oldfags
what is the fastest road to misery?
Never give to charitable causes. Their institutions use up most of the money in their operations and only a tiny amount is actually left for the cause.
we're saying the same thing but we're on the different side of the coin
you decide to not play yourself by ridding yourself of cunts cause you'd enable them to be cunts
you can't stop them from being cunts themselves, but you can stop them from entering your life
Real milk though. From cows. Not the vegetable or but versions.
Study what will give you money to live well, follow your "dreams" with that money.
Do what woman say they want.
This is true of large foundations, but locally run charities have much less overhead and do some good work for your local communities.
My top 3:
1)Prolonged and mismanaged use of drugs such that they negatively impact personal and business relationships.
2) Maintaining caustic relationships with hopeless causes. The self-destructive tendancies of the few can drag the stable mind into the gutter.
3) Not following the 2 golden rules of gambling.
a) Only bet what you can afford to lose.
b) Never bet on anything that talks, because anything that talks can be bought.
Yep. Definitely. I also recomment buying full fat milk and adding the same amount of water to make it semi-skimmed. Big money saved.
I'd like to say dubz of truth but sadly this is not true. Local charities are even worse as there is little to no oversight. That is noone is checking they making good use of the donations. You're better of buying a some sandwiches and handing them out to the homeless.
Thoughts on a Tesla with a 88,000 salary?
When you die, that's it. Nothing else happens. The story ends. No more new memories for you. Make your peace with old people while you can. You ain't seeing them in some magical after life.
If you're not sure if a relationship is working out, it's already doomed.
Don't stay in a job you hate if you have other options.
Distrust any and all politicians who tell you what you want to hear.
Try and do some exercise and eat some vegetables.
Look after your hearing, your back and your teeth. Fuck those up, and there's no way back.
Stop worrying about what other people think of you.
It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't.
Generally, focussing on other people rather than yourself.
Envy, jealousy, obsession, all that shit will eat away at you.
Try to let it go. Stop comparing yourself to others, or at least the filtered version of them that you get to see.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, is fighting their own battles and demons.
It's such a cliche, but just try and be the best version of yourself than you can. And don't beat yourself down by comparing yourself to the next man.
I already fucked up my teeth by never habing brushed them for a year straight
I know its bad and I still don't have a solid routine
have any of y'all ever tried to drink a fucking smoothie with SENSITIVE teeth
I mean I had to take breaks in between sips, and had to bear with the pain everytime I wanted to take a fucking sip
this guy gets it
I would wait 2-3 years for a Model 3 owner to sell theirs second hand. The cheaper you can get the better. Unlike petrol cars, ignore the mileage as electric car can go 200 to 300,000 miles before the most major thing will need replacing - namey the battery. Do not buy new.
Dont be fat.
>this guy gets it
ha, wish I didn't though! That sucks, man.
I've always been a sugar junkie. Paying for it now.
If you smoke. Take up e-cigarettes. They are 94% safer. Ignore the FUD, its a better and safer solution to maintaining a nicotine addiction.
Get three quotes for everything.
Bring your children up in a place that they can be raised at a gentle pace.
Don't religion. You're smarter than that.
nice double dubs
its bittersweet though (the dubs and the understanding)
my teeth aren't crackhead teeth, but I'd be lying if I were to say they aren't getting there
all I wanted to do was enjoy a sour tart smoothie and turns out all I got was a 12 dollar order of pain
Only brush the teeth you want to keep.
Buy cheap carpet and expensive mattresses.
Don't buy cheap toilet paper or trash bags. False economy.
Take psychedelics
not this
I took acid once and that was enough for me to lose my mind
either I am sane or insane and the difficult part is coming to a conclusion
I wouldn't recommend it to be honest
Or lease
Take your kid outside for a play
Buy an automatic cat feeder. Pour in the dry food into the huge hopper. Never hear them bitch for food again.
Never go back to her. If you consider it during a fragile day, just remember why you broke up with her to begin with and the thoughts will go away.
There's nothing wrong with abortion. Its just a group of cells. It has no brain yet. You've stepped on things on the sidewalk with more intelligence.
>You've stepped on things on the sidewalk with more intelligence
not an argument
Actually I've leased a second hand prestige car. Unfortunately I needed to get rid of it after only 2 years as I lost my job and had to move. The place where I leased it happily took it right back, no extra money paid or anything. It was great.
Don't crypto.
I've a nice house because I studying hard and worked hard for a really long time. No other reason.
True, because there doesn't need to be an argument, because abortion is fine either way.
Look the part and lie if you can't do all of the job. The bits you can't do you can learn on the job and it will make you grow and be better than you were.
Just because your boss can't see your value, doesn't mean you are less worthy. Keep a running list of what benefits you are providing that he doesn't see. Explain them to him at your annual review.
This also works for relationships.
Shit at work.
Your greatest payrise happens when you move from one job to another.
Always look for a new job. No matter how established you may feel in your current one.
Fuck a lot of bitches! Just remember to wrap it up.
Like stepping stones, always make sure your foot is properly planted in your new job before you resign from your old one. Make sure your new employer contractually agrees to your employment.
Always listen to tour parents' advices.
Should I stay or should I go?
The virgin you deflower will love you no matter what. They will cling like shit, so be careful it is hat you want.
Always go.
Unless they are cunts. But by the time you are ready to leave their home, they will probably have brainwashed you into believing anything. In this case go to university.
you ever heard of the word satan?
you ever heard of the biblical figure lucifer? the angel who defied god and was evil or something? how he is the literal incarnation of evil?
yeah, become him and bitches will love you
lie, steal, cheat, gamble, drink and you'll have a good time
Is she rich?
just to be brainwashed by whatever the university's bias is
In the story of you, you are the editor.
No, universities are for opening minds to all possibilities, unlike small-minded people like you.
Authoritarian busybodies will always have an advantage over people with interests and hobbies, because the latter group has to split their time between enjoying things and defending themselves against the former.
Nobody is watching you. You are not important enough.
You'll know when you are important because people will try to take things from you.
This. Absolutely.
You can get randomly fucked by the police without being important.
You're raised to be just like your Dad, so find someone just like your Mum.
Her body is fucked after she has kids. There's no avoiding that.
join the military for your country
serve your country to the best of your abilities
uncle same loves you
No suicide was ever more greatly served than sacrificing your own life to remove from this planet a bad man. This works for military too.
behold the oldest and greatest pic on the internet
Here's how to achieve naximum pleasure.
>get a working blender
>remove the blades
>get a a soft fleshlight
>apply lots of lube and stick it in the blender
>start at lower speeds and turn it up for a more intense experience
>post results to Yea Forums for other people to fap to
Don't pension. Buy land instead.
she isn't arguing to win the argument
she hasn't listened to or understood any of your points
she just ants to get her own way
No, it's not a woman.
I feel like I gotta get out of this place.
pension? what do you mean by that?
thinking about joining the army for a fat pension
choose carefully user
If you have a small amount of money taken from your daily paycheck and placed in an interest bearing account to only be used by you when you are over 65 then if possible use the money instead to buy land. More profit.
Just leave then Sir. Choose a destination wisely. It will help if you can speak the local language at the destination but if not then take a year to learn the language before you go. Make sure you have a trade or career that will work well at the destination too. Maybe take a 2 week holiday there first and check it out. You can attend job interviews while on holidays you know.
If you are under 25, your job will be replaced by robots in your lifetime.
i mean i know nobody wants to die and i might have to (who cares)
but yeah
i want it to make something of myself while at the same time fighting for my country
Don't get drawn into the "I must recycle my domestic rubbish for the sake of future generations" bullshit. This is ruse devised by local councils to make people do the rubbish separation for them so they can make profit. Chuck it all in one bin, save yourself some time and get back to your own life.
Become an architect. Build something for your country instead.
Well fuck me. This shit isn't even that old...
but with the military i get to shoot a gun and defend my country and its architecture/infrastructure as opposed to building something
'MERICA!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!! we ride fords, chevys, harleys and RAMS WTIH CONFEDERATE FLAGS cause im from dixieland
red white and blue and the u s and a
the land of the free and the land of the brave
i bet do differ; consistency is one of the most powerful arguments in the world.
we humans do so fucking much not really knowing for sure if its really the best possible choice,
but pledging to do it consistently enables us to work together at large scales
I beg to differ is hat you should be saying
Could it have been a signal to your loss of a grip on yourself and reality? Not saying you did it wrong but there's a lot that goes into tripping the "right" way rather than the seeing what it's all about or just trying to watch Sparks fly from your brain
I'm finishing a web development course, and i'm planning on becoming a freelancer until i get enough money to get out of Brazil.
Is it worth it or should i find a fixes job?
She's not interested in you if you can't look after her. You need to show her you can look after yourself first, have a good job with a good income.
All Jobs can and will be automated.
There are a minority of people who are mentally highly reactive to drugs. What he says is possible due to biology but I agree environment, drug toxicity and support are also factors.
wrong. badly separated rubbish *increases* profits for those involved in recycling.
you cant burn sand. people who commercially burn residual waste WANT you to throw plastics in there, because that increases their margins. as opposed to recycling, which has pretty much fixed margins as long as American military tightly controls the oil price.
On that note, don't talk to cops. Ever.
Google it if you must.
i bet it was just a typo
Freelancing sucks. work is few and far betwen and employees will just want to rip you off. There are also millions of people just like you trying to undercut you to in the work. Working in an office is way better as in the early years you need good support and on the job training to get to a moderate level of understanding. Training courses show you how to make bread, office jobs teach you how to build a sandwich that sells.
If she's fucked someone else while she is your girlfriend/fiancee/wife then you should walk away. If you are fucking her and she is in a relationship with someone else, then you should only use her for sex - not for any future relationship.
Asians are good with numbers
Indeed. Google's assistant can call places to make appointments. It grasps all nuances of appointment making. This will eventually replace telemarketing and customer service call centers. There are already 3D printers scaled to print houses for real cheap.
It kind puts you in a whirlwind when you try to process how fast tech is moving.
You are right. I have taken 2.
Do not trust anyone in HR ( Human Resources). Their duty is primarily to the employer, not the employee. You will be on your ass on the pavement if they feel firing you is more beneficial to profits and the company name than your feelings.
I tried it to see what it was like
I can't for sure way that my grip on reality was anything normal beforehand so there's that
I still understand things are things but it's as if I can no longer see them the same as I've opened up a door to a different realm
I still understand that this is b and Yea Forums, it's just I'm experiencing things through my eyes and that is so surreal to me
Small house. Big barn. Five acres minimum.
Only 1 for me and she couldn't let go. She was a squirter though, and I did find it hard to let her go. I loved her orgasming on my cock and the arm feeling of her piss trickling down my belly.
> I've opened up a door to a different realm
Thats what acid does. Well done. It did its job. It did the same to me too. Go with it. Understanding the bigger picture taks years without the help of drugs. You just took a shortcut to a better place and are more mentally advanced than all non-drug takers around you. Keep the secret to your self but use it to make yourself and those around you better.
Oh yeah, you could say it's quite the.. Trip......
still people always get the consequences wrong
there is not, ever, going to be a point where people say "okay, this is enough"
just as we moved from 50% to 25% of our income spent on necessities, we will move to 5% and still not ever stop working less. sure, our work will have less impact for hour spent working, but we will still not get any rest.
because who would drink chemically clean energy drink for $0.002 when you could have $12 coffee beans from god knows where on the other side of the planet. because who would walk 2 meters to the light switch if you could have our google/amazon/microsoft overlords listen to our request for dimming the lights by 20%. creating unlimited job opportunities for things like replacing those "smart" light switches every 2 years because obviously the more complex that tech gets, the more maintenance is required.
Anyone catch that neural link talk from Elon musk? Merging the brain with technology, human trials begin next year.
We will reach a point where the maintenance will be automated too. There will be no work to be done. Unless you want to work. Then by all means, do that.
I'd love to refute those Statements
to downgrade my ego
I've lost my mind so that's for sure
stop using the word boomer....you sound like an underage faggot. besides 80% of them are dead, the other 20 are being kept alive by your ACA. congrats.
i live in an area where an electric car makes sense. i cant even drive 150miles in a day. and everywhere i go they have free chargers. (im in hawaii)
I tried the model 3. its nice, but the fact everything is touchscreen is annoying. you have to look at it, unlike in other cars you know where the buttons are and can feel them. you can afford the base 3 on 88k easily, but what i did is bought a factory certified model S. 2015 P90D, 35kmiles, 56k$ basically 10k more than the middle 3 new and 100x better