why are americans so fucking stupid?
Why are americans so fucking stupid?
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0/10 bait
Let me Run This by You America/ Trump Haters ...If the Good Old USA of Infrastructure Somehow Would Crumble in a Matter of Months , Whole Countries Would Cease to Exsist...PERIOD
Your Shit Whole Economy Would Crumble & There Would Rampant Social Unrest ( think Venezuela)...Prove ME WRONG
They're not stupid, just the most ill-informed nation on earth. Their knowledge of the world is truly laughable. This is why their country is a complete laughing stock with every civilised country.
Daily reminder that Americans gave you:
>the internet
>better cellphones
>cellular networks
>the ability to harvest and control electricity
>and Yea Forums
and you should be thankful.
Capitalism, emotionally and intellectually fragile cucks are better consumers.
that's it?
It's not that Americans are stupid,
it's just that the culture has a very deep anti-intellectual, anti-elitist streak.
America - celebrating dumbasses for 250 years.
>I did absolutely none of these things,
>but that doesn't stop me from taking credit for them
you like having to store bury your food in the winter?
I so agree. We keep bailing out the asses of integrated.
Fuck them. Let them starve, typhoon, ebola, civil war, get invaded, genocide, die slowly without meds, and basically lie in their own filth. Shoot them at the border. On your own, Motherfuckers.
Daily reminder that half that shit made our lives worse and the other half was made by the intellectual elite of your country and you uneducated neckbeards had 0 to do with it
because it's easier to control the masses if they are stupid and infighting
not a fatass so sure?
Some of us are pretty fucking dumb but at least i'm not a eurofag cuck.
>storing food efficiently year-round without living in Antarctica makes you a fatass
this is why europe never progresses
it is clickbait / 10 you stupid muricunt
>storing food
how fucking fat do you need to be to have a collection of food?
90 years of supression of any kind of left, to the point that americans dont even know the difference between a liberal and a leftist and 24/7 propaganda
How are you so retarded? Hungary gave your faggot trash american ass computers so shut the fuck up and get shot like a good boy in your trash country
comouters, batteries..... ope a history book for once
There are some others there I know they have their theory from another cou try, and some I am not sure about are even murican
goddamn you spazz, slow down when you type and proof read what you type.
Keep hating pleb
Anyone has a sister to leak?
Wonder when you'll get blown up again?
State your country faggot! Or you too ashamed of how shit it is?
It's not that they are stupid. It is the fact they are free to be stupid
That kind of generalization makes you seem stupid yourself. There are a lot of exceptions to that, and a whole lot of people that aren't happy about America for the same reasons other countries aren't.
Looks like someone got their feeling hurt. Rush to your nearest safe space,
Exactly.. I've always hated the retarded repsonse to 9/11 as if we didn't bomb children in Asia years prior and they still suffer from it. We deserved it, yet all we did was continue doing as we do.
What do you mean? Most white Americans are smarter than average. Niggers and spics with an American passport are still retarded, but whites are fueling science, so it trickles down to their southern neighbours. I wish I could live there.
I like how you try to separate the whites from the browns and the blacks. Face it kiddo your all americans.
He's conveniently forgetting that whites too have hillbillies and inbreds all over the U.S.
You only need to be a reasonable, average person who doesn't want to go hunting or shopping every fucking day
They became obsessed with being politically correct.
Indeed they do, you're right. I don't know how much of their population they represent.
>assmad yuropoor furiously typing too fast to check spelling
Ignorance is bliss. The same question can be posed about anyone.
People would rather give illegals health insurance than help their own citizens.
Native Americans gave the world all of those?? Wow I thought it was white people
I believe Asians do really good work too. They're exceptionally intelligent and hard working.
Das raycis
If it is so bad, why do you want to come here so badly?
Why copy our infrastructure?
Why copy our iPhones with shitty Android knockoffs?
Why use technology we invented:?
Indoor plumbing
Farming techniques
I’ve been abroad, y’all are just angry because you’re too stupid to work out how to use a television, American invention, while you cry racism as you sell drugs, women, and children, bleeding on about how fat “most Americans are” I have less than 2% body fat. Most of the world hasn’t figured out basic dentistry yet.
Just stay where you’re at if it’s so incredible where you’re smarter than me, fitter, etc. America is shit right? So stay the fuck out, shit skins.
i'm sorry, what modern technological contributions has your country made?
So.. it's true.
Is this copypasta?
He never said anything about wanting to come there you dimwit
Yay some foreigner called me stupid, I mean awwwww
You people need to get lives.
I know you are, but what am I?
lol imagine having this much of an aversion to everything american
"refrigerators are american"
>so? who needs refrigerators?! certainly not me, I'm not an amerifat.
"americans were the first to harness electricity"
>s-so? electricity isn't even that important...l-look at the amish! they're doing just fine without it haha!
"air exists in america"
>s-s-so? fish don't breathe air. and fish are the most noble creatures, you know we should all try to be more like fish. i wish scientists would put more effort into researching ways to help human lungs breathe water
>and Yea Forums
Why thats because we kept the best back and sent the dregs of society .
This imbecilic child like nation then saught like minded peoples to help dilute what little they had allowing not the pick of the crop but the lower orders to populate and procreate filling the country with retards .
Its not just any people bucko, the American people chose to give illegals health insurance than help their own citizens.
God bless democracy!
Japan gave the world Chans
America gave us Yea Forums
because of it's education system
Insecure much? We Asians are superior to you.
Most Americans avoid making jokes about these caliber disasters from all over the world, not just 9/11. It's considered poor taste.
This doesn't apply to the internet, of course, because nothing is sacred to the internet. Not even 9/11.
Its probably like everywhere esle. Theres probably a fat asian reading this right now, getting yelled at by his parents for not having a job or girlfriend.
Are you? That’s so cool, tell us again how you invented anything usable? Your countries are filthy trying to play catch-up by copying everything American. Your children are slaves building my phones.
>shitty Android knockoffs?
Android also comes from America.
The Europeans can't even do knockoffs. They had to leave that to us lmao
Americans are the most depraved and culturaly fucked people of the world, i like their movies and vydia tbh
I love how you think anyone here wants anything to do with your country. The only ones who want to get in are the disgusting south americans. I dont see any swedish people begging to live in the US
I had no idea where Android came from but I was referring to the actual phones themselves, all Asian built. That’s really funny. Not a single thing was invented anywhere but America.
Yet we are all so stupid. How?
>You will never pay thousands a month just to live in a studio apartment with 5 other feminist dance theory majors
>You will never get to experience the joys of being attacked by Mohammeds with pressure cooker bombs
>You will never know what it's like to only be able to dream of one day owning a vehicle that isn't a bike
>You will never be European
oh no, that's so sad
I don't know you got to be pretty retarded to actually take politics seriously
Most Americans don’t vote. Most of us sit by living our lives freely inventing shit the rest of the world takes for granted taking our foreign aid while calling us stupid.
Meanwhile they consistently bleet on like goats on how horrible Americans are on American invented electronics.
Lol fuck your little insignificant country
because they can
Now now don’t be hostile to the small minded foreigners, lead by example, don’t shrink to their level of school yard name calling, rub their noses in their pile of excrement of hypocrisy.
>Most of us sit by living our lives freely inventing shit the rest of the world takes for granted
>taking credit for the intellectual product that you had nothing to do with, other than coincidentally being in the same geographic region when it was invented
maximum cringe
>People would rather give illegals health insurance than help their own citizens.
Shut up you fat-fuck. The day that 50% of American's stop being fat-ass lards is the day that you have a right to complain about "health insurance". Secondly, calling other people "illegals" doesn't make you a law abidding citizen you shit for brains. In fact, doing so is prohibited in most places of work and nearly all schools you shit-tard. THAT is American society. Not you dumb ass "Fox room" AKA your living room couch.
Finally you shit-tard, you are not entitled to Health Insurance you moron. No one ever said that you were. What people did say is that they can take a few dollars out of your pay check and put that into a collective pool. Retard. What this does mean, is that there is a collective agreement. No one has to listen to you. Retard. Now, you can want private insurance. Or you can want no insurance. Retard. But you can't want "government insurance". That's not what government is for you fucktard. It's not there to keep your fatass from getting diabettes you fucking idiot. And fat-ass disease is the number 1 reason why shit for brains 'Mericans die each year. Not "job deficiency due to illegal influence" you fucktard.
And let me ask you this, how many political philosophy discourses did you have to read through to find out about "government health insurance and illegals"? Or was that just another hot-button issue that your dumbass just accepted uncritically while watching T.V. or reading pop-ups? I already know the answer you fuck-tard.
>If it is so bad, why do you want to come here so badly?
Nobody want's to go into your nasty ass bedroom faggot.
My contributions are in the solar panel industry. My team and I were able to make a solar panel with 75% efficiency. What have you done with your life? Ya know other than start baseless arguments. I come here on the weekends to laugh jerk off etc.
Sure, I understand that. As mentioned, Americans also have issues, but I believe their aspirational way of life is motivating. Coming from a failed state, the prospect of the freedom their security provides is but a dream. Perhaps I'm idealizing and it's really a shithole but I doubt it.
Its a shithole all right. But dont feel bad, so is the rest of the fucking world.
shit bait. no originality
Wait Im a small minded foringer too so fuck them
>using .gifs from american film and television
Well yea. Americans are so ignorant that they wouldn't recognize international film and television stars. But I bet you know who hosts the Price is Right, you fucking retard.
Imagine not being able to use google
>2% body fat
Your a wimpy fucking bitch and also a fat liar so kys
you seem pretty mad
they are made that way because stupid people are easy to control.
they are taught from grad school to identify as groups and they are then used to pit them against each other.
so they are always fighting each other, instead of their masters.
divide and conquer.
why do you hate freedom?
lol we are so much more advanced then the rest of the world paco...catch up amigo
It’s not the fact that they’re free to be stupid, it’s that they’re stupid enough to think they’re free
They only have one?
Fixed that for you.
Glad this fag is dead, he’s so overrated
That is fucked in sooooo many ways. I’m free to get as fat and useless as I possibly can..... mahhhh rights