Are we going to war with Iran?

Are we going to war with Iran?

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nah you dont fight a war on 2 fronts thats how hitler lost WW2 going in on iran would be waging war on more then 2 fronts

Not war.

A one sided slaughter of goat fuckers.

I hope Iran nukes Washington DC.

doubt it, us usually likes to start(actual) wars with people that don't have subs

The United States of America needs another war.

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Nope. It's just posturing.

Iran is too big to go to war with, it would require a draft. Iran is like twice the size of Texas in geography, 3 x the population, but with the terrain of the Swiss Alps. Plus they've been preparing for a guerilla war for 20 years. If Iraq took 80k-100k to occupy and Afghanistan is now using 200k coalition troops to occupy, Iran would require maybe 2 million. USA doesn't have that kind of manpower and nobody is going to join them in this war.

Bombing Iran isn't going to do shit, air campaigns alone have never worked. USA would have to invade for regime change, which isn't possible.

goat fuckers are unironically better than Americans

Nah, just surplus US soldiers and Saudi mercenaries.

We wouldn't put boots on the ground. The Iranian youth wants to do away with their current governing system. All we need to do is cripple their military infrastructure and finance the political opposition. It would look like shock and awe, but without the subsequent invasion.

There's no strategic objective that can be accomplished, let alone justified. People at least now ask that question, which is the one good thing to come out of the Iraq fuck-wittery.

The Brits seized an Iranian oil tanker ~10 days ago and Iran has now seized one in return so we're probably committed if anything does kick off.

Also if you lot do want to go to war then we've kind of got to suck your dicks for a bit because we've burnt all of our other bridges.

Кaкoвo этo - лизaть aмepикaнcкyю зaдницy, чмoня?

You hate us cause you ain’t us.

Better than licking russian aids ass nigga

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America will do what its told.

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Bumper to bumper the avenue was packed

Nah. The US has lost most of its legitimacy in order to declare a war with another country. It failed its attempts in Venezuela and it will fail in Iran.

I hope. Why is world so boring these days? Will there ever be cool wars like there used to be back in the good old days?

you're very naive. It's only the urban Iranian youth that think like this. The Iranian government has a lot of supporters outside of the major cities. The martial demographic of the country supports the government. The urban liberals will just flee the country to Europe.

Also the moment an Iranian hospital or school is bombed the government will use it to make Iranians hate the occupiers. Iran is better at this than Americans.

Maybe this is because I've never been in the military or been to war. But I want a draft to open up. I wanna go.

I recall people saying war with Iraq would be a cakewalk. Don't be so fucking naive.

if you believe that you're a dumbass...

You'll just be a spectator, of course, as others lose their lives.

YES! Finally another war for our greatest ally Israel! Be sure to pay your taxes!

You can suck a lot of dick in the military