I'm looking for anything Lovecraftian, weird, cosmic or existential, preferably substantial and kino. Doesn't even have to be horror.
I really like The Void, Beyond the Black Rainbow, Neon Demon and The Endless and Under the Skin. Anything related?
Not only for suggestions but discussions would be greatly welcomed too thanks
I'm looking for anything Lovecraftian, weird, cosmic or existential, preferably substantial and kino...
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck is kino
watch die farbe
Thanks! I've totally missed this one!
non-hollywood good tier movie
watch necromentia, vhs2 (just cuz its weird af)
I had some other recs but I forgot them, die farbe is good
the saga of tijuana tortilla sung by the vienna coir
Heironymus Bosch is the fucking best. I love the general style of early Netherlandish work, but it seems only Bosch went into such a fantastical, weird as fuck direction. If anyone can recommend similar artists from that period, I would appreciate it.
Check /x/ on here. Mostly dead, but dig around enough you'll find interesting stuff
htt p:// zw3c rggtadila 2sg .o nio n/
>inb4 I can't read
Username torchan2
Password torchan2
And by here, I meant on the onion link provided. Again, in case of retardation.
Thanks guys! Hugely appreciated. Building a library of weird and this is great.
Bosch had a great time doing these paintings, you can tell. As far as classic art goes, all I can say is look for religious/church art, there's a lot of bizarre stuff going on. But with more contemporary weird shit, I'd recommend some names
>Odd Nerdrum
>Dario Puggioni
>Zdislaw Beksinski
>Hans Arnold
>Chet Zar
Thanks, fam! Awesome
No problem. Theres tons of interesting images, stories, obscure types of entities.
It's basically surface web stuff, but older and more obscure. You gotta dig past the stupid shit though, and theres a lot of it.
that is the best pascual playset ive seen!!
toyfare exclusive?
Thanks man. I'll check them out. I also really like the macabre content during the 14th century plague. It's amazing how much death, fear of death, and even acceptance of death can permeate an entire continent. But I guess that's what happens when 1/3 of the people you know die a horrible death. I really appreciate the contemporary recommendations though, as I'm a little ignorant of what's currently going on.
yo necromentia is actually pretty golden. a little cheesy at times but overall pretty great. mr skinny is unforgettable. when it first came out i was hooking up with my ex's best friend right after the breakup. my ex was named elizabeth and her best friend would just stare blankly up at the ceiling while i fucked her and she recited that ending monologue about elizabeth in the movie. shit made me nut so hard.
too old to die young
House of Leaves?
>first page
>Jhon Titor time traveler
Damn it's been a while! Thanks a bunch
Yea, I know what you mean. The dark ages were pretty damn dark, but with all the death everywhere you look it was ingrained in people's consciousness on a whole other level.
Contemporary stuff is hard to sift through (at least for me) because it's all distorted, but not in a creative or original manner - it's like music: there are only remixes and samples and no talent
dude wat.. I've yet to see the movie but shit sounds pretty intense
Read the Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer. The first book is called Annihilation and was made into a decent film, which left out a lot of the really scary stuff, so good film, great books.
Twin Peaks (especially season 3) and most of Lynch's stuff in general. Also, Guy Maddin. Keyhole and The Forbidden Room are f-ing great.
Read this guy!
like i said the movie can be a little cheesy so don't expect 10/10 best you've ever seen. but the ending is pretty fucking amazing. i may just have a soft spot for it because of staring at a girl's eyes going blank while i fucked her as she recited that monologue. there's a lot of very memorable scenes in it though.
You guys are awesome, making this thread just what I was looking for! Also, some more suggestions for anyone into weird stuff.
>Thomas Ligotti
probably closest related contemporary writer to Lovecraft, not within the mythos but great existential/cosmic horror
>Cold Skin
both book and movie, all about the deep ones basically
>Darkest Dungeon
I personally enjoy this game a lot (a lot)
Sweet! I heard about that movie and thought it was loosely based on Color out of Space but will definitely check out Vander Meer!
Love Lynch! Never heard of the rest, will look for immediately
Reverse image search comes up with folk dresses but no name
Sounds perfect. A lot of the stuff that is really good isn't Hollywood level production but still much better in its own way.
I came to this thread expecting sweet lovecraftian porn and was disappointed. Someone post nasty cosmic horror porn now (and NOT just generic tentacle porn but actual lovecraftian shit)
keks achieved
The Grand Budapest Hotel?
moar pics pls.
google dream?
Tarkovsky's Stalker?
How does this relate?
Now that's a good start, pretty gnarly but not sure it's porny enough. Sure there are all those dicks but they aren't exactly doing anything. You would call statues with dicks on them porn would you?
Maybe something like this (posting a second bit, and maybe a third, that makes it more gnarly)
Second bit
I meant it more as a joke.
Fuck it here's the third, the rest is more generic.
>the irony of referencing statues then getting statues in last captcha
Watch Horsehead
did anyone mention Absentia (the movie) yet?
check out: The Attic Expeditions or Malefique
Great thread OP, I haven't seen all those films, but they've been in my periphery.
I enjoy this aesthetic - really more of an intellectual enterprise - as well. Lovecraft, Ligotti, etc. Gotta love it. I'm just as much into Poe and poetry and whatnot, so I guess I'm equal parts into Cosmic and Gothic.
What kind of music do you like?
I'm currently listening to Death in June, which you should check out. Also a fan of Current 93, Sol Invictus, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Front Line Assembly, Ministry, Neutral Milk Hotel, Can, King Crimson, Shpongle, Animal Collective, Avey Tare, The Birthday Party, Captain Beefheart, and a bunch of others.
I like a ton of other bands, but merely list some of which I think would fit your interest(s). Death in June, Neutral Milk Hotel, Animal Collective, Avey Tare all have incredible surrealism in their lyrics, which are worth checking out on their own, whether reading them along with the music or not.
I play table top RPG's and I'm always wondering how I can infuse some of my more generic D&D type stuff with more cosmic, gothic, surreal, etc. elements. One day I want to run a D&D campaign that starts off pretty generic on the surface and slowly descends into a very mad, Ligotti kind of surreal setting.
Oh, and in terms of film, I hope you've seen the Jim Henson classics for all ages, The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Those can never go wrong and appeal to a wide range of genre, just like cosmic/surreal stuff. One of my goals before I die is to watch The Dark Crystal on magic mushrooms in a theater. Saw it in a theater while sober recently and it was mind blowing enough already.
bumping with Mystics
gore kills my boner :/
Play "The Dark Eye" video game from the 90s.
Have you ever watched ODDSAC, OP?
>if not, do it. DVD quality is preferred, but a lower quality of it is on YouTube if it's your only solution...
The mist by Stephen king. There's both a movie and a Netflix series. The Netflix series is a lot better.
That looks cool.
Looks like something from a Tool music video.
Also, Tool music videos are pretty awesome.
How do you do that?
sorry, forgot to add link
Since nobody has posted anything remotely lovecraftian yet...
>I'm looking for anything Lovecraftian, weird, cosmic or existential, preferably substantial and kino. Doesn't even have to be horror.
It was never a requirement.
John dies at the end is also lovecraftian and weird. Very weird.
Plenty of lovecraftian shit was posted tho
This fills nothing op asked for but you'll still get a point because amazing film.
>I'm currently listening to Death in June, Current 93, Sol Invictus, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Front Line Assembly, Ministry
my niggerman
huge fan of all those first listed, haven't checked out all of it, but will for sure since we're totally into the same stuff! Great to meet a kindred spirit. I didn't even think to mention music
I love and listen to a lot of odd neo folk (had the pleasure of catching DIJ live in Copenhagen a few years back).
Desiderii Marginis, Vestigial, Musica Cthulhiana, Lustmord, Hexentanz, Archon Satani and Megaptera are top tier for the vibes too
Other than that I'm into some funeral/doom metal on the sole merit of the Lovecraftian references (check out the Tyranny album Tides of Awakening, every song title could very well have been a novella from the mythos).
I'm also big on tabletop but have grown apart from the people that I used to play with, so not a lot of that anymore for me unfortunately.
Play Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem, the Gamecube game. (Dolphin emulator allows you to play on PC)
Thanks, man! Looks amazing.
I believe that the thread has been the most Lovecraft related I've seen on here in years. If you disagree, feel free to contribute
Never gave it a chance before - definitely will
Are you OP? I guess doesn't really matter at this point.
We're all (and all-not) OP in this obscure hive-mind thread here.
Neofolk was sort of the terminus of a 5 year intentional effort to get more into interesting music. I was big on industrial in high school (still am), rock, got more into electronic and experimental...
Have you checked out Rome? Masse Mensch Material is probably my favorite of his so far.
Have some more to listen to.
There just isn't enough time in the day to take in just how rich these soils are. I'm just planting my own seeds where I can find them, and I'm happy to have had enough inspiration from art, literature, and music to attempt my own graphic novelization work.
*it doesn't
>Looks amazing.
It is. The music alone makes a solid 9/10 album, easy.
what exactly is going on between avey and geologist there?
The Deak.
lol really? was this for a show or video or something? photoshop? im not familiar with this picture
It's from the filming of ODDSAC.
Have you not watched ODDSAC?
Yes, I'm OP and I love Rome, probably my favorite
>they have come to burn the orchards
>they have come to burn the seeds
>but the quicksands of denial
>are no fertile grounds for such deeds
even though I find the tentacles and the thousand eyes funny and camp, what I too seek out the most is the intellectual properties of the mythos, the despair and the overall settings. That's why "Lovecraftian" to me is a really broad term and I can find elements of it in most things surreal and weird
fucking ministry, nutty antifa loving leftists.
this isn't a pol thread, really. Maybe you missed it
>nutty antifa loving leftists
Doesn't matter if the music is good. Just because you enjoy X's music doesn't mean you have to endorse X's views.
Theres another chan that has a chaos magick board that frequently references lovecraftian sources.
i believe that i have, however theres a possibility i was on a shit ton of dxm and probably had issues focusing (the period that i was into anco heavily also happened to be the period that i drank robitussin heavily). havent listened to alot of anco in the last couple years (and honestly never really gave alot of their post mpp stuff enough of a chance, in favor of just listening to like feels and the ep's from that era over and over) will check it out again though
Link, por favor?
if you don't pirate it then you financially support them.
Very good. The drugs are great but missing their better half in the artistic material. You gotta have both to fly the highest.
Or you could just appreciate it sober, too.
Also, ODDSAC is 7-9/10 sober, 0/10 or 10/10 high, depending on how your high goes.
Anyone else a huge fan of Majora's Mask and wish there was more than one game based in Termina?
>financially support them
Not an unforgivable sin, all things considered.
You should probably take a break from /pol/, it's turning you into an overly bitter (and brittle) person.
>post 1996
>don't pirate
who are you, man?
How big of a difference does it make if you listen to them on Spotify, versus buying 1 CD of theirs?
>you financially support them
If I like their music and want to support them - DESPITE their views - I should be able to financially support them even if my own political views are different.
This is part of being a sane and respectable adult.
Get the fuck out of /pol/ before it's too late, user.
yes gotta love MM
Not sure it's what you're looking for, but
>man from earth
>Neo Tokyo
>THX 1138
>Love, Death & Robots has a few brilliant stories
Very odd, but onforgettable for some reason:
>My dinner with Andre
2 dudes talking for almost 2 hours, 90% of the movie is a showing just their face, and not a single second was boring to me.
Is OP still here?
Done with Di6 for now, listening to pic related atm.
I'll invite other anons ITT to post what they're listening to as well.
>Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Also, Trent Reznor did a great song for a newer film of the same director:
not talking about myself. learn to read.
best thread on Yea Forums in a while
>It was never a requirement.
The thread seems to have been quite well received, I've been missing it. Gotta head out in a bit however - so I set up a board dedicated to anything Lovecraft and whatever you want on eight chan. ne t named fhtagn feel free to carry on and contribute! You guys are the best
OP here, Boys Don't Cry was the first album I ever bought! Big on Joy Division and anything post punk really
Play Bloodborne
bump so others can join this new infinity board
Where is this from?
>Under the Skin
Read the original novel - it's *SO* much better than the garbage film.
In the mouth of madness
Re-animator if you like 80's cheese lovecraft
Good thread, OP.