My cat's sick I don't know what's wrong with him he sleeps all the time and he stumbles when he walks please help this just started happening yesterday
My cat's sick I don't know what's wrong with him he sleeps all the time and he stumbles when he walks please help this...
Take him to the vet OP.
Could be his kidneys, take to vet.
Take him to the vet, why would you go to Yea Forums for advice
Also, I hope your cat gets better
How old is he? This happened to my cat and they said her organs were just shutting down. Autopsy showed nothing. Old age, I guess.
Hope he feels better, user.
Op here just bought a new car spent every penny on it
Nice. Now take that car and go into debt by taking the cat to the vet.
Tryed vet is a dick nees money up front
dont need to take it to the vet he just needs diet
I moved to a small town and they know everyone but me so no one trusts me
If you really love the cat you'll find a way to get it the help it needs. Look around your area for low cost vets or vets that take payment plans.
You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.
This thread is about to die with only 10 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.
a check up is like around $50, take it to a vet my dude just to at least find out if anything is wrong with it. Go to a local pound or animal rescue, they may even have fliers that will give you a free checkup and possibly a a coupon for $100-$200 worth of treatment.
Dont wanna freak you out but my cat had similar symptoms and also would barely eat, got super skinny, etc. motherfucker had cancer, lymphoma
sounds like ownerfagiritis. post your butthole and take your cat to the vet afterwards.
Your cat is going to die soon. Let him shit in your room. It's the least that you can do.
you go to /b for pet health advice? take him to the vet you fucking idiot.
Cat to the vet - now. A vet will always work with you on money. Man up say you need a payment plan but cat needs to be seen - don’t let your pride kill your cat.
Google emergency vet clinic. Call and ask questions.
There's literally a board dedicated to animals.
Could be FIP with neurological symptoms , just lost a cat to this horrible disease. Start with the vet and get blood works.
just lost a kitty cat to something similar. she was happy and active and lively and out of nowhere she could barely stand let alone jump and had pissed herself when she was lying down. took her in at 3am for an emergency visit and blood tests showed her kidneys had entirely shut down. she had barely any muscle mass but her body shape hadn't changed, and surgery wasnt a guarantee, just something to keep her alive for the next few months. i miss you allison.