How the fuck do you get a part time job Yea Forums ive been trying ever since February and no fucking luck meanwhile...

How the fuck do you get a part time job Yea Forums ive been trying ever since February and no fucking luck meanwhile all my friends already got one. I'm student btw whos never had a job in his life

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get someone to read over your resume to make sure you didn't fuck it up somehow, apply to many places at once, make sure the places you're applying to are even hiring

Obviously the best way to get a part-time job is to stalk, threaten and harass the employers family.

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Where have you been applying? I find this hard to believe

Fast food places like burger king,McDonald's etc

There’s a little saying every man should know by heart.
It’s smarter to be lucky,
Than it’s lucky to be smart.

Finding steady employment is very much a product of luck.

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If you're telling me you can't get a part time job at those places, you are definitely doing something wrong. They hire literal retards to work there.

Upload your resume here.

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Depends, really. Lots of college towns have an excess of students working those jobs and food service consistently underhires. Just review your resume and make sure you haven't fucked it royally somehow, keep applying and wait for turnover. Most of the positions probably got snagged in April/May.

Spread out your applications a bit more don't go for the normie meme trash, those jobs were already taken 5 months ago.