Official Bloc Thread #R3

> Official Bloc Thread #R3
> Y99WJVw

Floor(s): 250 through 400
Vending Machine Maintenance

Maintenance has allocated resources for the renovation and maintenance of vending machines on floors 250 through 400.

In addition to being maintained and renovated, the vending machines will also be stocked with a new menu. This includes the entire family of P96 products.

Attempting to sell any unauthorized fluids such as but not limited to bewze, piss, sewage, and water will result in reeducation or constriction to janitorial.

Bloc to Prosper,

Bloc Wellness Committee

Attached: W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW1hZ2VzLzMyMTE3ZWRmMjNkYjI0NWFhOV85MDM0ODYzNDU1Xzk0N2U5ZTQ0ZGRfay5qcGci (520x390, 645K)

Maintenance Announcement:

Janitorial staff are not to be harassed during their duties. There have been numerous reports of misdemeanor offences committed against Janitorial staff, and a reported increase of Serious offenses.

The Janitorial staff have already been punished for their crimes in their conscription; citizens looking to torment or exploit the Janitors might themselves face conscription to janitorial.



Attached: 906077244.jpg (480x360, 32K)

Trading fresh rat skeletons for P96 Bubbly.
See me on floor 435!

Attached: P96BUBBLY.png (520x432, 40K)

Floor(s): All

Janitors have been instructed to clean any defacing of walls. Please instruct your local SEC to persecute any vandals.

Please do not deface with sexually explicit images. The janitors are not able to handle themselves.

Resistance is frowned upon.

Bloc to Prosper,

High SEC

OH no!

I drank the water in the attached image and now I'm growing green spots. Please help.

Attached: 37483_640.jpg (640x426, 98K)

ill do waht i want cunts
i drew a dick onthe wall and the janitor fucking dry humped it

maybeif the janitors werent so gay this wouldnt happen maintenance fag

Can I rape the janitors?

What floor you on?

Y'all got any maymayyysss

This is not funny. Please refrain from such action immediately or we will be forced to send you to the Floor Manager's office, and possibly even contact your parents.

Bloc to Prosper,


No, look at the fucking announcement

nice try glownigger. youll never catch me

Already raping them friendo

Post maymayysss

Gonna trace you bitch, my baton is ready for your face

shut up 30 year old boomer

No, I will eat you if I find you

stop samefagging

I will find you and rape you with my baton to

(randomizing IP)
Paul-rev-test1.exe has failed
error type: unknown
hash overload
IP randomizer program failed
host IP lost in the randomizer.
host computer lost
last known terminal location: outside?
what is outside?
is the outside real?
the outside is real
the government sent the program to test the population if a fictitious person can intice a rebellion.

the OS has concluded this experiment thank you for your support

your outside rep
-paul johnson

Paul to prosper!

Floor(s): All
Threats of violence on the intranet.

Intranet crawlers have detected excess amounts of sexually explicit materials and threats of physical violence against other tenants and janitorial staff.

We would like to remind you that once you post something on the intranet, it's there forever.

Maintenance knows who you are. We know where you are. We do not forgive, we do not forget.

Bloc to Prosper,


no paul prosper

discord gg/TJqCAy


There is no outside ya filthy cunt

I'm a doomer lol

I need Mee may muh mays

Just trying to le me mao

I am only trying to help sec by punishing vandals and shit

I don't speak slit eye

*Beethoven intensifies *

Attached: elevators.jpg (600x362, 137K)

I need that memaymuh

Wait a minute...


Attached: Mr. Alexander.jpg (1000x602, 261K)

Doop a doop doppa doopa doop ah doop ddoop. M singing in the rain

But if the ol in out