Poland is a Nazi shit hole, change my mind.
Poland is a Nazi shit hole, change my mind
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Hell, I've been there four times now, and loved it each time. No niggers, no muslims, no African thieves and scammers, lots of hot and horny Polish chicks, and good food. Fail to see the problem...
user you're so fucking right! Just listen to their national anthem:
in Poland you can make real good vacation as a white person! You'll stay with you own kind!
As a member of the USA proletariat, I cannot afford to travel outside the country and i have no influence on the world, so the truth is inconsequential.
Thats a pretty neat anthem right there
doland is in disneyland
Nazi? NO
some of people with the tacit approval of the government extremely right-wing religiously Christian? YES
Polish people, especially Polish boomers are usually pretty racist and extremely conservative. It's kinda pissing me of since I'm a half German, half Polish lib.
Seeing the country that I was born in spiral down a rabbit hole of nationalism mixed with a government that has pretty much gained all it's lower through the church and "Radio Maria" is kinda sucky and fucky.
go be a cuck somewhere else you beta male
Diversity and race mixing is good for your country.
Poles hate both Nazis and LGBT faggots. They know your kike movement is not about gay rights but about destruction of family and christian values.
Stink nigger
ooouh look at the AIDS dripping...
weak faggot.
They’re aren’t nazis, they’re just the only country to really stand up to the EU’s forceful immigration bullshit
that's what I get for lurking Yea Forums
go to /pol/ and be cleansed of your faggotry user
>change my mind.
I won't. It became a fascist state in a matter of a year or two. But some argue it was always burred somewhere deep within them. Even before WWII they had tendencies like that, but the history didn't let them manifest it in full potential for years.
Now they had ~25 years of freedom and look at what they are doing with it.
How about I let someone else do it more eloquent for me:
Also: You're a Socialist. You're brainwashed to the point when there's no longer a mind worth changing. Enjoy being lonely.
That's the Merkel in you. Don't like it, go offer your asshole to Muhammad and Ahmed down the street, I'm sure it's much better than fucking a Goat.
>You're brainwashed to the point when there's no longer a mind worth changing.
look who's talking
When it's White and Asians.
Not so much.
Most predictable insult ever award goes to
Pride month is over you faggot. Kill yourself
we polish people hate faggots and don't give a fuck about nazis, we make fun of Adolf ;)
Go to Poland. You faggot.
Shithole in that they don't like illegals and fags? Im moving to Poland, land of der juden.
Fuck Nazis
Fuck lgbt
Fuck Commie
Tylko Polska poganska
Imagine being a mutt lol
Have fun.
ever notice how every country that isn't tolerant of fags is a total fucking shit hole?
even dubai, which is really wealthy is a horrible place to be unless you're a billionaire that follows Sharia law.
That can definitely be changed by importing all of Africa.
Correlation doesnt mean causation as you implying
according to the alt-left, there's no difference between being extremely right-wing and being a nazi.
Freedom is for all. But freedom is not to bear everything. LG is meanwhile offensive and like racisme. Gay demo are offensive to religious people. They wanted to bring aggression to religious people. Living free and gay is OK. But offensive LG is racism
>extremely conservative
that's a strange way to spell "people who like their country and don't want it shit all over by invaders."
Time to go to Poland and nigger everything up there.
That's called xenophobia you non-English speaking faggot.
oh boy, you guys can't even be racist properly.
it's not fear or hatred you fuckin retard. They can't afford to have their social programs destroyed like germany and sweden.
Fuck outsiders, they take in immigrants at a slow rate as they can handle, which is all someone can ask of them
well according to the right, there's no difference between being a liberal, communist or marxist, so cry me a river.
Does it matter? Anybody worth a damn left 80 years ago. All that's left are the people too backward and stupid to leave after 1939.
>well according to trolls on the internet, there's no difference between being a libral, communist or marxist
fixed that one for you
they are neither but nazi and shithole dont go in the same sentence.
fucking niggerfaggotcuck
>Poland is a Nazi shit hole
>Implying Nazi's still have power even after the death of Hitler those many years ago
Bruh, talk about living in the past
Same experience as me. Spent 24h in Poland during a road trip and I wish I had stayed there the entire trip. Cheap and good food as well as nice people. Also zubrowka bison grass vodka is the best fucking drink around.
Who cares, kill yourself you SJW piece of shit.
Nigters, especially muslim sandniggers must ve castrated in European countries.
pierdolnij się w łeb
poles are disgusting subhuman give back german lands
yeah no suck a fat dick you little twat
Would rather live in Poland then anywhere else in Europe other than Finland and Austria