Tattoos you have, want to get or are just plain cool

Tattoos you have, want to get or are just plain cool.

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Have?want?or just cool to you?
IMO thats absolutely fucking retarded. Atari has sucked for 30 years.

its mine

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>getting (((brand))) tattoos on your body
Jesus Christ capitalism was a mistake

Terribly sorry, i have a bad one also.

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You are all going to hell for this God Hates you more than a serial child rapist/Killer

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Momma!!! Ooooohhhhoooohhhooohhh....terrible.

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A mistake? Dont be jealous you didnt cash in bro.

don't worry, you can still get buried in a jew hole.

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What japanese tribe do you belong to? students

where's the ctrl+z

I like the way the barbers pole represents his hair style.

thank me later

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I read about this piece of shit racist wannabe teddyboy on IG

my fingers go there even when Im not gaming.

This tattoo artist must be expensive.

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I want a full sleeve by this guy!

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I need attention I need attention I need attention I need attention

wut does Yea Forums think of this?

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I want a dick tattoo on my face. Think it'd be cute.

Pretty gay.


Turbo nerd/crackhead hybrid

i am a nigger fgt

Have this one, got it back in February.

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Leonard da man!

Black sun chest tattoo

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That looks like it's on your back.

Thats his back, nimrod.

You need more of the real sun.

He wants one on his chest.
That is not his tattoo.
Sigh Yea Forumstards...

back boobs then ?

You are all fucking stupid I don’t have this tat yet but I want one like it on my chest

People with tattoos have a mental disability. They are not cool. Tattoos are ugly in general, give it 30 years and that shit is wrinkled and ugly. Off your neck self

Quite possibly the most talented tattoo artist on earth.

Attached: 34190988782_8c9b4a7ee4_b.jpg (750x937, 159K)

Then most normal people would say "I want this on my chest". It's not that hard.

Attached: carlos-torres-art-tattoo-23128.jpg (640x640, 124K)

>Sigh Yea Forumstards...

Sigh Yea Forumstards...

You have to be 18 to get a tattoo, or a letter from your mommy.

Irish design would look better.

Attached: irish-tattoos-16011733.jpg (600x600, 57K)

suck cocks

Not Irish tho

Thanks what are you 12?

I cannot deny the immense skill that these require, but still: What's the fucking point?
I never got the appeal of tattoos. Painting shit permanently on your body, it just seems trashy to me. I can appreciate the art, but why put it on someone's back, chest or whatever? What does that add to it?


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I will watch your video later to learn how.

Don't have to be Irish to sample some of their work onto the sun.


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ooh ah up the ra

>my mom won't let me have a tattoo

>ITT: cringiest tattoos


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The Irish have never seen the sun.

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Yeah true tho its not about art for me its about symbolism

They're beautiful.

True that. :D

Old Quake it 4 years ago. Pic fresh from tattoo day

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not wearing a bra :^)

I'm getting a Valknut/Hrungnirs Heart done on my chest tomorrow.

Getting a Winged Hussar down my ribs in a couple of weeks

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>People wearing skulls, roses, tribal patterns, or barbed wire.

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I wanna get a plague doctor one, not sure where, but I need a very good artist cause I'm pretty scared about someone to fuck it up. Don't know how I want it to be but I want it to include a rat and being dismal

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This guy has cool tats.

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Why would you put your buddy's name on your jerking hand?

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Why are face tattoos the in thing now?

based chrolloposter

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I can't detect the nipple

Russian mafia bitch?

Yeah, who wouldn't want to look at a huge image of a wrinkly, bespectacled, old bald man in a plaid shirt from a TV show several times a day on their flesh for the rest of their life?

No one could ever regret this one.

That space to the right of the skull where teeth should be. And pretty big too.

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It’s ok to not like things
It’s ok, but don’t be a dick about it

I'm right handed

You thought the nipple bit was bad?
Have you seen her more recent eye tattoos??

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Well meth heads usually die pretty quick so he won't have to stare at it for very long.

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At least if you ever manage to lose actually lose your virginity the girl will realize that you are not a 'keeper'. That's if she doesn't recognize what it is and laugh and walk out on the spot.

Racists tattoos are always helpful, keep getting ones like these polsharts.

There's no way a meth head would bother with this, this is probably a nerd or a fratbro type.

What does that symbol mean?
American here so my education system definitely taught me this

Not bad user
Hows it look now?

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discord gg/TJqCAy

dude looks like he's taking a shit and enjoying it.

>show to Trump
>Trump signs it
>tattoo the signature

its gay af retard

Alessio Sakara has the best Italian/Roman tats of all time.

Imagine if there was some kind of world wide searchy type thing that could answer questions like the one you just had even faster that the time it took you to make that post...

true plus hes ripped so they look good.

no color, youre not a shitskin

>Expecting intelligence from an American
>My sides when

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When the fuck is the latest series happening?

next month my guy

Cool son.

gamer homerow

People alway want a way to be unique and different from others. People get tattoos for the same reason other people have crazy hairstyles or wear weird clothes

must get zero pussy but loves nasty shitty butt holes =D

The artist is cold gray
Wish the guy wasn't in Korea:(

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so cool...

shitty cam and doing it by meself

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nice keyboard stickers.

Oh, the legendary tattoo of protection +5 vs. employability !

Started a superhero sleeve. Have had the USMC logo since I was in. Buddy has the names of the men we lost in our unit, and I want to do the same thing.

Do it on the chest above the heart. thats what most people do.

This is mine. The time on the clock is the time on the death certificate of my grandfather, and the pigeon stands for him because he used to keep lots of them. Opinions?

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Names written in Calligraphy.

Looks good. Nice to have background story on a tattoo.

Got this one done about a month ago

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>Bryan Cranstons wrinkly old on my body
Is it just me or is op a faggot?

Fuck yeah, Logic rules bro.

How much is atari and Sega paying you each month? Nothing? Wtf dude

some what unpopular opinion: overly colorful sleeves like this look fucking retarded. vibrant colorful tattoos are fine but i’ve never seen one that really makes me stop and think “holy shit”. i feel like when you have a large area fill with as much saturated color as possible, it makes the tattoo look really childish

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>black fag

Get a qr code tattoo. one that actually works.

my friend is a tattoo artist and eyes tattoo are one of the few tattoos she would never do even if you pay her 10x the normal price because after a few years the person with the eyes tattoo would go blind

I thought for a long time that girls with tattoos were sexy, they still are but now since every fat cow out there has one, girls without tats are more rare and thus more attractive.

It won't after a few years, if it's small.
The lines will blur and blend, they won't be sharp anymore. If there's too little skin in between the "blocks" the whole tat will become a blurry blob of dots. That is, if it isn't big enough.

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Get a tattoo of this dipshit screaming at the sky lib cuck

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Have this tattoo, kinda regret. I wish the gun itself was bigger but overall idk how long i want to be a painter,might become production manager.

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Are you really pro anarchy?
All mammals follow social hierarchies, trying to reject this will only result in chaos.

Looks nice. The hours hand should have advanced by 1/12 through to 4, though.

You say that like it is a bad thing?

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Wow, that's retarded.

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was in RMA at a point....just used the stickers as fuck on my keyboard...good times

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Yea Forums Yea Forumsro we win

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from last year

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how is it today ?

This is my Liliana piece from Magic.

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I'm getting hagalaz on my chest in december. next I want something on my ribs, not yet sure what

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He's not great. But it's far from chaos.
People are really overreacting with trump.

I have a half sleeve by Carlos,
Josh Duffy is my next artist or how is it today ?

That's pretty dope tbh.

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I am but that is not the anarchy symbol, user. That's the OPA symbol you fag.

Remember the Cant, beltalowda.


still looking fine.other side some wasd watercolor.

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This is it today. Shitty lightning in my room. All of my tats have held up really well.

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Reminder that tats fade over time, so don't go for something complex looking. In 10 years it will be blurry as fuck and look like shit.

A plain black tattoo with good spacing and little to no text is the best in the long run.

I am worried that it has gotten kind of derivative.

>someone is tryin to kill muh family
>tommy looks like he is losing it
>surprise! tommy had a secrete plan all along!

best advice....don't get it black...get it with an awesome shade/shadow....and don't use "johnny tattoo fuck tard" as parlor...

This was a convention piece I did all in one sitting. Got 1st and my hand is hella swollen.

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what do you mean shade/shadow?

>OPA symbol
lol, like anyone will know a symbol from a three year old sci-fi series.
glhf with everyone thinking you're an anarchist.

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What the fuck

>Green ink prison tats
sick bro

This person will not be alive long

>To say that I have made bad life choices is to tacitly imply that choice exists. Is it not the case?

nope, she'll kick the bucket in 2-4 years.

looks cool, didn't see that was your shin...pain ? 1-10 ?

My sides. It has so many levels of hilarity.

Hesperia is a shit-encrusted flea on the ass of a stray dog wandering the high desert. Why would anyone go there?

get shadows in, instead of completely black...

I am also, so np with that

Reminder that like phones and laptops and house paint, tattoo ink technology has improved too.

Reminder that if a tattoo fades in time, it can be redone in time.

Personally the only ones that hurt were the hand for a bit till it goes numb and where your arm bends. I have not done the elbows. This tattoo though was very painless.

you mean like negative space? have the picture be drawn by its boundaries?

this thread is full of gayness.


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vs this
you get it ?

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Whats ur steam m80?

That shows which version of PS she started with. The tools palette changes all the time.

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I agree. I like colour in tattoos, but in moderation. I think they look best mostly black & grey with a dash of colour to make certain parts of the tattoo pop.

I get it now

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Disgusting. Tell your GF to shave her
pits and go to the gym to get some tone!
Flacid ink? No Quiero!

I still use version 5.

simple is kewl... but black, like completely black, is hard to cover up....and you will love the shade and shadows more.
You do you my friend

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It is my opinion that you probably live in a trailer park considering you have a 'meaningful' tattooo of a dead loved one. Don't forget to get tats of your kids faces on your calves if you ever lose your virginity.

looks good just ditch the text that utter shite

What if someone recognize this though?

I his this is real so bad

Based irish republican user

Pretty cool idea

Not really. This guy is pretty average looking and would not turn heads walking down the street or have people flirting with him.

But with this layout he can be popular, have a career in showbiz or performance, do drugs at parties with hot people and be remembered when he dies.

Or he could hae been a systems analyst.

fucking love is it looking at this point ?

Attached: The Magnificent Kevin.png (213x215, 112K)

Searched for trash kitten nothing showed up.

I've just got a halfmoon here on my forearm and I don't know what else I wanna do to it... Suggestions?

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fuck these guys bro, I like your tattoos

What do you think bros?

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pic one
it's not 1990 anymore, freak
everyone stopped doing that stupid mutilation shit to falsely portray yourself as edgy back in the 90s

come into 2020 with the rest of us

also, the tattoo laser removal business surpassed the tattoo application business in 2006

everyone is running to get this retarded has-been fad burned off of them, and paying for it dearly by the way

>starting a tattoo thread to try and justify and reinforce your bad decisions and failed overt attempt to try and appear edgy
>instead being this shallow, superficial, and retarded

Attached: Tattoos are for losers.jpg (456x190, 7K)

Because normal tattoos became mainstream

apparently only you recognized it out of everyone here. and I want it on my chest. easily concealable

Make a lampshade?

I get it. I'm kinda trying to go for this look: a patchwork of simple symbols. except I'm not getting anything below the elbows or above the collarbone

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He was taking a shit all over Golden State, and I'm sure he enjoyed it.

Interesting. I think about getting the grungnir rune myself, hence the question. Still afraid anyone will notice here in Portugal.

Hmm,if i saw you at FNM id fucking insist on haveing a game with you. I could see a Bolas tattoo being pretty badass

1 in 90
Choose more wisely.

Do you have the fitness user?

Projecting much?
I think the Donald is doing
the job he was hired to do.
Guess what? I get mad pussy.
Your argument is invalid.

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I would strongly suggest you don't cheap out when it comes to getting a tattoo. You want a guy who can make your tattoo look like thisand want to avoid like the plague any guys who are gonna make your tattoo look like this

What would you win?

>all that leddit spacing

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It’s strange cause I’ve gone to many SCG opens, FNM, and other events and no one ever makes a comment or notices. I can’t wait to get my Tamiyo in a sort of pin-up style. Plus my Dark Confidant.

if you want it looking tribal and Viking style...get a tattoo parlor, who does it the old school wil cost you and hurt like a son of a bitch......but worth it

I think so. I'm not big by, but I have definition. 5'9 155bls around 10% fat. also I'm in the military, so no sedentary lifestyle

go for it. looks nice. even more esoteric than the hagalaz I'd say. only people who are really into paganism would recognize

And Malcolm X on the other leg. BBC sucker

you mean like with a hollow wooden stake and the tattoo artist literally hammers it into my skin?

All things considered ,MTG does have the potential for some damn cool tattoos


>I decide what is appropriate tattoo subject matter

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Wanna make it in blue like the picture?

It still basically looks like that...

that would be pretty kewl....if you have the money and time for it....but I was thinking finding a parlor, who got their niche right. Some is good at this and that....find someone who match what you want/need to be done on your body

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Not him, but with that reply, good job proving his point about tattoos being only on stupid people.

Agree. I feel like I could get so many with mtg but I want to limit myself to other things I enjoy.

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u sound retarded as fuck

FYI the images of a lot of these have been manipulated to look more intense and "real" than they actually are. They won't look like this in person.

some is good for color tattoo, some not.....don't EVER go for the price...always check out what ppl say...

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I probably got the most generic cringe typically white girl tattoo at 18 with my best friend but since we got it together I still kinda love it

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Going to spam a few of my other ones.

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Like I care what you think. A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

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What's that from?

>not him but...

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Terrible honestly

I already have one in black. it's kinda faded, so it does look blueish. I might go for blue. don't know yet. doesn't have to be norse-themed. I just like this patchwork style

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Fuck me this one was shit

even when you turn 60, that shit will be dope
lifting a tit up and seeing that.
>flashback with Timmy...and his friend
>in the basement....we play some RISK...
>I win because I rule Australia, and those fags need to go home for dinner
>Me doing the faggy flush, while their easting

Attached: antidude.jpg (1000x555, 178K)

Gurren Lagann, an anime that I for some reason can not get enough from. I rewatch at least once a year, and it refuels my will to live.
It's on my lower arm, I've had it for 2 years now, and every time I see it, I smile & feel a bit better, no matter what is going on.
People often think it's an icecream cone, lol. I don't bother correcting them, since it's just for me anyway.

depends on how much it costs. I'm also not really a fan of these traditional methods of tattoing. like using bamboo stakes, or hollowed out fish bones

Serious question:

Why that location? More and more, I see chicks with text on the side of their ribcage. Why there?

Before and after of my cover up

Attached: 2018-07-14_14.20.11.jpg (1080x1080, 569K)

Someone famous in the social media world probably has it, and started the craze. They see a friend or someone they are following with something similar, and want to have it too to farm likes.

I'll check it out based on that tattoo alone. It's really cool looking! It looks like a saw blade inside of a drill or something.

easy to conceal, easy to show, and not really associated with masculinity like arms

Lmfao Jesus shit is so fucking gay. If beats was killed with a gun would you have gotten a tattoo of a revolver instead?

>Rip luker
Power cringe. He did have great highs. YOOOOUU COWAAAAAAARRRRD!!!!

Since about 9-10 years ago, rib cage became the new lower back tramp stamp.

It’s the most painful spot to get the needle so it shows toughness/ability to take pain. Also, It can be hidden easily under normal clothing and shown off in bikinis, etc.

It's a drill. In the series it symbolizes life force, and that specific one powers a mech.
It's a coming of age story, packaged in a ridiculous over the top homage to old mecha/action anime. Every time you think they reached the maximum of epicness, they overdo themselves.
At first glance it's stupid & generic, but the story & feels & mindblowing soundtrack get my blood going like nothing else.
Do you perhaps have discord or anything? I love hearing peoples' opinion on it if I convince someone to watch it.

Idk, everybody was young and believed stupid shit before I just made a dumb decision that I have been fortunate enough to fix

good cover, mine needed completely black, but also went good.
just find someone, who is good at their job.
see some references, especially in the style you want

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Was waiting for this one, the legend.

Honestly because it’s cute. Majority girls get tattoos who don’t have a lot are were we consider sexy under boob tramp stamp around your hips.

Heres one of mine

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quite cool

Yeah man what's your discord name I'll add you

I totally get you man. Glad you got away from that. That stuff brainwashed people. Glad you're doing better

Hold on I'll post my discord link,


Australia, plz keep up...and down

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My bad i took it myself and its on my forearm

No results found

I joined

looks pretty old ?

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Tattoos are for degenerate faggots who have a self harm fetish

and we love it ^^

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It's also why you like painal too

Is that a furry speak or am I to old ?
is it pain anal..or pain all ?
please elaborate

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Dudes named Kyle be like

My tattoo I got 4 months ago

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Got it a year ago

“Malcolm In The Middle”’s dad is cool? Whatever!

you hit them high.....

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Mr. Cool Ice? More like Mr. Softee!

love inked girls
but stomach tats are such a turn off

how good does it look 3 years later? How fucking stupid. Unless you plan on getting it touched up yearly. That only works for so long before it's just a mess anyway. Portraits are fucking stupid.

>A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

Imagine pretending to be a badass on Yea Forums.

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....the kid

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Getting another mans face tattooed on your body is pretty gay tbh.

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even worse yet its a GoT quote. filthy normalfag, that one is.

imma need a picti / maori face tat

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