What would the world be like right now if the nazis won the war?

What would the world be like right now if the nazis won the war?

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Germany may have lost the war, but the Nazis won. Look at the groups of Nazi militias all over the world.

The leftist and the communists murdered 10 times for people than the nazis.

Just saying...

pretty degenerate

You are joking right? Winning implies power. They have prob 2% power.


The soviet union may have collapsed, but the soviets won, look at all the communist militias all over the world.

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>What would the world be like right now if the nazis won the war?

Swedistan probably wouldn`t have seen a 1400% + rise in rapes and places like Londonistan wouldn`t have weekly terror attacks

>Germany may have lost the war, but the Nazis won. Look at the groups of Nazi militias all over the world.

All this was caused by the far left relentlessly pushing faggotry and cultural genocide onto everybody. My own grandfather told me that he now believes that he fought on the wrong side of the war. Damn near everyone I know is pro Nazi now.

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Yes, the nazis were renowned for their lack of violence and killings.

>Damn near everyone I know is pro Nazi now.
I love a good self own.

serving the soviet union, comrade captain

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Philip K Dick's The Man In The High Castle explores this.
It basically posits that their would be two mutually suspicious superpowers, Germany and Japan. Both with highly regimented totalitarian governments. No freedom of speech, etc.
I think it's fair to say that Yea Forums wouldn't exist, and you'd all be praying for the kind of freedom that you take for granted every day of your lives.

>I love a good self own.
Geeze, do you live in a god damn cave? Co-workers and people I generally meet every day are now pro-Nazi.

Of course they are. I'm sure the many, many people that you associate with are pro history's greatest monsters. I'm sure that that is definitely the case, and you definitely aren't bullshitting.

Not kidding --Seen much of it over the past 2 years. There is only so much people can take.

Oh, absolutely, definitely sure this is a true thing that's happening in the real world and isn't just the fever dream of a /pol/ obsessive.



More authoritarian but everyone would have a gf

>history's greatest monsters.
Sure takes away from all those other genocides and centuries of pointless killing.

they'd have lost either way, it's what nazis do
eating shit is their nature

but but nazis won eventually? isnt trump literally hitler?

so i am told by the media last 2 years or so

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there are only a few thousand worldwide