Would you ever go?

Would you ever go?

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hipster camping for bored rich kids and smelling hippies?
fuck no


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hipster camping for bored rich kids and smelling hippies?
yeah sure, could be interesting

I did once, and totally hated it. Hot as hell, dusty as hell, and people yell at you to keep the area clean. Sure drugs and sex is everywhere, but you have to bring in and take back everything you bring with you. Lots of damn annoying hipsters, and older people there too. Plus since no one bathes the entire time, people stink like hell. The traffic getting into there was a nightmare, so we left early because we where tired and didn't want to deal with the same nightmare traffic leaving.

Where does all the piss a shit go?

I can't imagine that there'd be enough portaloos for all those stinking hippy cunts.

Portas, cleaned daily, and RVs

how high is the crime rate?

A lot of people bring campers or RVs, which have their own toilets in them. You'll see service trucks going around offering to "pump out" your RV waste for a fee. The portapotties (which we where unfortunately camped to close to) where serviced multiple times a day due to the high amount of usage they received. That sewage company probably made a small fortune keeping those empty and clean.

If by "crime rate" you mean drugs, a lot of people do drugs there.
Otherwise not high, though there are incidents of sexual assault.
BM runs a volunteer public safety corps that keep the peace and deescalate situations. LEOs also come through often hoping to catch people with drugs.

Honestly, I don't remember there being any problems like that. Stuff more than likely happened, but I didn't notice anything. It is a big party, chill and get high event. The biggest thing I saw happen was people yelling at other people to clean up their mess since Burning Man is suppose to be a "environmentally friendly" event. Other than when we drove in, and when we left. I didn't see a single police office the whole entire time we where there. Although they could have been wandering around in plain clothes. With drug use as open and available as it was, I also never heard about anyone being arrested for it either.

I once saw someone get yelled at for throwing up on the floor. I was having so much fun until I saw some woman wired on MD yelling at some other woman for throwing up on the floor. Totally killed it for me.

It's a fun place to go if you don't mind pretentious aged hippies.

Nah. I like the general concept but only in its lite format. Problem is this kind of event attracts people who are deep down the wormhole. People where the general concept of the event is just the starting point for them. They can't stop at unconventional, they gotta go as weird as they can. And that's just uncomfortable for me to be around. It's going past "let's explore the fringes for the sake of keeping open minds" to "let's see how much we can shock people/look at me sempai".

I can understand that. Where I live we have festivals during the summer that are essentially burning man but for a place that has a population of like 150k. A handful of people show up to a 2 day/3 night event and things get kinda freaky but it's nothing that is completely absurd

I can ignore the hippies. The hot as hell weather and the constant dust storms was what really bothered me.

It's just some new-age hippie bullshit for hipsters, why the fuck would I ever want to subject myself to heat, dehydration, and lack of hygiene to be a part of some pretentious faggot shit like that?

The challenge of camping in an environment that wants to kill you
Seeing cool art installations on a massive scale
The beauty of the landscape
The sense of community
Being able to escape commerce/wage slavery for a week and make of life what you want

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Last year they did a drone light show

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Another thing that surprised me about BM, was the number of children I saw there. Yes, people can bring their kids to BM. For all the stuff going on at that event, I was really surprised they even allowed children to BM. I didn't see many of them, but they where there. There was family group camped not far from us, and I was see this same group of 5-6 kids, who had to be in the 10-13ish age range, wandering around the area by themselves. The older girl in the group was wandering around topless, and another day they where all wandering around naked, expect for the body paint they had on. It was really awkward to see.

Would like to go an go full "malcolm in the middle".

the culture is pretty open and accepting with regard to bodies, once you see enough topless women and shirtcocking old dudes walking around, it becomes normal and it's not sexualized

While that is true, they where still kids under 18. The nudity, sex and drugs at the event are part of the spirit of the event, but I would have guessed that children wouldn't have been a part of it too. Anytime you have minors involved in something, then you have a whole different set of problems to worry about. I have no problem if the kid's parents are okay with exposing their kid like that. While I'm personally okay with nudity, I admit it makes me feel uneasy seeing these kids naked around me, or me being naked around them. I half expect the police to magically pop out of nowhere and drag me away calling me a pedophile. hehe...

Why are you lying to yourself?

what does this mean?

draw a crop circle
i can barely eat food

People will attend anything, doesn't matter what it is. Most can't override the herd instinct. I find that strange.

do not do that ever
>it's demonic

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burning shit is fun
even more fun when it pisses off christians

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killing fags should be legal

I had fun when I was there, but I went with low expectations.

so much for the peaceful right wing

>since Burning Man is suppose to be a "environmentally friendly" event

That's LAUGHABLE since they burn up so much CO2 for their party in the desert, and they literally have to scrape the top layer of the playa off because of all the old shitty RV's dripping oil, coolant, etc. Fucking hippie-crits so concerned about global warming, except when they want to PARRR TAYYY.

If the US ever get their heads out of their arses and start behaving like a civilized country, then maybe.

right wing? who says i'm right wing? who said that we're peaceful?

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Yeah, go ahead to build camp and you get about two weeks, which is enough time to really feel like life is different for a bit.

fuck off larper

You are completely correct. They call it a "environmentally friendly" event, but it's not. Not with that number of people. They do make a real effort to control it, but the damage is clearly there. At least I see people attempting to clean up the mess they make. Which is more than I can say about most other events I've been to.

we'll come for all of you, degenerate sodomites

nope. just a bunch of wooks trying to prove to each other how over the top eccentric they can be. couple that with the dust, the heat, the air of pretension, no thanks. i can put on a soundtrack of a djembe drum circle on youtube and watch candid folsom street fair footage for the same experience i didnt have to empty my wallet for.

If it was more realistic I might......

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not TTITD, mostly because of the desert climate. But I've been to local burns 3 times (PDF) and can't wait to go again.

I've been to Element 11 a few times, still gets you the gorgeous desert environment without the problems of scale (or the benefits of scale really)

>but you have to bring in and take back everything you bring with you
Oh gee, poor guy had to pick up his own trash as opposed to leaving it there for someone else to pick up.

>sex and drugs should be hidden from children
>here Tommy, this game's called Call of Duty

>people yell at you to keep the area clean.

Oh no, what a nightmare! Maybe bring mummy with you next time.

Maybe if I had an rv camper and a good hustle.
I'd love to see the art part but wouldn't be able to stand the dusty vaginas.

>hipster camping for bored rich kids and smelling hippies?
>fuck no

Playa dust is bad for cooters, women generally wear bottoms

Playa dust is generally bad for everything


What is the ratio of actually decent looking girls walking around naked vs. busted/fat/old girls and dudes naked? I have a bad feeling it's a bad ration.

Most people that I know who go are not rich.

Niggers don't go so there's basically no crime besides drugs.

you get a healthy mix of both, plenty of hot women go out there to be seen and do photoshoots

monkey afraid of fire
Fire is demon devil
*autistic chimp sounds

Yes but I've been to things where the girls there for shoots pretty much don't associate with anyone or wander freely, just get ready, shoot, and then hide or cover up the rest of the time. I guess things like this seem like they'd be more filled with naked dudes and uggos, with the hot naked ones (who are genuinely there to participate and casually walk around) being rare

BM is *the* instagram-friendly festival event to go to, tons of genuinely hot women go there

Participation and personal experience are highly valued there and people usually mix and wander during their stay. The atmosphere is welcoming and people tend to communicate in good faith. If you look to get laid you will have a tricky time tho, it will be dusty as hell and the heat/lack of hygiene/camping generally make it uncomfortable, at least in my experience

On September 3, 2017, a 41-year-old man, Aaron Joel Mitchell, fought his way past a safety cordon of volunteers and firefighters and threw himself into the flames of the primary Burning Man effigy. Mitchell died the next day due to cardiac arrest, bodily shock and third-degree burns to 98% of his body. While a reputable member of the DPW claims this was the result of a dare to run through the flames, his death was ruled a suicide.

Yea Forums Yea Forumsro we win

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Very sad. He was not well.

Nah, not looking to get laid or hit on them. Just watch the scenery and at most chat with them briefly. Mostly just enjoy seeing hot wild semi-naked or naked girls walking around in a casual comfortable, non whorish way.

No because I'm not CEO of an App that let's you know where the nearest carrot is.

Edit: Thanks for the silver!

A friend of mine works in intelligence, he told me once about all of the sex/drugs/weapons trafficking that goes on in there. Some of the million dollar camps hire instagram whores to have a 24/7 train run on them.
Shit's fucked.
That said, if you want to go to one of these for fun, I'd suggest some of the smaller BM clones.

Jesus its so bizarre to me that they didn't put a bullet in him when they figured out he had burns to 98% of his body. Keeping someone alive at that stage is pure cruelty.

Plug & play camps need to go back