I'm no communist but hell I hate capitalism
I'm no communist but hell I hate capitalism
u poor
i bet a million dollar
>daily reminder that capitalism has raised more people out of abject poverty than any other economic system in history
stay mad tankies
Why user?
Most governments have become hybrid... Even America.
That's exactly what a communist would say
when you reinforce and encourage greed at the expense of fellow humans, you are moving backwards.
There's always a bigger fish.
>takes credit for anything that uses currency
Tell me why or be forever a closeted communist
>and keeps people in poverty more than any other economic system
Well we can't go out into the woods and make a house. Why should we be charged money to people for owning what we longer have the right to claim stake to without enriching the landowners?
That's not how that works tho.
No, that would be communism
Doesn't matter if you're communist or not, hating capitalism is idiotic. Capitalism provides infinite opportunities for any person to be successful. The only people that don't like it are lazy retards that want everyone to be equal.
The uwu meme is overrated.
niggers are not people
Same here. Just because we don't have something better, it's not necessarily a good system. In fact, it's shit.
>infinite opportunities
i wonder how people know you're constantly talking out your ass
If you understand what's wrong with capitalism but aren't a communist, you're on the path to realizing that some form of communism is the optimal system.
how so the united states the single most capitalist nation had to redefine poor
if you make 20k a year you are still in the 1% of the worlds highest earners
>single most capitalist nation
TRUMP 2020
than who is more capitalist?
there's plenty of countries that don't have anti-trust or consumer protection laws.
Capatalism is great, democracy sucks though.
Central banks are communist you stupid fucking moron.
Guess you hate nature too. Nature is capitalism.
Problem with capitalism is the late stage where the super rich just keep getting richer and leaving their money to their kids.
elaborate on that, human fedora
If you use currency that is not controlled for by category of earner, it must be used in a capitalist system.
That's just how things are.