How can I get an ADHD medication prescription?

How can I get an ADHD medication prescription?

I seriously hate myself. I can't ever sit down and study because my mind just wanders or I end up singing in my head or distracted by some background noise. I'm going to be an academic failure because of my inability to focus. I can't even focus on conversations, I always end up not listening to the other person and just say unrelated shit all the time.

It just sucks being aware of where my life is leading me and still being unable to do anything about it.

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the war on drugs is won
just smoek weed

go see a doctor. you need a scrip. you could try for something easy like clonidine to start, it's a blood pressure med and isn't a controlled substance. so the doctor doesn't take a huge risk in prescribing it.

weed won't help. trust me on this one. we all did like an informal 10 year trial, and it didn't help with focus at all. anxiety, sure. but not focus. made us focus on doing nothing. unless it was shit weed, then it did like nothing at all, since we were pros.

This is a big-pharma shill trying to sell you and your children pills that will adversely affect their health.

Be aware

Do not Trust


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>Can't focus
>People tell me my inability to focus isn't real

thx 2 me

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Don't focus, then. Get into forestry and get a job as a park ranger.

Focusing on one thing in this pool of myriad possibilities?

Gimmie a fuckin' break, nigger retard.

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>Find a psychiatrist in your area
>most psych appointments are 15min because they are more like doctors and not therapists or analysts
>explain to him/her youre having quality of life issues
>youre having trouble with focus and distactions and would like to try an adhd medication
>they will prob ask how long its been and may even ask if youve tried other ways to adjust
>be honest
>"yea doc, ive tried to make myself calm and concentrate. Its time i try medication"
>they will start you on a low dose to see if it helps
>when you go back a month later, you can tell them its helping (if it is)
>if you think you need a higher dose, tell them
>dont be paranoid
>youre not doing anything wrong
>youre trying to have a more fulfilling life
>they are there to help you accomplish this
>good luck op
>dont binge them because it makes you very wierd when youve been zooming a few days
t.dr pepe

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>Get a job as a park ranger
I don't want to be that...

never adversely impacted my health.

not taking my meds lowered my grades, and would probably fuck up my annual reviews and client feedback. ymmv.

Bruh taking that shit all day every day of your life is gonna fuck you over in the end, and I refuse to believe otherwise.

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>job as a park ranger
sounds like living hell. so many trees to hang my self from, bc i fucking hate my job!

>gonna fuck you over in the end
muslims believe if they blow themselves up they get 72 virgins in heaven... believe what you want.

i seriously doubt that adhd meds will fuck you up. they are safer than Tylenol. besides, if they did, i would know by now, i'm closer to the end than i am to the beginning. and i'm very healthy. healthier, in fact, than most.

Pharmaceutical meth is safer than tylenol?

Nice try, Zionist.

How do ADHD meds make you feel after you take them?

They don't. You can focus on shit, but you'll constantly have a cotton mouth. Also you'll talk about inane shit and think you're SOoooo fascinating, but you're fucking not. Lol

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that's hilarious, dude.

that sorta depends upon the person. some people feel calmer.

if you become uninhibited, well, you're gonna do whatever you will do once your inhibitions are gone. and that can be pretty much anything.

He never said it wasn't real, just that pharmaceutical companies will take any opportunity to make a buck off of selling you what is probably a non ideal solution. I know you cant focus, but can you read, dumb nigger?

>I know you can't focus, but can you read?
It's all the same thing

Go to a local popular clinc website and search for a mental health provider that specializes in adhd.
Call and ask if they are accepting new patients.
Make appointment.
Go to appointment and explain your situation.
Fill adderall prescription

It might not be ADHD. It might be depression.

Here's my suggestion:
1. Go to a Primary Care doctor, and mention how you feel, and that you think you have either ADHD or Depression. If they think you have ADHD, they'll prescribe you something like Adderall. Keep an eye on how you feel while taking it, and use CVS's blood pressure machines often to make sure your blood pressure doesn't doesn't jump to 200/100 or something crazy like that. IF you find yourself getting a lot done, but you're yelling at people for "Not working hard enough" or you're just running around like a lunatic, then these are signs you DON'T have ADHD and the medication is effecting you like how Speed effects normal people. Get off of Adderall and proceed to step 2.

2. Have them prescribe you Depression medication called "Wellbutrin." This stuff is good for both Anxiety and Depression, and has minimum to no bad side effects. I've seen people take it, and within a month they're a whole new person.

That's my suggestion, bud. You can also do some mindfullness meditation and eat a healthy diet/stay active, but honestly you should be doing those things anyway.

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